Run as Service (Windows only)

The following step-by-step guide describes how to setup RealtimeSync (or any other application) as a Windows Service. This is necessary if the tool shall run on the SYSTEM account independent from currently logged-in users. If you are the only user and all you want is to start RealtimeSync automatically then it's better to place a link into Windows' Autostart folder, specifying RealtimeSync.exe and the .ffs_batch or .ffs_real file as argument.


1. Get access to the command-line tools "instsrv.exe" and "srvany.exe" which come with the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools:


2. Create and register a new Service via command line:

3. Link the new Service with RealtimeSync:

The new service is now ready for operation!

When running RealtimeSync as a service the application has no means to interact with the user. Therefore any popup dialog will block progress! Consider the following options when setting up a FreeFileSync batch job:

You can start the service now via command line or Windows Service administration:

By default the service is created with start-up type "automatic" which runs it on Windows start. This behavior can be changed in Windows Service administration.

If the Service shall be removed from the system, enter via command line: