// ************************************************************************** // * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under * // * GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * // * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 ZenJu (zhnmju123 AT gmx.de) * // ************************************************************************** // #include "checkVersion.h" #include #include #include #include "../version/version.h" #include #include #include "../shared/globalFunctions.h" #include "messagePopup.h" #include "../shared/standardPaths.h" class CloseConnectionOnExit { public: CloseConnectionOnExit(wxInputStream* httpStream, wxHTTP& webAccess) : m_httpStream(httpStream), m_webAccess(webAccess) {} ~CloseConnectionOnExit() { delete m_httpStream; //must be deleted BEFORE webAccess is closed m_webAccess.Close(); } private: wxInputStream* m_httpStream; wxHTTP& m_webAccess; }; bool getOnlineVersion(wxString& version) { wxHTTP webAccess; wxInputStream* httpStream = NULL; wxWindowDisabler dummy; CloseConnectionOnExit dummy2(httpStream, webAccess); webAccess.SetHeader(wxT("Content-type"), wxT("text/html; charset=utf-8")); webAccess.SetTimeout(5); //5 seconds of timeout instead of 10 minutes... if (webAccess.Connect(wxT("freefilesync.cvs.sourceforge.net"))) //only the server, no pages here yet... { //wxApp::IsMainLoopRunning(); // should return true httpStream = webAccess.GetInputStream(wxT("/viewvc/freefilesync/version/version.txt")); if (httpStream && webAccess.GetError() == wxPROTO_NOERR) { wxString newestVersion; wxStringOutputStream out_stream(&newestVersion); httpStream->Read(out_stream); if (!newestVersion.empty()) { version = newestVersion; return true; } } } return false; } bool newerVersionExists(const wxString& onlineVersion) { wxString currentVersionCpy = FreeFileSync::currentVersion; wxString onlineVersionCpy = onlineVersion; const wxChar VERSION_SEP = wxT('.'); using globalFunctions::stringToNumber; while ( currentVersionCpy.Find(VERSION_SEP) != wxNOT_FOUND || onlineVersionCpy.Find(VERSION_SEP) != wxNOT_FOUND) { const int currentMajor = stringToNumber(currentVersionCpy.BeforeFirst(VERSION_SEP)); //Returns the whole string if VERSION_SEP is not found. const int onlineMajor = stringToNumber(onlineVersionCpy.BeforeFirst(VERSION_SEP)); //Returns the whole string if VERSION_SEP is not found. if (currentMajor != onlineMajor) return currentMajor < onlineMajor; currentVersionCpy = currentVersionCpy.AfterFirst(VERSION_SEP); //Returns the empty string if VERSION_SEP is not found. onlineVersionCpy = onlineVersionCpy.AfterFirst(VERSION_SEP); //Returns the empty string if VERSION_SEP is not found. } return stringToNumber(currentVersionCpy) < stringToNumber(onlineVersionCpy); } void FreeFileSync::checkForUpdateNow() { wxString onlineVersion; if (!getOnlineVersion(onlineVersion)) { wxMessageBox(_("Unable to connect to sourceforge.net!"), _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); return; } if (newerVersionExists(onlineVersion)) { const int rv = wxMessageBox(wxString(_("A newer version of FreeFileSync is available:")) + wxT(" v") + onlineVersion + wxT(". ") + _("Download now?"), _("Information"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION); if (rv == wxYES) wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(wxT("http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=234430")); } else wxMessageBox(_("FreeFileSync is up to date!"), _("Information"), wxICON_INFORMATION); } void FreeFileSync::checkForUpdatePeriodically(long& lastUpdateCheck) { #ifdef FFS_LINUX if (!FreeFileSync::isPortableVersion()) //don't check for updates in installer version -> else: handled by .deb return; #endif if (lastUpdateCheck != -1) { if (lastUpdateCheck == 0) { QuestionDlg* const messageDlg = new QuestionDlg(NULL, QuestionDlg::BUTTON_YES | QuestionDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL, wxString(_("Do you want FreeFileSync to automatically check for updates every week?")) + wxT("\n") + _("(Requires an Internet connection!)")); const bool checkRegularly = messageDlg->ShowModal() == QuestionDlg::BUTTON_YES; messageDlg->Destroy(); if (checkRegularly) { lastUpdateCheck = 123; //some old date (few seconds after 1970) checkForUpdatePeriodically(lastUpdateCheck); //check for updates now } else lastUpdateCheck = -1; //don't check for updates anymore } else if (wxGetLocalTime() >= lastUpdateCheck + 7 * 24 * 3600) //check weekly { wxString onlineVersion; if (!getOnlineVersion(onlineVersion)) return; //do not handle error lastUpdateCheck = wxGetLocalTime(); if (newerVersionExists(onlineVersion)) { const int rv = wxMessageBox(wxString(_("A newer version of FreeFileSync is available:")) + wxT(" v") + onlineVersion + wxT(". ") + _("Download now?"), _("Information"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION); if (rv == wxYES) wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(wxT("http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=234430")); } } } }