path: root/lib/dir_lock.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dir_lock.cpp')
1 files changed, 600 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dir_lock.cpp b/lib/dir_lock.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29c7ffc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/dir_lock.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+#include "dir_lock.h"
+#include <utility>
+#include <wx/utils.h>
+#include <wx/timer.h>
+#include <wx/log.h>
+#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
+#include <wx+/string_conv.h>
+#include <zen/last_error.h>
+#include <zen/thread.h> //includes <boost/thread.hpp>
+#include <zen/scope_guard.h>
+#include <zen/guid.h>
+#include <zen/file_io.h>
+#include <zen/assert_static.h>
+#include <wx+/serialize.h>
+#include <zen/int64.h>
+#include <zen/file_handling.h>
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+#include <tlhelp32.h>
+#include <zen/win.h> //includes "windows.h"
+#include <zen/long_path_prefix.h>
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <unistd.h>
+using namespace zen;
+using namespace std::rel_ops;
+const size_t EMIT_LIFE_SIGN_INTERVAL = 5000; //show life sign; unit [ms]
+const size_t POLL_LIFE_SIGN_INTERVAL = 6000; //poll for life sign; unit [ms]
+const size_t DETECT_EXITUS_INTERVAL = 30000; //assume abandoned lock; unit [ms]
+const char LOCK_FORMAT_DESCR[] = "FreeFileSync";
+const int LOCK_FORMAT_VER = 1; //lock file format version
+//worker thread
+class LifeSigns
+ LifeSigns(const Zstring& lockfilename) : //throw()!!! siehe SharedDirLock()
+ lockfilename_(lockfilename) {} //thread safety: make deep copy!
+ void operator()() const //thread entry
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ while (true)
+ {
+ boost::thread::sleep(boost::get_system_time() + boost::posix_time::milliseconds(EMIT_LIFE_SIGN_INTERVAL)); //interruption point!
+ //actual work
+ emitLifeSign(); //throw ()
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) //exceptions must be catched per thread
+ {
+ wxSafeShowMessage(wxString(_("An exception occurred!")) + wxT("(Dirlock)"), wxString::FromAscii(e.what())); //simple wxMessageBox won't do for threads
+ }
+ }
+ void emitLifeSign() const //try to append one byte...; throw()
+ {
+ const char buffer[1] = {' '};
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ //ATTENTION: setting file pointer IS required! => use CreateFile/FILE_GENERIC_WRITE + SetFilePointerEx!
+ //although CreateFile/FILE_APPEND_DATA without SetFilePointerEx works locally, it MAY NOT work on some network shares creating a 4 gig file!!!
+ const HANDLE fileHandle = ::CreateFile(applyLongPathPrefix(lockfilename_.c_str()).c_str(),
+ GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, //use both when writing over network, see comment in file_io.cpp
+ 0,
+ NULL);
+ if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ return;
+ ZEN_ON_BLOCK_EXIT(::CloseHandle(fileHandle));
+ const LARGE_INTEGER moveDist = {};
+ if (!::SetFilePointerEx(fileHandle, //__in HANDLE hFile,
+ moveDist, //__in LARGE_INTEGER liDistanceToMove,
+ NULL, //__out_opt PLARGE_INTEGER lpNewFilePointer,
+ FILE_END)) //__in DWORD dwMoveMethod
+ return;
+ DWORD bytesWritten = 0;
+ ::WriteFile(fileHandle, //__in HANDLE hFile,
+ buffer, //__out LPVOID lpBuffer,
+ 1, //__in DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,
+ &bytesWritten, //__out_opt LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,
+ NULL); //__inout_opt LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ const int fileHandle = ::open(lockfilename_.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_APPEND); //O_EXCL contains a race condition on NFS file systems:
+ if (fileHandle == -1)
+ return;
+ ZEN_ON_BLOCK_EXIT(::close(fileHandle));
+ const ssize_t bytesWritten = ::write(fileHandle, buffer, 1);
+ (void)bytesWritten;
+ }
+ const Zstring lockfilename_; //thread local! atomic ref-count => binary value-type semantics!
+UInt64 getLockFileSize(const Zstring& filename) //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA fileInfo = {};
+ const HANDLE searchHandle = ::FindFirstFile(applyLongPathPrefix(filename).c_str(), &fileInfo);
+ if (searchHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+ const DWORD lastError = ::GetLastError();
+ std::wstring errorMessage = _("Error reading file attributes:") + "\n\"" + filename + "\"" + "\n\n" + getLastErrorFormatted(lastError);
+ if (lastError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ||
+ lastError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
+ lastError == ERROR_BAD_NETPATH ||
+ throw ErrorNotExisting(errorMessage);
+ else
+ throw FileError(errorMessage);
+ }
+ ::FindClose(searchHandle);
+ return zen::UInt64(fileInfo.nFileSizeLow, fileInfo.nFileSizeHigh);
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ struct ::stat fileInfo = {};
+ if (::stat(filename.c_str(), &fileInfo) != 0) //follow symbolic links
+ {
+ const int lastError = errno;
+ std::wstring errorMessage = _("Error reading file attributes:") + "\n\"" + filename + "\"" + "\n\n" + getLastErrorFormatted(lastError);
+ if (lastError == ENOENT)
+ throw ErrorNotExisting(errorMessage);
+ else
+ throw FileError(errorMessage);
+ }
+ return zen::UInt64(fileInfo.st_size);
+Zstring deleteAbandonedLockName(const Zstring& lockfilename) //make sure to NOT change file ending!
+ const size_t pos = lockfilename.rfind(FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR); //search from end
+ return pos == Zstring::npos ? Zstr("Del.") + lockfilename :
+ Zstring(lockfilename.c_str(), pos + 1) + //include path separator
+ Zstr("Del.") +
+ afterLast(lockfilename, FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR); //returns the whole string if ch not found
+//read string from file stream
+std::string readString(wxInputStream& stream) //throw std::exception
+ const auto strLength = readPOD<std::uint32_t>(stream);
+ std::string output;
+ if (strLength > 0)
+ {
+ output.resize(strLength); //throw std::bad_alloc
+ stream.Read(&output[0], strLength);
+ }
+ return output;
+void writeString(wxOutputStream& stream, const std::string& str) //write string to filestream
+ writePOD(stream, static_cast<std::uint32_t>(str.length()));
+ stream.Write(str.c_str(), str.length());
+std::string getComputerId() //returns empty string on error
+ const wxString fhn = ::wxGetFullHostName();
+ if (fhn.empty()) return std::string();
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ return "Windows " + std::string(fhn.ToUTF8());
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ return "Linux " + std::string(fhn.ToUTF8());
+struct LockInformation
+ LockInformation()
+ {
+ lockId = zen::generateGUID();
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ procDescr.processId = ::GetCurrentProcessId();
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ procDescr.processId = ::getpid();
+ procDescr.computerId = getComputerId();
+ }
+ LockInformation(wxInputStream& stream) //read
+ {
+ char formatDescr[sizeof(LOCK_FORMAT_DESCR)] = {};
+ stream.Read(formatDescr, sizeof(LOCK_FORMAT_DESCR)); //file format header
+ const int lockFileVersion = readPOD<boost::int32_t>(stream); //
+ (void)lockFileVersion;
+ //some format checking here?
+ lockId = readString(stream);
+ procDescr.processId = static_cast<ProcessId>(readPOD<std::uint64_t>(stream)); //possible loss of precision (32/64 bit process) covered by buildId
+ procDescr.computerId = readString(stream);
+ }
+ void toStream(wxOutputStream& stream) const //write
+ {
+ assert_static(sizeof(ProcessId) <= sizeof(std::uint64_t)); //ensure portability
+ writePOD<boost::int32_t>(stream, LOCK_FORMAT_VER);
+ writeString(stream, lockId);
+ writePOD<std::uint64_t>(stream, procDescr.processId);
+ writeString(stream, procDescr.computerId);
+ }
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ typedef DWORD ProcessId; //same size on 32 and 64 bit windows!
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ typedef pid_t ProcessId;
+ std::string lockId; //16 byte UUID
+ struct ProcessDescription
+ {
+ ProcessId processId;
+ std::string computerId;
+ } procDescr;
+//true: process not available, false: cannot say anything
+enum ProcessStatus
+ProcessStatus getProcessStatus(const LockInformation::ProcessDescription& procDescr)
+ if (procDescr.computerId != getComputerId() ||
+ procDescr.computerId.empty()) //both names are empty
+ return PROC_STATUS_NO_IDEA; //lock owned by different computer
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ if (procDescr.processId == ::GetCurrentProcessId()) //may seem obscure, but it's possible: a lock file is "stolen" and put back while the program is running
+ //note: ::OpenProcess() is no option as it may successfully return for crashed processes!
+ HANDLE snapshot = ::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(
+ TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, //__in DWORD dwFlags,
+ 0); //__in DWORD th32ProcessID
+ if (snapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ ZEN_ON_BLOCK_EXIT(::CloseHandle(snapshot));
+ PROCESSENTRY32 processEntry = {};
+ processEntry.dwSize = sizeof(processEntry);
+ if (!::Process32First(snapshot, //__in HANDLE hSnapshot,
+ &processEntry)) //__inout LPPROCESSENTRY32 lppe
+ do
+ {
+ if (processEntry.th32ProcessID == procDescr.processId)
+ return PROC_STATUS_RUNNING; //process still running
+ }
+ while (::Process32Next(snapshot, &processEntry));
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ if (procDescr.processId == ::getpid()) //may seem obscure, but it's possible: a lock file is "stolen" and put back while the program is running
+ if (procDescr.processId <= 0 || procDescr.processId >= 65536)
+ return PROC_STATUS_NO_IDEA; //invalid process id
+ return zen::dirExists(Zstr("/proc/") + zen::toString<Zstring>(procDescr.processId)) ? PROC_STATUS_RUNNING : PROC_STATUS_NOT_RUNNING;
+void writeLockInfo(const Zstring& lockfilename) //throw FileError
+ //write GUID at the beginning of the file: this ID is a universal identifier for this lock (no matter what the path is, considering symlinks, distributed network, etc.)
+ FileOutputStream lockFile(lockfilename); //throw FileError
+ LockInformation().toStream(lockFile);
+LockInformation retrieveLockInfo(const Zstring& lockfilename) //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
+ //read GUID from beginning of file
+ FileInputStream lockFile(lockfilename); //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
+ return LockInformation(lockFile);
+std::string retrieveLockId(const Zstring& lockfilename) //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
+ return retrieveLockInfo(lockfilename).lockId;
+void waitOnDirLock(const Zstring& lockfilename, DirLockCallback* callback) //throw FileError
+ std::wstring infoMsg = _("Waiting while directory is locked (%x)...");
+ replace(infoMsg, L"%x", std::wstring(L"\"") + lockfilename + "\"");
+ if (callback)
+ callback->reportInfo(infoMsg);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------
+ try
+ {
+ const LockInformation lockInfo = retrieveLockInfo(lockfilename); //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
+ bool lockOwnderDead = false; //convenience optimization: if we know the owning process crashed, we needn't wait DETECT_EXITUS_INTERVAL sec
+ switch (getProcessStatus(lockInfo.procDescr))
+ {
+ case PROC_STATUS_ITS_US: //since we've already passed LockAdmin, the lock file seems abandoned ("stolen"?) although it's from this process
+ lockOwnderDead = true;
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ zen::UInt64 fileSizeOld;
+ wxLongLong lockSilentStart = wxGetLocalTimeMillis();
+ while (true)
+ {
+ const zen::UInt64 fileSizeNew = ::getLockFileSize(lockfilename); //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
+ wxLongLong currentTime = wxGetLocalTimeMillis();
+ if (fileSizeNew != fileSizeOld)
+ {
+ //received life sign from lock
+ fileSizeOld = fileSizeNew;
+ lockSilentStart = currentTime;
+ }
+ if (lockOwnderDead || //no need to wait any longer...
+ currentTime - lockSilentStart > DETECT_EXITUS_INTERVAL)
+ {
+ DirLock dummy(deleteAbandonedLockName(lockfilename), callback); //throw FileError
+ //now that the lock is in place check existence again: meanwhile another process may have deleted and created a new lock!
+ if (retrieveLockId(lockfilename) != lockInfo.lockId) //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
+ return; //another process has placed a new lock, leave scope: the wait for the old lock is technically over...
+ if (getLockFileSize(lockfilename) != fileSizeOld) //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
+ continue; //belated lifesign
+ removeFile(lockfilename); //throw FileError
+ return;
+ }
+ //wait some time...
+ const size_t GUI_CALLBACK_INTERVAL = 100;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < POLL_LIFE_SIGN_INTERVAL / GUI_CALLBACK_INTERVAL; ++i)
+ {
+ if (callback) callback->requestUiRefresh();
+ //show some countdown on abandoned locks
+ if (callback)
+ {
+ if (currentTime - lockSilentStart > EMIT_LIFE_SIGN_INTERVAL) //one signal missed: it's likely this is an abandoned lock:
+ {
+ long remainingSeconds = ((DETECT_EXITUS_INTERVAL - (wxGetLocalTimeMillis() - lockSilentStart)) / 1000).ToLong();
+ remainingSeconds = std::max(0L, remainingSeconds);
+ std::wstring remSecMsg = _P("1 sec", "%x sec", remainingSeconds);
+ replace(remSecMsg, L"%x", toString<std::wstring>(remainingSeconds));
+ callback->reportInfo(infoMsg + " " + remSecMsg);
+ }
+ else
+ callback->reportInfo(infoMsg); //emit a message in any case (might clear other one)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (const ErrorNotExisting&)
+ {
+ return; //what we are waiting for...
+ }
+void releaseLock(const Zstring& lockfilename) //throw ()
+ try
+ {
+ removeFile(lockfilename);
+ }
+ catch (...) {}
+bool tryLock(const Zstring& lockfilename) //throw FileError
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ const HANDLE fileHandle = ::CreateFile(applyLongPathPrefix(lockfilename).c_str(),
+ GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, //use both when writing over network, see comment in file_io.cpp
+ 0,
+ NULL);
+ if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ {
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+#warning fix this problem!
+ //read-only FTP may return: ERROR_FILE_EXISTS (NetDrive @ GNU)
+ if (::GetLastError() == ERROR_FILE_EXISTS)
+ return false;
+ else
+ throw FileError(_("Error setting directory lock:") + "\n\"" + lockfilename + "\"" + "\n\n" + getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ ::CloseHandle(fileHandle);
+#elif defined FFS_LINUX
+ //O_EXCL contains a race condition on NFS file systems:
+ ::umask(0); //important!
+ const int fileHandle = ::open(lockfilename.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_EXCL, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
+ if (fileHandle == -1)
+ {
+ if (errno == EEXIST)
+ return false;
+ else
+ throw FileError(_("Error setting directory lock:") + "\n\"" + lockfilename + "\"" + "\n\n" + getLastErrorFormatted());
+ }
+ ::close(fileHandle);
+ zen::ScopeGuard guardLockFile = zen::makeGuard([&]() { zen::removeFile(lockfilename); });
+ //write UUID at the beginning of the file: this ID is a universal identifier for this lock (no matter what the path is, considering symlinks, etc.)
+ writeLockInfo(lockfilename); //throw FileError
+ guardLockFile.dismiss(); //lockfile created successfully
+ return true;
+class DirLock::SharedDirLock
+ SharedDirLock(const Zstring& lockfilename, DirLockCallback* callback = NULL) : //throw FileError
+ lockfilename_(lockfilename)
+ {
+ while (!::tryLock(lockfilename)) //throw FileError
+ ::waitOnDirLock(lockfilename, callback); //
+ threadObj = boost::thread(LifeSigns(lockfilename));
+ }
+ ~SharedDirLock()
+ {
+ threadObj.interrupt(); //thread lifetime is subset of this instances's life
+ threadObj.join();
+ ::releaseLock(lockfilename_); //throw ()
+ }
+ SharedDirLock(const DirLock&);
+ SharedDirLock& operator=(const DirLock&);
+ const Zstring lockfilename_;
+ boost::thread threadObj;
+class DirLock::LockAdmin //administrate all locks held by this process to avoid deadlock by recursion
+ static LockAdmin& instance()
+ {
+ static LockAdmin inst;
+ return inst;
+ }
+ //create or retrieve a SharedDirLock
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedDirLock> retrieve(const Zstring& lockfilename, DirLockCallback* callback) //throw FileError
+ {
+ //optimization: check if there is an active(!) lock for "lockfilename"
+ FileToUuidMap::const_iterator iterUuid = fileToUuid.find(lockfilename);
+ if (iterUuid != fileToUuid.end())
+ {
+ const std::shared_ptr<SharedDirLock>& activeLock = findActive(iterUuid->second); //returns null-lock if not found
+ if (activeLock)
+ return activeLock; //SharedDirLock is still active -> enlarge circle of shared ownership
+ }
+ try //actual check based on lock UUID, deadlock prevention: "lockfilename" may be an alternative name for an already active lock
+ {
+ const std::string lockId = retrieveLockId(lockfilename); //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
+ const std::shared_ptr<SharedDirLock>& activeLock = findActive(lockId); //returns null-lock if not found
+ if (activeLock)
+ {
+ fileToUuid[lockfilename] = lockId; //perf-optimization: update relation
+ return activeLock;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...) {} //catch everything, let SharedDirLock constructor deal with errors, e.g. 0-sized/corrupted lock file
+ //not yet in buffer, so create a new directory lock
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedDirLock> newLock(new SharedDirLock(lockfilename, callback)); //throw FileError
+ const std::string newLockId = retrieveLockId(lockfilename); //throw FileError, ErrorNotExisting
+ //update registry
+ fileToUuid[lockfilename] = newLockId; //throw()
+ uuidToLock[newLockId] = newLock; //
+ return newLock;
+ }
+ LockAdmin() {}
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedDirLock> findActive(const std::string& lockId) //returns null-lock if not found
+ {
+ UuidToLockMap::const_iterator iterLock = uuidToLock.find(lockId);
+ return iterLock != uuidToLock.end() ?
+ iterLock->second.lock() : //try to get shared_ptr; throw()
+ std::shared_ptr<SharedDirLock>();
+ }
+ typedef std::weak_ptr<SharedDirLock> SharedLock;
+ typedef std::string UniqueId;
+ typedef std::map<Zstring, UniqueId, LessFilename> FileToUuidMap; //n:1 handle uppper/lower case correctly
+ typedef std::map<UniqueId, SharedLock> UuidToLockMap; //1:1
+ FileToUuidMap fileToUuid; //lockname |-> UUID; locks can be referenced by a lockfilename or alternatively a UUID
+ UuidToLockMap uuidToLock; //UUID |-> "shared lock ownership"
+DirLock::DirLock(const Zstring& lockfilename, DirLockCallback* callback) //throw FileError
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ const DWORD bufferSize = std::max(lockfilename.size(), static_cast<size_t>(10000));
+ std::vector<wchar_t> volName(bufferSize);
+ if (::GetVolumePathName(lockfilename.c_str(), //__in LPCTSTR lpszFileName,
+ &volName[0], //__out LPTSTR lpszVolumePathName,
+ bufferSize)) //__in DWORD cchBufferLength
+ {
+ DWORD dt = ::GetDriveType(&volName[0]);
+ if (dt == DRIVE_CDROM)
+ return; //we don't need a lock for a CD ROM
+ }
+ sharedLock = LockAdmin::instance().retrieve(lockfilename, callback);