// ************************************************************************** // * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under * // * GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * // * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT gmx DOT de) - All Rights Reserved * // ************************************************************************** #include "format_unit.h" #include #include #include #include //swprintf #include #include #ifdef ZEN_WIN #include //includes "windows.h" #include #elif defined ZEN_LINUX || defined ZEN_MAC #include //thousands separator #include // #endif using namespace zen; std::wstring zen::formatThreeDigitPrecision(double value) { //print at least three digits: 0,01 | 0,11 | 1,11 | 11,1 | 111 if (numeric::abs(value) < 9.995) //9.999 must not be formatted as "10.00" return printNumber(L"%.2f", value); if (numeric::abs(value) < 99.95) //99.99 must not be formatted as "100.0" return printNumber(L"%.1f", value); return numberTo(numeric::round(value)); } std::wstring zen::filesizeToShortString(Int64 size) { //if (size < 0) return _("Error"); -> really? if (numeric::abs(size) <= 999) return _P("1 byte", "%x bytes", to(size)); double sizeInUnit = to(size); auto formatUnit = [&](const std::wstring& unitTxt) { return replaceCpy(unitTxt, L"%x", formatThreeDigitPrecision(sizeInUnit)); }; sizeInUnit /= 1024; if (numeric::abs(sizeInUnit) < 999.5) return formatUnit(_("%x KB")); sizeInUnit /= 1024; if (numeric::abs(sizeInUnit) < 999.5) return formatUnit(_("%x MB")); sizeInUnit /= 1024; if (numeric::abs(sizeInUnit) < 999.5) return formatUnit(_("%x GB")); sizeInUnit /= 1024; if (numeric::abs(sizeInUnit) < 999.5) return formatUnit(_("%x TB")); sizeInUnit /= 1024; return formatUnit(_("%x PB")); } namespace { enum UnitRemTime { URT_SEC, URT_MIN, URT_HOUR, URT_DAY }; std::wstring formatUnitTime(int val, UnitRemTime unit) { switch (unit) { case URT_SEC: return _P("1 sec", "%x sec", val); case URT_MIN: return _P("1 min", "%x min", val); case URT_HOUR: return _P("1 hour", "%x hours", val); case URT_DAY: return _P("1 day", "%x days", val); } assert(false); return _("Error"); } template std::wstring roundToBlock(double timeHigh, UnitRemTime unitHigh, const int (&stepsHigh)[M], int unitLowPerHigh, UnitRemTime unitLow, const int (&stepsLow)[N]) { assert(unitLowPerHigh > 0); const double granularity = 0.1; const double timeLow = timeHigh * unitLowPerHigh; const int blockSizeLow = granularity * timeHigh < 1 ? numeric::nearMatch(granularity * timeLow, std::begin(stepsLow), std::end(stepsLow)): numeric::nearMatch(granularity * timeHigh, std::begin(stepsHigh), std::end(stepsHigh)) * unitLowPerHigh; const int roundedTimeLow = numeric::round(timeLow / blockSizeLow) * blockSizeLow; std::wstring output = formatUnitTime(roundedTimeLow / unitLowPerHigh, unitHigh); if (unitLowPerHigh > blockSizeLow) output += L" " + formatUnitTime(roundedTimeLow % unitLowPerHigh, unitLow); return output; }; } std::wstring zen::remainingTimeToString(double timeInSec) { const int steps10[] = { 1, 2, 5, 10 }; const int steps24[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 }; const int steps60[] = { 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 }; //determine preferred unit double timeInUnit = timeInSec; if (timeInUnit <= 60) return roundToBlock(timeInUnit, URT_SEC, steps60, 1, URT_SEC, steps60); timeInUnit /= 60; if (timeInUnit <= 60) return roundToBlock(timeInUnit, URT_MIN, steps60, 60, URT_SEC, steps60); timeInUnit /= 60; if (timeInUnit <= 24) return roundToBlock(timeInUnit, URT_HOUR, steps24, 60, URT_MIN, steps60); timeInUnit /= 24; return roundToBlock(timeInUnit, URT_DAY, steps10, 24, URT_HOUR, steps24); //note: for 10% granularity steps10 yields a valid blocksize only up to timeInUnit == 100! //for larger time sizes this results in a finer granularity than expected: 10 days -> should not be a problem considering "usual" remaining time for synchronization } std::wstring zen::fractionToString(double fraction) { return printNumber(L"%.2f", fraction * 100.0) + L'%'; //no need to internationalize fraction!? } #ifdef ZEN_WIN namespace { bool getUserSetting(LCTYPE lt, UINT& setting) { return ::GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, //__in LCID Locale, lt | LOCALE_RETURN_NUMBER, //__in LCTYPE LCType, reinterpret_cast(&setting), //__out LPTSTR lpLCData, sizeof(setting) / sizeof(TCHAR)) > 0; //__in int cchData } bool getUserSetting(LCTYPE lt, std::wstring& setting) { int bufferSize = ::GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, lt, nullptr, 0); if (bufferSize > 0) { std::vector buffer(bufferSize); if (::GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, //__in LCID Locale, lt, //__in LCTYPE LCType, &buffer[0], //__out LPTSTR lpLCData, bufferSize) > 0) //__in int cchData { setting = &buffer[0]; //GetLocaleInfo() returns char count *including* 0-termination! return true; } } return false; } class IntegerFormat { public: static const NUMBERFMT& get() { return getInst().fmt; } static bool isValid() { return getInst().valid_; } private: static const IntegerFormat& getInst() { static IntegerFormat inst; //not threadsafe in MSVC until C++11, but not required right now return inst; } IntegerFormat() : fmt(), valid_(false) { //all we want is default NUMBERFMT, but set NumDigits to 0 fmt.NumDigits = 0; //what a disgrace: std::wstring grouping; if (getUserSetting(LOCALE_ILZERO, fmt.LeadingZero) && getUserSetting(LOCALE_SGROUPING, grouping) && getUserSetting(LOCALE_SDECIMAL, decimalSep) && getUserSetting(LOCALE_STHOUSAND, thousandSep) && getUserSetting(LOCALE_INEGNUMBER, fmt.NegativeOrder)) { fmt.lpDecimalSep = &decimalSep[0]; //not used fmt.lpThousandSep = &thousandSep[0]; //convert LOCALE_SGROUPING to Grouping: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2006/04/18/578251.aspx replace(grouping, L';', L""); if (endsWith(grouping, L'0')) grouping.pop_back(); else grouping += L'0'; fmt.Grouping = stringTo(grouping); valid_ = true; } } NUMBERFMT fmt; std::wstring thousandSep; std::wstring decimalSep; bool valid_; }; } #endif std::wstring zen::ffs_Impl::includeNumberSeparator(const std::wstring& number) { #ifdef ZEN_WIN if (IntegerFormat::isValid()) { int bufferSize = ::GetNumberFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, number.c_str(), &IntegerFormat::get(), nullptr, 0); if (bufferSize > 0) { std::vector buffer(bufferSize); if (::GetNumberFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, //__in LCID Locale, 0, //__in DWORD dwFlags, number.c_str(), //__in LPCTSTR lpValue, &IntegerFormat::get(), //__in_opt const NUMBERFMT *lpFormat, &buffer[0], //__out_opt LPTSTR lpNumberStr, bufferSize) > 0) //__in int cchNumber return &buffer[0]; //GetNumberFormat() returns char count *including* 0-termination! } } return number; #elif defined ZEN_LINUX || defined ZEN_MAC //we have to include thousands separator ourselves; this doesn't work for all countries (e.g india), but is better than nothing //::setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); -> implicitly called by wxLocale const lconv* localInfo = ::localeconv(); //always bound according to doc const std::wstring& thousandSep = utfCvrtTo(localInfo->thousands_sep); // THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR = std::use_facet>(std::locale("")).thousands_sep(); - why not working? // DECIMAL_POINT = std::use_facet>(std::locale("")).decimal_point(); std::wstring output(number); size_t i = output.size(); for (;;) { if (i <= 3) break; i -= 3; if (!isDigit(output[i - 1])) //stop on +, - signs break; output.insert(i, thousandSep); } return output; #endif } #ifdef ZEN_WIN namespace { const bool useNewLocalTimeCalculation = zen::vistaOrLater(); } #endif std::wstring zen::utcToLocalTimeString(Int64 utcTime) { auto errorMsg = [&] { return _("Error") + L" (time_t: " + numberTo(utcTime) + L")"; }; #ifdef ZEN_WIN FILETIME lastWriteTimeUtc = toFileTime(utcTime); //convert ansi C time to FILETIME SYSTEMTIME systemTimeLocal = {}; //http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724277(VS.85).aspx if (useNewLocalTimeCalculation) //DST conversion like in Windows 7: NTFS stays fixed, but FAT jumps by one hour { SYSTEMTIME systemTimeUtc = {}; if (!::FileTimeToSystemTime(&lastWriteTimeUtc, //__in const FILETIME *lpFileTime, &systemTimeUtc)) //__out LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime return errorMsg(); if (!::SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(nullptr, //__in_opt LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZone, &systemTimeUtc, //__in LPSYSTEMTIME lpUniversalTime, &systemTimeLocal)) //__out LPSYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime return errorMsg(); } else //DST conversion like in Windows 2000 and XP: FAT times stay fixed, while NTFS jumps { FILETIME fileTimeLocal = {}; if (!::FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&lastWriteTimeUtc, //_In_ const FILETIME *lpFileTime, &fileTimeLocal)) //_Out_ LPFILETIME lpLocalFileTime return errorMsg(); if (!::FileTimeToSystemTime(&fileTimeLocal, //__in const FILETIME *lpFileTime, &systemTimeLocal)) //__out LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime return errorMsg(); } zen::TimeComp loc; loc.year = systemTimeLocal.wYear; loc.month = systemTimeLocal.wMonth; loc.day = systemTimeLocal.wDay; loc.hour = systemTimeLocal.wHour; loc.minute = systemTimeLocal.wMinute; loc.second = systemTimeLocal.wSecond; #elif defined ZEN_LINUX || defined ZEN_MAC zen::TimeComp loc = zen::localTime(to(utcTime)); #endif std::wstring dateString = formatTime(L"%x %X", loc); return !dateString.empty() ? dateString : errorMsg(); }