// ***************************************************************************** // * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under * // * GNU General Public License: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0 * // * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT freefilesync DOT org) - All Rights Reserved * // ***************************************************************************** #include "http.h" #include //DON'T include directly! #include "stream_buffer.h" using namespace zen; const int HTTP_ACCESS_TIME_OUT_SEC = 20; const size_t HTTP_BLOCK_SIZE_DOWNLOAD = 64 * 1024; //libcurl returns blocks of only 16 kB as returned by recv() even if we request larger blocks via CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE //- InternetReadFile() is buffered + prefetching //- libcurl returns blocks of only 16 kB as returned by recv() even if we request larger blocks via CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE const size_t HTTP_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; //unit: [byte] //stream buffer should be big enough to facilitate prefetching during alternating read/write operations => e.g. see serialize.h::unbufferedStreamCopy() class HttpInputStream::Impl { public: Impl(const Zstring& url, const std::string* postBuf, //issue POST if bound, GET otherwise const std::string& contentType, //required for POST const IoCallback& onPostBytesSent /*throw X*/, bool disableGetCache, //not relevant for POST (= never cached) const Zstring& userAgent, const Zstring& caCertFilePath /*optional: enable certificate validation*/) //throw SysError, X { ZEN_ON_SCOPE_FAIL(cleanup()); //destructor call would lead to member double clean-up!!! assert(postBuf || !onPostBytesSent); const Zstring urlFmt = afterFirst(url, Zstr("://"), IfNotFoundReturn::none); const Zstring server = beforeFirst(urlFmt, Zstr('/'), IfNotFoundReturn::all); const Zstring page = Zstr('/') + afterFirst(urlFmt, Zstr('/'), IfNotFoundReturn::none); const bool useTls = [&] { if (startsWithAsciiNoCase(url, "http://")) return false; if (startsWithAsciiNoCase(url, "https://")) return true; throw SysError(L"URL uses unexpected protocol."); }(); std::unordered_map headers; assert(postBuf || contentType.empty()); if (postBuf && !contentType.empty()) headers["Content-Type"] = contentType; if (!postBuf /*=> HTTP GET*/ && disableGetCache) //libcurl doesn't cache internally, so it should be enough to set this header headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"; //= similar to WinInet's INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD //caveat: INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD issues "Pragma: no-cache" instead if "request is going through a proxy" auto promiseHeader = std::make_shared>(); std::future futHeader = promiseHeader->get_future(); auto postBytesSent = std::make_shared>(0); worker_ = InterruptibleThread([asyncStreamOut = this->asyncStreamIn_, promiseHeader, headers = std::move(headers), postBytesSent, server, useTls, caCertFilePath, userAgent = utfTo(userAgent), postBuf = postBuf ? std::optional(*postBuf) : std::nullopt, //[!] life-time! serverRelPath = utfTo(page)] { setCurrentThreadName(Zstr("Istream ") + server); bool headerReceived = false; try { std::vector curlHeaders; for (const auto& [name, value] : headers) curlHeaders.push_back(name + ": " + value); std::vector extraOptions {{CURLOPT_USERAGENT, userAgent.c_str()}}; //CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION already off by default :) std::function buf)> readRequest; if (postBuf) { readRequest = [&, postBufStream{MemoryStreamIn(*postBuf)}](std::span buf) mutable { const size_t bytesRead = postBufStream.read(buf.data(), buf.size()); * postBytesSent += bytesRead; return bytesRead; }; extraOptions.emplace_back(CURLOPT_POST, 1); extraOptions.emplace_back(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE, postBuf->size()); //avoid HTTP chunked transfer encoding? } //careful with these callbacks! First receive HTTP header without blocking, //and only then allow AsyncStreamBuffer::write() which can block! std::string headerBuf; auto onHeaderData = [&](const std::string_view& headerLine) { if (headerReceived) throw SysError(L"Unexpected header data after end of HTTP header."); //"The callback will be called once for each header and only complete header lines are passed on to the callback" (including \r\n at the end) headerBuf += headerLine; if (headerLine == "\r\n") { headerReceived = true; promiseHeader->set_value(std::move(headerBuf)); } }; HttpSession httpSession(server, useTls, caCertFilePath); //throw SysError auto writeResponse = [&](std::span buf) { if (!headerReceived) throw SysError(L"Received HTTP body without header."); asyncStreamOut->write(buf.data(), buf.size()); //throw ThreadStopRequest }; httpSession.perform(serverRelPath, curlHeaders, extraOptions, writeResponse /*throw ThreadStopRequest*/, readRequest, onHeaderData /*throw SysError*/, HTTP_ACCESS_TIME_OUT_SEC); //throw SysError, ThreadStopRequest if (!headerReceived) throw SysError(L"HTTP response is missing header."); asyncStreamOut->closeStream(); } catch (SysError&) //let ThreadStopRequest pass through! { if (!headerReceived) promiseHeader->set_exception(std::current_exception()); asyncStreamOut->setWriteError(std::current_exception()); } }); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (postBuf && onPostBytesSent) { int64_t bytesReported = 0; while (futHeader.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(50)) == std::future_status::timeout) { const int64_t bytesDelta = *postBytesSent /*atomic shared access!*/- bytesReported; bytesReported += bytesDelta; onPostBytesSent(bytesDelta); //throw X } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const std::string headBuf = futHeader.get(); //throw SysError //parse header: https://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/1.0/spec.html#Request-Line const std::string_view& statusBuf = beforeFirst(headBuf, "\r\n", IfNotFoundReturn::all); const std::string_view& headersBuf = afterFirst (headBuf, "\r\n", IfNotFoundReturn::none); const std::vector statusItems = splitCpy(statusBuf, ' ', SplitOnEmpty::allow); //HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF if (statusItems.size() < 2 || !startsWith(statusItems[0], "HTTP/")) throw SysError(L"Invalid HTTP response: \"" + utfTo(statusBuf) + L'"'); statusCode_ = stringTo(statusItems[1]); split(headersBuf, '\n', [&](const std::string_view line) { if (!line.empty()) //careful: actual line separator is "\r\n"! responseHeaders_.emplace(trimCpy(beforeFirst(line, ':', IfNotFoundReturn::all)), trimCpy(afterFirst (line, ':', IfNotFoundReturn::none))); }); /* let's NOT consider "Content-Length" header: - may be unavailable ("Transfer-Encoding: chunked") - may refer to compressed data size ("Content-Encoding: gzip") */ } ~Impl() { cleanup(); } const int getStatusCode() const { return statusCode_; } const std::string* getHeader(const std::string& name) const { auto it = responseHeaders_.find(name); return it != responseHeaders_.end() ? &it->second : nullptr; } size_t getBlockSize() const { return HTTP_BLOCK_SIZE_DOWNLOAD; } size_t tryRead(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) //throw SysError; may return short; only 0 means EOF! CONTRACT: bytesToRead > 0! { return asyncStreamIn_->tryRead(buffer, bytesToRead); //throw SysError //no need for asyncStreamIn_->checkWriteErrors(): once end of stream is reached, asyncStreamOut->closeStream() was called => no errors occured } private: Impl (const Impl&) = delete; Impl& operator=(const Impl&) = delete; void cleanup() { asyncStreamIn_->setReadError(std::make_exception_ptr(ThreadStopRequest())); warn_static("log on error!") } std::shared_ptr asyncStreamIn_ = std::make_shared(HTTP_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE); InterruptibleThread worker_; int statusCode_ = 0; std::unordered_map responseHeaders_; }; HttpInputStream::HttpInputStream(std::unique_ptr&& pimpl) : pimpl_(std::move(pimpl)) {} HttpInputStream::~HttpInputStream() {} size_t HttpInputStream::tryRead(void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) { return pimpl_->tryRead(buffer, bytesToRead); } size_t HttpInputStream::getBlockSize() const { return pimpl_->getBlockSize(); } std::string HttpInputStream::readAll(const IoCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/) //throw SysError, X { return unbufferedLoad([&](void* buffer, size_t bytesToRead) { const size_t bytesRead = pimpl_->tryRead(buffer, bytesToRead); //throw SysError; may return short, only 0 means EOF! => CONTRACT: bytesToRead > 0! if (notifyUnbufferedIO) notifyUnbufferedIO(bytesRead); //throw X! return bytesRead; }, pimpl_->getBlockSize()); //throw SysError, X } namespace { std::unique_ptr sendHttpRequestImpl(const Zstring& url, const std::string* postBuf /*issue POST if bound, GET otherwise*/, const std::string& contentType, //required for POST const IoCallback& onPostBytesSent /*throw X*/, const Zstring& userAgent, const Zstring& caCertFilePath /*optional: enable certificate validation*/) //throw SysError, X { Zstring urlRed = url; //"A user agent should not automatically redirect a request more than five times, since such redirections usually indicate an infinite loop." for (int redirects = 0; redirects < 6; ++redirects) { auto response = std::make_unique(urlRed, postBuf, contentType, onPostBytesSent, false /*disableGetCache*/, userAgent, caCertFilePath); //throw SysError, X //https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes#3xx_Redirection const int httpStatus = response->getStatusCode(); if (httpStatus / 100 == 3) //e.g. 301, 302, 303, 307... we're not too greedy since we check location, too! { const std::string* value = response->getHeader("Location"); if (!value || value->empty()) throw SysError(L"Unresolvable redirect. No target Location."); urlRed = utfTo(*value); } else { if (httpStatus != 200) //HTTP_STATUS_OK throw SysError(formatHttpError(httpStatus)); //e.g. "HTTP status 404: Not found." return response; } } throw SysError(L"Too many redirects."); } //encode for "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" std::string urlencode(const std::string_view& str) { std::string output; for (const char c : str) //follow PHP spec: https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/e99d5d39239c611e1e7304e79e88545c4e71a073/ext/standard/url.c#L455 if (c == ' ') output += '+'; else if (('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '_') //note: "~" is encoded by PHP! output += c; else { const auto [high, low] = hexify(c); output += '%'; output += high; output += low; } return output; } std::string urldecode(const std::string_view& str) { std::string output; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) { const char c = str[i]; if (c == '+') output += ' '; else if (c == '%' && str.size() - i >= 3 && isHexDigit(str[i + 1]) && isHexDigit(str[i + 2])) { output += unhexify(str[i + 1], str[i + 2]); i += 2; } else output += c; } return output; } } std::string zen::xWwwFormUrlEncode(const std::vector>& paramPairs) { std::string output; for (const auto& [name, value] : paramPairs) output += urlencode(name) + '=' + urlencode(value) + '&'; //encode both key and value: https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h- if (!output.empty()) output.pop_back(); return output; } std::vector> zen::xWwwFormUrlDecode(const std::string_view str) { std::vector> output; split(str, '&', [&](const std::string_view nvPair) { if (!nvPair.empty()) output.emplace_back(urldecode(beforeFirst(nvPair, '=', IfNotFoundReturn::all)), urldecode(afterFirst (nvPair, '=', IfNotFoundReturn::none))); }); return output; } HttpInputStream zen::sendHttpGet(const Zstring& url, const Zstring& userAgent, const Zstring& caCertFilePath) //throw SysError { return sendHttpRequestImpl(url, nullptr /*postBuf*/, "" /*contentType*/, nullptr /*onPostBytesSent*/, userAgent, caCertFilePath); //throw SysError } HttpInputStream zen::sendHttpPost(const Zstring& url, const std::vector>& postParams, const IoCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/, const Zstring& userAgent, const Zstring& caCertFilePath) //throw SysError, X { return sendHttpPost(url, xWwwFormUrlEncode(postParams), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", notifyUnbufferedIO, userAgent, caCertFilePath); //throw SysError, X } HttpInputStream zen::sendHttpPost(const Zstring& url, const std::string& postBuf, const std::string& contentType, const IoCallback& notifyUnbufferedIO /*throw X*/, const Zstring& userAgent, const Zstring& caCertFilePath) //throw SysError, X { return sendHttpRequestImpl(url, &postBuf, contentType, notifyUnbufferedIO, userAgent, caCertFilePath); //throw SysError, X } bool zen::internetIsAlive() //noexcept { try { auto response = std::make_unique(Zstr("https://www.google.com/"), //https more appropriate than http for testing? (different ports!) nullptr /*postParams*/, "" /*contentType*/, nullptr /*onPostBytesSent*/, true /*disableGetCache*/, Zstr("FreeFileSync"), Zstring() /*caCertFilePath*/); //throw SysError const int statusCode = response->getStatusCode(); //attention: google.com might redirect to https://consent.google.com => don't follow, just return "true"!!! return statusCode / 100 == 2 || //e.g. 200 statusCode / 100 == 3; //e.g. 301, 302, 303, 307... when in doubt, consider internet alive! } catch (SysError&) { return false; } } std::wstring zen::formatHttpError(int sc) { const wchar_t* statusDescr = [&] //https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes { switch (sc) { //*INDENT-OFF* case 300: return L"Multiple choices."; case 301: return L"Moved permanently."; case 302: return L"Moved temporarily."; case 303: return L"See other"; case 304: return L"Not modified."; case 305: return L"Use proxy."; case 306: return L"Switch proxy."; case 307: return L"Temporary redirect."; case 308: return L"Permanent redirect."; case 400: return L"Bad request."; case 401: return L"Unauthorized."; case 402: return L"Payment required."; case 403: return L"Forbidden."; case 404: return L"Not found."; case 405: return L"Method not allowed."; case 406: return L"Not acceptable."; case 407: return L"Proxy authentication required."; case 408: return L"Request timeout."; case 409: return L"Conflict."; case 410: return L"Gone."; case 411: return L"Length required."; case 412: return L"Precondition failed."; case 413: return L"Payload too large."; case 414: return L"URI too long."; case 415: return L"Unsupported media type."; case 416: return L"Range not satisfiable."; case 417: return L"Expectation failed."; case 418: return L"I'm a teapot."; case 421: return L"Misdirected request."; case 422: return L"Unprocessable entity."; case 423: return L"Locked."; case 424: return L"Failed dependency."; case 425: return L"Too early."; case 426: return L"Upgrade required."; case 428: return L"Precondition required."; case 429: return L"Too many requests."; case 431: return L"Request header fields too large."; case 451: return L"Unavailable for legal reasons."; case 500: return L"Internal server error."; case 501: return L"Not implemented."; case 502: return L"Bad gateway."; case 503: return L"Service unavailable."; case 504: return L"Gateway timeout."; case 505: return L"HTTP version not supported."; case 506: return L"Variant also negotiates."; case 507: return L"Insufficient storage."; case 508: return L"Loop detected."; case 510: return L"Not extended."; case 511: return L"Network authentication required."; //Cloudflare errors regarding origin server: case 520: return L"Unknown error (Cloudflare)"; case 521: return L"Web server is down (Cloudflare)"; case 522: return L"Connection timed out (Cloudflare)"; case 523: return L"Origin is unreachable (Cloudflare)"; case 524: return L"A timeout occurred (Cloudflare)"; case 525: return L"SSL handshake failed (Cloudflare)"; case 526: return L"Invalid SSL certificate (Cloudflare)"; case 527: return L"Railgun error (Cloudflare)"; case 530: return L"Origin DNS error (Cloudflare)"; default: return L""; //*INDENT-ON* } }(); return formatSystemError("", L"HTTP status " + numberTo(sc), statusDescr); } bool zen::isValidEmail(const std::string_view& email) { //https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_address#Syntax //https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3696 => note errata! https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata_search.php?rfc=3696 //https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5321 std::string_view local = beforeLast(email, '@', IfNotFoundReturn::none); std::string_view domain = afterLast(email, '@', IfNotFoundReturn::none); //consider: "t@st"@email.com t\@st@email.com" auto stripComments = [](std::string_view& part) { if (startsWith(part, '(')) part = afterFirst(part, ')', IfNotFoundReturn::none); if (endsWith(part, ')')) part = beforeLast(part, '(', IfNotFoundReturn::none); }; stripComments(local); stripComments(domain); if (local .empty() || local .size() > 63 || // 64 octets -> 63 ASCII chars: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20120412-00/?p=7873 domain.empty() || domain.size() > 253) //255 octets -> 253 ASCII chars return false; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //not going to parse and validate this! const bool quoted = (startsWith(local, '"') && endsWith(local, '"')) || contains(local, '\\'); //e.g. "t\@st@email.com" if (!quoted) for (const std::string_view& comp : splitCpy(local, '.', SplitOnEmpty::allow)) if (comp.empty() || !std::all_of(comp.begin(), comp.end(), [](char c) { constexpr std::string_view printable("!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~"); return isAsciiAlpha(c) || isDigit(c) || !isAsciiChar(c) || contains(printable, c); })) return false; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- //e.g. jsmith@[] jsmith@[IPv6:2001:db8::1] const bool likelyIp = startsWith(domain, '[') && endsWith(domain, ']'); if (!likelyIp) //not interested in parsing IPs! { if (!contains(domain, '.')) return false; for (const std::string_view& comp : splitCpy(domain, '.', SplitOnEmpty::allow)) if (comp.empty() || comp.size() > 63 || !std::all_of(comp.begin(), comp.end(), [](char c) { return isAsciiAlpha(c) ||isDigit(c) || !isAsciiChar(c) || c == '-'; })) return false; } return true; } std::string zen::htmlSpecialChars(const std::string_view& str) { //mirror PHP: https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/e99d5d39239c611e1e7304e79e88545c4e71a073/ext/standard/html_tables.h#L6189 std::string output; for (const char c : str) switch (c) { //*INDENT-OFF* case '&': output += "&" ; break; case '"': output += """; break; case '<': output += "<" ; break; case '>': output += ">" ; break; //case '\'': output += "'"; break; -> not encoded by default (needs ENT_QUOTES) default: output += c; break; //*INDENT-ON* } return output; }