#include "systemFunctions.h" #ifdef FFS_WIN #include //includes "windows.h" #elif defined FFS_LINUX #include #include #endif #ifdef FFS_WIN wxString FreeFileSync::getLastErrorFormatted(const unsigned long lastError) //try to get additional Windows error information { //determine error code if none was specified const unsigned long lastErrorCode = lastError == 0 ? ::GetLastError() : lastError; wxString output = wxString(wxT("Windows Error Code ")) + wxString::Format(wxT("%u"), lastErrorCode); WCHAR buffer[1001]; if (::FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK, 0, lastErrorCode, 0, buffer, 1001, NULL) != 0) output += wxString(wxT(": ")) + buffer; return output; } #elif defined FFS_LINUX wxString FreeFileSync::getLastErrorFormatted(const int lastError) //try to get additional Linux error information { //determine error code if none was specified const int lastErrorCode = lastError == 0 ? errno : lastError; wxString output = wxString(wxT("Linux Error Code ")) + wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), lastErrorCode); output += wxString(wxT(": ")) + ::strerror(lastErrorCode); return output; } #endif