// ************************************************************************** // * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under * // * GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * // * Copyright (C) ZenJu (zenju AT gmx DOT de) - All Rights Reserved * // ************************************************************************** #include "exec_finished_box.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef FFS_WIN #include #endif using namespace zen; namespace { const std::wstring cmdTxtCloseProgressDlg = L"Close progress dialog"; //special command //mark for extraction: _("Close progress dialog") const std::wstring separationLine(L"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); std::vector> getDefaultCommands() //(gui name/command) pairs { std::vector> output; auto addEntry = [&](const std::wstring& name, const std::wstring& value) { output.push_back(std::make_pair(name, value)); }; #ifdef FFS_WIN if (zen::vistaOrLater()) { addEntry(_("Standby" ), L"rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep"); //suspend/Suspend to RAM/sleep addEntry(_("Log off" ), L"shutdown /l"); addEntry(_("Shut down"), L"shutdown /s /t 60"); //addEntry(_("Hibernate"), L"shutdown /h"); //Suspend to disk -> Standby is better anyway } else //XP { addEntry(_("Standby"), L"rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState"); //this triggers standby OR hibernate, depending on whether hibernate setting is active! addEntry(_("Log off" ), L"shutdown -l"); addEntry(_("Shut down"), L"shutdown -s -t 60"); //no suspend on XP? } #elif defined FFS_LINUX addEntry(_("Standby" ), L"sudo pm-suspend"); addEntry(_("Log off" ), L"gnome-session-quit"); //alternative requiring admin: sudo killall Xorg addEntry(_("Shut down"), L"dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.gnome.SessionManager /org/gnome/SessionManager org.gnome.SessionManager.RequestShutdown"); //alternative requiring admin: sudo shutdown -h 1 //addEntry(_("Hibernate"), L"sudo pm-hibernate"); //alternative: "pmi action suspend" and "pmi action hibernate", require "sudo apt-get install powermanagement-interaface" #endif return output; } const wxEventType wxEVT_VALIDATE_USER_SELECTION = wxNewEventType(); } bool isCloseProgressDlgCommand(const std::wstring& value) { std::wstring tmp = value; trim(tmp); return tmp == cmdTxtCloseProgressDlg; } ExecFinishedBox::ExecFinishedBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& value, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, int n, const wxString choices[], long style, const wxValidator& validator, const wxString& name) : wxComboBox(parent, id, value, pos, size, n, choices, style, validator, name), history_(nullptr), historyMax_(0), defaultCommands(getDefaultCommands()) { //##################################### /*##*/ SetMinSize(wxSize(150, -1)); //## workaround yet another wxWidgets bug: default minimum size is much too large for a wxComboBox //##################################### Connect(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, wxKeyEventHandler (ExecFinishedBox::OnKeyEvent ), nullptr, this); Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxEventHandler (ExecFinishedBox::OnUpdateList), nullptr, this); Connect(wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(ExecFinishedBox::OnSelection ), nullptr, this); Connect(wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL, wxMouseEventHandler (ExecFinishedBox::OnMouseWheel), nullptr, this); Connect(wxEVT_VALIDATE_USER_SELECTION, wxCommandEventHandler(ExecFinishedBox::OnValidateSelection), nullptr, this); } void ExecFinishedBox::addItemHistory() { if (history_) { std::wstring command = getValue(); trim(command); bool skipCmd = command == separationLine || //do not add sep. line command == cmdTxtCloseProgressDlg || //do not add special command command.empty(); //do not add built-in commands to history if (!skipCmd) { for (auto iter = defaultCommands.begin(); iter != defaultCommands.end(); ++iter) if (command == iter->first || command == iter->second) { skipCmd = true; break; } } if (!skipCmd) history_->insert(history_->begin(), command); if (history_->size() > historyMax_) history_->resize(historyMax_); } } std::wstring ExecFinishedBox::getValue() const { const std::wstring value = zen::copyStringTo(GetValue()); { std::wstring tmp = value; trim(tmp); if (tmp == implementation::translate(cmdTxtCloseProgressDlg)) //have this symbolic constant translated properly return cmdTxtCloseProgressDlg; } return value; } void ExecFinishedBox::setValue(const std::wstring& value) { std::wstring tmp = value; trim(tmp); if (tmp == cmdTxtCloseProgressDlg) setValueAndUpdateList(implementation::translate(cmdTxtCloseProgressDlg)); //have this symbolic constant translated properly else setValueAndUpdateList(value); } //set value and update list are technically entangled: see potential bug description below void ExecFinishedBox::setValueAndUpdateList(const std::wstring& value) { //it may be a little lame to update the list on each mouse-button click, but it should be working and we dont't have to manipulate wxComboBox internals std::deque items; //1. special command items.push_back(implementation::translate(cmdTxtCloseProgressDlg)); //2. built in commands for (auto iter = defaultCommands.begin(); iter != defaultCommands.end(); ++iter) items.push_back(iter->first); //3. history elements if (history_ && !history_->empty()) { items.push_back(separationLine); items.insert(items.end(), history_->begin(), history_->end()); std::sort(items.end() - history_->size(), items.end()); } //attention: if the target value is not part of the dropdown list, SetValue() will look for a string that *starts with* this value: //e.g. if the dropdown list contains "222" SetValue("22") will erroneously set and select "222" instead, while "111" would be set correctly! // -> by design on Windows! if (std::find(items.begin(), items.end(), value) == items.end()) { if (!value.empty()) items.push_front(separationLine); items.push_front(value); } Clear(); std::for_each(items.begin(), items.end(), [&](const std::wstring& item) { this->Append(item); }); //this->SetSelection(wxNOT_FOUND); //don't select anything SetValue(value); //preserve main text! } void ExecFinishedBox::OnSelection(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxCommandEvent dummy2(wxEVT_VALIDATE_USER_SELECTION); //we cannot replace built-in commands at this position in call stack, so defer to a later time! if (auto handler = GetEventHandler()) handler->AddPendingEvent(dummy2); event.Skip(); } void ExecFinishedBox::OnValidateSelection(wxCommandEvent& event) { const auto& value = getValue(); if (value == separationLine) setValueAndUpdateList(std::wstring()); else for (auto iter = defaultCommands.begin(); iter != defaultCommands.end(); ++iter) if (iter->first == value) return setValueAndUpdateList(iter->second); //replace GUI name by actual command string } void ExecFinishedBox::OnUpdateList(wxEvent& event) { setValue(getValue()); event.Skip(); } void ExecFinishedBox::OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& event) { switch (event.GetKeyCode()) { case WXK_DELETE: case WXK_NUMPAD_DELETE: { //try to delete the currently selected config history item int pos = this->GetCurrentSelection(); if (0 <= pos && pos < static_cast(this->GetCount()) && //what a mess...: (GetValue() != GetString(pos) || //avoid problems when a character shall be deleted instead of list item GetValue() == wxEmptyString)) //exception: always allow removing empty entry { const std::wstring selValue = copyStringTo(GetString(pos)); if (history_ && std::find(history_->begin(), history_->end(), selValue) != history_->end()) //only history elements may be deleted { //save old (selected) value: deletion seems to have influence on this const wxString currentVal = this->GetValue(); //this->SetSelection(wxNOT_FOUND); //delete selected row vector_remove_if(*history_, [&](const std::wstring& item) { return item == selValue; }); SetString(pos, wxString()); //in contrast to Delete(), this one does not kill the drop-down list and gives a nice visual feedback! //Delete(pos); //(re-)set value SetValue(currentVal); } //eat up key event return; } } break; case WXK_UP: case WXK_NUMPAD_UP: case WXK_DOWN: case WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN: case WXK_PAGEUP: case WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEUP: case WXK_PAGEDOWN: case WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN: return; //swallow -> using these keys gives a weird effect due to this weird control } event.Skip(); }