#include "comparison.h" #include "library/globalFunctions.h" #include #include "library/globalFunctions.h" #include #include #include #include "library/multithreading.h" #include "algorithm.h" #include #include #ifdef FFS_WIN #include //includes "windows.h" #endif //FFS_WIN using namespace FreeFileSync; class GetAllFilesFull : public FullDetailFileTraverser { public: GetAllFilesFull(DirectoryDescrType& output, Zstring dirThatIsSearched, StatusHandler* handler) : m_output(output), directory(dirThatIsSearched), statusHandler(handler) { prefixLength = directory.length(); textScanning = Zstring(_("Scanning:")) + wxT(" \n"); //performance optimization } inline void writeText(const wxChar* text, const int length, wxChar*& currentPos) { memcpy(currentPos, text, length * sizeof(wxChar)); currentPos+=length; } wxDirTraverseResult OnFile(const Zstring& fullFileName, const FileInfo& details) //virtual impl. { FileDescrLine fileDescr; fileDescr.fullName = fullFileName; fileDescr.directory = directory; fileDescr.relativeName = fullFileName.zsubstr(prefixLength); fileDescr.lastWriteTimeRaw = details.lastWriteTimeRaw; fileDescr.fileSize = details.fileSize; fileDescr.objType = FileDescrLine::TYPE_FILE; m_output.push_back(fileDescr); //assemble status message (performance optimized) = textScanning + wxT("\"") + fullFileName + wxT("\"") const unsigned int statusTextMaxLen = 2000; wxChar statusText[statusTextMaxLen]; wxChar* position = statusText; if (textScanning.length() + fullFileName.length() + 2 < statusTextMaxLen) //leave room for 0 terminating char! { writeText(textScanning.c_str(), textScanning.length(), position); writeText(wxT("\""), 1, position); writeText(fullFileName.c_str(), fullFileName.length(), position); writeText(wxT("\""), 1, position); } *position = 0; //update UI/commandline status information statusHandler->updateStatusText(statusText); //add 1 element to the progress indicator statusHandler->updateProcessedData(1, 0); //NO performance issue at all //trigger display refresh statusHandler->requestUiRefresh(); return wxDIR_CONTINUE; } wxDirTraverseResult OnDir(const Zstring& fullDirName) //virtual impl. { #ifdef FFS_WIN if ( fullDirName.EndsWith(wxT("\\RECYCLER")) || fullDirName.EndsWith(wxT("\\System Volume Information"))) return wxDIR_IGNORE; #endif // FFS_WIN FileDescrLine fileDescr; fileDescr.fullName = fullDirName; fileDescr.directory = directory; fileDescr.relativeName = fullDirName.zsubstr(prefixLength); fileDescr.lastWriteTimeRaw = 0; //irrelevant for directories fileDescr.fileSize = wxULongLong(0); //currently used by getBytesToTransfer fileDescr.objType = FileDescrLine::TYPE_DIRECTORY; m_output.push_back(fileDescr); //assemble status message (performance optimized) = textScanning + wxT("\"") + fullDirName + wxT("\"") const unsigned int statusTextMaxLen = 2000; wxChar statusText[statusTextMaxLen]; wxChar* position = statusText; if (textScanning.length() + fullDirName.length() + 2 < statusTextMaxLen) //leave room for 0 terminating char! { writeText(textScanning.c_str(), textScanning.length(), position); writeText(wxT("\""), 1, position); writeText(fullDirName.c_str(), fullDirName.length(), position); writeText(wxT("\""), 1, position); } *position = 0; //update UI/commandline status information statusHandler->updateStatusText(statusText); //add 1 element to the progress indicator statusHandler->updateProcessedData(1, 0); //NO performance issue at all //trigger display refresh statusHandler->requestUiRefresh(); return wxDIR_CONTINUE; } wxDirTraverseResult OnError(const Zstring& errorText) //virtual impl. { while (true) { ErrorHandler::Response rv = statusHandler->reportError(errorText); if (rv == ErrorHandler::IGNORE_ERROR) return wxDIR_CONTINUE; else if (rv == ErrorHandler::RETRY) ; //I have to admit "retry" is a bit of a fake here... at least the user has opportunity to abort! else { assert (false); return wxDIR_CONTINUE; } } return wxDIR_CONTINUE; } private: DirectoryDescrType& m_output; Zstring directory; int prefixLength; Zstring textScanning; StatusHandler* statusHandler; }; struct DescrBufferLine { Zstring directoryName; DirectoryDescrType* directoryDesc; bool operator < (const DescrBufferLine& b) const { #ifdef FFS_WIN //Windows does NOT distinguish between upper/lower-case return (directoryName.CmpNoCase(b.directoryName) < 0); #elif defined FFS_LINUX //Linux DOES distinguish between upper/lower-case return (directoryName.Cmp(b.directoryName) < 0); #endif } }; class FreeFileSync::DirectoryDescrBuffer //buffer multiple scans of the same directories { public: DirectoryDescrBuffer(const bool traverseDirectorySymlinks, StatusHandler* statusUpdater) : m_traverseDirectorySymlinks(traverseDirectorySymlinks), m_statusUpdater(statusUpdater) {} ~DirectoryDescrBuffer() { //clean up for (std::set::iterator i = buffer.begin(); i != buffer.end(); ++i) delete i->directoryDesc; } DirectoryDescrType* getDirectoryDescription(const Zstring& directoryFormatted) { DescrBufferLine bufferEntry; bufferEntry.directoryName = directoryFormatted; std::set::iterator entryFound = buffer.find(bufferEntry); if (entryFound != buffer.end()) { //entry found in buffer; return return entryFound->directoryDesc; } else { //entry not found; create new one bufferEntry.directoryDesc = new DirectoryDescrType; buffer.insert(bufferEntry); //exception safety: insert into buffer right after creation! //get all files and folders from directoryFormatted (and subdirectories) GetAllFilesFull traverser(*bufferEntry.directoryDesc, directoryFormatted, m_statusUpdater); //exceptions may be thrown! traverseInDetail(directoryFormatted, m_traverseDirectorySymlinks, &traverser); return bufferEntry.directoryDesc; } } private: std::set buffer; const bool m_traverseDirectorySymlinks; StatusHandler* m_statusUpdater; }; bool foldersAreValidForComparison(const std::vector& folderPairs, wxString& errorMessage) { errorMessage.Clear(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = folderPairs.begin(); i != folderPairs.end(); ++i) { const Zstring leftFolderName = getFormattedDirectoryName(i->leftDirectory); const Zstring rightFolderName = getFormattedDirectoryName(i->rightDirectory); //check if folder name is empty if (leftFolderName.empty() || rightFolderName.empty()) { errorMessage = _("Please fill all empty directory fields."); return false; } //check if folder exists if (!wxDirExists(leftFolderName)) { errorMessage = wxString(_("Directory does not exist:")) + wxT(" \"") + leftFolderName + wxT("\""); return false; } if (!wxDirExists(rightFolderName)) { errorMessage = wxString(_("Directory does not exist:")) + wxT(" \"") + rightFolderName + wxT("\""); return false; } } return true; } bool dependencyExists(const std::vector& folders, const Zstring& newFolder, wxString& warningMessage) { warningMessage.Clear(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = folders.begin(); i != folders.end(); ++i) if (newFolder.StartsWith(*i) || i->StartsWith(newFolder)) { warningMessage = wxString(_("Directories are dependent! Be careful when setting up synchronization rules:")) + wxT("\n") + wxT("\"") + *i + wxT("\",\n") + wxT("\"") + newFolder + wxT("\""); return true; } return false; } bool foldersHaveDependencies(const std::vector& folderPairs, wxString& warningMessage) { warningMessage.Clear(); std::vector folders; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = folderPairs.begin(); i != folderPairs.end(); ++i) { const Zstring leftFolderName = getFormattedDirectoryName(i->leftDirectory); const Zstring rightFolderName = getFormattedDirectoryName(i->rightDirectory); if (dependencyExists(folders, leftFolderName, warningMessage)) return true; folders.push_back(leftFolderName); if (dependencyExists(folders, rightFolderName, warningMessage)) return true; folders.push_back(rightFolderName); } return false; } CompareProcess::CompareProcess(const bool traverseSymLinks, const unsigned fileTimeTol, bool& warningDependentFolders, StatusHandler* handler) : traverseDirectorySymlinks(traverseSymLinks), fileTimeTolerance(fileTimeTol), m_warningDependentFolders(warningDependentFolders), statusUpdater(handler), txtComparingContentOfFiles(_("Comparing content of files %x")) { descriptionBuffer = new DirectoryDescrBuffer(traverseSymLinks, handler); txtComparingContentOfFiles.Replace(wxT("%x"), wxT("\n\"%x\""), false); } CompareProcess::~CompareProcess() { delete descriptionBuffer; } struct MemoryAllocator { MemoryAllocator() { buffer1 = new unsigned char[bufferSize]; buffer2 = new unsigned char[bufferSize]; } ~MemoryAllocator() { delete [] buffer1; delete [] buffer2; } static const unsigned int bufferSize = 512 * 1024; //512 kb seems to be the perfect buffer size unsigned char* buffer1; unsigned char* buffer2; }; //callback functionality struct CallBackData { StatusHandler* handler; wxULongLong bytesComparedLast; }; //callback function for status updates whily comparing typedef void (*CompareCallback)(const wxULongLong&, void*); void compareContentCallback(const wxULongLong& totalBytesTransferred, void* data) { //called every 512 kB CallBackData* sharedData = static_cast(data); //inform about the (differential) processed amount of data sharedData->handler->updateProcessedData(0, (totalBytesTransferred - sharedData->bytesComparedLast).ToDouble()); sharedData->bytesComparedLast = totalBytesTransferred; sharedData->handler->requestUiRefresh(); //exceptions may be thrown here! } bool filesHaveSameContent(const Zstring& filename1, const Zstring& filename2, CompareCallback callback, void* data) { static MemoryAllocator memory; wxFFile file1(filename1.c_str(), wxT("rb")); if (!file1.IsOpened()) throw FileError(Zstring(_("Error reading file:")) + wxT(" \"") + filename1 + wxT("\"")); wxFFile file2(filename2.c_str(), wxT("rb")); if (!file2.IsOpened()) //NO cleanup necessary for (wxFFile) file1 throw FileError(Zstring(_("Error reading file:")) + wxT(" \"") + filename2 + wxT("\"")); wxULongLong bytesCompared; do { const size_t length1 = file1.Read(memory.buffer1, memory.bufferSize); if (file1.Error()) throw FileError(Zstring(_("Error reading file:")) + wxT(" \"") + filename1 + wxT("\"")); const size_t length2 = file2.Read(memory.buffer2, memory.bufferSize); if (file2.Error()) throw FileError(Zstring(_("Error reading file:")) + wxT(" \"") + filename2 + wxT("\"")); if (length1 != length2 || memcmp(memory.buffer1, memory.buffer2, length1) != 0) return false; bytesCompared += length1 * 2; //send progress updates callback(bytesCompared, data); } while (!file1.Eof()); if (!file2.Eof()) return false; return true; } bool filesHaveSameContentUpdating(const Zstring& filename1, const Zstring& filename2, const wxULongLong& totalBytesToCmp, StatusHandler* handler) { CallBackData sharedData; sharedData.handler = handler; //data.bytesTransferredLast = //amount of bytes that have been compared and communicated to status handler bool sameContent = true; try { sameContent = filesHaveSameContent(filename1, filename2, compareContentCallback, &sharedData); } catch (...) { //error situation: undo communication of processed amount of data handler->updateProcessedData(0, sharedData.bytesComparedLast.ToDouble() * -1 ); throw; } //inform about the (remaining) processed amount of data handler->updateProcessedData(0, (totalBytesToCmp - sharedData.bytesComparedLast).ToDouble()); return sameContent; } /* OLD IMPLEMENTATION USING A WORKER THREAD //handle execution of a method while updating the UI class UpdateWhileComparing : public UpdateWhileExecuting { public: UpdateWhileComparing() {} ~UpdateWhileComparing() {} Zstring file1; Zstring file2; bool success; Zstring errorMessage; bool sameContent; private: void longRunner() //virtual method implementation { try { sameContent = filesHaveSameContent(file1, file2); success = true; } catch (FileError& error) { success = false; errorMessage = error.show(); } } }; bool filesHaveSameContentUpdating(const Zstring& filename1, const Zstring& filename2, const wxULongLong& totalBytesToCmp, StatusHandler* updateClass) { static UpdateWhileComparing cmpAndUpdate; //single instantiation: thread enters wait phase after each execution cmpAndUpdate.waitUntilReady(); //longRunner is called from thread, but no mutex needed here, since thread is in waiting state! cmpAndUpdate.file1 = filename1; cmpAndUpdate.file2 = filename2; cmpAndUpdate.execute(updateClass); //no mutex needed here since longRunner is finished if (!cmpAndUpdate.success) throw FileError(cmpAndUpdate.errorMessage); //inform about the processed amount of data updateClass->updateProcessedData(0, totalBytesToCmp.ToDouble()); return cmpAndUpdate.sameContent; }*/ void getBytesToCompare(int& objectsTotal, double& dataTotal, const FileCompareResult& grid, const std::set& rowsToCompare) { dataTotal = 0; for (std::set::iterator i = rowsToCompare.begin(); i != rowsToCompare.end(); ++i) { const FileCompareLine& gridline = grid[*i]; dataTotal+= gridline.fileDescrLeft.fileSize.ToDouble(); dataTotal+= gridline.fileDescrRight.fileSize.ToDouble(); } objectsTotal = rowsToCompare.size() * 2; } inline bool sameFileTime(const wxLongLong& a, const wxLongLong& b, const unsigned tolerance) { if (a < b) return b - a <= tolerance; else return a - b <= tolerance; } void CompareProcess::startCompareProcess(const std::vector& directoryPairs, const CompareVariant cmpVar, FileCompareResult& output) throw(AbortThisProcess) { #ifndef __WXDEBUG__ wxLogNull noWxLogs; //hide wxWidgets log messages in release build #endif //PERF_START; //format directory pairs std::vector directoryPairsFormatted; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = directoryPairs.begin(); i != directoryPairs.end(); ++i) { FolderPair newEntry; newEntry.leftDirectory = FreeFileSync::getFormattedDirectoryName(i->leftDirectory); newEntry.rightDirectory = FreeFileSync::getFormattedDirectoryName(i->rightDirectory); directoryPairsFormatted.push_back(newEntry); } //some basic checks: //check if folders are valid wxString errorMessage; if (!foldersAreValidForComparison(directoryPairsFormatted, errorMessage)) { statusUpdater->reportFatalError(errorMessage.c_str()); return; //should be obsolete! } //check if folders have dependencies if (m_warningDependentFolders) //test if check should be executed { wxString warningMessage; if (foldersHaveDependencies(directoryPairsFormatted, warningMessage)) { bool dontShowAgain = false; statusUpdater->reportWarning(warningMessage.c_str(), dontShowAgain); m_warningDependentFolders = !dontShowAgain; } } try { FileCompareResult output_tmp; //write to output not before END of process! if (cmpVar == CMP_BY_TIME_SIZE) compareByTimeSize(directoryPairsFormatted, output_tmp); else if (cmpVar == CMP_BY_CONTENT) compareByContent(directoryPairsFormatted, output_tmp); else assert(false); //only if everything was processed correctly output is written to! output mustn't change to be in sync with GUI grid view!!! output_tmp.swap(output); } catch (const RuntimeException& theException) { statusUpdater->reportFatalError(theException.show().c_str()); return; //should be obsolete! } catch (std::bad_alloc& e) { statusUpdater->reportFatalError((wxString(_("System out of memory!")) + wxT(" ") + wxString::From8BitData(e.what())).c_str()); return; //should be obsolete! } } void CompareProcess::compareByTimeSize(const std::vector& directoryPairsFormatted, FileCompareResult& output) { //inform about the total amount of data that will be processed from now on statusUpdater->initNewProcess(-1, 0, StatusHandler::PROCESS_SCANNING); //it's not known how many files will be scanned => -1 objects //process one folder pair after each other unsigned tableSizeOld = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator pair = directoryPairsFormatted.begin(); pair != directoryPairsFormatted.end(); ++pair) { //do basis scan: only result lines of type FILE_UNDEFINED (files that exist on both sides) need to be determined after this call this->performBaseComparison(*pair, output); //categorize files that exist on both sides for (FileCompareResult::iterator i = output.begin() + tableSizeOld; i != output.end(); ++i) { if (i->cmpResult == FILE_UNDEFINED) { //last write time may differ by up to 2 seconds (NTFS vs FAT32) if (sameFileTime(i->fileDescrLeft.lastWriteTimeRaw, i->fileDescrRight.lastWriteTimeRaw, fileTimeTolerance)) { if (i->fileDescrLeft.fileSize == i->fileDescrRight.fileSize) i->cmpResult = FILE_EQUAL; else i->cmpResult = FILE_DIFFERENT; } else { if (i->fileDescrLeft.lastWriteTimeRaw < i->fileDescrRight.lastWriteTimeRaw) i->cmpResult = FILE_RIGHT_NEWER; else i->cmpResult = FILE_LEFT_NEWER; } } } tableSizeOld = output.size(); } } void CompareProcess::compareByContent(const std::vector& directoryPairsFormatted, FileCompareResult& output) { //PERF_START; //inform about the total amount of data that will be processed from now on statusUpdater->initNewProcess(-1, 0, StatusHandler::PROCESS_SCANNING); //it's not known how many files will be scanned => -1 objects //process one folder pair after each other for (std::vector::const_iterator pair = directoryPairsFormatted.begin(); pair != directoryPairsFormatted.end(); ++pair) { //do basis scan: only result lines of type FILE_UNDEFINED (files that exist on both sides) need to be determined after this call this->performBaseComparison(*pair, output); } std::set rowsToCompareBytewise; //content comparison of file content happens AFTER finding corresponding files //in order to separate into two processes (scanning and comparing) //pre-check: files have different content if they have a different filesize for (FileCompareResult::iterator i = output.begin(); i != output.end(); ++i) { if (i->cmpResult == FILE_UNDEFINED) { if (i->fileDescrLeft.fileSize != i->fileDescrRight.fileSize) i->cmpResult = FILE_DIFFERENT; else rowsToCompareBytewise.insert(i - output.begin()); } } int objectsTotal = 0; double dataTotal = 0; getBytesToCompare(objectsTotal, dataTotal, output, rowsToCompareBytewise); statusUpdater->initNewProcess(objectsTotal, dataTotal, StatusHandler::PROCESS_COMPARING_CONTENT); std::set rowsToDelete; //if errors occur during file access and user skips, these rows need to be deleted from result //compare files (that have same size) bytewise... for (std::set::iterator i = rowsToCompareBytewise.begin(); i != rowsToCompareBytewise.end(); ++i) { FileCompareLine& gridline = output[*i]; Zstring statusText = txtComparingContentOfFiles; statusText.Replace(wxT("%x"), gridline.fileDescrLeft.relativeName.c_str(), false); statusUpdater->updateStatusText(statusText); //check files that exist in left and right model but have different content while (true) { //trigger display refresh statusUpdater->requestUiRefresh(); try { if (filesHaveSameContentUpdating(gridline.fileDescrLeft.fullName, gridline.fileDescrRight.fullName, gridline.fileDescrLeft.fileSize * 2, statusUpdater)) gridline.cmpResult = FILE_EQUAL; else gridline.cmpResult = FILE_DIFFERENT; statusUpdater->updateProcessedData(2, 0); //processed data is communicated in subfunctions! break; } catch (FileError& error) { ErrorHandler::Response rv = statusUpdater->reportError(error.show()); if (rv == ErrorHandler::IGNORE_ERROR) { rowsToDelete.insert(*i); break; } else if (rv == ErrorHandler::RETRY) ; //continue with loop else assert (false); } } } //delete invalid rows that have no valid cmpResult if (rowsToDelete.size() > 0) removeRowsFromVector(output, rowsToDelete); } class ThreadSorting : public wxThread { public: ThreadSorting(DirectoryDescrType* directory) : wxThread(wxTHREAD_JOINABLE), m_directory(directory) { if (Create() != wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR) throw RuntimeException(wxString(wxT("Error creating thread for sorting!"))); } ~ThreadSorting() {} ExitCode Entry() { std::sort(m_directory->begin(), m_directory->end()); return 0; } private: DirectoryDescrType* m_directory; }; void CompareProcess::performBaseComparison(const FolderPair& pair, FileCompareResult& output) { //PERF_START; //retrieve sets of files (with description data) DirectoryDescrType* directoryLeft = descriptionBuffer->getDirectoryDescription(pair.leftDirectory); DirectoryDescrType* directoryRight = descriptionBuffer->getDirectoryDescription(pair.rightDirectory); statusUpdater->updateStatusText(_("Generating file list...")); statusUpdater->forceUiRefresh(); //keep total number of scanned files up to date //PERF_STOP; //we use binary search when comparing the directory structures: so sort() first if (wxThread::GetCPUCount() >= 2) //do it the multithreaded way: { //no synchronization (multithreading) needed here: directoryLeft and directoryRight are disjunct //reference counting Zstring also shouldn't be an issue, as no strings are deleted during std::sort() std::auto_ptr sortLeft(new ThreadSorting(directoryLeft)); std::auto_ptr sortRight(new ThreadSorting(directoryRight)); if (sortLeft->Run() != wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR) throw RuntimeException(wxString(wxT("Error starting thread for sorting!"))); if (directoryLeft != directoryRight) //attention: might point to the same vector because of buffer! { if (sortRight->Run() != wxTHREAD_NO_ERROR) throw RuntimeException(wxString(wxT("Error starting thread for sorting!"))); if (sortRight->Wait() != 0) throw RuntimeException(wxString(wxT("Error waiting for thread (sorting)!"))); } if (sortLeft->Wait() != 0) throw RuntimeException(wxString(wxT("Error waiting for thread (sorting)!"))); } else //single threaded { std::sort(directoryLeft->begin(), directoryLeft->end()); if (directoryLeft != directoryRight) //attention: might point to the same vector because of buffer! std::sort(directoryRight->begin(), directoryRight->end()); } //PERF_STOP; //reserve some space to avoid too many vector reallocations: doesn't make much sense for multiple folder pairs, but doesn't hurt either output.reserve(output.size() + unsigned(std::max(directoryLeft->size(), directoryRight->size()) * 1.2)); //begin base comparison FileCompareLine newline; DirectoryDescrType::iterator j; for (DirectoryDescrType::const_iterator i = directoryLeft->begin(); i != directoryLeft->end(); ++i) { //find files/folders that exist in left file tree but not in right one if ((j = custom_binary_search(directoryRight->begin(), directoryRight->end(), *i)) == directoryRight->end()) { newline.fileDescrLeft = *i; newline.fileDescrRight = FileDescrLine(); newline.fileDescrRight.directory = pair.rightDirectory; newline.cmpResult = FILE_LEFT_SIDE_ONLY; output.push_back(newline); } //find files/folders that exist on left and right side else { const FileDescrLine::ObjectType typeLeft = i->objType; const FileDescrLine::ObjectType typeRight = j->objType; //files... if (typeLeft == FileDescrLine::TYPE_FILE && typeRight == FileDescrLine::TYPE_FILE) { newline.fileDescrLeft = *i; newline.fileDescrRight = *j; newline.cmpResult = FILE_UNDEFINED; //not yet determined! output.push_back(newline); } //directories... else if (typeLeft == FileDescrLine::TYPE_DIRECTORY && typeRight == FileDescrLine::TYPE_DIRECTORY) { newline.fileDescrLeft = *i; newline.fileDescrRight = *j; newline.cmpResult = FILE_EQUAL; output.push_back(newline); } //if we have a nameclash between a file and a directory: split into two separate rows else { assert (typeLeft != typeRight); newline.fileDescrLeft = *i; newline.fileDescrRight = FileDescrLine(); newline.fileDescrRight.directory = pair.rightDirectory; newline.cmpResult = FILE_LEFT_SIDE_ONLY; output.push_back(newline); newline.fileDescrLeft = FileDescrLine(); newline.fileDescrLeft.directory = pair.leftDirectory; newline.fileDescrRight = *j; newline.cmpResult = FILE_RIGHT_SIDE_ONLY; output.push_back(newline); } } } for (DirectoryDescrType::const_iterator j = directoryRight->begin(); j != directoryRight->end(); ++j) { //find files/folders that exist in right file model but not in left model if (custom_binary_search(directoryLeft->begin(), directoryLeft->end(), *j) == directoryLeft->end()) { newline.fileDescrLeft = FileDescrLine(); newline.fileDescrLeft.directory = pair.leftDirectory; //directory info is needed when creating new directories newline.fileDescrRight = *j; newline.cmpResult = FILE_RIGHT_SIDE_ONLY; output.push_back(newline); } } //PERF_STOP }