path: root/shared/zbase.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'shared/zbase.h')
1 files changed, 1162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/shared/zbase.h b/shared/zbase.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..efaa103c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/zbase.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1162 @@
+// **************************************************************************
+// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
+// * GNU General Public License: *
+// * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 ZenJu (zhnmju123 AT *
+// **************************************************************************
+#include <cstddef> //size_t
+#include <cctype> //isspace
+#include <cwctype> //iswspace
+#include <cassert>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+Allocator Policy:
+ void* allocate(size_t size) //throw (std::bad_alloc)
+ void deallocate(void* ptr)
+class AllocatorFreeStore //same performance characterisics like malloc()/free()
+ static void* allocate(size_t size) //throw (std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+ return ::operator new(size);
+ }
+ static void deallocate(void* ptr)
+ {
+ ::operator delete(ptr);
+ }
+Storage Policy:
+template <typename T, //Character Type
+ class AP> //Allocator Policy
+ T* create(size_t size)
+ T* create(size_t size, size_t minCapacity)
+ T* clone(T* ptr)
+ void destroy(T* ptr)
+ bool canWrite(const T* ptr, size_t minCapacity) //needs to be checked before writing to "ptr"
+ size_t length(const T* ptr)
+ void setLength(T* ptr, size_t newLength)
+template <typename T, //Character Type
+ class AP> //Allocator Policy
+class StorageDeepCopy : public AP
+ ~StorageDeepCopy() {}
+ static T* create(size_t size)
+ {
+ return create(size, size);
+ }
+ static T* create(size_t size, size_t minCapacity)
+ {
+ const size_t newCapacity = calcCapacity(minCapacity);
+ assert(newCapacity >= minCapacity);
+ assert(minCapacity >= size);
+ Descriptor* const newDescr = static_cast<Descriptor*>(AP::allocate(sizeof(Descriptor) + (newCapacity + 1) * sizeof(T)));
+ newDescr->length = size;
+ newDescr->capacity = newCapacity;
+ return reinterpret_cast<T*>(newDescr + 1);
+ }
+ static T* clone(T* ptr)
+ {
+ T* newData = create(length(ptr));
+ std::copy(ptr, ptr + length(ptr) + 1, newData);
+ return newData;
+ }
+ static void destroy(T* ptr)
+ {
+ AP::deallocate(descr(ptr));
+ }
+ static bool canWrite(const T* ptr, size_t minCapacity) //needs to be checked before writing to "ptr"
+ {
+ return minCapacity <= descr(ptr)->capacity;
+ }
+ static size_t length(const T* ptr)
+ {
+ return descr(ptr)->length;
+ }
+ static void setLength(T* ptr, size_t newLength)
+ {
+ assert(canWrite(ptr, newLength));
+ descr(ptr)->length = newLength;
+ }
+ struct Descriptor
+ {
+ size_t length;
+ size_t capacity; //allocated size without null-termination
+ };
+ static Descriptor* descr(T* ptr)
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<Descriptor*>(ptr) - 1;
+ }
+ static const Descriptor* descr(const T* ptr)
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const Descriptor*>(ptr) - 1;
+ }
+ static size_t calcCapacity(size_t length)
+ {
+ return (length + (19 - length % 16)); //allocate some additional length to speed up concatenation
+ }
+template <typename T, //Character Type
+ class AP> //Allocator Policy
+class StorageRefCount : public AP
+ ~StorageRefCount() {}
+ static T* create(size_t size)
+ {
+ return create(size, size);
+ }
+ static T* create(size_t size, size_t minCapacity)
+ {
+ const size_t newCapacity = calcCapacity(minCapacity);
+ assert(newCapacity >= minCapacity);
+ assert(minCapacity >= size);
+ Descriptor* const newDescr = static_cast<Descriptor*>(AP::allocate(sizeof(Descriptor) + (newCapacity + 1) * sizeof(T)));
+ newDescr->refCount = 1;
+ newDescr->length = size;
+ newDescr->capacity = newCapacity;
+ return reinterpret_cast<T*>(newDescr + 1);
+ }
+ static T* clone(T* ptr)
+ {
+ assert(descr(ptr)->refCount > 0);
+ ++descr(ptr)->refCount;
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ static void destroy(T* ptr)
+ {
+ if (--descr(ptr)->refCount == 0)
+ AP::deallocate(descr(ptr));
+ }
+ static bool canWrite(const T* ptr, size_t minCapacity) //needs to be checked before writing to "ptr"
+ {
+ assert(descr(ptr)->refCount > 0);
+ return descr(ptr)->refCount == 1 && minCapacity <= descr(ptr)->capacity;
+ }
+ static size_t length(const T* ptr)
+ {
+ return descr(ptr)->length;
+ }
+ static void setLength(T* ptr, size_t newLength)
+ {
+ assert(canWrite(ptr, newLength));
+ descr(ptr)->length = newLength;
+ }
+ struct Descriptor
+ {
+ size_t refCount;
+ size_t length;
+ size_t capacity; //allocated size without null-termination
+ };
+ static Descriptor* descr(T* ptr)
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<Descriptor*>(ptr) - 1;
+ }
+ static const Descriptor* descr(const T* ptr)
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const Descriptor*>(ptr) - 1;
+ }
+ static size_t calcCapacity(size_t length)
+ {
+ return (length + (19 - length % 16)); //allocate some additional length to speed up concatenation
+ }
+template <class T, //Character Type
+ template <class, class> class SP = StorageRefCount, //Storage Policy
+ class AP = AllocatorFreeStore> //Allocator Policy
+class Zbase : public SP<T, AP>
+ Zbase();
+ Zbase(T source);
+ Zbase(const T* source);
+ Zbase(const T* source, size_t length);
+ Zbase(const Zbase& source);
+ ~Zbase();
+ operator const T*() const; //implicit conversion to C-string
+ //STL accessors
+ const T* begin() const;
+ const T* end() const;
+ T* begin();
+ T* end();
+ //wxString-like functions
+ bool StartsWith(const Zbase& prefix) const;
+ bool StartsWith(const T* prefix) const;
+ bool StartsWith(T prefix) const;
+ bool EndsWith(const Zbase& postfix) const;
+ bool EndsWith(const T* postfix) const;
+ bool EndsWith(T postfix) const;
+ Zbase& Truncate(size_t newLen);
+ Zbase& Replace(const T* old, const T* replacement, bool replaceAll = true);
+ Zbase AfterLast( T ch) const; //returns the whole string if "ch" not found
+ Zbase BeforeLast( T ch) const; //returns empty string if "ch" not found
+ Zbase AfterFirst( T ch) const; //returns empty string if "ch" not found
+ Zbase BeforeFirst(T ch) const; //returns the whole string if "ch" not found
+ Zbase& Trim(bool fromLeft = true, bool fromRight = true);
+ std::vector<Zbase> Split(T delimiter) const;
+ //std::string functions
+ size_t length() const;
+ size_t size() const;
+ const T* c_str() const; //C-string format with NULL-termination
+ const T* data() const; //internal representation, NULL-termination not guaranteed
+ const T operator[](size_t pos) const;
+ Zbase substr(size_t pos = 0, size_t len = npos) const;
+ bool empty() const;
+ void clear();
+ size_t find(const Zbase& str, size_t pos = 0) const; //
+ size_t find(const T* str, size_t pos = 0) const; //returns "npos" if not found
+ size_t find(T ch, size_t pos = 0) const; //
+ size_t rfind(T ch, size_t pos = npos) const; //
+ Zbase& replace(size_t pos1, size_t n1, const T* str, size_t n2);
+ void reserve(size_t minCapacity);
+ Zbase& assign(const T* source, size_t len);
+ void resize(size_t newSize, T fillChar = 0);
+ void swap(Zbase& other);
+ //number conversion
+ template <class N> static Zbase fromNumber(N number);
+ template <class N> N toNumber() const;
+ Zbase& operator=(const Zbase& source);
+ Zbase& operator=(const T* source);
+ Zbase& operator=(T source);
+ Zbase& operator+=(const Zbase& other);
+ Zbase& operator+=(const T* other);
+ Zbase& operator+=(T ch);
+ static const size_t npos = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
+ Zbase(int); //detect usage errors
+ Zbase& operator=(int); //
+ T* rawStr;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> bool operator==(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> bool operator==(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const T* rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> bool operator==(const T* lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> bool operator!=(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> bool operator!=(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const T* rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> bool operator!=(const T* lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> bool operator< (const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> bool operator< (const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const T* rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> bool operator< (const T* lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> const Zbase<T, SP, AP> operator+(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> const Zbase<T, SP, AP> operator+(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const T* rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> const Zbase<T, SP, AP> operator+(const T* lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> const Zbase<T, SP, AP> operator+( T lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP> const Zbase<T, SP, AP> operator+(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, T rhs);
+//################################# inline implementation ########################################
+namespace z_impl
+//-------------C-string helper functions ---------------------------------------------------------
+template <class T>
+size_t cStringLength(const T* input) //strlen()
+ const T* iter = input;
+ while (*iter != 0)
+ ++iter;
+ return iter - input;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>::Zbase()
+ //resist the temptation to avoid this allocation by referening a static global: NO performance advantage, MT issues!
+ rawStr = this->create(0);
+ rawStr[0] = 0;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>::Zbase(T source)
+ rawStr = this->create(1);
+ rawStr[0] = source;
+ rawStr[1] = 0;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>::Zbase(const T* source)
+ const size_t sourceLen = z_impl::cStringLength(source);
+ rawStr = this->create(sourceLen);
+ std::copy(source, source + sourceLen + 1, rawStr); //include null-termination
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>::Zbase(const T* source, size_t sourceLen)
+ rawStr = this->create(sourceLen);
+ std::copy(source, source + sourceLen, rawStr);
+ rawStr[sourceLen] = 0;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>::Zbase(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& source)
+ rawStr = this->clone(source.rawStr);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>::~Zbase()
+ this->destroy(rawStr);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>::operator const T*() const
+ return rawStr;
+// get all characters after the last occurence of ch
+// (returns the whole string if ch not found)
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP> Zbase<T, SP, AP>::AfterLast(T ch) const
+ const size_t pos = rfind(ch, npos);
+ if (pos != npos )
+ return Zbase(rawStr + pos + 1, length() - pos - 1);
+ else
+ return *this;
+// get all characters before the last occurence of ch
+// (returns empty string if ch not found)
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP> Zbase<T, SP, AP>::BeforeLast(T ch) const
+ const size_t pos = rfind(ch, npos);
+ if (pos != npos)
+ return Zbase(rawStr, pos); //data is non-empty string in this context: else ch would not have been found!
+ else
+ return Zbase();
+//returns empty string if ch not found
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP> Zbase<T, SP, AP>::AfterFirst(T ch) const
+ const size_t pos = find(ch, 0);
+ if (pos != npos)
+ return Zbase(rawStr + pos + 1, length() - pos - 1);
+ else
+ return Zbase();
+//returns the whole string if ch not found
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP> Zbase<T, SP, AP>::BeforeFirst(T ch) const
+ const size_t pos = find(ch, 0);
+ if (pos != npos)
+ return Zbase(rawStr, pos); //data is non-empty string in this context: else ch would not have been found!
+ else
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool Zbase<T, SP, AP>::StartsWith(const T* prefix) const
+ const size_t pfLength = z_impl::cStringLength(prefix);
+ if (length() < pfLength)
+ return false;
+ return std::equal(rawStr, rawStr + pfLength,
+ prefix);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool Zbase<T, SP, AP>::StartsWith(T prefix) const
+ return length() != 0 && operator[](0) == prefix;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool Zbase<T, SP, AP>::StartsWith(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& prefix) const
+ if (length() < prefix.length())
+ return false;
+ return std::equal(rawStr, rawStr + prefix.length(),
+ prefix.rawStr);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool Zbase<T, SP, AP>::EndsWith(const T* postfix) const
+ const size_t pfLength = z_impl::cStringLength(postfix);
+ if (length() < pfLength)
+ return false;
+ const T* cmpBegin = rawStr + length() - pfLength;
+ return std::equal(cmpBegin, cmpBegin + pfLength,
+ postfix);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool Zbase<T, SP, AP>::EndsWith(T postfix) const
+ const size_t len = length();
+ return len != 0 && operator[](len - 1) == postfix;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool Zbase<T, SP, AP>::EndsWith(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& postfix) const
+ if (length() < postfix.length())
+ return false;
+ const T* cmpBegin = rawStr + length() - postfix.length();
+ return std::equal(cmpBegin, cmpBegin + postfix.length(),
+ postfix.rawStr);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::Truncate(size_t newLen)
+ if (newLen < length())
+ {
+ if (canWrite(rawStr, newLen))
+ {
+ rawStr[newLen] = 0;
+ setLength(rawStr, newLen);
+ }
+ else
+ *this = Zbase(rawStr, newLen);
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+size_t Zbase<T, SP, AP>::find(const Zbase& str, size_t pos) const
+ assert(pos <= length());
+ const T* thisEnd = end(); //respect embedded 0
+ const T* iter = std::search(begin() + pos, thisEnd,
+ str.begin(), str.end());
+ return iter == thisEnd ? npos : iter - begin();
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+size_t Zbase<T, SP, AP>::find(const T* str, size_t pos) const
+ assert(pos <= length());
+ const T* thisEnd = end(); //respect embedded 0
+ const T* iter = std::search(begin() + pos, thisEnd,
+ str, str + z_impl::cStringLength(str));
+ return iter == thisEnd ? npos : iter - begin();
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+size_t Zbase<T, SP, AP>::find(T ch, size_t pos) const
+ assert(pos <= length());
+ const T* thisEnd = end();
+ const T* iter = std::find(begin() + pos, thisEnd, ch); //respect embedded 0
+ return iter == thisEnd ? npos : iter - begin();
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+size_t Zbase<T, SP, AP>::rfind(T ch, size_t pos) const
+ assert(pos == npos || pos <= length());
+ const size_t thisLen = length();
+ if (thisLen == 0) return npos;
+ pos = std::min(thisLen - 1, pos); //handle "npos" and "pos == length()" implicitly
+ while (rawStr[pos] != ch) //pos points to last char of the string
+ {
+ if (pos == 0)
+ return npos;
+ --pos;
+ }
+ return pos;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::replace(size_t pos1, size_t n1, const T* str, size_t n2)
+ assert(str < rawStr || rawStr + length() < str); //str mustn't point to data in this string
+ assert(pos1 + n1 <= length());
+ const size_t oldLen = length();
+ if (oldLen == 0)
+ return *this = Zbase(str, n2);
+ const size_t newLen = oldLen - n1 + n2;
+ if (canWrite(rawStr, newLen))
+ {
+ if (n1 < n2) //move remainder right -> std::copy_backward
+ {
+ std::copy_backward(rawStr + pos1 + n1, rawStr + oldLen + 1, rawStr + newLen + 1); //include null-termination
+ setLength(rawStr, newLen);
+ }
+ else if (n1 > n2) //shift left -> std::copy
+ {
+ std::copy(rawStr + pos1 + n1, rawStr + oldLen + 1, rawStr + pos1 + n2); //include null-termination
+ setLength(rawStr, newLen);
+ }
+ std::copy(str, str + n2, rawStr + pos1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //copy directly into new string
+ T* const newStr = this->create(newLen);
+ std::copy(rawStr, rawStr + pos1, newStr);
+ std::copy(str, str + n2, newStr + pos1);
+ std::copy(rawStr + pos1 + n1, rawStr + oldLen + 1, newStr + pos1 + n2); //include null-termination
+ destroy(rawStr);
+ rawStr = newStr;
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::Replace(const T* old, const T* replacement, bool replaceAll)
+ const size_t oldLen = z_impl::cStringLength(old);
+ const size_t replacementLen = z_impl::cStringLength(replacement);
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ while ((pos = find(old, pos)) != npos)
+ {
+ replace(pos, oldLen, replacement, replacementLen);
+ pos += replacementLen; //move past the string that was replaced
+ if (!replaceAll)
+ break;
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+void Zbase<T, SP, AP>::resize(size_t newSize, T fillChar)
+ if (canWrite(rawStr, newSize))
+ {
+ if (length() < newSize)
+ std::fill(rawStr + length(), rawStr + newSize, fillChar);
+ rawStr[newSize] = 0;
+ setLength(rawStr, newSize); //keep after call to length()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ T* newStr = this->create(newSize);
+ newStr[newSize] = 0;
+ if (length() < newSize)
+ {
+ std::copy(rawStr, rawStr + length(), newStr);
+ std::fill(newStr + length(), newStr + newSize, fillChar);
+ }
+ else
+ std::copy(rawStr, rawStr + newSize, newStr);
+ destroy(rawStr);
+ rawStr = newStr;
+ }
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool operator==(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs)
+ return lhs.length() == rhs.length() && std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin()); //respect embedded 0
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool operator==(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const T* rhs)
+ return lhs.length() == z_impl::cStringLength(rhs) && std::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs); //respect embedded 0
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool operator==(const T* lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs)
+ return operator==(rhs, lhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool operator!=(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs)
+ return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool operator!=(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const T* rhs)
+ return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool operator!=(const T* lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs)
+ return !operator==(lhs, rhs);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool operator<(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs)
+ return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), //respect embedded 0
+ rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool operator<(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const T* rhs)
+ return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), //respect embedded 0
+ rhs, rhs + z_impl::cStringLength(rhs));
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool operator<(const T* lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs)
+ return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs, lhs + z_impl::cStringLength(lhs), //respect embedded 0
+ rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+size_t Zbase<T, SP, AP>::length() const
+ return SP<T, AP>::length(rawStr);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+size_t Zbase<T, SP, AP>::size() const
+ return length();
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+const T* Zbase<T, SP, AP>::c_str() const
+ return rawStr;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+const T* Zbase<T, SP, AP>::data() const
+ return rawStr;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+const T Zbase<T, SP, AP>::operator[](size_t pos) const
+ assert(pos < length());
+ return rawStr[pos];
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+const T* Zbase<T, SP, AP>::begin() const
+ return rawStr;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+const T* Zbase<T, SP, AP>::end() const
+ return rawStr + length();
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+T* Zbase<T, SP, AP>::begin()
+ reserve(length());
+ return rawStr;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+T* Zbase<T, SP, AP>::end()
+ return begin() + length();
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+bool Zbase<T, SP, AP>::empty() const
+ return length() == 0;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+void Zbase<T, SP, AP>::clear()
+ if (!empty())
+ {
+ if (canWrite(rawStr, 0))
+ {
+ rawStr[0] = 0; //keep allocated memory
+ setLength(rawStr, 0); //
+ }
+ else
+ *this = Zbase();
+ }
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+const Zbase<T, SP, AP> operator+(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs)
+ return Zbase<T, SP, AP>(lhs) += rhs;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+const Zbase<T, SP, AP> operator+(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, const T* rhs)
+ return Zbase<T, SP, AP>(lhs) += rhs;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+const Zbase<T, SP, AP> operator+(const T* lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs)
+ return Zbase<T, SP, AP>(lhs) += rhs;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+const Zbase<T, SP, AP> operator+(T lhs, const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& rhs)
+ return Zbase<T, SP, AP>(lhs) += rhs;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+const Zbase<T, SP, AP> operator+(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& lhs, T rhs)
+ return Zbase<T, SP, AP>(lhs) += rhs;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+void Zbase<T, SP, AP>::swap(Zbase<T, SP, AP>& other)
+ std::swap(rawStr, other.rawStr);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP> Zbase<T, SP, AP>::substr(size_t pos, size_t len) const
+ assert(pos + (len == npos ? 0 : len) <= length());
+ return Zbase(rawStr + pos, len == npos ? length() - pos : len);
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+void Zbase<T, SP, AP>::reserve(size_t minCapacity) //make unshared and check capacity
+ if (!canWrite(rawStr, minCapacity))
+ {
+ //allocate a new string
+ T* newStr = create(length(), std::max(minCapacity, length())); //reserve() must NEVER shrink the string: logical const!
+ std::copy(rawStr, rawStr + length() + 1, newStr); //include NULL-termination
+ destroy(rawStr);
+ rawStr = newStr;
+ }
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::assign(const T* source, size_t len)
+ if (canWrite(rawStr, len))
+ {
+ std::copy(source, source + len, rawStr);
+ rawStr[len] = 0; //include null-termination
+ setLength(rawStr, len);
+ }
+ else
+ *this = Zbase(source, len);
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::operator=(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& source)
+ Zbase(source).swap(*this);
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::operator=(const T* source)
+ return assign(source, z_impl::cStringLength(source));
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::operator=(T source)
+ if (canWrite(rawStr, 1))
+ {
+ rawStr[0] = source;
+ rawStr[1] = 0; //include null-termination
+ setLength(rawStr, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ *this = Zbase(source);
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::operator+=(const Zbase<T, SP, AP>& other)
+ const size_t thisLen = length();
+ const size_t otherLen = other.length();
+ reserve(thisLen + otherLen); //make unshared and check capacity
+ std::copy(other.rawStr, other.rawStr + otherLen + 1, rawStr + thisLen); //include null-termination
+ setLength(rawStr, thisLen + otherLen);
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::operator+=(const T* other)
+ const size_t thisLen = length();
+ const size_t otherLen = z_impl::cStringLength(other);
+ reserve(thisLen + otherLen); //make unshared and check capacity
+ std::copy(other, other + otherLen + 1, rawStr + thisLen); //include null-termination
+ setLength(rawStr, thisLen + otherLen);
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::operator+=(T ch)
+ const size_t thisLen = length();
+ reserve(thisLen + 1); //make unshared and check capacity
+ rawStr[thisLen] = ch;
+ rawStr[thisLen + 1] = 0;
+ setLength(rawStr, thisLen + 1);
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+template <class N>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP> Zbase<T, SP, AP>::fromNumber(N number)
+ std::basic_ostringstream<T> ss;
+ ss << number;
+ return Zbase<T, SP, AP>(ss.str().c_str());
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+template <class N>
+N Zbase<T, SP, AP>::toNumber() const
+ std::basic_istringstream<T> ss(std::basic_string<T>(rawStr));
+ T number = 0;
+ ss >> number;
+ return number;
+namespace z_impl
+template <class T>
+bool cStringWhiteSpace(T ch);
+template <>
+bool cStringWhiteSpace(char ch)
+ return std::isspace(static_cast<unsigned char>(ch)) != 0; //some compilers (e.g. VC++ 6.0) return true for a call to isspace('\xEA'); but no issue with newer versions of MSVC
+template <>
+bool cStringWhiteSpace(wchar_t ch)
+ return std::iswspace(ch) != 0; //some compilers (e.g. VC++ 6.0) return true for a call to isspace('\xEA'); but no issue with newer versions of MSVC
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+Zbase<T, SP, AP>& Zbase<T, SP, AP>::Trim(bool fromLeft, bool fromRight)
+ assert(fromLeft || fromRight);
+ const T* newBegin = rawStr;
+ const T* newEnd = rawStr + length();
+ if (fromRight)
+ while (newBegin != newEnd && z_impl::cStringWhiteSpace(newEnd[-1]))
+ --newEnd;
+ if (fromLeft)
+ while (newBegin != newEnd && z_impl::cStringWhiteSpace(*newBegin))
+ ++newBegin;
+ const size_t newLength = newEnd - newBegin;
+ if (newLength != length())
+ {
+ if (canWrite(rawStr, newLength))
+ {
+ std::copy(newBegin, newBegin + newLength, rawStr); //shift left => std::copy, shift right std::copy_backward
+ rawStr[newLength] = 0;
+ setLength(rawStr, newLength);
+ }
+ else
+ *this = Zbase(newBegin, newLength);
+ }
+ return *this;
+template <class T, template <class, class> class SP, class AP>
+std::vector<Zbase<T, SP, AP> > Zbase<T, SP, AP>::Split(T delimiter) const
+ std::vector<Zbase> output;
+ const size_t thisLen = length();
+ size_t startPos = 0;
+ for (;;) //make MSVC happy
+ {
+ size_t endPos = find(delimiter, startPos);
+ if (endPos == npos)
+ endPos = thisLen;
+ if (startPos != endPos) //do not add empty strings
+ {
+ Zbase newEntry = substr(startPos, endPos - startPos);
+ newEntry.Trim(); //remove whitespace characters
+ if (!newEntry.empty())
+ output.push_back(newEntry);
+ }
+ if (endPos == thisLen)
+ break;
+ startPos = endPos + 1; //skip delimiter
+ }
+ return output;