path: root/ui/small_dlgs.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/small_dlgs.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1049 deletions
diff --git a/ui/small_dlgs.cpp b/ui/small_dlgs.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index df2e3e7a..00000000
--- a/ui/small_dlgs.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1049 +0,0 @@
-// **************************************************************************
-// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
-// * GNU General Public License: *
-// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT gmx DOT de) - All Rights Reserved *
-// **************************************************************************
-#include "small_dlgs.h"
-#include <wx/wupdlock.h>
-#include <zen/format_unit.h>
-#include <zen/build_info.h>
-#include <zen/tick_count.h>
-#include <zen/stl_tools.h>
-#include <wx+/choice_enum.h>
-#include <wx+/bitmap_button.h>
-#include <wx+/rtl.h>
-#include <wx+/no_flicker.h>
-#include <wx+/mouse_move_dlg.h>
-#include <wx+/image_tools.h>
-#include <wx+/font_size.h>
-#include <wx+/std_button_order.h>
-#include <wx+/popup_dlg.h>
-#include <wx+/image_resources.h>
-#include "gui_generated.h"
-#include "custom_grid.h"
-#include "../algorithm.h"
-#include "../synchronization.h"
-#include "../lib/help_provider.h"
-#include "../lib/hard_filter.h"
-#include "../version/version.h"
-using namespace zen;
-class AboutDlg : public AboutDlgGenerated
- AboutDlg(wxWindow* parent);
- virtual void OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnOK (wxCommandEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_OKAY); }
- virtual void OnDonate(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(L""); }
-AboutDlg::AboutDlg(wxWindow* parent) : AboutDlgGenerated(parent)
- setStandardButtonOrder(*bSizerStdButtons, StdButtons().setAffirmative(m_buttonClose));
- setRelativeFontSize(*m_buttonDonate, 1.25);
- assert(m_buttonClose->GetId() == wxID_OK); //we cannot use wxID_CLOSE else Esc key won't work: yet another wxWidgets bug??
- m_bitmap9 ->SetBitmap(getResourceImage(L"website"));
- m_bitmap10->SetBitmap(getResourceImage(L"email"));
- m_bitmap13->SetBitmap(getResourceImage(L"gpl"));
- //m_bitmapSmiley->SetBitmap(getResourceImage(L"smiley"));
- m_animCtrlWink->SetAnimation(getResourceAnimation(L"wink"));
- m_animCtrlWink->Play();
- //create language credits
- for (auto it = ExistingTranslations::get().begin(); it != ExistingTranslations::get().end(); ++it)
- {
- //flag
- wxStaticBitmap* staticBitmapFlag = new wxStaticBitmap(m_scrolledWindowTranslators, wxID_ANY, getResourceImage(it->languageFlag), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(-1, 11), 0 );
- fgSizerTranslators->Add(staticBitmapFlag, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER);
- //translator name
- wxStaticText* staticTextTranslator = new wxStaticText(m_scrolledWindowTranslators, wxID_ANY, it->translatorName, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- staticTextTranslator->Wrap(-1);
- fgSizerTranslators->Add(staticTextTranslator, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
- staticBitmapFlag ->SetToolTip(it->languageName);
- staticTextTranslator->SetToolTip(it->languageName);
- }
- fgSizerTranslators->Fit(m_scrolledWindowTranslators);
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- new zen::MouseMoveWindow(*this); //-> put *after* creating credits
- //build information
- wxString build = __TDATE__;
- build += L" - Unicode";
- build += L" - ANSI";
-#endif //wxUSE_UNICODE
- //compile time info about 32/64-bit build
- if (zen::is64BitBuild)
- build += L" x64";
- else
- build += L" x86";
- assert_static(zen::is32BitBuild || zen::is64BitBuild);
- GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); //~=Fit() + SetMinSize()
- //generate logo: put *after* first Fit()
- Layout(); //make sure m_panelLogo has final width (required by wxGTK)
- wxBitmap bmpLogo;
- {
- wxImage tmp = getResourceImage(L"logo").ConvertToImage();
- tmp.Resize(wxSize(GetClientSize().GetWidth(), tmp.GetHeight()), wxPoint(0, 0), 255, 255, 255); //enlarge to fit full width
- bmpLogo = wxBitmap(tmp);
- }
- {
- wxMemoryDC dc(bmpLogo);
- wxImage labelImage = createImageFromText(wxString(L"FreeFileSync ") + zen::currentVersion,
- wxFont(wxNORMAL_FONT->GetPointSize() * 1.8, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD, false, L"Tahoma"),
- *wxBLACK); //accessibility: align foreground/background colors!
- wxImage buildImage = createImageFromText(replaceCpy(_("Build: %x"), L"%x", build),
- *wxBLACK);
- wxImage dynImage = stackImages(labelImage, buildImage, ImageStackLayout::VERTICAL, ImageStackAlignment::CENTER, 0);
- dc.DrawBitmap(dynImage, wxPoint((bmpLogo.GetWidth () - dynImage.GetWidth ()) / 2,
- (bmpLogo.GetHeight() - dynImage.GetHeight()) / 2));
- }
- m_bitmapLogo->SetBitmap(bmpLogo);
- GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); //~=Fit() + SetMinSize()
- //=> works like a charm for GTK2 with window resizing problems and title bar corruption; e.g. Debian!!!
- m_buttonClose->SetFocus(); //on GTK ESC is only associated with wxID_OK correctly if we set at least *any* focus at all!!!
-void zen::showAboutDialog(wxWindow* parent)
- AboutDlg aboutDlg(parent);
- aboutDlg.ShowModal();
-class FilterDlg : public FilterDlgGenerated
- FilterDlg(wxWindow* parent,
- FilterConfig& filter,
- const wxString& title);
- ~FilterDlg() {}
- virtual void OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnHelpShowExamples(wxHyperlinkEvent& event) { displayHelpEntry(L"html/Exclude Items.html", this); }
- virtual void OnClear (wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnOkay (wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnUpdateChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) { updateGui(); }
- virtual void OnUpdateNameFilter(wxCommandEvent& event) { updateGui(); }
- void updateGui();
- void setFilter(const FilterConfig& filter);
- FilterConfig getFilter() const;
- void onKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& event);
- FilterConfig& outputRef;
- EnumDescrList<UnitTime> enumTimeDescr;
- EnumDescrList<UnitSize> enumSizeDescr;
-FilterDlg::FilterDlg(wxWindow* parent,
- FilterConfig& filter,
- const wxString& title) :
- FilterDlgGenerated(parent),
- outputRef(filter) //just hold reference
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- new zen::MouseMoveWindow(*this); //allow moving main dialog by clicking (nearly) anywhere...; ownership passed to "this"
- setStandardButtonOrder(*bSizerStdButtons, StdButtons().setAffirmative(m_buttonOk).setCancel(m_buttonCancel));
- SetTitle(title);
-#ifndef __WXGTK__ //wxWidgets holds portability promise by not supporting for multi-line controls...not
- m_textCtrlInclude->SetMaxLength(0); //allow large filter entries!
- m_textCtrlExclude->SetMaxLength(0); //
- m_textCtrlInclude->Connect(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, wxKeyEventHandler(FilterDlg::onKeyEvent), nullptr, this);
- m_textCtrlExclude->Connect(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, wxKeyEventHandler(FilterDlg::onKeyEvent), nullptr, this);
- enumTimeDescr.
- add(UTIME_NONE, L"(" + _("None") + L")"). //meta options should be enclosed in parentheses
- add(UTIME_TODAY, _("Today")).
- // add(UTIME_THIS_WEEK, _("This week")).
- add(UTIME_THIS_MONTH, _("This month")).
- add(UTIME_THIS_YEAR, _("This year")).
- add(UTIME_LAST_X_DAYS, _("Last x days"));
- enumSizeDescr.
- add(USIZE_NONE, L"(" + _("None") + L")"). //meta options should be enclosed in parentheses
- add(USIZE_BYTE, _("Byte")).
- add(USIZE_KB, _("KB")).
- add(USIZE_MB, _("MB"));
- m_bitmapFilter->SetBitmap(getResourceImage(L"filter"));
- setFilter(filter);
- m_buttonOk->SetFocus();
- GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); //~=Fit() + SetMinSize()
- //=> works like a charm for GTK2 with window resizing problems and title bar corruption; e.g. Debian!!!
- Layout();
-void FilterDlg::onKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& event)
- const int keyCode = event.GetKeyCode();
- if (event.ControlDown())
- switch (keyCode)
- {
- case 'A': //CTRL + A
- if (auto textCtrl = dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl*>(event.GetEventObject()))
- textCtrl->SetSelection(-1, -1); //select all
- return;
- }
- event.Skip();
-void FilterDlg::updateGui()
- FilterConfig activeCfg = getFilter();
- auto setStatusBitmap = [&](wxStaticBitmap& staticBmp, const wxString& bmpName, bool active)
- {
- if (active)
- staticBmp.SetBitmap(getResourceImage(bmpName));
- else
- staticBmp.SetBitmap(greyScale(getResourceImage(bmpName)));
- };
- setStatusBitmap(*m_bitmapInclude, L"filter_include", !NameFilter::isNull(activeCfg.includeFilter, FilterConfig().excludeFilter));
- setStatusBitmap(*m_bitmapExclude, L"filter_exclude", !NameFilter::isNull(FilterConfig().includeFilter, activeCfg.excludeFilter));
- setStatusBitmap(*m_bitmapFilterDate, L"clock", activeCfg.unitTimeSpan != UTIME_NONE);
- setStatusBitmap(*m_bitmapFilterSize, L"size", activeCfg.unitSizeMin != USIZE_NONE || activeCfg.unitSizeMax != USIZE_NONE);
- m_spinCtrlTimespan->Enable(activeCfg.unitTimeSpan == UTIME_LAST_X_DAYS);
- m_spinCtrlMinSize ->Enable(activeCfg.unitSizeMin != USIZE_NONE);
- m_spinCtrlMaxSize ->Enable(activeCfg.unitSizeMax != USIZE_NONE);
- m_buttonClear->Enable(!(activeCfg == FilterConfig()));
-void FilterDlg::setFilter(const FilterConfig& filter)
- m_textCtrlInclude->ChangeValue(utfCvrtTo<wxString>(filter.includeFilter));
- m_textCtrlExclude->ChangeValue(utfCvrtTo<wxString>(filter.excludeFilter));
- setEnumVal(enumTimeDescr, *m_choiceUnitTimespan, filter.unitTimeSpan);
- setEnumVal(enumSizeDescr, *m_choiceUnitMinSize, filter.unitSizeMin);
- setEnumVal(enumSizeDescr, *m_choiceUnitMaxSize, filter.unitSizeMax);
- m_spinCtrlTimespan->SetValue(static_cast<int>(filter.timeSpan));
- m_spinCtrlMinSize ->SetValue(static_cast<int>(filter.sizeMin));
- m_spinCtrlMaxSize ->SetValue(static_cast<int>(filter.sizeMax));
- updateGui();
-FilterConfig FilterDlg::getFilter() const
- return FilterConfig(utfCvrtTo<Zstring>(m_textCtrlInclude->GetValue()),
- utfCvrtTo<Zstring>(m_textCtrlExclude->GetValue()),
- m_spinCtrlTimespan->GetValue(),
- getEnumVal(enumTimeDescr, *m_choiceUnitTimespan),
- m_spinCtrlMinSize->GetValue(),
- getEnumVal(enumSizeDescr, *m_choiceUnitMinSize),
- m_spinCtrlMaxSize->GetValue(),
- getEnumVal(enumSizeDescr, *m_choiceUnitMaxSize));
-void FilterDlg::OnClear(wxCommandEvent& event)
- setFilter(FilterConfig());
-void FilterDlg::OnOkay(wxCommandEvent& event)
- FilterConfig cfg = getFilter();
- //parameter validation:
- //include filter must not be empty:
- {
- Zstring tmp = cfg.includeFilter;
- trim(tmp);
- if (tmp.empty())
- cfg.includeFilter = FilterConfig().includeFilter; //no need to show error message, just correct user input
- }
- //apply config:
- outputRef = cfg;
- //when leaving dialog: filter and redraw grid, if filter is active
- EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_OKAY);
-ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed zen::showFilterDialog(wxWindow* parent, FilterConfig& filter, const wxString& title)
- FilterDlg filterDlg(parent,
- filter,
- title);
- return static_cast<ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed>(filterDlg.ShowModal());
-class DeleteDialog : public DeleteDlgGenerated
- DeleteDialog(wxWindow* parent,
- const std::vector<zen::FileSystemObject*>& rowsOnLeft,
- const std::vector<zen::FileSystemObject*>& rowsOnRight,
- bool& deleteOnBothSides,
- bool& useRecycleBin);
- virtual void OnOK(wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnDelOnBothSides(wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnUseRecycler(wxCommandEvent& event);
- void updateGui();
- const std::vector<zen::FileSystemObject*>& rowsToDeleteOnLeft;
- const std::vector<zen::FileSystemObject*>& rowsToDeleteOnRight;
- bool& outRefdeleteOnBothSides;
- bool& outRefuseRecycleBin;
- const TickVal tickCountStartup;
-DeleteDialog::DeleteDialog(wxWindow* parent,
- const std::vector<FileSystemObject*>& rowsOnLeft,
- const std::vector<FileSystemObject*>& rowsOnRight,
- bool& deleteOnBothSides,
- bool& useRecycleBin) :
- DeleteDlgGenerated(parent),
- rowsToDeleteOnLeft(rowsOnLeft),
- rowsToDeleteOnRight(rowsOnRight),
- outRefdeleteOnBothSides(deleteOnBothSides),
- outRefuseRecycleBin(useRecycleBin),
- tickCountStartup(getTicks())
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- new zen::MouseMoveWindow(*this); //allow moving main dialog by clicking (nearly) anywhere...; ownership passed to "this"
- setStandardButtonOrder(*bSizerStdButtons, StdButtons().setAffirmative(m_buttonOK).setCancel(m_buttonCancel));
- setMainInstructionFont(*m_staticTextHeader);
- m_checkBoxDeleteBothSides->SetValue(deleteOnBothSides);
- m_checkBoxUseRecycler->SetValue(useRecycleBin);
- //if both sides contain same rows this checkbox is superfluous
- if (rowsToDeleteOnLeft == rowsToDeleteOnRight)
- {
- m_checkBoxDeleteBothSides->Show(false);
- m_checkBoxDeleteBothSides->SetValue(true);
- }
-#ifndef __WXGTK__ //wxWidgets holds portability promise by not supporting for multi-line controls...not
- m_textCtrlFileList->SetMaxLength(0); //allow large entries!
- updateGui();
- GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); //~=Fit() + SetMinSize()
- //=> works like a charm for GTK2 with window resizing problems and title bar corruption; e.g. Debian!!!
- Layout();
- m_buttonOK->SetFocus();
-void DeleteDialog::updateGui()
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- wxWindowUpdateLocker dummy(this); //leads to GUI corruption problems on Linux/OS X!
- const std::pair<Zstring, int> delInfo = zen::deleteFromGridAndHDPreview(rowsToDeleteOnLeft,
- rowsToDeleteOnRight,
- m_checkBoxDeleteBothSides->GetValue());
- wxString header;
- if (m_checkBoxUseRecycler->GetValue())
- {
- header = _P("Do you really want to move the following item to the recycle bin?",
- "Do you really want to move the following %x items to the recycle bin?", delInfo.second);
- m_bitmapDeleteType->SetBitmap(getResourceImage(L"delete_recycler"));
- m_buttonOK->SetLabel(_("Move")); //no access key needed: use ENTER!
- }
- else
- {
- header = _P("Do you really want to delete the following item?",
- "Do you really want to delete the following %x items?", delInfo.second);
- m_bitmapDeleteType->SetBitmap(getResourceImage(L"delete_permanently"));
- m_buttonOK->SetLabel(_("Delete"));
- }
- m_staticTextHeader->SetLabel(header);
- //it seems like Wrap() needs to be reapplied after SetLabel()
- m_staticTextHeader->Wrap(460);
- const wxString& fileList = utfCvrtTo<wxString>(delInfo.first);
- m_textCtrlFileList->ChangeValue(fileList);
- /*
- There is a nasty bug on wxGTK under Ubuntu: If a multi-line wxTextCtrl contains so many lines that scrollbars are shown,
- it re-enables all windows that are supposed to be disabled during the current modal loop!
- This only affects Ubuntu/wxGTK! No such issue on Debian/wxGTK or Suse/wxGTK
- => another Unity problem like the following?
- "Menu not disabled when showing modal dialogs in wxGTK under Unity"
- */
- Layout();
- Refresh(); //needed after m_buttonOK label change
-void DeleteDialog::OnOK(wxCommandEvent& event)
- //additional safety net, similar to Windows Explorer: time delta between DEL and ENTER must be at least 50ms to avoid accidental deletion!
- const TickVal now = getTicks(); //0 on error
- std::int64_t tps = ticksPerSec(); //
- if (now.isValid() && tickCountStartup.isValid() && tps != 0)
- if (dist(tickCountStartup, now) * 1000 / tps < 50)
- return;
- outRefuseRecycleBin = m_checkBoxUseRecycler->GetValue();
- if (rowsToDeleteOnLeft != rowsToDeleteOnRight)
- outRefdeleteOnBothSides = m_checkBoxDeleteBothSides->GetValue();
- EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_OKAY);
-void DeleteDialog::OnDelOnBothSides(wxCommandEvent& event)
- updateGui();
-void DeleteDialog::OnUseRecycler(wxCommandEvent& event)
- updateGui();
-ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed zen::showDeleteDialog(wxWindow* parent,
- const std::vector<zen::FileSystemObject*>& rowsOnLeft,
- const std::vector<zen::FileSystemObject*>& rowsOnRight,
- bool& deleteOnBothSides,
- bool& useRecycleBin)
- DeleteDialog confirmDeletion(parent,
- rowsOnLeft,
- rowsOnRight,
- deleteOnBothSides,
- useRecycleBin);
- return static_cast<ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed>(confirmDeletion.ShowModal());
-class SyncConfirmationDlg : public SyncConfirmationDlgGenerated
- SyncConfirmationDlg(wxWindow* parent,
- const wxString& variantName,
- const zen::SyncStatistics& st,
- bool& dontShowAgain);
- virtual void OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnStartSync(wxCommandEvent& event);
- bool& m_dontShowAgain;
-SyncConfirmationDlg::SyncConfirmationDlg(wxWindow* parent,
- const wxString& variantName,
- const SyncStatistics& st,
- bool& dontShowAgain) :
- SyncConfirmationDlgGenerated(parent),
- m_dontShowAgain(dontShowAgain)
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- new zen::MouseMoveWindow(*this); //allow moving main dialog by clicking (nearly) anywhere...; ownership passed to "this"
- setStandardButtonOrder(*bSizerStdButtons, StdButtons().setAffirmative(m_buttonStartSync).setCancel(m_buttonCancel));
- setMainInstructionFont(*m_staticTextHeader);
- m_bitmapSync->SetBitmap(getResourceImage(L"sync"));
- m_staticTextVariant->SetLabel(variantName);
- m_checkBoxDontShowAgain->SetValue(dontShowAgain);
- //update preview of item count and bytes to be transferred:
- setText(*m_staticTextData, filesizeToShortString(st.getDataToProcess()));
- if (st.getDataToProcess() == 0)
- m_bitmapData->SetBitmap(greyScale(getResourceImage(L"data")));
- else
- m_bitmapData->SetBitmap(getResourceImage(L"data"));
- auto setValue = [](wxStaticText& txtControl, int value, wxStaticBitmap& bmpControl, const wchar_t* bmpName)
- {
- setText(txtControl, toGuiString(value));
- if (value == 0)
- bmpControl.SetBitmap(greyScale(mirrorIfRtl(getResourceImage(bmpName))));
- else
- bmpControl.SetBitmap(mirrorIfRtl(getResourceImage(bmpName)));
- };
- setValue(*m_staticTextCreateLeft, st.getCreate<LEFT_SIDE >(), *m_bitmapCreateLeft, L"so_create_left_small");
- setValue(*m_staticTextUpdateLeft, st.getUpdate<LEFT_SIDE >(), *m_bitmapUpdateLeft, L"so_update_left_small");
- setValue(*m_staticTextDeleteLeft, st.getDelete<LEFT_SIDE >(), *m_bitmapDeleteLeft, L"so_delete_left_small");
- setValue(*m_staticTextCreateRight, st.getCreate<RIGHT_SIDE>(), *m_bitmapCreateRight, L"so_create_right_small");
- setValue(*m_staticTextUpdateRight, st.getUpdate<RIGHT_SIDE>(), *m_bitmapUpdateRight, L"so_update_right_small");
- setValue(*m_staticTextDeleteRight, st.getDelete<RIGHT_SIDE>(), *m_bitmapDeleteRight, L"so_delete_right_small");
- m_panelStatistics->Layout();
- GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); //~=Fit() + SetMinSize()
- //=> works like a charm for GTK2 with window resizing problems and title bar corruption; e.g. Debian!!!
- m_buttonStartSync->SetFocus();
-void SyncConfirmationDlg::OnStartSync(wxCommandEvent& event)
- m_dontShowAgain = m_checkBoxDontShowAgain->GetValue();
- EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_OKAY);
-ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed zen::showSyncConfirmationDlg(wxWindow* parent,
- const wxString& variantName,
- const zen::SyncStatistics& statistics,
- bool& dontShowAgain)
- SyncConfirmationDlg dlg(parent,
- variantName,
- statistics,
- dontShowAgain);
- return static_cast<ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed>(dlg.ShowModal());
-class CompareCfgDialog : public CmpCfgDlgGenerated
- CompareCfgDialog(wxWindow* parent, CompConfig& cmpConfig, const wxString& caption);
- virtual void OnOkay(wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnHelpComparisonSettings(wxHyperlinkEvent& event) { displayHelpEntry(L"html/Comparison Settings.html", this); }
- virtual void OnTimeSize(wxCommandEvent& event) { compareVar = CMP_BY_TIME_SIZE; updateGui(); }
- virtual void OnContent (wxCommandEvent& event) { compareVar = CMP_BY_CONTENT; updateGui(); }
- virtual void OnTimeSizeDouble(wxMouseEvent& event);
- virtual void OnContentDouble(wxMouseEvent& event);
- void updateGui();
- CompConfig& cmpConfigOut; //for output only
- CompareVariant compareVar;
- zen::EnumDescrList<SymLinkHandling> enumDescrHandleSyml;
-CompareCfgDialog::CompareCfgDialog(wxWindow* parent,
- CompConfig& cmpConfig, const wxString& title) :
- CmpCfgDlgGenerated(parent),
- cmpConfigOut(cmpConfig),
- compareVar(cmpConfig.compareVar)
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- new zen::MouseMoveWindow(*this); //allow moving main dialog by clicking (nearly) anywhere...; ownership passed to "this"
- setStandardButtonOrder(*bSizerStdButtons, StdButtons().setAffirmative(m_buttonOkay).setCancel(m_buttonCancel));
- setRelativeFontSize(*m_toggleBtnTimeSize, 1.25);
- setRelativeFontSize(*m_toggleBtnContent, 1.25);
- SetTitle(title);
- enumDescrHandleSyml.
- add(SYMLINK_EXCLUDE, _("Exclude")).
- add(SYMLINK_USE_DIRECTLY, _("Direct")).
- add(SYMLINK_FOLLOW_LINK, _("Follow"));
- setEnumVal(enumDescrHandleSyml, *m_choiceHandleSymlinks, cmpConfig.handleSymlinks);
- //move dialog up so that compare-config button and first config-variant are on same level
- // Move(wxPoint(position.x, std::max(0, position.y - (m_buttonTimeSize->GetScreenPosition() - GetScreenPosition()).y)));
- updateGui();
- GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); //~=Fit() + SetMinSize()
- //=> works like a charm for GTK2 with window resizing problems and title bar corruption; e.g. Debian!!!
- m_buttonOkay->SetFocus();
-void CompareCfgDialog::updateGui()
- //update toggle buttons -> they have no parameter-ownership at all!
- m_toggleBtnTimeSize->SetValue(false);
- m_toggleBtnContent ->SetValue(false);
- switch (compareVar)
- {
- m_toggleBtnTimeSize->SetValue(true);
- break;
- m_toggleBtnContent->SetValue(true);
- break;
- }
- auto setBitmap = [](wxStaticBitmap& bmpCtrl, bool active, const wxBitmap& bmp)
- {
- if (active)
- bmpCtrl.SetBitmap(bmp);
- else
- bmpCtrl.SetBitmap(greyScale(bmp));
- };
- setBitmap(*m_bitmapByTime, compareVar == CMP_BY_TIME_SIZE, getResourceImage(L"clock"));
- setBitmap(*m_bitmapByContent, compareVar == CMP_BY_CONTENT, getResourceImage(L"cmpByContent"));
-void CompareCfgDialog::OnOkay(wxCommandEvent& event)
- cmpConfigOut.compareVar = compareVar;
- cmpConfigOut.handleSymlinks = getEnumVal(enumDescrHandleSyml, *m_choiceHandleSymlinks);
- EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_OKAY);
-void CompareCfgDialog::OnTimeSizeDouble(wxMouseEvent& event)
- wxCommandEvent dummy;
- OnTimeSize(dummy);
- OnOkay(dummy);
-void CompareCfgDialog::OnContentDouble(wxMouseEvent& event)
- wxCommandEvent dummy;
- OnContent(dummy);
- OnOkay(dummy);
-ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed zen::showCompareCfgDialog(wxWindow* parent, CompConfig& cmpConfig, const wxString& title)
- CompareCfgDialog syncDlg(parent, cmpConfig, title);
- return static_cast<ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed>(syncDlg.ShowModal());
-class GlobalSettingsDlg : public GlobalSettingsDlgGenerated
- GlobalSettingsDlg(wxWindow* parent, xmlAccess::XmlGlobalSettings& globalSettings);
- virtual void OnOkay(wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnResetDialogs(wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnDefault(wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnAddRow(wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnRemoveRow(wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnHelpShowExamples(wxHyperlinkEvent& event) { displayHelpEntry(L"html/External Applications.html", this); }
- void onResize(wxSizeEvent& event);
- void updateGui();
- virtual void OnToggleAutoRetryCount(wxCommandEvent& event) { updateGui(); }
- void setExtApp(const xmlAccess::ExternalApps& extApp);
- xmlAccess::ExternalApps getExtApp();
- xmlAccess::XmlGlobalSettings& settings;
-GlobalSettingsDlg::GlobalSettingsDlg(wxWindow* parent, xmlAccess::XmlGlobalSettings& globalSettings) :
- GlobalSettingsDlgGenerated(parent),
- settings(globalSettings)
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- new zen::MouseMoveWindow(*this); //allow moving dialog by clicking (nearly) anywhere...; ownership passed to "this"
- setStandardButtonOrder(*bSizerStdButtons, StdButtons().setAffirmative(m_buttonOkay).setCancel(m_buttonCancel));
- //setMainInstructionFont(*m_staticTextHeader);
- m_bitmapSettings ->SetBitmap (getResourceImage(L"settings"));
- m_bpButtonAddRow ->SetBitmapLabel(getResourceImage(L"item_add"));
- m_bpButtonRemoveRow ->SetBitmapLabel(getResourceImage(L"item_remove"));
- setBitmapTextLabel(*m_buttonResetDialogs, getResourceImage(L"reset_dialogs").ConvertToImage(), m_buttonResetDialogs->GetLabel());
- m_checkBoxFailSafe ->SetValue(globalSettings.failsafeFileCopy);
- m_checkBoxCopyLocked ->SetValue(globalSettings.copyLockedFiles);
- m_checkBoxCopyPermissions->SetValue(globalSettings.copyFilePermissions);
- m_spinCtrlAutoRetryCount->SetValue(globalSettings.automaticRetryCount);
- m_spinCtrlAutoRetryDelay->SetValue(globalSettings.automaticRetryDelay);
- setExtApp(globalSettings.gui.externelApplications);
- updateGui();
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- m_checkBoxCopyPermissions->SetLabel(_("Copy NTFS permissions"));
-#elif defined ZEN_LINUX || defined ZEN_MAC
- bSizerLockedFiles->Show(false);
- const wxString toolTip = wxString(_("Integrate external applications into context menu. The following macros are available:")) + L"\n\n" +
- L"%item_path% \t" + _("- full file or folder name") + L"\n" +
- L"%item_folder% \t" + _("- folder part only") + L"\n" +
- L"%item2_path% \t" + _("- Other side's counterpart to %item_path%") + L"\n" +
- L"%item2_folder% \t" + _("- Other side's counterpart to %item_folder%");
- m_gridCustomCommand->GetGridWindow()->SetToolTip(toolTip);
- m_gridCustomCommand->GetGridColLabelWindow()->SetToolTip(toolTip);
- m_gridCustomCommand->SetMargins(0, 0);
- GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); //~=Fit() + SetMinSize()
- //=> works like a charm for GTK2 with window resizing problems and title bar corruption; e.g. Debian!!!
- Layout();
- //automatically fit column width to match total grid width
- Connect(wxEVT_SIZE, wxSizeEventHandler(GlobalSettingsDlg::onResize), nullptr, this);
- wxSizeEvent dummy;
- onResize(dummy);
- m_buttonOkay->SetFocus();
-void GlobalSettingsDlg::onResize(wxSizeEvent& event)
- const int widthTotal = m_gridCustomCommand->GetGridWindow()->GetClientSize().GetWidth();
- if (widthTotal >= 0 && m_gridCustomCommand->GetCols() == 2)
- {
- const int w0 = widthTotal * 2 / 5; //ratio 2 : 3
- const int w1 = widthTotal - w0;
- m_gridCustomCommand->SetColumnWidth(0, w0);
- m_gridCustomCommand->SetColumnWidth(1, w1);
- m_gridCustomCommand->Refresh(); //required on Ubuntu
- }
- event.Skip();
-void GlobalSettingsDlg::updateGui()
- const bool autoRetryActive = m_spinCtrlAutoRetryCount->GetValue() > 0;
- m_staticTextAutoRetryDelay->Enable(autoRetryActive);
- m_spinCtrlAutoRetryDelay->Enable(autoRetryActive);
-void GlobalSettingsDlg::OnOkay(wxCommandEvent& event)
- //write global settings only when okay-button is pressed!
- settings.failsafeFileCopy = m_checkBoxFailSafe->GetValue();
- settings.copyLockedFiles = m_checkBoxCopyLocked->GetValue();
- settings.copyFilePermissions = m_checkBoxCopyPermissions->GetValue();
- settings.automaticRetryCount = m_spinCtrlAutoRetryCount->GetValue();
- settings.automaticRetryDelay = m_spinCtrlAutoRetryDelay->GetValue();
- settings.gui.externelApplications = getExtApp();
- EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_OKAY);
-void GlobalSettingsDlg::OnResetDialogs(wxCommandEvent& event)
- switch (showConfirmationDialog(this, DialogInfoType::INFO,
- PopupDialogCfg().setMainInstructions(_("Restore all hidden windows and warnings?")),
- _("&Restore")))
- {
- case ConfirmationButton::DO_IT:
- settings.optDialogs.resetDialogs();
- break;
- case ConfirmationButton::CANCEL:
- break;
- }
-void GlobalSettingsDlg::OnDefault(wxCommandEvent& event)
- xmlAccess::XmlGlobalSettings defaultCfg;
- m_checkBoxFailSafe ->SetValue(defaultCfg.failsafeFileCopy);
- m_checkBoxCopyLocked ->SetValue(defaultCfg.copyLockedFiles);
- m_checkBoxCopyPermissions->SetValue(defaultCfg.copyFilePermissions);
- m_spinCtrlAutoRetryCount->SetValue(defaultCfg.automaticRetryCount);
- m_spinCtrlAutoRetryDelay->SetValue(defaultCfg.automaticRetryDelay);
- setExtApp(defaultCfg.gui.externelApplications);
- updateGui();
-void GlobalSettingsDlg::setExtApp(const xmlAccess::ExternalApps& extApp)
- auto extAppTmp = extApp;
- vector_remove_if(extAppTmp, [](decltype(extAppTmp[0])& entry) { return entry.first.empty() && entry.second.empty(); });
- extAppTmp.resize(extAppTmp.size() + 1); //append empty row to facilitate insertions
- const int rowCount = m_gridCustomCommand->GetNumberRows();
- if (rowCount > 0)
- m_gridCustomCommand->DeleteRows(0, rowCount);
- m_gridCustomCommand->AppendRows(static_cast<int>(extAppTmp.size()));
- for (auto it = extAppTmp.begin(); it != extAppTmp.end(); ++it)
- {
- const int row = it - extAppTmp.begin();
- m_gridCustomCommand->SetCellValue(row, 0, it->first); //description
- m_gridCustomCommand->SetCellValue(row, 1, it->second); //commandline
- }
-xmlAccess::ExternalApps GlobalSettingsDlg::getExtApp()
- xmlAccess::ExternalApps output;
- for (int i = 0; i < m_gridCustomCommand->GetNumberRows(); ++i)
- {
- auto description = copyStringTo<std::wstring>(m_gridCustomCommand->GetCellValue(i, 0));
- auto commandline = copyStringTo<std::wstring>(m_gridCustomCommand->GetCellValue(i, 1));
- if (!description.empty() || !commandline.empty())
- output.push_back(std::make_pair(description, commandline));
- }
- return output;
-void GlobalSettingsDlg::OnAddRow(wxCommandEvent& event)
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- wxWindowUpdateLocker dummy(this); //leads to GUI corruption problems on Linux/OS X!
- const int selectedRow = m_gridCustomCommand->GetGridCursorRow();
- if (0 <= selectedRow && selectedRow < m_gridCustomCommand->GetNumberRows())
- m_gridCustomCommand->InsertRows(selectedRow);
- else
- m_gridCustomCommand->AppendRows();
-void GlobalSettingsDlg::OnRemoveRow(wxCommandEvent& event)
- if (m_gridCustomCommand->GetNumberRows() > 0)
- {
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- wxWindowUpdateLocker dummy(this); //leads to GUI corruption problems on Linux/OS X!
- const int selectedRow = m_gridCustomCommand->GetGridCursorRow();
- if (0 <= selectedRow && selectedRow < m_gridCustomCommand->GetNumberRows())
- m_gridCustomCommand->DeleteRows(selectedRow);
- else
- m_gridCustomCommand->DeleteRows(m_gridCustomCommand->GetNumberRows() - 1);
- }
-ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed zen::showGlobalSettingsDlg(wxWindow* parent, xmlAccess::XmlGlobalSettings& globalSettings)
- GlobalSettingsDlg settingsDlg(parent, globalSettings);
- return static_cast<ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed>(settingsDlg.ShowModal());
-class SelectTimespanDlg : public SelectTimespanDlgGenerated
- SelectTimespanDlg(wxWindow* parent, Int64& timeFrom, Int64& timeTo);
- virtual void OnOkay(wxCommandEvent& event);
- virtual void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event) { EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_CANCEL); }
- virtual void OnChangeSelectionFrom(wxCalendarEvent& event)
- {
- if (m_calendarFrom->GetDate() > m_calendarTo->GetDate())
- m_calendarTo->SetDate(m_calendarFrom->GetDate());
- }
- virtual void OnChangeSelectionTo(wxCalendarEvent& event)
- {
- if (m_calendarFrom->GetDate() > m_calendarTo->GetDate())
- m_calendarFrom->SetDate(m_calendarTo->GetDate());
- }
- Int64& timeFrom_;
- Int64& timeTo_;
-wxDateTime utcToLocalDateTime(time_t utcTime)
- //wxDateTime models local(!) time (in contrast to what documentation says), but this constructor takes time_t UTC
- return wxDateTime(utcTime);
-time_t localDateTimeToUtc(const wxDateTime& localTime)
- return localTime.GetTicks();
-SelectTimespanDlg::SelectTimespanDlg(wxWindow* parent, Int64& timeFrom, Int64& timeTo) :
- SelectTimespanDlgGenerated(parent),
- timeFrom_(timeFrom),
- timeTo_(timeTo)
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- new zen::MouseMoveWindow(*this); //allow moving main dialog by clicking (nearly) anywhere...; ownership passed to "this"
- setStandardButtonOrder(*bSizerStdButtons, StdButtons().setAffirmative(m_buttonOkay).setCancel(m_buttonCancel));
-#ifdef ZEN_WIN
- DWORD firstDayOfWeek = 0;
- if (::GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, //__in LCID Locale,
- LOCALE_IFIRSTDAYOFWEEK | // first day of week specifier, 0-6, 0=Monday, 6=Sunday
- reinterpret_cast<LPTSTR>(&firstDayOfWeek), //__out LPTSTR lpLCData,
- sizeof(firstDayOfWeek) / sizeof(TCHAR)) > 0 && //__in int cchData
- firstDayOfWeek == 6)
- style |= wxCAL_SUNDAY_FIRST;
- else //default
- style |= wxCAL_MONDAY_FIRST;
- m_calendarFrom->SetWindowStyleFlag(style);
- m_calendarTo ->SetWindowStyleFlag(style);
- //set default values
- if (timeTo_ == 0)
- timeTo_ = wxGetUTCTime(); //
- if (timeFrom_ == 0)
- timeFrom_ = timeTo_ - 7 * 24 * 3600; //default time span: one week from "now"
- m_calendarFrom->SetDate(utcToLocalDateTime(to<time_t>(timeFrom_)));
- m_calendarTo ->SetDate(utcToLocalDateTime(to<time_t>(timeTo_)));
-#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2, 9, 5)
- //doesn't seem to be a problem here:
- //wxDatePickerCtrl::BestSize() does not respect year field and trims it, both wxMSW/wxGTK - why isn't there anybody testing this wxWidgets stuff???
- wxSize minSz = m_calendarFrom->GetBestSize();
- minSz.x += 30;
- m_calendarFrom->SetMinSize(minSz);
- m_calendarTo ->SetMinSize(minSz);
- GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this); //~=Fit() + SetMinSize()
- //=> works like a charm for GTK2 with window resizing problems and title bar corruption; e.g. Debian!!!
- m_buttonOkay->SetFocus();
-void SelectTimespanDlg::OnOkay(wxCommandEvent& event)
- wxDateTime from = m_calendarFrom->GetDate();
- wxDateTime to = m_calendarTo ->GetDate();
- //align to full days
- from.ResetTime();
- to += wxTimeSpan::Day();
- to.ResetTime(); //reset local(!) time
- to -= wxTimeSpan::Second(); //go back to end of previous day
- timeFrom_ = localDateTimeToUtc(from);
- timeTo_ = localDateTimeToUtc(to);
- /*
- {
- time_t current = zen::to<time_t>(timeFrom_);
- struct tm* tdfewst = ::localtime(&current);
- int budfk = 3;
- }
- {
- time_t current = zen::to<time_t>(timeTo_);
- struct tm* tdfewst = ::localtime(&current);
- int budfk = 3;
- }
- */
- EndModal(ReturnSmallDlg::BUTTON_OKAY);
-ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed zen::showSelectTimespanDlg(wxWindow* parent, Int64& timeFrom, Int64& timeTo)
- SelectTimespanDlg timeSpanDlg(parent, timeFrom, timeTo);
- return static_cast<ReturnSmallDlg::ButtonPressed>(timeSpanDlg.ShowModal());