#include "recycler.h" #include "dllLoader.h" #include #include //includes "windows.h" #include "buildInfo.h" #include "staticAssert.h" #include #include //#include "../shared/longPathPrefix.h" const std::wstring& getRecyclerDllName() { static const std::wstring filename( Utility::is64BitBuild ? L"Recycler_x64.dll": L"Recycler_Win32.dll"); assert_static(Utility::is32BitBuild || Utility::is64BitBuild); return filename; } bool vistaOrLater() { OSVERSIONINFO osvi; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); //IFileOperation is supported with Vista and later if (GetVersionEx(&osvi)) return osvi.dwMajorVersion > 5; //XP has majorVersion == 5, minorVersion == 1 //Vista has majorVersion == 6, minorVersion == 0 //version overview: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724834(VS.85).aspx return false; } /* Performance test: delete 1000 files ------------------------------------ SHFileOperation - single file 33s SHFileOperation - multiple files 2,1s IFileOperation - single file 33s IFileOperation - multiple files 2,1s => SHFileOperation and IFileOperation have nearly IDENTICAL performance characteristics! Nevertheless, let's use IFileOperation for better error reporting! */ void FreeFileSync::moveToWindowsRecycler(const Zstring& fileToDelete) //throw (FileError) { std::vector fileNames; fileNames.push_back(fileToDelete); moveToWindowsRecycler(fileNames); //throw (FileError) } void FreeFileSync::moveToWindowsRecycler(const std::vector& filesToDelete) //throw (FileError) { if (filesToDelete.empty()) return; static const bool useIFileOperation = vistaOrLater(); if (useIFileOperation) //new recycle bin usage: available since Vista { typedef bool (*MoveToRecycleBinFunc)( const wchar_t* fileNames[], size_t fileNo, //size of fileNames array wchar_t* errorMessage, size_t errorBufferLen); static const MoveToRecycleBinFunc moveToRecycler = Utility::loadDllFunction(getRecyclerDllName().c_str(), "moveToRecycleBin"); if (moveToRecycler == NULL) throw FileError(wxString(_("Could not load a required DLL:")) + wxT(" \"") + getRecyclerDllName().c_str() + wxT("\"")); //#warning moving long file paths to recycler does not work! clarify! // std::vector temp; // std::transform(filesToDelete.begin(), filesToDelete.end(), // std::back_inserter(temp), std::ptr_fun(FreeFileSync::removeLongPathPrefix)); //::IFileOperation() can't handle \\?\-prefix! std::vector fileNames; std::transform(filesToDelete.begin(), filesToDelete.end(), std::back_inserter(fileNames), std::mem_fun_ref(&Zstring::c_str)); wchar_t errorMessage[2000]; if (!(*moveToRecycler)(&fileNames[0], //array must not be empty fileNames.size(), errorMessage, 2000)) { throw FileError(wxString(_("Error moving to Recycle Bin:")) + wxT("\n\"") + fileNames[0] + wxT("\"") + //report first file only... better than nothing + wxT("\n\n") + wxT("(") + errorMessage + wxT(")")); } } else //regular recycle bin usage: available since XP { Zstring filenameDoubleNull; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = filesToDelete.begin(); i != filesToDelete.end(); ++i) { //#warning moving long file paths to recycler does not work! clarify! //filenameDoubleNull += removeLongPathPrefix(*i); //::SHFileOperation() can't handle \\?\-prefix! filenameDoubleNull += *i; //::SHFileOperation() can't handle \\?\-prefix! filenameDoubleNull += DefaultChar(0); } SHFILEOPSTRUCT fileOp; fileOp.hwnd = NULL; fileOp.wFunc = FO_DELETE; fileOp.pFrom = filenameDoubleNull.c_str(); fileOp.pTo = NULL; fileOp.fFlags = FOF_ALLOWUNDO | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_SILENT | FOF_NOERRORUI; fileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = false; fileOp.hNameMappings = NULL; fileOp.lpszProgressTitle = NULL; if (SHFileOperation(&fileOp) != 0 || fileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted) { throw FileError(wxString(_("Error moving to Recycle Bin:")) + wxT("\n\"") + filenameDoubleNull.c_str() + wxT("\"")); //report first file only... better than nothing } } }