Batch Scripting (Windows)

In order to facilitate using FreeFileSync and RealtimeSync in advanced synchronization scenarios, creating batch files is a good way to provide additional functionality. The following section will give some general hints for custom *.cmd and *.bat files.

Example: Shutdown PC after synchronization

Example: A simple locking facility – (Note: FreeFileSync already has a more powerful directory locking mechanism implemented that allows multiple writers in parallel)

    if not exist \\share\folder\lock (
    ::create the lock
    echo This is a lock file > \\share\folder\lock
    ::execute the synchronization batch job synchronously
    "C:\Program Files\FreeFileSync\FreeFileSync.exe" "C:\MySyncJob.ffs_batch"
      del \\share\folder\lock
    ) else (
    ::wait 5 seconds then try starting sync again:
    choice /C:AB /T:5 /D:A > NUL
      goto tryAgain


  1. When starting a batch file from RealtimeSync be sure to make synchronous calls to FreeFileSync only. This will prevent RealtimeSync from detecting changes while synchronization is still in progress.

  2. During execution of a Batch file a black console window is shown. You can hide this window by using the Visual Basic script "Invisible.vbs" located in the FreeFileSync installation directory.


    wscript C:\Program files\FreeFileSync\Invisible.vbs C:\MyBatchFile.cmd

  1. FreeFileSync returns with an Errorlevel below zero if unresolved problems remain:

    "C:\Program Files\FreeFileSync\FreeFileSync.exe" "H:\Silent_Config.ffs_batch"
    if not errorlevel 0 (
    ::if something went wrong, add special treatment here
    echo Errors occurred during synchronization...