path: root/shared/dst_hack.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'shared/dst_hack.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 387 deletions
diff --git a/shared/dst_hack.cpp b/shared/dst_hack.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index aa7a0f3e..00000000
--- a/shared/dst_hack.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
-#include "dst_hack.h"
-#include "i18n.h"
-#include "long_path_prefix.h"
-#include "string_utf8.h"
-#include "last_error.h"
-#include "assert_static.h"
-#include <bitset>
-#include "global_func.h"
-#include <limits>
-#include "int64.h"
-#include "file_error.h"
-#include "dll_loader.h"
-using namespace zen;
-//fast ::GetVolumePathName() clone: let's hope it's not too simple (doesn't honor mount points)
-Zstring getVolumeName(const Zstring& filename)
- //this call is expensive: ~1.5 ms!
- // if (!::GetVolumePathName(applyLongPathPrefix(filename).c_str(), //__in LPCTSTR lpszFileName,
- // fsName, //__out LPTSTR lpszVolumePathName,
- // BUFFER_SIZE)) //__in DWORD cchBufferLength
- // ...
- // Zstring volumePath = fsName;
- // if (!volumePath.EndsWith(FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR)) //a trailing backslash is required
- // volumePath += FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR;
- Zstring nameFmt = removeLongPathPrefix(filename); //throw()
- if (!endsWith(nameFmt, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR))
- nameFmt += FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR; //GetVolumeInformation expects trailing backslash
- if (nameFmt.StartsWith(Zstr("\\\\"))) //UNC path: "\\ComputerName\SharedFolder\"
- {
- size_t nameSize = nameFmt.size();
- const size_t posFirstSlash = nameFmt.find(Zstr("\\"), 2);
- if (posFirstSlash != Zstring::npos)
- {
- nameSize = posFirstSlash + 1;
- const size_t posSecondSlash = nameFmt.find(Zstr("\\"), posFirstSlash + 1);
- if (posSecondSlash != Zstring::npos)
- nameSize = posSecondSlash + 1;
- }
- return Zstring(nameFmt.c_str(), nameSize); //include trailing backslash!
- }
- else //local path: "C:\Folder\"
- {
- const size_t pos = nameFmt.find(Zstr(":\\"));
- if (pos == 1) //expect single letter volume
- return Zstring(nameFmt.c_str(), 3);
- }
- return Zstring();
-bool dst::isFatDrive(const Zstring& fileName) //throw()
- const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = MAX_PATH + 1;
- wchar_t fsName[BUFFER_SIZE];
- const Zstring volumePath = getVolumeName(fileName);
- if (volumePath.empty())
- return false;
- //suprisingly fast: ca. 0.03 ms per call!
- if (!::GetVolumeInformation(volumePath.c_str(), //__in_opt LPCTSTR lpRootPathName,
- NULL, //__out LPTSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer,
- 0, //__in DWORD nVolumeNameSize,
- NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber,
- NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpMaximumComponentLength,
- NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpFileSystemFlags,
- fsName, //__out LPTSTR lpFileSystemNameBuffer,
- BUFFER_SIZE)) //__in DWORD nFileSystemNameSize
- {
- assert(false); //shouldn't happen
- return false;
- }
- //DST hack seems to be working equally well for FAT and FAT32 (in particular creation time has 10^-2 s precision as advertised)
- return fsName == Zstring(L"FAT") ||
- fsName == Zstring(L"FAT32");
-bool dst::vistaOrLater()
- OSVERSIONINFO osvi = {};
- osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
- //IFileOperation is supported with Vista and later
- if (::GetVersionEx(&osvi))
- return osvi.dwMajorVersion > 5;
- //XP has majorVersion == 5, minorVersion == 1
- //Vista has majorVersion == 6, minorVersion == 0
- //version overview:
- return false;
-bool dst::isFatDrive(HANDLE hFile) //throw()
- //dynamically load windows API function
- typedef BOOL (WINAPI *GetVolumeInformationByHandleWFunc)(HANDLE hFile,
- LPWSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer,
- DWORD nVolumeNameSize,
- LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber,
- LPDWORD lpMaximumComponentLength,
- LPDWORD lpFileSystemFlags,
- LPWSTR lpFileSystemNameBuffer,
- DWORD nFileSystemNameSize);
- const util::DllFun<GetVolumeInformationByHandleWFunc> getVolumeInformationByHandle(L"kernel32.dll", "GetVolumeInformationByHandleW");
- if (!getVolumeInformationByHandle)
- {
- assert(false);
- return false;
- }
- const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = MAX_PATH + 1;
- wchar_t fsName[BUFFER_SIZE];
- if (!getVolumeInformationByHandle(hFile, //__in HANDLE hFile,
- NULL, //__out LPTSTR lpVolumeNameBuffer,
- 0, //__in DWORD nVolumeNameSize,
- NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpVolumeSerialNumber,
- NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpMaximumComponentLength,
- NULL, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpFileSystemFlags,
- fsName, //__out LPTSTR lpFileSystemNameBuffer,
- BUFFER_SIZE)) //__in DWORD nFileSystemNameSize
- {
- assert(false); //shouldn't happen
- return false;
- }
- //DST hack seems to be working equally well for FAT and FAT32 (in particular creation time has 10^-2 s precision as advertised)
- return fsName == Zstring(L"FAT") ||
- fsName == Zstring(L"FAT32");
-//convert UInt64 and Int64 to FILETIME
-FILETIME toFiletime(Int64 number)
- const UInt64 unsig = to<UInt64>(number);
- FILETIME output = {};
- output.dwLowDateTime = unsig.getLo();
- output.dwHighDateTime = unsig.getHi();
- return output;
-FILETIME toFiletime(UInt64 number)
- FILETIME output = {};
- output.dwLowDateTime = number.getLo();
- output.dwHighDateTime = number.getHi();
- return output;
-UInt64 toUInt64(const FILETIME& fileTime)
- return UInt64(fileTime.dwLowDateTime, fileTime.dwHighDateTime);
-Int64 toInt64(const FILETIME& fileTime)
- return to<Int64>(UInt64(fileTime.dwLowDateTime, fileTime.dwHighDateTime));
-FILETIME utcToLocal(const FILETIME& utcTime) //throw (std::runtime_error)
- //treat binary local time representation (which is invariant under DST time zone shift) as logical UTC:
- FILETIME localTime = {};
- if (!::FileTimeToLocalFileTime(
- &utcTime, //__in const FILETIME *lpFileTime,
- &localTime)) //__out LPFILETIME lpLocalFileTime
- {
- const std::wstring errorMessage = _("Conversion error:") + " FILETIME -> local FILETIME: " + "(" +
- "High: " + toString<std::wstring>(utcTime.dwHighDateTime) + " " +
- "Low: " + toString<std::wstring>(utcTime.dwLowDateTime) + ") " + "\n\n" + getLastErrorFormatted();
- throw std::runtime_error(wideToUtf8<std::string>(errorMessage));
- }
- return localTime;
-FILETIME localToUtc(const FILETIME& localTime) //throw (std::runtime_error)
- //treat binary local time representation (which is invariant under DST time zone shift) as logical UTC:
- FILETIME utcTime = {};
- if (!::LocalFileTimeToFileTime(
- &localTime, //__in const FILETIME *lpLocalFileTime,
- &utcTime)) //__out LPFILETIME lpFileTime
- {
- const std::wstring errorMessage = _("Conversion error:") + " local FILETIME -> FILETIME: " + "(" +
- "High: " + toString<std::wstring>(localTime.dwHighDateTime) + " " +
- "Low: " + toString<std::wstring>(localTime.dwLowDateTime) + ") " + "\n\n" + getLastErrorFormatted();
- throw std::runtime_error(wideToUtf8<std::string>(errorMessage));
- }
- return utcTime;
-//struct FILETIME {DWORD dwLowDateTime; DWORD dwHighDateTime;};
-const FILETIME FAT_MIN_TIME = { 13374976, 27846544 }; //1980 \ both are valid max/min FAT dates for 2 second precision
-const FILETIME FAT_MAX_TIME = { 14487552, 37251238 }; //2107 /
-const size_t PRECISION_WRITE_TIME = 20000000; //number of 100 ns per step -> 2 s
-const size_t PRECISION_CREATE_TIME = 100000; // -> 1/100 s
-Number of bits of information in create time: ln_2((FAT_MAX_TIME - FAT_MIN_TIME) / PRECISION_CREATE_TIME) = 38.55534023
-Number of bits of information in write time: 30.91148404
-//total size available to store data:
-const size_t CREATE_TIME_INFO_BITS = 38;
-// I. indicator that offset in II) is present
-const size_t INDICATOR_EXISTING_BITS = 1;
-// II. local<->UTC time offset
-const size_t UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS = 7;
-// III. indicator that offset in II) corresponds to current local write time (this could be a hash of the write time)
-template <size_t precision>
-FILETIME encodeRawInformation(UInt64 rawInfo)
- rawInfo *= precision;
- rawInfo += toUInt64(FAT_MIN_TIME);
- assert(rawInfo <= toUInt64(FAT_MAX_TIME));
- return toFiletime(rawInfo);
-template <size_t precision>
-UInt64 extractRawInformation(const FILETIME& createTime)
- assert(toUInt64(FAT_MIN_TIME) <= toUInt64(createTime));
- assert(toUInt64(createTime) <= toUInt64(FAT_MAX_TIME));
- //FAT create time ranges from 1980 - 2107 (2^7 years) with 1/100 seconds precision
- UInt64 rawInfo = toUInt64(createTime);
- rawInfo -= toUInt64(FAT_MIN_TIME);
- rawInfo /= precision; //reduce precision (FILETIME has unit 10^-7 s)
- assert(toUInt64(encodeRawInformation<precision>(rawInfo)) == toUInt64(createTime)); //must be reversible
- return rawInfo;
-//convert write time to it's minimal representation (no restriction to FAT range "1980 - 2107")
-UInt64 extractRawWriteTime(const FILETIME& writeTime)
- UInt64 rawInfo = toUInt64(writeTime);
- assert(rawInfo % PRECISION_WRITE_TIME == 0U);
- rawInfo /= PRECISION_WRITE_TIME; //reduce precision (FILETIME has unit 10^-7 s)
- return rawInfo;
-//files with different resolution than 2 seconds are rounded up when written to FAT
-FILETIME roundToFatWriteTime(const FILETIME& writeTime)
- UInt64 rawData = toUInt64(writeTime);
- if (rawData % PRECISION_WRITE_TIME != 0U)
- return toFiletime(rawData);
-//get 7-bit value representing time shift in number of quarter-hours
-std::bitset<UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS> getUtcLocalShift()
- utcTime.dwHighDateTime += 5000000; //some arbitrary valid time
- const FILETIME localTime = utcToLocal(utcTime);
- const int timeShiftSec = to<int>((toInt64(localTime) - toInt64(utcTime)) / 10000000); //time shift in seconds
- const int timeShiftQuarter = timeShiftSec / (60 * 15); //time shift in quarter-hours
- const int absValue = common::abs(timeShiftQuarter); //MSVC C++0x bug: std::bitset<>(unsigned long) is ambiguous
- if (std::bitset < UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS - 1 > (absValue).to_ulong() != static_cast<unsigned long>(absValue) || //time shifts that big shouldn't be possible!
- timeShiftSec % (60 * 15) != 0) //all known time shift have at least 15 minute granularity!
- {
- const std::wstring errorMessage = _("Conversion error:") + " Unexpected UTC <-> local time shift: " +
- "(" + toString<std::wstring>(timeShiftSec) + ") " + "\n\n" + getLastErrorFormatted();
- throw std::runtime_error(wideToUtf8<std::string>(errorMessage));
- }
- std::bitset<UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS> output(absValue);
- output[UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS - 1] = timeShiftQuarter < 0; //sign bit
- return output;
-//get time-zone shift in seconds
-int convertUtcLocalShift(std::bitset<UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS> rawShift)
- const bool hasSign = rawShift[UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS - 1];
- rawShift[UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS - 1] = false;
- assert_static(UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS <= sizeof(unsigned long) * 8);
- return hasSign ?
- static_cast<int>(rawShift.to_ulong()) * 15 * 60 * -1 :
- static_cast<int>(rawShift.to_ulong()) * 15 * 60;
-bool dst::fatHasUtcEncoded(const RawTime& rawTime) //"createTimeRaw" as retrieved by ::FindFirstFile() and ::GetFileAttributesEx(); throw (std::runtime_error)
- if (toUInt64(rawTime.createTimeRaw) < toUInt64(FAT_MIN_TIME) ||
- toUInt64(FAT_MAX_TIME) < toUInt64(rawTime.createTimeRaw))
- {
- assert(false); //shouldn't be possible according to FAT specification
- return false;
- }
- const UInt64 rawInfo = extractRawInformation<PRECISION_CREATE_TIME>(utcToLocal(rawTime.createTimeRaw));
- assert_static(WRITE_TIME_HASH_BITS == 30);
- return (extractRawWriteTime(utcToLocal(rawTime.writeTimeRaw)) & 0x3FFFFFFFU) == (rawInfo & 0x3FFFFFFFU) && //ensure write time wasn't changed externally
- rawInfo >> (CREATE_TIME_INFO_BITS - INDICATOR_EXISTING_BITS) == 1U; //extended data available
-dst::RawTime dst::fatEncodeUtcTime(const FILETIME& writeTimeRealUtc) //throw (std::runtime_error)
- const FILETIME fatWriteTimeUtc = roundToFatWriteTime(writeTimeRealUtc); //writeTimeRealUtc may have incompatible precision (NTFS)
- //create time lets us store 40 bit of information
- //indicator that utc time is encoded -> hopefully results in a date long way in the future; but even if this bit is accidentally set, we still have the hash!
- UInt64 data = 1U;
- const std::bitset<UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS> utcShift = getUtcLocalShift();
- data |= utcShift.to_ulong();
- data |= extractRawWriteTime(utcToLocal(fatWriteTimeUtc)) & 0x3FFFFFFFU; //trim to last 30 bit of information
- assert_static(WRITE_TIME_HASH_BITS == 30);
- const FILETIME encodedData = localToUtc(encodeRawInformation<PRECISION_CREATE_TIME>(data)); //localToUtc: make sure data is physically saved as FAT local time
- assert(toUInt64(FAT_MIN_TIME) <= toUInt64(encodedData));
- assert(toUInt64(encodedData) <= toUInt64(FAT_MAX_TIME));
- return RawTime(encodedData, fatWriteTimeUtc); //keep compatible with other applications, at least until DST shift actually occurs
-FILETIME dst::fatDecodeUtcTime(const RawTime& rawTime) //return real UTC time; throw (std::runtime_error)
- if (!fatHasUtcEncoded(rawTime))
- return rawTime.writeTimeRaw;
- const UInt64 rawInfo = extractRawInformation<PRECISION_CREATE_TIME>(utcToLocal(rawTime.createTimeRaw));
- const std::bitset<UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS> rawShift(to<int>((rawInfo >> WRITE_TIME_HASH_BITS) & 0x7FU)); //static_cast<int>: a shame MSC... "unsigned long" should be supported instead!
- assert_static(UTC_LOCAL_OFFSET_BITS == 7);
- const int timeShiftSec = convertUtcLocalShift(rawShift);
- const FILETIME writeTimeLocal = utcToLocal(rawTime.writeTimeRaw);
- const Int64 realUTC = toInt64(writeTimeLocal) - Int64(timeShiftSec) * 10000000;
- return toFiletime(realUTC);