// ************************************************************************** // * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under * // * GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * // * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 ZenJu (zhnmju123 AT gmx.de) * // ************************************************************************** // #include "icon_buffer.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef FFS_WIN #include //includes "windows.h" #elif defined FFS_LINUX #include #include #include #endif using ffs3::IconBuffer; #ifdef FFS_WIN IconBuffer::BasicString IconBuffer::getFileExtension(const BasicString& filename) { const BasicString shortName = filename.AfterLast(Zchar('\\')); //warning: using windows file name separator! return shortName.find(Zchar('.')) != BasicString::npos ? filename.AfterLast(Zchar('.')) : BasicString(); } //test for extension for icons that physically have to be retrieved from disc bool IconBuffer::isPriceyExtension(const IconBuffer::BasicString& extension) { static std::set exceptions; //not thread-safe, but called from worker thread only! if (exceptions.empty()) { exceptions.insert(Zstr("exe")); exceptions.insert(Zstr("lnk")); exceptions.insert(Zstr("ico")); exceptions.insert(Zstr("ani")); exceptions.insert(Zstr("cur")); exceptions.insert(Zstr("url")); exceptions.insert(Zstr("msc")); exceptions.insert(Zstr("scr")); } return exceptions.find(extension) != exceptions.end(); } #endif //################################################################################################################################################ class IconBuffer::IconHolder //handle HICON/GdkPixbuf ownership WITHOUT ref-counting to allow thread-safe usage (in contrast to wxIcon) { public: #ifdef FFS_WIN typedef HICON HandleType; #elif defined FFS_LINUX typedef GdkPixbuf* HandleType; #endif IconHolder(HandleType handle = 0) : handle_(handle) {} //take ownership! //icon holder has value semantics! IconHolder(const IconHolder& other) : handle_(other.handle_ == 0 ? 0 : #ifdef FFS_WIN ::CopyIcon(other.handle_) #elif defined FFS_LINUX gdk_pixbuf_copy(other.handle_) //create new Pix buf with reference count 1 or return 0 on error #endif ) {} IconHolder& operator=(const IconHolder& other) { IconHolder(other).swap(*this); return *this; } ~IconHolder() { if (handle_ != 0) #ifdef FFS_WIN ::DestroyIcon(handle_); #elif defined FFS_LINUX g_object_unref(handle_); #endif } void swap(IconHolder& other) //throw() { std::swap(handle_, other.handle_); } wxIcon toWxIcon() const //copy HandleType, caller needs to take ownership! { if (handle_ == 0) return wxNullIcon; IconHolder clone(*this); wxIcon newIcon; //attention: wxIcon uses reference counting! #ifdef FFS_WIN newIcon.SetHICON(clone.handle_); // newIcon.SetSize(IconBuffer::ICON_SIZE, IconBuffer::ICON_SIZE); //icon is actually scaled to this size (just in case referenced HICON differs) #elif defined FFS_LINUX // newIcon.SetPixbuf(clone.handle_); // transfer ownership!! #endif // clone.handle_ = 0; // return newIcon; } private: HandleType handle_; }; const wxIcon& IconBuffer::getDirectoryIcon() //one folder icon should be sufficient... { static wxIcon folderIcon; static bool isInitalized = false; //not thread-safe, but called from GUI thread only! if (!isInitalized) { isInitalized = true; #ifdef FFS_WIN SHFILEINFO fileInfo = {}; //initialize hIcon //NOTE: CoInitializeEx()/CoUninitialize() needs to be called for THIS thread! if (::SHGetFileInfo(Zstr("dummy"), //Windows Seven doesn't like this parameter to be an empty string FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES) && fileInfo.hIcon != 0) //fix for weird error: SHGetFileInfo() might return successfully WITHOUT filling fileInfo.hIcon!! { folderIcon.SetHICON(fileInfo.hIcon); //transfer ownership! folderIcon.SetSize(IconBuffer::ICON_SIZE, IconBuffer::ICON_SIZE); } #elif defined FFS_LINUX folderIcon = getAssociatedIcon(Zstr("/usr/")).toWxIcon(); //all directories will look like "/usr/" #endif } return folderIcon; } const wxIcon& IconBuffer::getFileIcon() //in case one folder icon is sufficient... { static wxIcon fileIcon; static bool isInitalized = false; //not thread-safe, but called from GUI thread only! if (!isInitalized) { isInitalized = true; #ifdef FFS_WIN SHFILEINFO fileInfo = {}; //initialize hIcon //NOTE: CoInitializeEx()/CoUninitialize() needs to be called for THIS thread! if (::SHGetFileInfo(Zstr("dummy"), //Windows Seven doesn't like this parameter to be an empty string FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES) && fileInfo.hIcon != 0) //fix for weird error: SHGetFileInfo() might return successfully WITHOUT filling fileInfo.hIcon!! { fileIcon.SetHICON(fileInfo.hIcon); //transfer ownership! fileIcon.SetSize(IconBuffer::ICON_SIZE, IconBuffer::ICON_SIZE); } #elif defined FFS_LINUX try { Glib::RefPtr iconTheme = Gtk::IconTheme::get_default(); if (iconTheme) { Glib::RefPtr iconPixbuf = iconTheme->load_icon("misc", ICON_SIZE, Gtk::ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN); if (!iconPixbuf) iconPixbuf = iconTheme->load_icon("text-x-generic", ICON_SIZE, Gtk::ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN); if (iconPixbuf) fileIcon.SetPixbuf(iconPixbuf->gobj_copy()); // transfer ownership!! } } catch (const Glib::Error&) {} #endif } return fileIcon; } IconBuffer::IconHolder IconBuffer::getAssociatedIcon(const BasicString& filename) { #ifdef FFS_WIN //despite what docu says about SHGetFileInfo() it can't handle all relative filenames, e.g. "\DirName" //but no problem, directory formatting takes care that filenames are always absolute! SHFILEINFO fileInfo = {}; //initialize hIcon -> fix for weird error: SHGetFileInfo() might return successfully WITHOUT filling fileInfo.hIcon!! //bug report: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2768004&group_id=234430&atid=1093080 //NOTE: CoInitializeEx()/CoUninitialize() needs to be called for THIS thread! ::SHGetFileInfo(filename.c_str(), //ffs3::removeLongPathPrefix(fileName), //::SHGetFileInfo() can't handle \\?\-prefix! 0, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_SMALLICON); return IconHolder(fileInfo.hIcon); //pass icon ownership (may be 0) #elif defined FFS_LINUX //call Gtk::Main::init_gtkmm_internals() on application startup!! try { Glib::RefPtr fileObj = Gio::File::create_for_path(filename.c_str()); //never fails Glib::RefPtr fileInfo = fileObj->query_info(G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_STANDARD_ICON); if (fileInfo) { Glib::RefPtr gicon = fileInfo->get_icon(); if (gicon) { Glib::RefPtr iconTheme = Gtk::IconTheme::get_default(); if (iconTheme) { Gtk::IconInfo iconInfo = iconTheme->lookup_icon(gicon, ICON_SIZE, Gtk::ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN); //this may fail if icon is not installed on system if (iconInfo) { Glib::RefPtr iconPixbuf = iconInfo.load_icon(); //render icon into Pixbuf if (iconPixbuf) return IconHolder(iconPixbuf->gobj_copy()); //copy and pass icon ownership (may be 0) } } } } } catch (const Glib::Error&) {} try //fallback: icon lookup may fail because some icons are currently not present on system { Glib::RefPtr iconTheme = Gtk::IconTheme::get_default(); if (iconTheme) { Glib::RefPtr iconPixbuf = iconTheme->load_icon("misc", ICON_SIZE, Gtk::ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN); if (!iconPixbuf) iconPixbuf = iconTheme->load_icon("text-x-generic", ICON_SIZE, Gtk::ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN); if (iconPixbuf) return IconHolder(iconPixbuf->gobj_copy()); //copy and pass icon ownership (may be 0) } } catch (const Glib::Error&) {} //fallback fallback return IconHolder(); #endif } #ifdef FFS_WIN IconBuffer::IconHolder IconBuffer::getAssociatedIconByExt(const BasicString& extension) { SHFILEINFO fileInfo = {}; //initialize hIcon -> fix for weird error: SHGetFileInfo() might return successfully WITHOUT filling fileInfo.hIcon!! //no read-access to disk! determine icon by extension ::SHGetFileInfo((Zstr("dummy.") + extension).c_str(), //Windows Seven doesn't like this parameter to be without short name FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, &fileInfo, sizeof(fileInfo), SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES); return IconHolder(fileInfo.hIcon); //pass icon ownership (may be 0) } #endif namespace { //failure to initialize COM for each thread is a source of hard to reproduce bugs: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3160472&group_id=234430&atid=1093080 struct ThreadInitializer { ThreadInitializer() { #ifdef FFS_WIN ::CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); #endif } ~ThreadInitializer() { #ifdef FFS_WIN ::CoUninitialize(); #endif } }; } class IconBuffer::WorkerThread { public: WorkerThread(IconBuffer& iconBuff); ~WorkerThread(); void setWorkload(const std::vector& load); //(re-)set new workload of icons to be retrieved void operator()(); //thread entry private: void doWork(); //---------------------- Shared Data ------------------------- typedef BasicString FileName; struct SharedData { std::vector workload; //processes last elements of vector first! boost::mutex mutex; boost::condition_variable condition; //signal event: data for processing available } shared; //------------------------------------------------------------ IconBuffer& iconBuffer; boost::thread threadObj; }; IconBuffer::WorkerThread::WorkerThread(IconBuffer& iconBuff) : iconBuffer(iconBuff) { threadObj = boost::thread(boost::ref(*this)); //localize all thread logic to this class! } IconBuffer::WorkerThread::~WorkerThread() { setWorkload(std::vector()); //make sure interruption point is always reached! threadObj.interrupt(); threadObj.join(); } void IconBuffer::WorkerThread::setWorkload(const std::vector& load) //(re-)set new workload of icons to be retrieved { { boost::lock_guard dummy(shared.mutex); shared.workload.clear(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = load.begin(); i != load.end(); ++i) shared.workload.push_back(FileName(i->c_str(), i->size())); //make DEEP COPY from Zstring } shared.condition.notify_one(); //condition handling, see: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_43_0/doc/html/thread/synchronization.html#thread.synchronization.condvar_ref } void IconBuffer::WorkerThread::operator()() //thread entry { ThreadInitializer dummy1; try { while (true) { { boost::unique_lock dummy(shared.mutex); while(shared.workload.empty()) shared.condition.wait(dummy); //interruption point! //shared.condition.timed_wait(dummy, boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100)); } doWork(); //no need to lock the complete method! } } catch (boost::thread_interrupted&) { throw; //this is the only reasonable exception! } catch (const std::exception& e) //exceptions must be catched per thread { wxSafeShowMessage(wxString(_("An exception occurred!")) + wxT("(Icon buffer)"), wxString::FromAscii(e.what())); //simple wxMessageBox won't do for threads } catch (...) //exceptions must be catched per thread { wxSafeShowMessage(wxString(_("An exception occurred!")) + wxT("(Icon buffer2)"), wxT("Unknown exception in icon thread!")); //simple wxMessageBox won't do for threads } } void IconBuffer::WorkerThread::doWork() { //do work: get the file icon. while (true) { BasicString fileName; { boost::lock_guard dummy(shared.mutex); if (shared.workload.empty()) break; //enter waiting state fileName = shared.workload.back(); //deep copy shared.workload.pop_back(); } if (iconBuffer.requestFileIcon(fileName.c_str())) //thread safety: Zstring okay, won't be reference-counted in requestIcon() continue; //icon already in buffer: skip #ifdef FFS_WIN const BasicString extension = getFileExtension(fileName); //thread-safe: no sharing! if (isPriceyExtension(extension)) //"pricey" extensions are stored with fullnames and are read from disk, while cheap ones require just the extension { const IconHolder newIcon = IconBuffer::getAssociatedIcon(fileName); iconBuffer.insertIntoBuffer(fileName, newIcon); } else //no read-access to disk! determine icon by extension { const IconHolder newIcon = IconBuffer::getAssociatedIconByExt(extension); iconBuffer.insertIntoBuffer(extension, newIcon); } #elif defined FFS_LINUX const IconHolder newIcon = IconBuffer::getAssociatedIcon(fileName); iconBuffer.insertIntoBuffer(fileName, newIcon); #endif } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IconBuffer::IconDB : public std::map {}; //entryName/icon -> ATTENTION: avoid ref-counting for this shared data structure! class IconBuffer::IconDbSequence : public std::queue {}; //entryName //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IconBuffer& IconBuffer::getInstance() { static IconBuffer instance; return instance; } IconBuffer::IconBuffer() : buffer( new IconDB), bufSequence(new IconDbSequence), worker( new WorkerThread(*this)) //might throw exceptions! {} IconBuffer::~IconBuffer() {} //auto_ptr<>: keep destructor non-inline bool IconBuffer::requestFileIcon(const Zstring& fileName, wxIcon* icon) { boost::lock_guard dummy(lockIconDB); #ifdef FFS_WIN //"pricey" extensions are stored with fullnames and are read from disk, while cheap ones require just the extension const BasicString extension = getFileExtension(fileName.c_str()); const BasicString searchString = isPriceyExtension(extension) ? fileName.c_str() : extension.c_str(); IconDB::const_iterator i = buffer->find(searchString); #elif defined FFS_LINUX IconDB::const_iterator i = buffer->find(fileName.c_str()); #endif if (i == buffer->end()) return false; if (icon != NULL) *icon = i->second.toWxIcon(); return true; } void IconBuffer::setWorkload(const std::vector& load) { worker->setWorkload(load); } void IconBuffer::insertIntoBuffer(const BasicString& entryName, const IconHolder& icon) //called by worker thread { boost::lock_guard dummy(lockIconDB); //thread saftey: icon uses ref-counting! But is NOT shared with main thread! const std::pair rc = buffer->insert(std::make_pair(entryName, icon)); if (rc.second) //if insertion took place bufSequence->push(entryName); //note: sharing Zstring with IconDB!!! assert(buffer->size() == bufSequence->size()); //remove elements if buffer becomes too big: if (buffer->size() > BUFFER_SIZE_MAX) //limit buffer size: critical because GDI resources are limited (e.g. 10000 on XP per process) { //remove oldest element buffer->erase(bufSequence->front()); bufSequence->pop(); } }