path: root/shared/zstring.cpp
diff options
authorDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 17:00:17 +0200
committerDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 17:00:17 +0200
commitfd0853d2623dd278b08288331ed42e3be59252fb (patch)
treea7645daeaef8bdbed064faf4eb88e72cee58726c /shared/zstring.cpp
parent2.1 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'shared/zstring.cpp')
1 files changed, 415 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/shared/zstring.cpp b/shared/zstring.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba7292e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/shared/zstring.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+#include "zstring.h"
+#include "globalFunctions.h"
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+#include <wx/msw/wrapwin.h> //includes "windows.h"
+#endif //FFS_WIN
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+ if (activeStrings.size() > 0)
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+ {
+ int rowCount = 0;
+ wxString leakingStrings;
+ for (std::set<const DefaultChar*>::const_iterator i = activeStrings.begin();
+ i != activeStrings.end() && ++rowCount <= 10;
+ ++i)
+ {
+ leakingStrings += wxT("\"");
+ leakingStrings += *i;
+ leakingStrings += wxT("\"\n");
+ }
+ MessageBox(NULL, wxString(wxT("Memory leak detected! (No problem if it occurs while Unit testing only!)")) + wxT("\n\n")
+ + wxT("Candidates:\n") + leakingStrings,
+ wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), activeStrings.size()), 0);
+ }
+ std::abort();
+AllocationCount& AllocationCount::getInstance()
+ static AllocationCount global;
+ return global;
+#ifdef FFS_WIN
+int FreeFileSync::compareStringsWin32(const wchar_t* a, const wchar_t* b, const int aCount, const int bCount)
+ //DON'T use lstrcmpi() here! It uses word sort, which unfortunately is NOT always a strict weak sorting function for some locales (e.g. swedish)
+ //Use CompareString() with "SORT_STRINGSORT" instead!!!
+ const int rv = CompareString(
+ LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, //locale identifier
+ NORM_IGNORECASE | SORT_STRINGSORT, //comparison-style options
+ a, //pointer to first string
+ aCount, //size, in bytes or characters, of first string
+ b, //pointer to second string
+ bCount); //size, in bytes or characters, of second string
+ if (rv == 0)
+ throw RuntimeException(wxString(wxT("Error comparing strings!")));
+ else
+ return rv - 2; //convert to C-style string compare result
+Zstring& Zstring::Replace(const DefaultChar* old, const DefaultChar* replacement, bool replaceAll)
+ const size_t oldLen = defaultLength(old);
+ const size_t replacementLen = defaultLength(replacement);
+ size_t pos = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ pos = find(old, pos);
+ if (pos == npos)
+ break;
+ replace(pos, oldLen, replacement, replacementLen);
+ pos += replacementLen; //move past the string that was replaced
+ // stop now?
+ if (!replaceAll)
+ break;
+ }
+ return *this;
+bool matchesHelper(const DefaultChar* string, const DefaultChar* mask)
+ for (DefaultChar ch; (ch = *mask) != 0; ++mask)
+ {
+ switch (ch)
+ {
+ case DefaultChar('?'):
+ if (*string == 0)
+ return false;
+ else
+ ++string;
+ break;
+ case DefaultChar('*'):
+ //advance to next non-*/? char
+ do
+ {
+ ++mask;
+ ch = *mask;
+ }
+ while (ch == DefaultChar('*') || ch == DefaultChar('?'));
+ //if match ends with '*':
+ if (ch == DefaultChar(0))
+ return true;
+ ++mask;
+ while ((string = defaultStrFind(string, ch)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if (matchesHelper(string + 1, mask))
+ return true;
+ ++string;
+ }
+ return false;
+ default:
+ if (*string != ch)
+ return false;
+ else
+ ++string;
+ }
+ }
+ return *string == 0;
+bool Zstring::Matches(const DefaultChar* mask) const
+ return matchesHelper(c_str(), mask);
+bool Zstring::Matches(const DefaultChar* name, const DefaultChar* mask)
+ return matchesHelper(name, mask);
+Zstring& Zstring::Trim(bool fromRight)
+ const size_t thisLen = length();
+ if (thisLen == 0)
+ return *this;
+ if (fromRight)
+ {
+ const DefaultChar* cursor = data + thisLen - 1;
+ while (cursor != data - 1 && defaultIsWhiteSpace(*cursor)) //break when pointing one char further than last skipped element
+ --cursor;
+ ++cursor;
+ const size_t newLength = cursor - data;
+ if (newLength != thisLen)
+ {
+ if (descr->refCount > 1) //allocate new string
+ *this = Zstring(data, newLength);
+ else //overwrite this strin
+ {
+ descr->length = newLength;
+ data[newLength] = DefaultChar(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DefaultChar* cursor = data;
+ DefaultChar ch;
+ while ((ch = *cursor) != 0 && defaultIsWhiteSpace(ch))
+ ++cursor;
+ const size_t diff = cursor - data;
+ if (diff)
+ {
+ if (descr->refCount > 1) //allocate new string
+ *this = Zstring(cursor, thisLen - diff);
+ else
+ { //overwrite this string
+ data = cursor; //no problem when deallocating data, since descr points to begin of allocated area
+ descr->capacity -= diff;
+ descr->length -= diff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+Zstring& Zstring::MakeLower()
+ const size_t thisLen = length();
+ if (thisLen == 0)
+ return *this;
+ if (descr->refCount > 1) //allocate new string
+ {
+ StringDescriptor* newDescr;
+ DefaultChar* newData;
+ allocate(thisLen, newDescr, newData);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < thisLen; ++i)
+ newData[i] = defaultToLower(data[i]);
+ newData[thisLen] = 0;
+ decRef();
+ descr = newDescr;
+ data = newData;
+ }
+ else
+ { //overwrite this string
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < thisLen; ++i)
+ data[i] = defaultToLower(data[i]);
+ }
+ return *this;
+//std::string functions
+Zstring Zstring::substr(size_t pos, size_t len) const
+ if (len == npos)
+ {
+ assert(pos <= length());
+ return Zstring(c_str() + pos, length() - pos); //reference counting not used: different length
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(length() - pos >= len);
+ return Zstring(c_str() + pos, len);
+ }
+size_t Zstring::rfind(const DefaultChar ch, size_t pos) const
+ const size_t thisLen = length();
+ if (thisLen == 0)
+ return npos;
+ if (pos == npos)
+ pos = thisLen - 1;
+ else
+ assert(pos <= length());
+ do //pos points to last char of the string
+ {
+ if (data[pos] == ch)
+ return pos;
+ }
+ while (--pos != static_cast<size_t>(-1));
+ return npos;
+Zstring& Zstring::replace(size_t pos1, size_t n1, const DefaultChar* str, size_t n2)
+ assert(str < c_str() || c_str() + length() < str); //str mustn't point to data in this string
+ assert(n1 <= length() - pos1);
+ const size_t oldLen = length();
+ if (oldLen == 0)
+ {
+ assert(pos1 == 0 && n1 == 0);
+ return *this = Zstring(str, n2);
+ }
+ const size_t newLen = oldLen - n1 + n2;
+ if (newLen > oldLen || descr->refCount > 1)
+ { //allocate a new string
+ StringDescriptor* newDescr;
+ DefaultChar* newData;
+ allocate(newLen, newDescr, newData);
+ //assemble new string with replacement
+ memcpy(newData, data, pos1 * sizeof(DefaultChar));
+ memcpy(newData + pos1, str, n2 * sizeof(DefaultChar));
+ memcpy(newData + pos1 + n2, data + pos1 + n1, (oldLen - pos1 - n1) * sizeof(DefaultChar));
+ newData[newLen] = 0;
+ decRef();
+ data = newData;
+ descr = newDescr;
+ }
+ else //overwrite current string: case "n2 == 0" is handled implicitly
+ {
+ memcpy(data + pos1, str, n2 * sizeof(DefaultChar));
+ if (newLen < oldLen)
+ {
+ memmove(data + pos1 + n2, data + pos1 + n1, (oldLen - pos1 - n1) * sizeof(DefaultChar));
+ data[newLen] = 0;
+ descr->length = newLen;
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+Zstring& Zstring::operator=(const DefaultChar* source)
+ const size_t sourceLen = defaultLength(source);
+ if (sourceLen == 0)
+ return *this = Zstring();
+ if (descr->refCount > 1 || descr->capacity < sourceLen) //allocate new string
+ *this = Zstring(source, sourceLen);
+ else
+ { //overwrite this string
+ memcpy(data, source, sourceLen * sizeof(DefaultChar));
+ data[sourceLen] = 0;
+ descr->length = sourceLen;
+ }
+ return *this;
+Zstring& Zstring::operator+=(const Zstring& other)
+ const size_t otherLen = other.length();
+ if (otherLen != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t thisLen = length();
+ const size_t newLen = thisLen + otherLen;
+ copyBeforeWrite(newLen);
+ memcpy(data + thisLen, other.c_str(), otherLen * sizeof(DefaultChar));
+ data[newLen] = 0;
+ descr->length = newLen;
+ }
+ return *this;
+Zstring& Zstring::operator+=(const DefaultChar* other)
+ const size_t otherLen = defaultLength(other);
+ if (otherLen != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t thisLen = length();
+ const size_t newLen = thisLen + otherLen;
+ copyBeforeWrite(newLen);
+ memcpy(data + thisLen, other, otherLen * sizeof(DefaultChar));
+ data[newLen] = 0;
+ descr->length = newLen;
+ }
+ return *this;
+Zstring& Zstring::operator+=(DefaultChar ch)
+ const size_t oldLen = length();
+ copyBeforeWrite(oldLen + 1);
+ data[oldLen] = ch;
+ data[oldLen + 1] = 0;
+ ++descr->length;
+ return *this;
+void Zstring::copyBeforeWrite(const size_t capacityNeeded)
+ assert(capacityNeeded != 0);
+ if (descr->refCount > 1)
+ { //allocate a new string
+ const size_t oldLength = length();
+ assert(oldLength <= getCapacityToAllocate(capacityNeeded));
+ StringDescriptor* newDescr;
+ DefaultChar* newData;
+ allocate(capacityNeeded, newDescr, newData);
+ newDescr->length = oldLength;
+ if (oldLength)
+ {
+ memcpy(newData, data, oldLength * sizeof(DefaultChar));
+ newData[oldLength] = 0;
+ }
+ decRef();
+ descr = newDescr;
+ data = newData;
+ }
+ else if (descr->capacity < capacityNeeded)
+ { //try to resize the current string (allocate anew if necessary)
+ const size_t newCapacity = getCapacityToAllocate(capacityNeeded);
+ descr = (StringDescriptor*) realloc(descr, sizeof(StringDescriptor) + (newCapacity + 1) * sizeof(DefaultChar));
+ if (descr == NULL)
+ throw std::bad_alloc();
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+ AllocationCount::getInstance().dec(data); //test Zstring for memory leaks
+ data = (DefaultChar*)(descr + 1);
+#ifdef __WXDEBUG__
+ AllocationCount::getInstance().inc(data); //test Zstring for memory leaks
+ descr->capacity = newCapacity;
+ }