path: root/shared/file_handling.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'shared/file_handling.cpp')
1 files changed, 1855 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/shared/file_handling.cpp b/shared/file_handling.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f56abe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/file_handling.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1855 @@
+// **************************************************************************
+// * This file is part of the FreeFileSync project. It is distributed under *
+// * GNU General Public License: *
+// * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 ZenJu (zhnmju123 AT *
+// **************************************************************************
+#include "file_handling.h"
+#include <wx/intl.h>
+#include "system_func.h"
+#include "global_func.h"
+#include "system_constants.h"
+#include "file_traverser.h"
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <wx/datetime.h>
+#include "string_conv.h"
+#include <wx/utils.h>
+#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
+#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include "loki/TypeManip.h"
+#include "loki/ScopeGuard.h"
+#include <map>
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+#include "dll_loader.h"
+#include <wx/msw/wrapwin.h> //includes "windows.h"
+#include "long_path_prefix.h"
+#include <Aclapi.h>
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "file_io.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include <utime.h>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+using ffs3::FileError;
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+Zstring resolveRelativePath(const Zstring& relativeName, DWORD proposedBufferSize = 1000)
+ boost::scoped_array<DefaultChar> fullPath(new DefaultChar[proposedBufferSize]);
+ const DWORD rv = ::GetFullPathName(
+ relativeName.c_str(), //__in LPCTSTR lpFileName,
+ proposedBufferSize, //__in DWORD nBufferLength,
+ fullPath.get(), //__out LPTSTR lpBuffer,
+ NULL); //__out LPTSTR *lpFilePart
+ if (rv == 0 || rv == proposedBufferSize)
+ //ERROR! Don't do anything
+ return relativeName;
+ if (rv > proposedBufferSize)
+ return resolveRelativePath(relativeName, rv);
+ return fullPath.get();
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+Zstring resolveRelativePath(const Zstring& relativeName) //additional: resolves symbolic links!!!
+ char absolutePath[PATH_MAX + 1];
+ if (::realpath(relativeName.c_str(), absolutePath) == NULL)
+ //ERROR! Don't do anything
+ return relativeName;
+ return Zstring(absolutePath);
+bool replaceMacro(wxString& macro) //macro without %-characters, return true if replaced successfully
+ if (macro.IsEmpty())
+ return false;
+ //there are equally named environment variables %TIME%, %DATE% existing, so replace these first!
+ if (macro.CmpNoCase(wxT("time")) == 0)
+ {
+ macro = wxDateTime::Now().FormatISOTime();
+ macro.Replace(wxT(":"), wxT(""));
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (macro.CmpNoCase(wxT("date")) == 0)
+ {
+ macro = wxDateTime::Now().FormatISODate();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (macro.CmpNoCase(wxT("month")) == 0)
+ {
+ macro = wxDateTime::Now().Format(wxT("%B"));
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (macro.CmpNoCase(wxT("week")) == 0)
+ {
+ macro = wxDateTime::Now().Format(wxT("%U"));
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (macro.CmpNoCase(wxT("year")) == 0)
+ {
+ macro = wxDateTime::Now().Format(wxT("%Y"));
+ return true;
+ }
+ //try to apply environment variables
+ wxString envValue;
+ if (wxGetEnv(macro, &envValue))
+ {
+ macro = envValue;
+ //some postprocessing:
+ macro.Trim(true); //remove leading, trailing blanks
+ macro.Trim(false); //
+ //remove leading, trailing double-quotes
+ if ( macro.StartsWith(wxT("\"")) &&
+ macro.EndsWith(wxT("\"")) &&
+ macro.length() >= 2)
+ macro = wxString(macro.c_str() + 1, macro.length() - 2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void expandMacros(wxString& text)
+ const wxChar SEPARATOR = '%';
+ if (text.Find(SEPARATOR) != wxNOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ wxString prefix = text.BeforeFirst(SEPARATOR);
+ wxString postfix = text.AfterFirst(SEPARATOR);
+ if (postfix.Find(SEPARATOR) != wxNOT_FOUND)
+ {
+ wxString potentialMacro = postfix.BeforeFirst(SEPARATOR);
+ wxString rest = postfix.AfterFirst(SEPARATOR); //text == prefix + SEPARATOR + potentialMacro + SEPARATOR + rest
+ if (replaceMacro(potentialMacro))
+ {
+ expandMacros(rest);
+ text = prefix + potentialMacro + rest;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rest = wxString() + SEPARATOR + rest;
+ expandMacros(rest);
+ text = prefix + SEPARATOR + potentialMacro + rest;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Zstring ffs3::getFormattedDirectoryName(const Zstring& dirname)
+ //Formatting is needed since functions expect the directory to end with '\' to be able to split the relative names.
+ //note: don't do directory formatting with wxFileName, as it doesn't respect //?/ - prefix!
+ wxString dirnameTmp = zToWx(dirname);
+ dirnameTmp.Trim(true); //remove whitespace characters from right
+ dirnameTmp.Trim(false); //remove whitespace characters from left
+ if (dirnameTmp.empty()) //an empty string will later be returned as "\"; this is not desired
+ return Zstring();
+ //replace macros
+ expandMacros(dirnameTmp);
+ /*
+ resolve relative names; required by:
+ - \\?\-prefix which needs absolute names
+ - Volume Shadow Copy: volume name needs to be part of each filename
+ - file icon buffer (at least for extensions that are actually read from disk, e.g. "exe")
+ - ::SHFileOperation(): Using relative path names is not thread safe
+ - detection of dependent directories, e.g. "\" and "C:\test"
+ */
+ dirnameTmp = zToWx(resolveRelativePath(wxToZ(dirnameTmp)));
+ if (!dirnameTmp.EndsWith(zToWx(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR)))
+ dirnameTmp += zToWx(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR);
+ return wxToZ(dirnameTmp);
+bool ffs3::fileExists(const Zstring& filename)
+ //symbolic links (broken or not) are also treated as existing files!
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ // we must use GetFileAttributes() instead of the ANSI C functions because
+ // it can cope with network (UNC) paths unlike them
+ const DWORD ret = ::GetFileAttributes(applyLongPathPrefix(filename).c_str());
+ return (ret != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && !(ret & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); //returns true for (file-)symlinks also
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ struct stat fileInfo;
+ return (::lstat(filename.c_str(), &fileInfo) == 0 &&
+ (S_ISLNK(fileInfo.st_mode) || S_ISREG(fileInfo.st_mode))); //in Linux a symbolic link is neither file nor directory
+bool ffs3::dirExists(const Zstring& dirname)
+ //symbolic links (broken or not) are also treated as existing directories!
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ // we must use GetFileAttributes() instead of the ANSI C functions because
+ // it can cope with network (UNC) paths unlike them
+ const DWORD ret = ::GetFileAttributes(applyLongPathPrefix(dirname).c_str());
+ return (ret != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) && (ret & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); //returns true for (dir-)symlinks also
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ struct stat dirInfo;
+ return (::lstat(dirname.c_str(), &dirInfo) == 0 &&
+ (S_ISLNK(dirInfo.st_mode) || S_ISDIR(dirInfo.st_mode))); //in Linux a symbolic link is neither file nor directory
+bool ffs3::symlinkExists(const Zstring& objname)
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ const DWORD ret = ::GetFileAttributes(applyLongPathPrefix(objname).c_str());
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ struct stat fileInfo;
+ return (::lstat(objname.c_str(), &fileInfo) == 0 &&
+ S_ISLNK(fileInfo.st_mode)); //symbolic link
+bool ffs3::somethingExists(const Zstring& objname) //throw() check whether any object with this name exists
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ return ::GetFileAttributes(applyLongPathPrefix(objname).c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES;
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ struct stat fileInfo;
+ return ::lstat(objname.c_str(), &fileInfo) == 0;
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+wxULongLong getFileSizeSymlink(const Zstring& linkName) //throw (FileError)
+ //open handle to target of symbolic link
+ const HANDLE hFile = ::CreateFile(ffs3::applyLongPathPrefix(linkName).c_str(),
+ 0,
+ NULL);
+ {
+ boost::shared_ptr<void> dummy(hFile, ::CloseHandle);
+ if (::GetFileInformationByHandle(hFile, &fileInfoByHandle))
+ return wxULongLong(fileInfoByHandle.nFileSizeHigh, fileInfoByHandle.nFileSizeLow);
+ }
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error reading file attributes:")) + wxT("\n\"") + ffs3::zToWx(linkName) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+wxULongLong ffs3::getFilesize(const Zstring& filename) //throw (FileError)
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA fileMetaData;
+ const HANDLE searchHandle = ::FindFirstFile(applyLongPathPrefix(filename).c_str(), &fileMetaData);
+ if (searchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error reading file attributes:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(filename) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ ::FindClose(searchHandle);
+ const bool isSymbolicLink = (fileMetaData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) != 0;
+ if (isSymbolicLink)
+ return getFileSizeSymlink(filename); //throw (FileError)
+ return wxULongLong(fileMetaData.nFileSizeHigh, fileMetaData.nFileSizeLow);
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ struct stat fileInfo;
+ if (::stat(filename.c_str(), &fileInfo) != 0) //follow symbolic links
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error reading file attributes:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(filename) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ return fileInfo.st_size;
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+DWORD retrieveVolumeSerial(const Zstring& pathName) //return 0 on error!
+ const size_t bufferSize = std::max(pathName.size(), static_cast<size_t>(10000));
+ boost::scoped_array<wchar_t> buffer(new wchar_t[bufferSize]);
+ //pathName need not exist!
+ if (!::GetVolumePathName(pathName.c_str(), //__in LPCTSTR lpszFileName,
+ buffer.get(), //__out LPTSTR lpszVolumePathName,
+ static_cast<DWORD>(bufferSize))) //__in DWORD cchBufferLength
+ return 0;
+ Zstring volumePath = buffer.get();
+ if (!volumePath.EndsWith(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR))
+ volumePath += common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR;
+ DWORD volumeSerial = 0;
+ if (!::GetVolumeInformation(volumePath.c_str(), //__in_opt LPCTSTR lpRootPathName,
+ NULL, //__out LPTSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer,
+ 0, //__in DWORD nVolumeNameSize,
+ &volumeSerial, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber,
+ NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpMaximumComponentLength,
+ NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpFileSystemFlags,
+ NULL, //__out LPTSTR lpFileSystemNameBuffer,
+ 0)) //__in DWORD nFileSystemNameSize
+ return 0;
+ return volumeSerial;
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+dev_t retrieveVolumeSerial(const Zstring& pathName) //return 0 on error!
+ Zstring volumePathName = pathName;
+ //remove trailing slash
+ if (volumePathName.size() > 1 && volumePathName.EndsWith(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR)) //exception: allow '/'
+ volumePathName = volumePathName.BeforeLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR);
+ struct stat fileInfo;
+ while (::lstat(volumePathName.c_str(), &fileInfo) != 0)
+ {
+ volumePathName = volumePathName.BeforeLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR); //returns empty string if ch not found
+ if (volumePathName.empty())
+ return 0; //this includes path "/" also!
+ }
+ return fileInfo.st_dev;
+ffs3::ResponseSameVol ffs3::onSameVolume(const Zstring& folderLeft, const Zstring& folderRight) //throw()
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ typedef DWORD VolSerial;
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ typedef dev_t VolSerial;
+ const VolSerial serialLeft = retrieveVolumeSerial(folderLeft); //returns 0 on error!
+ const VolSerial serialRight = retrieveVolumeSerial(folderRight); //returns 0 on error!
+ if (serialLeft == 0 || serialRight == 0)
+ return serialLeft == serialRight ? VOLUME_SAME : VOLUME_DIFFERENT;
+void ffs3::removeFile(const Zstring& filename) //throw (FileError);
+ //no error situation if file is not existing! manual deletion relies on it!
+ if (!somethingExists(filename))
+ return; //neither file nor any other object (e.g. broken symlink) with that name existing
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ const Zstring filenameFmt = applyLongPathPrefix(filename);
+ //remove file, support for \\?\-prefix
+ if (!::DeleteFile(filenameFmt.c_str()))
+ {
+ //optimization: change file attributes ONLY when necessary!
+ if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) //function fails if file is read-only
+ {
+ //initialize file attributes
+ if (::SetFileAttributes(filenameFmt.c_str(), //address of filename
+ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) //attributes to set
+ {
+ //now try again...
+ if (::DeleteFile(filenameFmt.c_str()))
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error deleting file:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(filename) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ if (::unlink(filename.c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error deleting file:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(filename) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+struct ErrorDifferentVolume : public ffs3::FileError
+ ErrorDifferentVolume(const wxString& message) : FileError(message) {}
+/* Usage overview:
+ renameFile() --> renameFileInternal()
+ | /|\
+ \|/ |
+ fix8Dot3NameClash()
+//wrapper for file system rename function:
+//throw (FileError); ErrorDifferentVolume if it is due to moving file to another volume
+void renameFileInternal(const Zstring& oldName, const Zstring& newName) //throw (FileError, ErrorDifferentVolume)
+ using namespace ffs3; //for zToWx()
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ const Zstring oldNameFmt = applyLongPathPrefix(oldName);
+ const Zstring newNameFmt = applyLongPathPrefix(newName);
+ if (!::MoveFileEx(oldNameFmt.c_str(), //__in LPCTSTR lpExistingFileName,
+ newNameFmt.c_str(), //__in_opt LPCTSTR lpNewFileName,
+ 0)) //__in DWORD dwFlags
+ {
+ if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) //MoveFileEx may fail to rename a read-only file on a SAMBA-share -> (try to) handle this
+ {
+ const DWORD oldNameAttrib = ::GetFileAttributes(oldNameFmt.c_str());
+ if (oldNameAttrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
+ {
+ if (::SetFileAttributes(oldNameFmt.c_str(), //address of filename
+ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) //remove readonly-attribute
+ {
+ //try again...
+ if (::MoveFileEx(oldNameFmt.c_str(), //__in LPCTSTR lpExistingFileName,
+ newNameFmt.c_str(), //__in_opt LPCTSTR lpNewFileName,
+ 0)) //__in DWORD dwFlags
+ {
+ //(try to) restore file attributes
+ ::SetFileAttributes(newNameFmt.c_str(), //don't handle error
+ oldNameAttrib);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const DWORD errorCode = ::GetLastError();
+ //cleanup: (try to) restore file attributes: assume oldName is still existing
+ ::SetFileAttributes(oldNameFmt.c_str(),
+ oldNameAttrib);
+ ::SetLastError(errorCode); //set error code from ::MoveFileEx()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error moving file:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(oldName) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + zToWx(newName) + wxT("\"") +
+ wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted();
+ if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_SAME_DEVICE)
+ throw ErrorDifferentVolume(errorMessage);
+ else
+ throw FileError(errorMessage);
+ }
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ //rename temporary file
+ if (::rename(oldName.c_str(), newName.c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error moving file:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(oldName) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + zToWx(newName) + wxT("\"") +
+ wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted();
+ if (errno == EXDEV)
+ throw ErrorDifferentVolume(errorMessage);
+ else
+ throw FileError(errorMessage);
+ }
+void renameFileInternalNoThrow(const Zstring& oldName, const Zstring& newName) //throw ()
+ try
+ {
+ ::renameFileInternal(oldName, newName);
+ }
+ catch (...) {}
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+/*small wrapper around
+::GetLongPathName() */
+template <typename Function>
+Zstring getFilenameFmt(const Zstring& filename, Function fun) //throw(); returns empty string on error
+ const Zstring filenameFmt = ffs3::applyLongPathPrefix(filename);
+ const DWORD bufferSize = fun(filenameFmt.c_str(), NULL, 0);
+ if (bufferSize == 0)
+ return Zstring();
+ boost::scoped_array<wchar_t> buffer(new wchar_t[bufferSize]);
+ const DWORD rv = fun(filenameFmt.c_str(), //__in LPCTSTR lpszShortPath,
+ buffer.get(), //__out LPTSTR lpszLongPath,
+ bufferSize); //__in DWORD cchBuffer
+ if (rv == 0 || rv >= bufferSize)
+ return Zstring();
+ return buffer.get();
+Zstring createTemp8Dot3Name(const Zstring& fileName) //find a unique 8.3 short name
+ const Zstring pathPrefix = fileName.Find(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) != Zstring::npos ?
+ (fileName.BeforeLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) + common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) : Zstring();
+ Zstring extension = fileName.AfterLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR).AfterLast(DefaultChar('.')); //extension needn't contain reasonable data
+ if (extension.empty())
+ extension = DefaultStr("FFS");
+ extension.Truncate(3);
+ for (int index = 0; index < 100000000; ++index) //filename must be representable by <= 8 characters
+ {
+ const Zstring output = pathPrefix + numberToZstring(index) + DefaultChar('.') + extension;
+ if (!ffs3::somethingExists(output)) //ensure uniqueness
+ return output;
+ }
+ throw std::runtime_error(std::string("100000000 files, one for each number, exist in this directory? You're kidding...\n") + std::string(wxString(pathPrefix.c_str()).ToUTF8()));
+//try to handle issues with already existing short 8.3 file names on Windows 7
+bool fix8Dot3NameClash(const Zstring& oldName, const Zstring& newName) //throw (FileError); return "true" if rename operation succeeded
+ using namespace ffs3;
+ if (newName.Find(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) == Zstring::npos)
+ return false;
+ if (ffs3::somethingExists(newName)) //name OR directory!
+ {
+ const Zstring fileNameOrig = newName.AfterLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR); //returns the whole string if ch not found
+ const Zstring fileNameShort = getFilenameFmt(newName, ::GetShortPathName).AfterLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR); //throw() returns empty string on error
+ const Zstring fileNameLong = getFilenameFmt(newName, ::GetLongPathName).AfterLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR); //throw() returns empty string on error
+ if ( !fileNameShort.empty() &&
+ !fileNameLong.empty() &&
+ cmpFileName(fileNameOrig, fileNameShort) == 0 &&
+ cmpFileName(fileNameShort, fileNameLong) != 0)
+ {
+ //we detected an event where newName is in shortname format (although it is intended to be a long name) and
+ //writing target file failed because another unrelated file happens to have the same short name
+ const Zstring newNameFullPathLong = newName.BeforeLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) + common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR +
+ fileNameLong;
+ //find another name in short format: this ensures the actual short name WILL be renamed as well!
+ const Zstring parkedTarget = createTemp8Dot3Name(newName);
+ //move already existing short name out of the way for now
+ renameFileInternal(newNameFullPathLong, parkedTarget); //throw (FileError, ErrorDifferentVolume);
+ //DON'T call ffs3::renameFile() to avoid reentrance!
+ //schedule cleanup; the file system should assign this unrelated file a new (unique) short name
+ Loki::ScopeGuard guard = Loki::MakeGuard(renameFileInternalNoThrow, parkedTarget, newNameFullPathLong);//equivalent to Boost.ScopeExit in this case
+ (void)guard; //silence warning "unused variable"
+ renameFileInternal(oldName, newName); //the short filename name clash is solved, this should work now
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false; //issue not fixed
+//rename file: no copying!!!
+void ffs3::renameFile(const Zstring& oldName, const Zstring& newName) //throw (FileError, ErrorDifferentVolume);
+ try
+ {
+ renameFileInternal(oldName, newName); //throw (FileError, ErrorDifferentVolume)
+ }
+ catch (const FileError&)
+ {
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ if (fix8Dot3NameClash(oldName, newName)) //throw (FileError); try to handle issues with already existing short 8.3 file names on Windows 7
+ return;
+ throw;
+ }
+using ffs3::MoveFileCallback;
+class CopyCallbackImpl : public ffs3::CopyFileCallback //callback functionality
+ CopyCallbackImpl(MoveFileCallback* callback) : moveCallback(callback) {}
+ virtual Response updateCopyStatus(const wxULongLong& totalBytesTransferred)
+ {
+ switch (moveCallback->requestUiRefresh())
+ {
+ case MoveFileCallback::CONTINUE:
+ return CopyFileCallback::CONTINUE;
+ case MoveFileCallback::CANCEL:
+ return CopyFileCallback::CANCEL;
+ }
+ return CopyFileCallback::CONTINUE; //dummy return value
+ }
+ MoveFileCallback* moveCallback;
+void ffs3::moveFile(const Zstring& sourceFile, const Zstring& targetFile, MoveFileCallback* callback) //throw (FileError);
+ if (somethingExists(targetFile)) //test file existence: e.g. Linux might silently overwrite existing symlinks
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error moving file:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceFile) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + zToWx(targetFile) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + _("Target file already existing!"));
+ }
+ //moving of symbolic links should work correctly:
+ //first try to move the file directly without copying
+ try
+ {
+ renameFile(sourceFile, targetFile); //throw (FileError, ErrorDifferentVolume);
+ return;
+ }
+ //if moving failed treat as error (except when it tried to move to a different volume: in this case we will copy the file)
+ catch (const ErrorDifferentVolume&) {}
+ //file is on a different volume: let's copy it
+ std::auto_ptr<CopyCallbackImpl> copyCallback(callback != NULL ? new CopyCallbackImpl(callback) : NULL);
+ copyFile(sourceFile,
+ targetFile,
+ true, //copy symbolic links
+ false, //dont copy filesystem permissions
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ NULL, //supply handler for making shadow copies
+ copyCallback.get()); //throw (FileError);
+ //attention: if copy-operation was cancelled an exception is thrown => sourcefile is not deleted, as we wish!
+ removeFile(sourceFile);
+class TraverseOneLevel : public ffs3::TraverseCallback
+ typedef std::vector<std::pair<Zstring, Zstring> > NamePair;
+ TraverseOneLevel(NamePair& filesShort, NamePair& dirsShort) :
+ m_files(filesShort),
+ m_dirs(dirsShort) {}
+ virtual void onFile(const DefaultChar* shortName, const Zstring& fullName, const FileInfo& details)
+ {
+ m_files.push_back(std::make_pair(Zstring(shortName), fullName));
+ }
+ virtual void onSymlink(const DefaultChar* shortName, const Zstring& fullName, const SymlinkInfo& details)
+ {
+ if (details.dirLink)
+ m_dirs.push_back(std::make_pair(Zstring(shortName), fullName));
+ else
+ m_files.push_back(std::make_pair(Zstring(shortName), fullName));
+ }
+ virtual ReturnValDir onDir(const DefaultChar* shortName, const Zstring& fullName)
+ {
+ m_dirs.push_back(std::make_pair(Zstring(shortName), fullName));
+ return Loki::Int2Type<ReturnValDir::TRAVERSING_DIR_IGNORE>(); //DON'T traverse into subdirs; moveDirectory works recursively!
+ }
+ virtual void onError(const wxString& errorText)
+ {
+ throw FileError(errorText);
+ }
+ NamePair& m_files;
+ NamePair& m_dirs;
+void moveDirectoryImpl(const Zstring& sourceDir, const Zstring& targetDir, bool ignoreExistingDirs, MoveFileCallback* callback) //throw (FileError);
+ using namespace ffs3;
+ //handle symbolic links
+ if (symlinkExists(sourceDir))
+ {
+ createDirectory(targetDir, sourceDir, true, false); //copy symbolic link, don't copy permissions
+ removeDirectory(sourceDir); //if target is already another symlink or directory, sourceDir-symlink is silently deleted
+ return;
+ }
+ if (somethingExists(targetDir))
+ {
+ if (!ignoreExistingDirs) //directory or symlink exists (or even a file... this error will be caught later)
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error moving directory:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceDir) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + zToWx(targetDir) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + _("Target directory already existing!"));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //first try to move the directory directly without copying
+ try
+ {
+ renameFile(sourceDir, targetDir); //throw (FileError, ErrorDifferentVolume);
+ return;
+ }
+ //if moving failed treat as error (except when it tried to move to a different volume: in this case we will copy the directory)
+ catch (const ErrorDifferentVolume&) {}
+ //create target
+ createDirectory(targetDir, sourceDir, false, false); //throw (FileError); don't copy permissions
+ }
+ //call back once per folder
+ if (callback)
+ switch (callback->requestUiRefresh())
+ {
+ case MoveFileCallback::CONTINUE:
+ break;
+ case MoveFileCallback::CANCEL:
+ //an user aborted operation IS an error condition!
+ throw FileError(wxString(_("Error moving directory:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceDir) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") +
+ zToWx(targetDir) + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n") + _("Operation aborted!"));
+ }
+ //move files/folders recursively
+ TraverseOneLevel::NamePair fileList; //list of names: 1. short 2.long
+ TraverseOneLevel::NamePair dirList; //
+ //traverse source directory one level
+ TraverseOneLevel traverseCallback(fileList, dirList);
+ traverseFolder(sourceDir, false, &traverseCallback); //traverse one level, don't follow symlinks
+ const Zstring targetDirFormatted = targetDir.EndsWith(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) ? //ends with path separator
+ targetDir :
+ targetDir + common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR;
+ //move files
+ for (TraverseOneLevel::NamePair::const_iterator i = fileList.begin(); i != fileList.end(); ++i)
+ ffs3::moveFile(i->second, targetDirFormatted + i->first, callback);
+ //move directories
+ for (TraverseOneLevel::NamePair::const_iterator i = dirList.begin(); i != dirList.end(); ++i)
+ ::moveDirectoryImpl(i->second, targetDirFormatted + i->first, true, callback);
+ //attention: if move-operation was cancelled an exception is thrown => sourceDir is not deleted, as we wish!
+ //delete source
+ removeDirectory(sourceDir); //throw (FileError);
+void ffs3::moveDirectory(const Zstring& sourceDir, const Zstring& targetDir, bool ignoreExistingDirs, MoveFileCallback* callback) //throw (FileError);
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ const Zstring& sourceDirFormatted = sourceDir;
+ const Zstring& targetDirFormatted = targetDir;
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ const Zstring sourceDirFormatted = //remove trailing slash
+ sourceDir.size() > 1 && sourceDir.EndsWith(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) ? //exception: allow '/'
+ sourceDir.BeforeLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) :
+ sourceDir;
+ const Zstring targetDirFormatted = //remove trailing slash
+ targetDir.size() > 1 && targetDir.EndsWith(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) ? //exception: allow '/'
+ targetDir.BeforeLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) :
+ targetDir;
+ ::moveDirectoryImpl(sourceDirFormatted, targetDirFormatted, ignoreExistingDirs, callback);
+class FilesDirsOnlyTraverser : public ffs3::TraverseCallback
+ FilesDirsOnlyTraverser(std::vector<Zstring>& files, std::vector<Zstring>& dirs) :
+ m_files(files),
+ m_dirs(dirs) {}
+ virtual void onFile(const DefaultChar* shortName, const Zstring& fullName, const FileInfo& details)
+ {
+ m_files.push_back(fullName);
+ }
+ virtual void onSymlink(const DefaultChar* shortName, const Zstring& fullName, const SymlinkInfo& details)
+ {
+ if (details.dirLink)
+ m_dirs.push_back(fullName);
+ else
+ m_files.push_back(fullName);
+ }
+ virtual ReturnValDir onDir(const DefaultChar* shortName, const Zstring& fullName)
+ {
+ m_dirs.push_back(fullName);
+ return Loki::Int2Type<ReturnValDir::TRAVERSING_DIR_IGNORE>(); //DON'T traverse into subdirs; removeDirectory works recursively!
+ }
+ virtual void onError(const wxString& errorText)
+ {
+ throw FileError(errorText);
+ }
+ std::vector<Zstring>& m_files;
+ std::vector<Zstring>& m_dirs;
+void ffs3::removeDirectory(const Zstring& directory)
+ //no error situation if directory is not existing! manual deletion relies on it!
+ if (!somethingExists(directory))
+ return; //neither directory nor any other object (e.g. broken symlink) with that name existing
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ const Zstring directoryFmt = applyLongPathPrefix(directory); //support for \\?\-prefix
+ //initialize file attributes
+ if (!::SetFileAttributes( // initialize file attributes: actually NEEDED for symbolic links also!
+ directoryFmt.c_str(), // address of directory name
+ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) // attributes to set
+ {
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error deleting directory:")) + wxT("\n\"") + directory.c_str() + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ //attention: check if directory is a symlink! Do NOT traverse into it deleting contained files!!!
+ if (symlinkExists(directory)) //remove symlink directly
+ {
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ if (!::RemoveDirectory(directoryFmt.c_str()))
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ if (::unlink(directory.c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error deleting directory:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(directory) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ std::vector<Zstring> fileList;
+ std::vector<Zstring> dirList;
+ //get all files and directories from current directory (WITHOUT subdirectories!)
+ FilesDirsOnlyTraverser traverser(fileList, dirList);
+ ffs3::traverseFolder(directory, false, &traverser); //don't follow symlinks
+ //delete files
+ std::for_each(fileList.begin(), fileList.end(), removeFile);
+ //delete directories recursively
+ std::for_each(dirList.begin(), dirList.end(), removeDirectory); //call recursively to correctly handle symbolic links
+ //parent directory is deleted last
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ if (!::RemoveDirectory(directoryFmt.c_str())) //remove directory, support for \\?\-prefix
+ if (::rmdir(directory.c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error deleting directory:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(directory) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+//optionally: copy directory last change date, DO NOTHING if something fails
+void ffs3::copyFileTimes(const Zstring& sourceObj, const Zstring& targetObj, bool deRefSymlinks) //throw (FileError)
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ FILETIME creationTime = {0};
+ FILETIME lastAccessTime = {0};
+ FILETIME lastWriteTime = {0};
+ {
+ if (!::GetFileAttributesEx(applyLongPathPrefix(sourceObj).c_str(), //__in LPCTSTR lpFileName,
+ GetFileExInfoStandard, //__in GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS fInfoLevelId,
+ &sourceAttr)) //__out LPVOID lpFileInformation
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error reading file attributes:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceObj) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ if ((sourceAttr.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) && deRefSymlinks) //we have a symlink AND need to dereference...
+ {
+ HANDLE hSource = ::CreateFile(applyLongPathPrefix(sourceObj).c_str(),
+ FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, //needed to open a directory; no FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT => deref symlinks
+ NULL);
+ if (hSource == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error reading file attributes:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceObj) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr<void> dummy(hSource, ::CloseHandle);
+ if (!::GetFileTime(hSource, //__in HANDLE hFile,
+ &creationTime, //__out_opt LPFILETIME lpCreationTime,
+ &lastAccessTime, //__out_opt LPFILETIME lpLastAccessTime,
+ &lastWriteTime)) //__out_opt LPFILETIME lpLastWriteTime
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error reading file attributes:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceObj) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ creationTime = sourceAttr.ftCreationTime;
+ lastAccessTime = sourceAttr.ftLastAccessTime;
+ lastWriteTime = sourceAttr.ftLastWriteTime;
+ }
+ }
+ HANDLE hTarget = ::CreateFile(applyLongPathPrefix(targetObj).c_str(),
+ FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | //needed to open a directory
+ (deRefSymlinks ? 0 : FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT), //process symlinks
+ NULL);
+ if (hTarget == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error changing modification time:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(targetObj) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr<void> dummy(hTarget, ::CloseHandle);
+ if (!::SetFileTime(hTarget,
+ &creationTime,
+ &lastAccessTime,
+ &lastWriteTime)) //return value not evalutated!
+ {
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error changing modification time:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(targetObj) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ if (deRefSymlinks)
+ {
+ struct stat objInfo;
+ if (::stat(sourceObj.c_str(), &objInfo) != 0) //read file attributes from source directory
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error reading file attributes:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceObj) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ struct utimbuf newTimes;
+ newTimes.actime = objInfo.st_atime;
+ newTimes.modtime = objInfo.st_mtime;
+ //(try to) set new "last write time"
+ if (::utime(targetObj.c_str(), &newTimes) != 0) //return value not evalutated!
+ {
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error changing modification time:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(targetObj) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ struct stat objInfo;
+ if (::lstat(sourceObj.c_str(), &objInfo) != 0) //read file attributes from source directory
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error reading file attributes:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceObj) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ struct timeval newTimes[2];
+ newTimes[0].tv_sec = objInfo.st_atime; /* seconds */
+ newTimes[0].tv_usec = 0; /* microseconds */
+ newTimes[1].tv_sec = objInfo.st_mtime; /* seconds */
+ newTimes[1].tv_usec = 0; /* microseconds */
+ if (::lutimes(targetObj.c_str(), newTimes) != 0) //return value not evalutated!
+ {
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error changing modification time:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(targetObj) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+Zstring resolveDirectorySymlink(const Zstring& dirLinkName) //get full target path of symbolic link to a directory
+ //open handle to target of symbolic link
+ const HANDLE hDir = ::CreateFile(ffs3::applyLongPathPrefix(dirLinkName).c_str(),
+ 0,
+ FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, //needed to open a directory
+ NULL);
+ return Zstring();
+ boost::shared_ptr<void> dummy(hDir, ::CloseHandle);
+ const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 10000;
+ TCHAR targetPath[BUFFER_SIZE];
+ //dynamically load windows API function
+ typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GetFinalPathNameByHandleWFunc)(
+ HANDLE hFile,
+ LPTSTR lpszFilePath,
+ DWORD cchFilePath,
+ DWORD dwFlags);
+ static const GetFinalPathNameByHandleWFunc getFinalPathNameByHandle =
+ util::loadDllFunction<GetFinalPathNameByHandleWFunc>(L"kernel32.dll", "GetFinalPathNameByHandleW");
+ if (getFinalPathNameByHandle == NULL)
+ throw FileError(wxString(_("Error loading library function:")) + wxT("\n\"") + wxT("GetFinalPathNameByHandleW") + wxT("\""));
+ const DWORD rv = (*getFinalPathNameByHandle)(
+ hDir, //__in HANDLE hFile,
+ targetPath, //__out LPTSTR lpszFilePath,
+ BUFFER_SIZE,//__in DWORD cchFilePath,
+ 0); //__in DWORD dwFlags
+ if (rv >= BUFFER_SIZE || rv == 0)
+ return Zstring();
+ return targetPath;
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+void copySymlinkInternal(const Zstring& sourceLink, const Zstring& targetLink, bool copyFilePermissions) //throw (FileError)
+ using namespace ffs3;
+ //copy symbolic link
+ const int BUFFER_SIZE = 10000;
+ char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
+ const int bytesWritten = ::readlink(sourceLink.c_str(), buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
+ if (bytesWritten < 0 || bytesWritten == BUFFER_SIZE)
+ {
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error resolving symbolic link:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceLink) + wxT("\"");
+ if (bytesWritten < 0) errorMessage += wxString(wxT("\n\n")) + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted();
+ throw FileError(errorMessage);
+ }
+ //set null-terminating char
+ buffer[bytesWritten] = 0;
+ if (::symlink(buffer, targetLink.c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error copying symbolic link:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceLink) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + zToWx(targetLink) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ //allow only consistent objects to be created -> don't place before ::symlink, targetLink may already exist
+ Loki::ScopeGuard guardTargetLink = Loki::MakeGuard(::unlink, targetLink);
+ copyFileTimes(sourceLink, targetLink, false); //throw (FileError)
+ if (copyFilePermissions)
+ copyObjectPermissions(sourceLink, targetLink, false); //throw FileError()
+ guardTargetLink.Dismiss();
+namespace ffs3
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+class Privileges
+ static Privileges& getInstance()
+ {
+ static Privileges instance;
+ return instance;
+ }
+ void ensureActive(LPCTSTR privilege) //throw FileError()
+ {
+ if (activePrivileges.find(privilege) != activePrivileges.end())
+ return; //privilege already active
+ if (privilegeIsActive(privilege)) //privilege was already active before starting this tool
+ activePrivileges.insert(std::make_pair(privilege, false));
+ else
+ {
+ setPrivilege(privilege, true);
+ activePrivileges.insert(std::make_pair(privilege, true));
+ }
+ }
+ Privileges() {}
+ Privileges(Privileges&);
+ void operator=(Privileges&);
+ ~Privileges() //clean up: deactivate all privileges that have been activated by this application
+ {
+ for (PrivBuffType::const_iterator i = activePrivileges.begin(); i != activePrivileges.end(); ++i)
+ try
+ {
+ if (i->second)
+ Privileges::setPrivilege(i->first, false);
+ }
+ catch(...) {}
+ }
+ static bool privilegeIsActive(LPCTSTR privilege); //throw FileError()
+ static void setPrivilege(LPCTSTR privilege, bool enable); //throw FileError()
+ typedef std::map<Zstring, bool> PrivBuffType; //bool: enabled by this application
+ PrivBuffType activePrivileges;
+bool Privileges::privilegeIsActive(LPCTSTR privilege) //throw FileError()
+ HANDLE hToken = NULL;
+ if (!::OpenProcessToken(::GetCurrentProcess(), //__in HANDLE ProcessHandle,
+ TOKEN_QUERY, //__in DWORD DesiredAccess,
+ &hToken)) //__out PHANDLE TokenHandle
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error setting privilege:")) + wxT(" \"") + privilege + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr<void> dummy(hToken, ::CloseHandle);
+ LUID luid = {0};
+ if (!::LookupPrivilegeValue(
+ NULL, //__in_opt LPCTSTR lpSystemName,
+ privilege, //__in LPCTSTR lpName,
+ &luid )) //__out PLUID lpLuid
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error setting privilege:")) + wxT(" \"") + privilege + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ PRIVILEGE_SET priv = {0};
+ priv.PrivilegeCount = 1;
+ priv.Privilege[0].Luid = luid;
+ priv.Privilege[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
+ BOOL alreadyGranted = FALSE;
+ if (!::PrivilegeCheck(
+ hToken, //__in HANDLE ClientToken,
+ &priv, //__inout PPRIVILEGE_SET RequiredPrivileges,
+ &alreadyGranted)) //__out LPBOOL pfResult
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error setting privilege:")) + wxT(" \"") + privilege + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ return alreadyGranted == TRUE;
+void Privileges::setPrivilege(LPCTSTR privilege, bool enable) //throw FileError()
+ HANDLE hToken = NULL;
+ if (!::OpenProcessToken(::GetCurrentProcess(), //__in HANDLE ProcessHandle,
+ &hToken)) //__out PHANDLE TokenHandle
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error setting privilege:")) + wxT(" \"") + privilege + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr<void> dummy(hToken, ::CloseHandle);
+ LUID luid = {0};
+ if (!::LookupPrivilegeValue(
+ NULL, //__in_opt LPCTSTR lpSystemName,
+ privilege, //__in LPCTSTR lpName,
+ &luid )) //__out PLUID lpLuid
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error setting privilege:")) + wxT(" \"") + privilege + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
+ tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid;
+ tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = enable ? SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED : 0;
+ if (!::AdjustTokenPrivileges(
+ hToken, //__in HANDLE TokenHandle,
+ false, //__in BOOL DisableAllPrivileges,
+ &tp, //__in_opt PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState,
+ 0, //__in DWORD BufferLength,
+ NULL, //__out_opt PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES PreviousState,
+ NULL)) //__out_opt PDWORD ReturnLength
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error setting privilege:")) + wxT(" \"") + privilege + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED) //check although previous function returned with success!
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error setting privilege:")) + wxT(" \"") + privilege + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+//copy permissions for files, directories or symbolic links
+void ffs3::copyObjectPermissions(const Zstring& source, const Zstring& target, bool derefSymlinks) //throw FileError(); probably requires admin rights
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ //enable privilege: required to read/write SACL information
+ Privileges::getInstance().ensureActive(SE_SECURITY_NAME); //polling allowed...
+ //enable privilege: required to copy owner information
+ Privileges::getInstance().ensureActive(SE_RESTORE_NAME);
+ //the following privilege may be required according to (although not needed nor active in my tests)
+ Privileges::getInstance().ensureActive(SE_BACKUP_NAME);
+ PSID owner = NULL;
+ PSID group = NULL;
+ PACL dacl = NULL;
+ PACL sacl = NULL;
+ //
+ const HANDLE hSource = ::CreateFile(ffs3::applyLongPathPrefix(source).c_str(),
+ NULL);
+ if (hSource == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ throw FileError(wxString(_("Error opening file:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(source) + wxT("\"") +
+ wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ boost::shared_ptr<void> dummy(hSource, ::CloseHandle);
+// DWORD rc = ::GetNamedSecurityInfo(const_cast<WCHAR*>(applyLongPathPrefix(source).c_str()), -> does NOT dereference symlinks!
+ DWORD rc = ::GetSecurityInfo(
+ hSource, //__in LPTSTR pObjectName,
+ &owner, //__out_opt PSID *ppsidOwner,
+ &group, //__out_opt PSID *ppsidGroup,
+ &dacl, //__out_opt PACL *ppDacl,
+ &sacl, //__out_opt PACL *ppSacl,
+ &buffer); //__out_opt PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ppSecurityDescriptor
+ if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error copying file permissions:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(source) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + zToWx(target) + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted(rc));
+ }
+ boost::shared_ptr<void> dummy2(buffer, ::LocalFree);
+ const Zstring targetFmt = ffs3::applyLongPathPrefix(target);
+ //read-only file attribute may cause trouble: temporarily reset it
+ const DWORD targetAttr = ::GetFileAttributes(targetFmt.c_str());
+ Loki::ScopeGuard resetAttributes = Loki::MakeGuard(::SetFileAttributes, targetFmt, targetAttr);
+ if ( targetAttr != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES &&
+ ::SetFileAttributes(targetFmt.c_str(), targetAttr & (~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)); //try to...
+ else
+ resetAttributes.Dismiss();
+ HANDLE hTarget = ::CreateFile( targetFmt.c_str(), // lpFileName
+ FILE_GENERIC_WRITE | WRITE_OWNER | WRITE_DAC | ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, // dwDesiredAccess: all four seem to be required!!!
+ NULL, // lpSecurityAttributes
+ OPEN_EXISTING, // dwCreationDisposition
+ FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS | (derefSymlinks ? 0 : FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT), // dwFlagsAndAttributes
+ NULL); // hTemplateFile
+ if (hTarget == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ throw FileError(wxString(_("Error opening file:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(target) + wxT("\"") +
+ wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ boost::shared_ptr<void> dummy3(hTarget, ::CloseHandle);
+// rc = ::SetNamedSecurityInfo(const_cast<WCHAR*>(applyLongPathPrefix(target).c_str()), //__in LPTSTR pObjectName, -> does NOT dereference symlinks!
+ rc = ::SetSecurityInfo(
+ hTarget, //__in LPTSTR pObjectName,
+ owner, //__in_opt PSID psidOwner,
+ group, //__in_opt PSID psidGroup,
+ dacl, //__in_opt PACL pDacl,
+ sacl); //__in_opt PACL pSacl
+ if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error copying file permissions:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(source) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + zToWx(target) + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted(rc));
+ }
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ if (derefSymlinks)
+ {
+ struct stat fileInfo;
+ if ( ::stat(source.c_str(), &fileInfo) != 0 ||
+ ::chown(target.c_str(), fileInfo.st_uid, fileInfo.st_gid) != 0 || // may require admin rights!
+ ::chmod(target.c_str(), fileInfo.st_mode) != 0)
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error copying file permissions:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(source) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + zToWx(target) + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ struct stat fileInfo;
+ if ( ::lstat(source.c_str(), &fileInfo) != 0 ||
+ ::lchown(target.c_str(), fileInfo.st_uid, fileInfo.st_gid) != 0 || // may require admin rights!
+ (!symlinkExists(target) && ::chmod(target.c_str(), fileInfo.st_mode) != 0)) //setting access permissions doesn't make sense for symlinks on Linux: there is no lchmod()
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error copying file permissions:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(source) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + zToWx(target) + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ }
+void createDirectoryRecursively(const Zstring& directory, const Zstring& templateDir, bool copyDirectorySymLinks, bool copyFilePermissions, int level)
+ using namespace ffs3;
+ if (ffs3::dirExists(directory))
+ return;
+ if (level == 100) //catch endless recursion
+ return;
+ //try to create parent folders first
+ const Zstring dirParent = directory.BeforeLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR);
+ if (!dirParent.empty() && !ffs3::dirExists(dirParent))
+ {
+ //call function recursively
+ const Zstring templateParent = templateDir.BeforeLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR);
+ createDirectoryRecursively(dirParent, templateParent, false, copyFilePermissions, level + 1); //don't create symbolic links in recursion!
+ }
+ struct TryCleanUp
+ {
+ static void tryDeleteDir(const Zstring& linkname) //throw ()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ removeDirectory(linkname);
+ }
+ catch (...) {}
+ }
+ };
+ //now creation should be possible
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ const DWORD templateAttr = templateDir.empty() ? INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES :
+ ::GetFileAttributes(applyLongPathPrefix(templateDir).c_str()); //returns successful for broken symlinks
+ if (templateAttr == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) //fallback
+ {
+ if (!::CreateDirectory(applyLongPathPrefixCreateDir(directory).c_str(), // pointer to a directory path string
+ NULL))
+ {
+ if (level != 0) return;
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error creating directory:")) + wxT("\n\"") + directory.c_str() + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const bool isSymlink = (templateAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) != 0; //syntax required to shut MSVC up
+ //symbolic link handling
+ if (!copyDirectorySymLinks && isSymlink) //create directory based on target of symbolic link
+ {
+ //get target directory of symbolic link
+ const Zstring linkPath = resolveDirectorySymlink(templateDir);
+ if (linkPath.empty())
+ {
+ if (level != 0) return;
+ throw FileError(wxString(_("Error resolving symbolic link:")) + wxT("\n\"") + templateDir.c_str() + wxT("\""));
+ }
+ if (!::CreateDirectoryEx( // this function automatically copies symbolic links if encountered
+ applyLongPathPrefix(linkPath).c_str(), // pointer to path string of template directory
+ applyLongPathPrefixCreateDir(directory).c_str(), // pointer to a directory path string
+ NULL))
+ {
+ if (level != 0) return;
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error creating directory:")) + wxT("\n\"") + directory.c_str() + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ }
+ else //in all other cases
+ {
+ if (!::CreateDirectoryEx( // this function automatically copies symbolic links if encountered
+ applyLongPathPrefix(templateDir).c_str(), // pointer to path string of template directory
+ applyLongPathPrefixCreateDir(directory).c_str(), // pointer to a directory path string
+ NULL))
+ {
+ if (level != 0) return;
+ const wxString errorMessage = isSymlink ?
+ //give a more meaningful errormessage if copying a symbolic link failed, e.g. "C:\Users\ZenJu\Application Data"
+ (wxString(_("Error copying symbolic link:")) + wxT("\n\"") + templateDir.c_str() + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + directory.c_str() + wxT("\"")) :
+ (wxString(_("Error creating directory:")) + wxT("\n\"") + directory.c_str() + wxT("\""));
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ }
+ //ensure cleanup:
+ Loki::ScopeGuard guardNewDir = Loki::MakeGuard(&TryCleanUp::tryDeleteDir, directory);
+ if (copyDirectorySymLinks && isSymlink) //we need to copy the Symbolic Link's change date manually
+ copyFileTimes(templateDir, directory, false); //throw (FileError)
+ if (copyFilePermissions)
+ copyObjectPermissions(templateDir, directory, !copyDirectorySymLinks); //throw FileError()
+ guardNewDir.Dismiss(); //target has been created successfully!
+ }
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ //symbolic link handling
+ if ( copyDirectorySymLinks &&
+ !templateDir.empty() &&
+ symlinkExists(templateDir))
+ //there is no directory-type symlink in Linux! => just copy as file
+ return copySymlinkInternal(templateDir, directory, copyFilePermissions); //throw (FileError)
+ //default directory creation
+ if (::mkdir(directory.c_str(), 0755) != 0)
+ {
+ if (level != 0) return;
+ wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error creating directory:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(directory) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ //ensure cleanup:
+ Loki::ScopeGuard guardNewDir = Loki::MakeGuard(&TryCleanUp::tryDeleteDir, directory);
+ if (!templateDir.empty() && copyFilePermissions)
+ copyObjectPermissions(templateDir, directory, true); //throw FileError()
+ guardNewDir.Dismiss(); //target has been created successfully!
+void ffs3::createDirectory(const Zstring& directory, const Zstring& templateDir, bool copyDirectorySymLinks, bool copyFilePermissions)
+ //remove trailing separator
+ const Zstring dirFormatted = directory.EndsWith(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) ?
+ directory.BeforeLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) :
+ directory;
+ const Zstring templateFormatted = templateDir.EndsWith(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) ?
+ templateDir.BeforeLast(common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR) :
+ templateDir;
+ createDirectoryRecursively(dirFormatted, templateFormatted, copyDirectorySymLinks, copyFilePermissions, 0);
+void ffs3::createDirectory(const Zstring& directory)
+ ffs3::createDirectory(directory, Zstring(), false, false);
+Zstring createTempName(const Zstring& filename)
+ Zstring output = filename + ffs3::TEMP_FILE_ENDING;
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#warning TEMP_FILE_ENDING -> harmonize with other "endings" remove trailing dot
+ //ensure uniqueness
+ for (int i = 1; ffs3::somethingExists(output); ++i)
+ output = filename + DefaultChar('_') + numberToZstring(i) + ffs3::TEMP_FILE_ENDING;
+ return output;
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+#define COPY_FILE_COPY_SYMLINK 0x00000800
+DWORD CALLBACK copyCallbackInternal(
+ LARGE_INTEGER totalFileSize,
+ LARGE_INTEGER totalBytesTransferred,
+ LARGE_INTEGER streamSize,
+ LARGE_INTEGER streamBytesTransferred,
+ DWORD dwStreamNumber,
+ DWORD dwCallbackReason,
+ HANDLE hSourceFile,
+ HANDLE hDestinationFile,
+ LPVOID lpData)
+ using ffs3::CopyFileCallback;
+ //small performance optimization: it seems this callback function is called for every 64 kB (depending on cluster size).
+ static size_t callNr = 0;
+ if (++callNr % 4 == 0) //executing callback for each 256 kB should suffice
+ {
+ if (lpData != NULL)
+ {
+ //some odd check for some possible(?) error condition
+ if (totalBytesTransferred.HighPart < 0) //let's see if someone answers the call...
+ ::MessageBox(NULL, wxT("You've just discovered a bug in WIN32 API function \"CopyFileEx\"! \n\n\
+ Please write a mail to the author of FreeFileSync at and simply state that\n\
+ \"totalBytesTransferred.HighPart can be below zero\"!\n\n\
+ This will then be handled in future versions of FreeFileSync.\n\nThanks -ZenJu"),
+ NULL, 0);
+ CopyFileCallback* callback = static_cast<CopyFileCallback*>(lpData);
+ try
+ {
+ switch (callback->updateCopyStatus(wxULongLong(totalBytesTransferred.HighPart, totalBytesTransferred.LowPart)))
+ {
+ case CopyFileCallback::CONTINUE:
+ break;
+ case CopyFileCallback::CANCEL:
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ ::MessageBox(NULL, wxT("Exception in callback ffs3::copyFile! Please contact the author of FFS."), NULL, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool supportForSymbolicLinks()
+ ::ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
+ osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
+ //symbolic links are supported starting with Vista
+ if (GetVersionEx(&osvi))
+ return osvi.dwMajorVersion > 5; //XP has majorVersion == 5, minorVersion == 1, Vista majorVersion == 6
+ //overview:
+ return false;
+bool supportForNonEncryptedDestination()
+ ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
+ osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
+ //encrypted destination is not supported with Windows 2000
+ if (::GetVersionEx(&osvi))
+ return osvi.dwMajorVersion > 5 ||
+ (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5 && osvi.dwMinorVersion > 0); //2000 has majorVersion == 5, minorVersion == 0
+ //overview:
+ return false;
+void ffs3::copyFile(const Zstring& sourceFile,
+ const Zstring& targetFile,
+ bool copyFileSymLinks,
+ bool copyFilePermissions,
+ shadow::ShadowCopy* shadowCopyHandler,
+ ffs3::CopyFileCallback* callback)
+ //ffs3::fileExists(targetFile) -> avoid this call, performance;
+ //if target exists (very unlikely, because sync-algorithm deletes it) renaming below will fail!
+ //copy symbolic links instead of the files pointed at
+ static const bool symlinksSupported = supportForSymbolicLinks(); //only set "true" if supported by OS: else copying in Windows XP fails
+ if (copyFileSymLinks && symlinksSupported)
+ //allow copying from encrypted to non-encrytped location
+ static const bool nonEncSupported = supportForNonEncryptedDestination();
+ if (nonEncSupported)
+ const Zstring temporary = createTempName(targetFile); //use temporary file until a correct date has been set
+ struct TryCleanUp //ensure cleanup if working with temporary failed!
+ {
+ static void tryDeleteFile(const Zstring& filename) //throw ()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ removeFile(filename);
+ }
+ catch (...) {}
+ }
+ };
+ Loki::ScopeGuard guardTempFile = Loki::MakeGuard(&TryCleanUp::tryDeleteFile, temporary);
+ if (!::CopyFileEx( //same performance as CopyFile()
+ applyLongPathPrefix(sourceFile).c_str(),
+ applyLongPathPrefix(temporary).c_str(),
+ callback != NULL ? copyCallbackInternal : NULL,
+ callback,
+ copyFlags))
+ {
+ const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError();
+ //don't suppress "lastError == ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED": a user aborted operation IS an error condition!
+ //if file is locked (try to) use Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service
+ if (shadowCopyHandler != NULL &&
+ {
+ //shadowFilename already contains prefix: E.g. "\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1\Program Files\FFS\sample.dat"
+ Zstring shadowFilename;
+ try
+ {
+ shadowFilename = shadowCopyHandler->makeShadowCopy(sourceFile); //throw (FileError)
+ }
+ catch (const FileError& e)
+ {
+ wxString errorMsg = _("Error copying locked file %x!");
+ errorMsg.Replace(wxT("%x"), wxString(wxT("\"")) + zToWx(sourceFile) + wxT("\""));
+ errorMsg += wxT("\n\n") + e.msg();
+ throw FileError(errorMsg);
+ }
+ return copyFile(shadowFilename, //transferred bytes is automatically reset when new file is copied
+ targetFile,
+ copyFileSymLinks,
+ copyFilePermissions,
+ callback);
+ }
+ //assemble error message...
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error copying file:")) + wxT("\n\"") + sourceFile.c_str() + wxT("\" ->\n\"") + targetFile.c_str() + wxT("\"") + wxT("\n\n");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted(lastError));
+ }
+ //rename temporary file: do not add anything else here (note specific error handing)
+ ffs3::renameFile(temporary, targetFile);
+ guardTempFile.Dismiss(); //no need to delete temp file anymore
+ Loki::ScopeGuard guardTargetFile = Loki::MakeGuard(&TryCleanUp::tryDeleteFile, targetFile);
+ if (copyFilePermissions)
+ copyObjectPermissions(sourceFile, targetFile, !copyFileSymLinks); //throw FileError()
+ //copy creation date (last modification date is REDUNDANTLY written, too, even for symlinks)
+ copyFileTimes(sourceFile, targetFile, !copyFileSymLinks); //throw (FileError)
+ guardTargetFile.Dismiss();
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+void ffs3::copyFile(const Zstring& sourceFile,
+ const Zstring& targetFile,
+ bool copyFileSymLinks,
+ bool copyFilePermissions,
+ CopyFileCallback* callback)
+ using ffs3::CopyFileCallback;
+ //symbolic link handling
+ if ( copyFileSymLinks &&
+ symlinkExists(sourceFile))
+ {
+ return copySymlinkInternal(sourceFile, targetFile, copyFilePermissions); //throw (FileError)
+ }
+ //begin of regular file copy
+ struct stat fileInfo;
+ if (::stat(sourceFile.c_str(), &fileInfo) != 0) //read file attributes from source file (resolving symlinks)
+ {
+ const wxString errorMessage = wxString(_("Error reading file attributes:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceFile) + wxT("\"");
+ throw FileError(errorMessage + wxT("\n\n") + ffs3::getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ //open sourceFile for reading
+ FileInput fileIn(sourceFile); //throw FileError()
+ //create targetFile and open it for writing
+ const Zstring temporary = createTempName(targetFile); //use temporary file until a correct date has been set
+ //ensure cleanup (e.g. network drop): call BEFORE creating fileOut object!
+ Loki::ScopeGuard guardTempFile = Loki::MakeGuard(::unlink, temporary);
+ FileOutput fileOut(temporary); //throw FileError()
+ const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 512 * 1024; //512 kb seems to be a reasonable buffer size
+ static const boost::scoped_array<char> memory(new char[BUFFER_SIZE]);
+ //copy contents of sourceFile to targetFile
+ wxULongLong totalBytesTransferred;
+ do
+ {
+ const size_t bytesRead =, BUFFER_SIZE); //throw FileError()
+ fileOut.write(memory.get(), bytesRead); //throw FileError()
+ totalBytesTransferred += bytesRead;
+ //invoke callback method to update progress indicators
+ if (callback != NULL)
+ {
+ switch (callback->updateCopyStatus(totalBytesTransferred))
+ {
+ case CopyFileCallback::CONTINUE:
+ break;
+ case CopyFileCallback::CANCEL: //a user aborted operation IS an error condition!
+ throw FileError(wxString(_("Error copying file:")) + wxT("\n\"") + zToWx(sourceFile) + wxT("\" ->\n\"") +
+ zToWx(targetFile) + wxT("\"\n\n") + _("Operation aborted!"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while (!fileIn.eof());
+ //close output stream before changing attributes
+ fileOut.close();
+ //rename temporary file
+ ffs3::renameFile(temporary, targetFile);
+ guardTempFile.Dismiss();
+ //ensure cleanup:
+ Loki::ScopeGuard guardTargetFile = Loki::MakeGuard(::unlink, targetFile.c_str());
+ //adapt file modification time:
+ copyFileTimes(sourceFile, targetFile, true); //throw (FileError)
+ //set file permissions
+ if (copyFilePermissions)
+ copyObjectPermissions(sourceFile, targetFile, true); //throw FileError()
+ guardTargetFile.Dismiss(); //target has been created successfully!
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+Zstring getDriveName(const Zstring& directoryName) //GetVolume() doesn't work under Linux!
+ const Zstring volumeName = wxFileName(directoryName.c_str()).GetVolume().c_str();
+ if (volumeName.empty())
+ return Zstring();
+ return volumeName + wxFileName::GetVolumeSeparator().c_str() + common::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR;
+bool ffs3::isFatDrive(const Zstring& directoryName)
+ const Zstring driveName = getDriveName(directoryName);
+ if (driveName.empty())
+ return false;
+ wxChar fileSystem[32];
+ if (!GetVolumeInformation(driveName.c_str(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, fileSystem, 32))
+ return false;
+ return Zstring(fileSystem).StartsWith(wxT("FAT"));
+#endif //FFS_WIN