// ***************************************************************************** // * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under * // * GNU General Public License: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0 * // * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT freefilesync DOT org) - All Rights Reserved * // ***************************************************************************** #ifndef TIME_H_8457092814324342453627 #define TIME_H_8457092814324342453627 #include #include "basic_math.h" #include "zstring.h" namespace zen { struct TimeComp //replaces std::tm and SYSTEMTIME { int year = 0; // - int month = 0; //1-12 int day = 0; //1-31 int hour = 0; //0-23 int minute = 0; //0-59 int second = 0; //0-60 (including leap second) bool operator==(const TimeComp&) const = default; }; TimeComp getUtcTime(time_t utc); //convert time_t (UTC) to UTC time components, returns TimeComp() on error TimeComp getUtcTime(); //utc = std::time() std::pair utcToTimeT(const TimeComp& tc); //convert UTC time components to time_t (UTC) TimeComp getLocalTime(time_t utc); //convert time_t (UTC) to local time components, returns TimeComp() on error TimeComp getLocalTime(); //utc = std::time() std::pair localToTimeT(const TimeComp& tc); //convert local time components to time_t (UTC) TimeComp getCompileTime(); //returns TimeComp() on error //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* format (current) date and time; example: formatTime(Zstr("%Y|%m|%d")); -> "2011|10|29" formatTime(formatDateTag); -> "2011-10-29" formatTime(formatTimeTag); -> "17:55:34" */ Zstring formatTime(const Zchar* format, const TimeComp& tc = getLocalTime()); //format as specified by "std::strftime", returns empty string on error //the "format" parameter of formatTime() is partially specialized with the following type tags: const Zchar* const formatDateTag = Zstr("%x"); //locale-dependent date representation: e.g. 8/23/2001 const Zchar* const formatTimeTag = Zstr("%X"); //locale-dependent time representation: e.g. 2:55:02 PM const Zchar* const formatDateTimeTag = Zstr("%c"); //locale-dependent date and time: e.g. 8/23/2001 2:55:02 PM const Zchar* const formatIsoDateTag = Zstr("%Y-%m-%d"); //e.g. 2001-08-23 const Zchar* const formatIsoTimeTag = Zstr("%H:%M:%S"); //e.g. 14:55:02 const Zchar* const formatIsoDateTimeTag = Zstr("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); //e.g. 2001-08-23 14:55:02 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //example: parseTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", "2001-08-23 14:55:02"); // parseTime(formatIsoDateTimeTag, "2001-08-23 14:55:02"); template TimeComp parseTime(const String& format, const String2& str); //similar to ::strptime() //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //format: [-][[d.]HH:]MM:SS e.g. -1.23:45:67 Zstring formatTimeSpan(int64_t timeInSec, bool hourRequired = true); //############################ implementation ############################## namespace impl { inline std::tm toClibTimeComponents(const TimeComp& tc) { assert(1 <= tc.month && tc.month <= 12 && 1 <= tc.day && tc.day <= 31 && 0 <= tc.hour && tc.hour <= 23 && 0 <= tc.minute && tc.minute <= 59 && 0 <= tc.second && tc.second <= 61); return { .tm_sec = tc.second, //0-60 (including leap second) .tm_min = tc.minute, //0-59 .tm_hour = tc.hour, //0-23 .tm_mday = tc.day, //1-31 .tm_mon = tc.month - 1, //0-11 .tm_year = tc.year - 1900, //years since 1900 .tm_isdst = -1, //> 0 if DST is active, == 0 if DST is not active, < 0 if the information is not available //.tm_wday //.tm_yday }; } inline TimeComp toZenTimeComponents(const std::tm& ctc) { return { .year = ctc.tm_year + 1900, .month = ctc.tm_mon + 1, .day = ctc.tm_mday, .hour = ctc.tm_hour, .minute = ctc.tm_min, .second = ctc.tm_sec, }; } /* inline bool isValid(const std::tm& t) { -> not enough! MSCRT has different limits than the C standard which even seem to change with different versions: _VALIDATE_RETURN((( timeptr->tm_sec >=0 ) && ( timeptr->tm_sec <= 59 ) ), EINVAL, FALSE) _VALIDATE_RETURN(( timeptr->tm_year >= -1900 ) && ( timeptr->tm_year <= 8099 ), EINVAL, FALSE) -> also std::mktime does *not* help here at all! auto inRange = [](int value, int minVal, int maxVal) { return minVal <= value && value <= maxVal; }; //https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/ctime/tm/ return inRange(t.tm_sec, 0, 61) && inRange(t.tm_min, 0, 59) && inRange(t.tm_hour, 0, 23) && inRange(t.tm_mday, 1, 31) && inRange(t.tm_mon, 0, 11) && //tm_year inRange(t.tm_wday, 0, 6) && inRange(t.tm_yday, 0, 365); //tm_isdst }; */ } constexpr auto daysPer400Years = 100 * (4 * 365 /*usual days per year*/ + 1 /*including leap day*/) - 3 /*no leap days for centuries, except if divisible by 400 */; constexpr auto secsPer400Years = 3600LL * 24 * daysPer400Years; inline TimeComp getUtcTime(time_t utc) { //Windows: gmtime_s() only works for years [1970, 3001] //=> map into working 400-year range [1970, 2370) // bonus: avoid asking for bugs for time_t(-1) const int cycles400 = static_cast(numeric::intDivFloor(utc, secsPer400Years)); utc -= secsPer400Years * cycles400; std::tm ctc = {}; if (::gmtime_r(&utc, &ctc) == nullptr) //Linux, macOS: apparently NO limits (tested years 0 to 10.000!) return TimeComp(); ctc.tm_year += 400 * cycles400; return impl::toZenTimeComponents(ctc); } inline TimeComp getUtcTime() { const time_t utc = std::time(nullptr); //returns -1 on error if (utc == -1) return TimeComp(); return getUtcTime(utc); } inline TimeComp getLocalTime(time_t utc) { const int cycles400 = static_cast(numeric::intDivFloor(utc, secsPer400Years)); utc -= secsPer400Years * cycles400; std::tm ctc = {}; if (::localtime_r(&utc, &ctc) == nullptr) return TimeComp(); ctc.tm_year += 400 * cycles400; return impl::toZenTimeComponents(ctc); } inline TimeComp getLocalTime() { const time_t utc = std::time(nullptr); //returns -1 on error if (utc == -1) return TimeComp(); return getLocalTime(utc); } inline std::pair utcToTimeT(const TimeComp& tc) { if (tc == TimeComp()) return {}; std::tm ctc = impl::toClibTimeComponents(tc); ctc.tm_isdst = 0; //"Zero (0) to indicate that standard time is in effect" => unused by _mkgmtime, but take no chances /* Windows: _mkgmtime() only works for years [1970, 3001] macOS: timegm() requires tm_year >= 1900; apparently no upper limit (tested until year 10.000!) Linux, 64-bit: apparently NO limits (tested years 0 to 10.000!) 32-bit: timegm() only works for years [1902, 2038] => sucks to be on 32-bit! :> => map into working 400-year range [1970, 2370) bonus: disambiguate -1 error code from time_t(-1) */ const int cycles400 = numeric::intDivFloor(ctc.tm_year + 1900 - 1970, 400); ctc.tm_year -= 400 * cycles400; const time_t utc = ::timegm(&ctc); if (utc == -1) return {}; assert(utc >= 0); return {utc + secsPer400Years * cycles400, true}; } inline std::pair localToTimeT(const TimeComp& tc) //convert local time components to time_t (UTC) { if (tc == TimeComp()) return {}; std::tm ctc = impl::toClibTimeComponents(tc); const int cycles400 = numeric::intDivFloor(ctc.tm_year + 1900 - 1971/*[!]*/, 400); //see utcToTimeT() //1971: ensures resulting time_t >= 0 after time zone, DST adaption, or std::mktime will fail on Windows! ctc.tm_year -= 400 * cycles400; const time_t locTime = std::mktime(&ctc); if (locTime == -1) return {}; assert(locTime > 0); return {locTime + secsPer400Years * cycles400, true}; } inline TimeComp getCompileTime() { //https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Standard-Predefined-Macros.html char compileTime[] = __DATE__ " " __TIME__; //e.g. "Aug 1 2017 01:32:26" if (compileTime[4] == ' ') //day is space-padded, but %d expects zero-padding compileTime[4] = '0'; return parseTime("%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S", compileTime); } inline Zstring formatTime(const Zchar* format, const TimeComp& tc) { if (tc == TimeComp()) //failure code from getLocalTime() return Zstring(); std::tm ctc = impl::toClibTimeComponents(tc); std::mktime(&ctc); //unfortunately std::strftime() needs all elements of "struct tm" filled, e.g. tm_wday, tm_yday //note: although std::mktime() explicitly expects "local time", calculating weekday and day of year *should* be time-zone and DST independent Zstring buf(256, Zstr('\0')); //strftime() craziness on invalid input: // VS 2010: CRASH unless "_invalid_parameter_handler" is set: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-runtime-library/parameter-validation // GCC: returns 0, apparently no crash. Still, considering some clib maintainer's comments, we should expect the worst! // Windows: avoid char-based strftime() which uses ANSI encoding! (e.g. Greek letters for AM/PM) const size_t charsWritten = std::strftime(buf.data(), buf.size(), format, &ctc); buf.resize(charsWritten); return buf; } template TimeComp parseTime(const String& format, const String2& str) { using CharType = GetCharTypeT; static_assert(std::is_same_v>); const CharType* itStr = strBegin(str); const CharType* const strLast = itStr + strLength(str); auto extractNumber = [&](int& result, size_t digitCount) { if (strLast - itStr < makeSigned(digitCount)) return false; if (!std::all_of(itStr, itStr + digitCount, isDigit)) return false; result = zen::stringTo(makeStringView(itStr, digitCount)); itStr += digitCount; return true; }; TimeComp output; const CharType* itFmt = strBegin(format); const CharType* const fmtLast = itFmt + strLength(format); for (; itFmt != fmtLast; ++itFmt) { const CharType fmt = *itFmt; if (fmt == '%') { ++itFmt; if (itFmt == fmtLast) return TimeComp(); switch (*itFmt) { case 'Y': if (!extractNumber(output.year, 4)) return TimeComp(); break; case 'm': if (!extractNumber(output.month, 2)) return TimeComp(); break; case 'b': //abbreviated month name: Jan-Dec { if (strLast - itStr < 3) return TimeComp(); const char* months[] = {"jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"}; auto itMonth = std::find_if(std::begin(months), std::end(months), [&](const char* month) { return equalAsciiNoCase(makeStringView(itStr, 3), month); }); if (itMonth == std::end(months)) return TimeComp(); output.month = 1 + static_cast(itMonth - std::begin(months)); itStr += 3; } break; case 'd': if (!extractNumber(output.day, 2)) return TimeComp(); break; case 'H': if (!extractNumber(output.hour, 2)) return TimeComp(); break; case 'M': if (!extractNumber(output.minute, 2)) return TimeComp(); break; case 'S': if (!extractNumber(output.second, 2)) return TimeComp(); break; default: return TimeComp(); } } else if (isWhiteSpace(fmt)) //single whitespace in format => skip 0..n whitespace chars { while (itStr != strLast && isWhiteSpace(*itStr)) ++itStr; } else { if (itStr == strLast || *itStr != fmt) return TimeComp(); ++itStr; } } if (itStr != strLast) return TimeComp(); return output; } inline Zstring formatTimeSpan(int64_t timeInSec, bool hourRequired) { Zstring timespanStr; if (timeInSec < 0) { timeInSec = -timeInSec; //need to fix LLONG_MIN? timespanStr = Zstr('-'); } //check *before* subtracting days! const Zchar* timeSpanFmt = timeInSec < 3600 && !hourRequired ? Zstr("%M:%S") : formatIsoTimeTag; const int secsPerDay = 24 * 3600; const int64_t days = numeric::intDivFloor(timeInSec, secsPerDay); if (days > 0) { timeInSec -= days * secsPerDay; timespanStr += numberTo(days) + Zstr("."); //don't need zen::formatNumber(), do we? } //format time span as if absolute UTC time const TimeComp& tc = getUtcTime(timeInSec); //returns TimeComp() on error timespanStr += formatTime(timeSpanFmt, tc); //returns empty string on error return timespanStr; } } #endif //TIME_H_8457092814324342453627