#include "resolve_path.h" #include #include #include "string_conv.h" #include "loki/ScopeGuard.h" #ifdef FFS_WIN #include "dll_loader.h" #include //includes "windows.h" #include "long_path_prefix.h" #elif defined FFS_LINUX #include #include "file_traverser.h" #include "stdlib.h" #endif using namespace zen; namespace { #ifdef FFS_WIN Zstring resolveRelativePath(const Zstring& relativeName, DWORD proposedBufferSize = 1000) { std::vector fullPath(proposedBufferSize); const DWORD rv = ::GetFullPathName( applyLongPathPrefix(relativeName).c_str(), //__in LPCTSTR lpFileName, proposedBufferSize, //__in DWORD nBufferLength, &fullPath[0], //__out LPTSTR lpBuffer, NULL); //__out LPTSTR *lpFilePart if (rv == 0 || rv == proposedBufferSize) //ERROR! Don't do anything return relativeName; if (rv > proposedBufferSize) return resolveRelativePath(relativeName, rv); return &fullPath[0]; } #elif defined FFS_LINUX Zstring resolveRelativePath(const Zstring& relativeName) //additional: resolves symbolic links!!! { char absolutePath[PATH_MAX + 1]; if (::realpath(relativeName.c_str(), absolutePath) == NULL) //ERROR! Don't do anything return relativeName; return Zstring(absolutePath); } #endif bool replaceMacro(wxString& macro) //macro without %-characters, return true if replaced successfully { if (macro.IsEmpty()) return false; //there are equally named environment variables %TIME%, %DATE% existing, so replace these first! if (macro.CmpNoCase(wxT("time")) == 0) { macro = wxDateTime::Now().FormatISOTime(); macro.Replace(wxT(":"), wxT("")); return true; } if (macro.CmpNoCase(wxT("date")) == 0) { macro = wxDateTime::Now().FormatISODate(); return true; } auto processPhrase = [&](const wchar_t* phrase, const wchar_t* format) -> bool { if (macro.CmpNoCase(phrase) != 0) return false; macro = wxDateTime::Now().Format(format); return true; }; if (processPhrase(L"weekday", L"%A")) return true; if (processPhrase(L"day" , L"%d")) return true; if (processPhrase(L"month" , L"%B")) return true; if (processPhrase(L"week" , L"%U")) return true; if (processPhrase(L"year" , L"%Y")) return true; if (processPhrase(L"hour" , L"%H")) return true; if (processPhrase(L"min" , L"%M")) return true; if (processPhrase(L"sec" , L"%S")) return true; //try to apply environment variables wxString envValue; if (wxGetEnv(macro, &envValue)) { macro = envValue; //some postprocessing: macro.Trim(true); //remove leading, trailing blanks macro.Trim(false); // //remove leading, trailing double-quotes if (macro.StartsWith(wxT("\"")) && macro.EndsWith(wxT("\"")) && macro.length() >= 2) macro = wxString(macro.c_str() + 1, macro.length() - 2); return true; } return false; } void expandMacros(wxString& text) { const wxChar SEPARATOR = '%'; if (text.Find(SEPARATOR) != wxNOT_FOUND) { wxString prefix = text.BeforeFirst(SEPARATOR); wxString postfix = text.AfterFirst(SEPARATOR); if (postfix.Find(SEPARATOR) != wxNOT_FOUND) { wxString potentialMacro = postfix.BeforeFirst(SEPARATOR); wxString rest = postfix.AfterFirst(SEPARATOR); //text == prefix + SEPARATOR + potentialMacro + SEPARATOR + rest if (replaceMacro(potentialMacro)) { expandMacros(rest); text = prefix + potentialMacro + rest; } else { rest = SEPARATOR + rest; expandMacros(rest); text = prefix + SEPARATOR + potentialMacro + rest; } } } } #ifdef FFS_LINUX class TraverseMedia : public zen::TraverseCallback { public: typedef std::map DeviceList; //device name -> device path mapping TraverseMedia(DeviceList& devices) : devices_(devices) {} virtual void onFile(const Zchar* shortName, const Zstring& fullName, const FileInfo& details) {} virtual void onSymlink(const Zchar* shortName, const Zstring& fullName, const SymlinkInfo& details) {} virtual ReturnValDir onDir(const Zchar* shortName, const Zstring& fullName) { devices_.insert(std::make_pair(shortName, fullName)); return Loki::Int2Type(); //DON'T traverse into subdirs } virtual HandleError onError(const std::wstring& errorText) { return TRAV_ERROR_IGNORE; } private: DeviceList& devices_; }; #endif Zstring getVolumePath(const Zstring& volumeName) //empty string on error { #ifdef FFS_WIN std::vector volGuid(10000); HANDLE hVol = ::FindFirstVolume(&volGuid[0], static_cast(volGuid.size())); if (hVol != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Loki::ScopeGuard dummy = Loki::MakeGuard(::FindVolumeClose, hVol); (void)dummy; do { std::vector volName(MAX_PATH + 1); if (::GetVolumeInformation(&volGuid[0], //__in_opt LPCTSTR lpRootPathName, &volName[0], //__out LPTSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer, static_cast(volName.size()), //__in DWORD nVolumeNameSize, NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber, NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpMaximumComponentLength, NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpFileSystemFlags, NULL, //__out LPTSTR lpFileSystemNameBuffer, 0)) //__in DWORD nFileSystemNameSize { if (EqualFilename()(volumeName, Zstring(&volName[0]))) { //GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName is not available for Windows 2000! typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameWFunc)(LPCWSTR lpszVolumeName, LPWCH lpszVolumePathNames, DWORD cchBufferLength, PDWORD lpcchReturnLength); static const GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameWFunc getVolumePathNamesForVolumeName = util::getDllFun(L"kernel32.dll", "GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW"); if (getVolumePathNamesForVolumeName != NULL) { std::vector volPath(10000); DWORD returnedLen = 0; if (getVolumePathNamesForVolumeName(&volGuid[0], //__in LPCTSTR lpszVolumeName, &volPath[0], //__out LPTSTR lpszVolumePathNames, static_cast(volPath.size()), //__in DWORD cchBufferLength, &returnedLen)) //__out PDWORD lpcchReturnLength { return &volPath[0]; //return first path name in double-null terminated list! } } return &volGuid[0]; //GUID looks ugly, but should be working correctly } } } while (::FindNextVolume(hVol, &volGuid[0], static_cast(volGuid.size()))); } #elif defined FFS_LINUX //due to the naming convention on Linux /media/ this function is not that useful, but... TraverseMedia::DeviceList deviceList; TraverseMedia traverser(deviceList); traverseFolder("/media", false, traverser); //traverse one level TraverseMedia::DeviceList::const_iterator iter = deviceList.find(volumeName); if (iter != deviceList.end()) return iter->second; #endif return Zstring(); } void expandVolumeName(Zstring& text) // [volname]:\folder [volname]\folder [volname]folder -> C:\folder { Zstring before; Zstring volname; Zstring after; size_t posStart = text.find(Zstr("[")); if (posStart != Zstring::npos) { size_t posEnd = text.find(Zstr("]"), posStart); if (posEnd != Zstring::npos) { before = Zstring(text.c_str(), posStart); volname = Zstring(text.c_str() + posStart + 1, posEnd - posStart - 1); after = Zstring(text.c_str() + posEnd + 1); if (startsWith(after, ':')) after = afterFirst(after, ':'); if (startsWith(after, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR)) after = afterFirst(after, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR); } } if (volname.empty()) return; Zstring volPath = getVolumePath(volname); //return empty string on error if (volPath.empty()) return; if (!volPath.EndsWith(FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR)) volPath += FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR; text = before + volPath + after; } } Zstring zen::getFormattedDirectoryName(const Zstring& dirname) { //Formatting is needed since functions expect the directory to end with '\' to be able to split the relative names. //note: don't combine directory formatting with wxFileName, as it doesn't respect //?/ - prefix! wxString dirnameTmp = toWx(dirname); expandMacros(dirnameTmp); Zstring output = toZ(dirnameTmp); expandVolumeName(output); //remove leading/trailing whitespace trim(output, true, false); while (endsWith(output, " ")) //don't remove all whitespace from right, e.g. 0xa0 may be used as part of dir name output.resize(output.size() - 1); if (output.empty()) //an empty string will later be returned as "\"; this is not desired return Zstring(); /* resolve relative names; required by: WINDOWS: - \\?\-prefix which needs absolute names - Volume Shadow Copy: volume name needs to be part of each filename - file icon buffer (at least for extensions that are actually read from disk, e.g. "exe") - ::SHFileOperation(): Using relative path names is not thread safe WINDOWS/LINUX: - detection of dependent directories, e.g. "\" and "C:\test" */ output = resolveRelativePath(output); if (!output.EndsWith(FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR)) output += FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR; return output; }