path: root/ui/batchStatusHandler.cpp
diff options
authorDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 16:57:45 +0200
committerDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 16:57:45 +0200
commit2a3ebac62eb6dd88122c0f447ea90ce368373d3a (patch)
treefae5c18deaecfb6f39d4d66dd3de8ce730b2025b /ui/batchStatusHandler.cpp
parent1.17 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/batchStatusHandler.cpp')
1 files changed, 596 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/batchStatusHandler.cpp b/ui/batchStatusHandler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..462b1921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/batchStatusHandler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+#include "batchStatusHandler.h"
+#include "smallDialogs.h"
+#include <wx/stopwatch.h>
+#include <wx/taskbar.h>
+#include "../algorithm.h"
+#include <wx/ffile.h>
+#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
+#include "../library/globalFunctions.h"
+class LogFile
+ LogFile(const wxString& logfileDirectory)
+ {
+ //create logfile directory
+ const Zstring logfileDir = logfileDirectory.empty() ? wxT("Logs") : logfileDirectory.c_str();
+ if (!wxDirExists(logfileDir))
+ try
+ {
+ FreeFileSync::createDirectory(logfileDir, Zstring(), false);
+ }
+ catch (FileError&)
+ {
+ readyToWrite = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ //assemble logfile name
+ wxString logfileName = logfileDir.c_str();
+ if (!FreeFileSync::endsWithPathSeparator(logfileName.c_str()))
+ logfileName += GlobalResources::FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR;
+ wxString timeNow = wxDateTime::Now().FormatISOTime();
+ timeNow.Replace(wxT(":"), wxEmptyString);
+ logfileName += wxT("FFS_") + wxDateTime::Now().FormatISODate() + wxChar('_') + timeNow + wxT(".log");
+ logFile.Open(logfileName.c_str(), wxT("w"));
+ readyToWrite = logFile.IsOpened();
+ if (readyToWrite)
+ {
+ wxString headerLine = wxString(wxT("FreeFileSync - ")) +
+ _("Batch execution") + wxT(" (") +
+ _("Date") + wxT(": ") + wxDateTime::Now().FormatDate() + wxT(" ") + //"Date" is used at other places too
+ _("Time") + wxT(":") + wxT(" ") + wxDateTime::Now().FormatTime() + wxT(")");
+ logFile.Write(headerLine + wxChar('\n'));
+ logFile.Write(wxString().Pad(headerLine.Len(), wxChar('-')) + wxChar('\n') + wxChar('\n'));
+ wxString caption = _("Log-messages:");
+ logFile.Write(caption + wxChar('\n'));
+ logFile.Write(wxString().Pad(caption.Len(), wxChar('-')) + wxChar('\n'));
+ write(_("Start")); //attention: write() replaces '\n'-characters
+ logFile.Write(wxChar('\n')); //
+ totalTime.Start(); //measure total time
+ }
+ }
+ ~LogFile()
+ {
+ if (readyToWrite)
+ close();
+ }
+ bool isOkay()
+ {
+ return readyToWrite;
+ }
+ void write(const wxString& logText, const wxString& problemType = wxEmptyString)
+ {
+ logFile.Write(wxString(wxT("[")) + wxDateTime::Now().FormatTime() + wxT("] "));
+ if (problemType != wxEmptyString)
+ logFile.Write(problemType + wxT(": "));
+ //remove linebreaks
+ wxString formattedText = logText;
+ for (wxString::iterator i = formattedText.begin(); i != formattedText.end(); ++i)
+ if (*i == wxChar('\n'))
+ *i = wxChar(' ');
+ logFile.Write(formattedText + wxChar('\n'));
+ }
+ void close()
+ {
+ logFile.Write(wxChar('\n'));
+ long time = totalTime.Time(); //retrieve total time
+ logFile.Write(wxString(wxT("[")) + wxDateTime::Now().FormatTime() + wxT("] "));
+ logFile.Write(wxString(_("Stop")) + wxT(" (") + _("Total time:") + wxT(" ") + (wxTimeSpan::Milliseconds(time)).Format() + wxT(")"));
+ //logFile.close(); <- not needed
+ }
+ bool readyToWrite;
+ wxFFile logFile;
+ wxStopWatch totalTime;
+class FfsTrayIcon : public wxTaskBarIcon
+ FfsTrayIcon(StatusHandler* statusHandler) :
+ m_statusHandler(statusHandler),
+ processPaused(false)
+ {
+ running.reset(new wxIcon(*globalResource.programIcon));
+ paused.reset(new wxIcon);
+ paused->CopyFromBitmap(*globalResource.bitmapFFSPaused);
+ wxTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(*running);
+ }
+ ~FfsTrayIcon() {}
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ virtual wxMenu* CreatePopupMenu()
+ {
+ wxMenu* contextMenu = new wxMenu;
+ contextMenu->Append(CONTEXT_PAUSE, _("&Pause"), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK);
+ contextMenu->Check(CONTEXT_PAUSE, processPaused);
+ contextMenu->Append(CONTEXT_ABORT, _("&Abort"));
+ contextMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ contextMenu->Append(CONTEXT_ABOUT, _("&About..."));
+ //event handling
+ contextMenu->Connect(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(FfsTrayIcon::onContextMenuSelection), NULL, this);
+ return contextMenu; //ownership transferred to library
+ }
+ void onContextMenuSelection(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ int eventId = event.GetId();
+ if (eventId == CONTEXT_PAUSE)
+ {
+ processPaused = !processPaused;
+ if (processPaused)
+ wxTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(*paused);
+ else
+ wxTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(*running);
+ }
+ else if (eventId == CONTEXT_ABORT)
+ {
+ processPaused = false;
+ wxTaskBarIcon::SetIcon(*running);
+ m_statusHandler->requestAbortion();
+ }
+ else if (eventId == CONTEXT_ABOUT)
+ {
+ AboutDlg* aboutDlg = new AboutDlg(NULL);
+ aboutDlg->ShowModal();
+ aboutDlg->Destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ void updateSysTray()
+ {
+ updateUiNow();
+ //support for pause button
+ while (processPaused)
+ {
+ updateUiNow();
+ }
+ }
+ StatusHandler* m_statusHandler;
+ bool processPaused;
+ std::auto_ptr<wxIcon> running;
+ std::auto_ptr<wxIcon> paused;
+BatchStatusHandlerSilent::BatchStatusHandlerSilent(const xmlAccess::OnError handleError, const wxString& logfileDirectory, int& returnVal) :
+ m_handleError(handleError),
+ currentProcess(StatusHandler::PROCESS_NONE),
+ returnValue(returnVal),
+ trayIcon(new FfsTrayIcon(this)),
+ m_log(new LogFile(logfileDirectory))
+ //test if log was instantiated successfully
+ if (!m_log->isOkay())
+ { //handle error: file load
+ wxMessageBox(_("Unable to create logfile!"), _("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
+ throw FreeFileSync::AbortThisProcess();
+ }
+ unsigned int failedItems = unhandledErrors.GetCount();
+ //write result
+ if (abortRequested)
+ {
+ returnValue = -4;
+ m_log->write(_("Synchronization aborted!"), _("Error"));
+ }
+ else if (failedItems)
+ {
+ returnValue = -5;
+ m_log->write(_("Synchronization completed with errors!"), _("Info"));
+ }
+ else
+ m_log->write(_("Synchronization completed successfully!"), _("Info"));
+void BatchStatusHandlerSilent::updateStatusText(const Zstring& text)
+ if (currentProcess == StatusHandler::PROCESS_SYNCHRONIZING)
+ m_log->write(text.c_str(), _("Info"));
+void BatchStatusHandlerSilent::initNewProcess(int objectsTotal, wxLongLong dataTotal, StatusHandler::Process processID)
+ currentProcess = processID;
+ErrorHandler::Response BatchStatusHandlerSilent::reportError(const Zstring& errorMessage)
+ switch (m_handleError)
+ {
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_POPUP:
+ {
+ bool ignoreNextErrors = false;
+ ErrorDlg* errorDlg = new ErrorDlg(NULL,
+ wxString(errorMessage) + wxT("\n\n") + _("Ignore this error, retry or abort?"),
+ ignoreNextErrors);
+ const int rv = errorDlg->ShowModal();
+ errorDlg->Destroy();
+ switch (rv)
+ {
+ case ErrorDlg::BUTTON_IGNORE:
+ if (ignoreNextErrors) //falsify only
+ m_handleError = xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_IGNORE;
+ unhandledErrors.Add(errorMessage.c_str());
+ m_log->write(errorMessage.c_str(), _("Error"));
+ return ErrorHandler::IGNORE_ERROR;
+ case ErrorDlg::BUTTON_RETRY:
+ return ErrorHandler::RETRY;
+ case ErrorDlg::BUTTON_ABORT:
+ unhandledErrors.Add(errorMessage.c_str());
+ m_log->write(errorMessage.c_str(), _("Error"));
+ abortThisProcess();
+ }
+ }
+ break; //used if last switch didn't find a match
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_EXIT: //abort
+ unhandledErrors.Add(errorMessage.c_str());
+ m_log->write(errorMessage.c_str(), _("Error"));
+ abortThisProcess();
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_IGNORE:
+ unhandledErrors.Add(errorMessage.c_str());
+ m_log->write(errorMessage.c_str(), _("Error"));
+ return ErrorHandler::IGNORE_ERROR;
+ }
+ assert(false);
+ return ErrorHandler::IGNORE_ERROR; //dummy value
+void BatchStatusHandlerSilent::reportFatalError(const Zstring& errorMessage)
+ switch (m_handleError)
+ {
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_POPUP:
+ {
+ bool dummy = false;
+ ErrorDlg* errorDlg = new ErrorDlg(NULL,
+ errorMessage.c_str(), dummy);
+ errorDlg->ShowModal();
+ errorDlg->Destroy();
+ }
+ break;
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_EXIT:
+ break;
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_IGNORE:
+ break;
+ }
+ unhandledErrors.Add(errorMessage.c_str());
+ m_log->write(errorMessage.c_str(), _("Error"));
+ abortThisProcess();
+void BatchStatusHandlerSilent::reportWarning(const Zstring& warningMessage, bool& dontShowAgain)
+ switch (m_handleError)
+ {
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_POPUP:
+ {
+ //show popup and ask user how to handle warning
+ bool dontWarnAgain = false;
+ WarningDlg* warningDlg = new WarningDlg(NULL,
+ WarningDlg::BUTTON_IGNORE | WarningDlg::BUTTON_ABORT,
+ warningMessage.c_str(),
+ dontWarnAgain);
+ const int rv = warningDlg->ShowModal();
+ warningDlg->Destroy();
+ switch (rv)
+ {
+ case WarningDlg::BUTTON_ABORT:
+ unhandledErrors.Add(warningMessage.c_str());
+ m_log->write(warningMessage.c_str(), _("Warning"));
+ abortThisProcess();
+ case WarningDlg::BUTTON_IGNORE: //no unhandled error situation!
+ dontShowAgain = dontWarnAgain;
+ m_log->write(warningMessage.c_str(), _("Warning"));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ break; //keep it! last switch might not find match
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_EXIT: //abort
+ unhandledErrors.Add(warningMessage.c_str());
+ m_log->write(warningMessage.c_str(), _("Warning"));
+ abortThisProcess();
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_IGNORE: //no unhandled error situation!
+ m_log->write(warningMessage.c_str(), _("Warning"));
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(false);
+void BatchStatusHandlerSilent::addFinalInfo(const Zstring& infoMessage)
+ m_log->write(infoMessage.c_str(), _("Info"));
+void BatchStatusHandlerSilent::forceUiRefresh()
+ trayIcon->updateSysTray(); //needed by sys-tray icon only
+void BatchStatusHandlerSilent::abortThisProcess() //used by sys-tray menu
+ abortRequested = true;
+ throw FreeFileSync::AbortThisProcess();
+BatchStatusHandlerGui::BatchStatusHandlerGui(const xmlAccess::OnError handleError, int& returnVal) :
+ m_handleError(handleError),
+ currentProcess(StatusHandler::PROCESS_NONE),
+ returnValue(returnVal)
+ syncStatusFrame = new SyncStatus(this, NULL);
+ syncStatusFrame->Show();
+ //display result
+ wxString finalMessage;
+ unsigned int failedItems = unhandledErrors.GetCount();
+ if (failedItems)
+ {
+ finalMessage = wxString(_("Warning: Synchronization failed for %x item(s):")) + wxT("\n\n");
+ finalMessage.Replace(wxT("%x"), globalFunctions::numberToWxString(failedItems), false);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < failedItems; ++j)
+ { //remove linebreaks
+ wxString errorMessage = unhandledErrors[j];
+ for (wxString::iterator i = errorMessage.begin(); i != errorMessage.end(); ++i)
+ if (*i == wxChar('\n'))
+ *i = wxChar(' ');
+ finalMessage += errorMessage + wxT("\n");
+ }
+ finalMessage += wxT("\n");
+ }
+ if (!finalInfo.IsEmpty())
+ finalMessage += finalInfo + wxT("\n\n");
+ //notify to syncStatusFrame that current process has ended
+ if (abortRequested)
+ {
+ returnValue = -4;
+ finalMessage += _("Synchronization aborted!");
+ syncStatusFrame->setStatusText_NoUpdate(finalMessage.c_str());
+ syncStatusFrame->processHasFinished(SyncStatus::ABORTED); //enable okay and close events
+ }
+ else if (failedItems)
+ {
+ returnValue = -5;
+ finalMessage += _("Synchronization completed with errors!");
+ syncStatusFrame->setStatusText_NoUpdate(finalMessage.c_str());
+ syncStatusFrame->processHasFinished(SyncStatus::FINISHED_WITH_ERROR);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ finalMessage += _("Synchronization completed successfully!");
+ syncStatusFrame->setStatusText_NoUpdate(finalMessage.c_str());
+ syncStatusFrame->processHasFinished(SyncStatus::FINISHED_WITH_SUCCESS);
+ }
+void BatchStatusHandlerGui::updateStatusText(const Zstring& text)
+ syncStatusFrame->setStatusText_NoUpdate(text);
+void BatchStatusHandlerGui::initNewProcess(int objectsTotal, wxLongLong dataTotal, StatusHandler::Process processID)
+ currentProcess = processID;
+ if (currentProcess == StatusHandler::PROCESS_SCANNING)
+ syncStatusFrame->setCurrentStatus(SyncStatus::SCANNING);
+ else if (currentProcess == StatusHandler::PROCESS_COMPARING_CONTENT)
+ {
+ syncStatusFrame->resetGauge(objectsTotal, dataTotal);
+ syncStatusFrame->setCurrentStatus(SyncStatus::COMPARING);
+ }
+ else if (currentProcess == StatusHandler::PROCESS_SYNCHRONIZING)
+ {
+ syncStatusFrame->resetGauge(objectsTotal, dataTotal);
+ syncStatusFrame->setCurrentStatus(SyncStatus::SYNCHRONIZING);
+ }
+ else assert(false);
+void BatchStatusHandlerGui::updateProcessedData(int objectsProcessed, wxLongLong dataProcessed)
+ if (currentProcess == StatusHandler::PROCESS_SCANNING)
+ ;
+ else if (currentProcess == StatusHandler::PROCESS_COMPARING_CONTENT)
+ syncStatusFrame->incProgressIndicator_NoUpdate(objectsProcessed, dataProcessed);
+ else if (currentProcess == StatusHandler::PROCESS_SYNCHRONIZING)
+ syncStatusFrame->incProgressIndicator_NoUpdate(objectsProcessed, dataProcessed);
+ else assert(false);
+ErrorHandler::Response BatchStatusHandlerGui::reportError(const Zstring& errorMessage)
+ //add current time before error message
+ wxString errorWithTime = wxString(wxT("[")) + wxDateTime::Now().FormatTime() + wxT("] ") + errorMessage.c_str();
+ switch (m_handleError)
+ {
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_POPUP:
+ {
+ syncStatusFrame->updateStatusDialogNow();
+ bool ignoreNextErrors = false;
+ ErrorDlg* errorDlg = new ErrorDlg(syncStatusFrame,
+ wxString(errorMessage) + wxT("\n\n") + _("Ignore this error, retry or abort?"),
+ ignoreNextErrors);
+ switch (errorDlg->ShowModal())
+ {
+ case ErrorDlg::BUTTON_IGNORE:
+ if (ignoreNextErrors) //falsify only
+ m_handleError = xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_IGNORE;
+ unhandledErrors.Add(errorWithTime);
+ return ErrorHandler::IGNORE_ERROR;
+ case ErrorDlg::BUTTON_RETRY:
+ return ErrorHandler::RETRY;
+ case ErrorDlg::BUTTON_ABORT:
+ unhandledErrors.Add(errorWithTime);
+ abortThisProcess();
+ }
+ }
+ break; //used IF last switch didn't find a match
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_EXIT: //abort
+ unhandledErrors.Add(errorWithTime);
+ abortThisProcess();
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_IGNORE:
+ unhandledErrors.Add(errorWithTime);
+ return ErrorHandler::IGNORE_ERROR;
+ }
+ assert(false);
+ return ErrorHandler::IGNORE_ERROR; //dummy value
+void BatchStatusHandlerGui::reportFatalError(const Zstring& errorMessage)
+{ //add current time before error message
+ wxString errorWithTime = wxString(wxT("[")) + wxDateTime::Now().FormatTime() + wxT("] ") + errorMessage.c_str();
+ unhandledErrors.Add(errorWithTime);
+ abortThisProcess();
+void BatchStatusHandlerGui::reportWarning(const Zstring& warningMessage, bool& dontShowAgain)
+{ //add current time before warning message
+ wxString warningWithTime = wxString(wxT("[")) + wxDateTime::Now().FormatTime() + wxT("] ") + warningMessage.c_str();
+ switch (m_handleError)
+ {
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_POPUP:
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_EXIT: //show popup in this case also
+ {
+ //show popup and ask user how to handle warning
+ bool dontWarnAgain = false;
+ WarningDlg* warningDlg = new WarningDlg(NULL,
+ WarningDlg::BUTTON_IGNORE | WarningDlg::BUTTON_ABORT,
+ warningMessage.c_str(),
+ dontWarnAgain);
+ const int rv = warningDlg->ShowModal();
+ warningDlg->Destroy();
+ switch (rv)
+ {
+ case WarningDlg::BUTTON_IGNORE: //no unhandled error situation!
+ dontShowAgain = dontWarnAgain;
+ return;
+ case WarningDlg::BUTTON_ABORT:
+ unhandledErrors.Add(warningWithTime);
+ abortThisProcess();
+ }
+ }
+ break; //keep it! last switch might not find match
+ case xmlAccess::ON_ERROR_IGNORE: //no unhandled error situation!
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(false);
+void BatchStatusHandlerGui::forceUiRefresh()
+ if (currentProcess == StatusHandler::PROCESS_SCANNING)
+ syncStatusFrame->m_gauge1->Pulse(); //expensive! So put it here!
+ syncStatusFrame->updateStatusDialogNow();
+void BatchStatusHandlerGui::abortThisProcess()
+ abortRequested = true;
+ throw FreeFileSync::AbortThisProcess(); //abort can be triggered by syncStatusFrame
+void BatchStatusHandlerGui::addFinalInfo(const Zstring& infoMessage)
+ finalInfo = infoMessage.c_str();