path: root/FreeFileSync.cpp
diff options
authorDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 16:44:25 +0200
committerDaniel Wilhelm <>2014-04-18 16:44:25 +0200
commitc63d9b438572f06f555e2232a15bd3c46bd10546 (patch)
tree92f2eca00f2a915078ee979acf26906670d75e5f /FreeFileSync.cpp
Diffstat (limited to 'FreeFileSync.cpp')
1 files changed, 1278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/FreeFileSync.cpp b/FreeFileSync.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6269fd60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FreeFileSync.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1278 @@
+#include <wx/arrstr.h>
+#include <wx/dir.h>
+#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
+#include "FreeFileSync.h"
+#include "library\md5.h"
+#include <stdexcept> //for std::runtime_error
+#include "library\globalfunctions.h"
+#include "library\GMP\include\gmp.h"
+#include <wx/filename.h>
+using namespace GlobalFunctions;
+wxString formatTime(unsigned int number)
+ assert (number < 100);
+ if (number <= 9)
+ {
+ wxChar result[3];
+ *result = '0';
+ result[1] = '0' + number;
+ result[2] = 0;
+ return result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxString result;
+ if (result.Printf(wxT("%d"), number) < 0)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Error when converting int to wxString");
+ return result;
+ }
+bool filetimeCmpSmallerThan(const FILETIME a,const FILETIME b)
+ if (a.dwHighDateTime != b.dwHighDateTime)
+ return (a.dwHighDateTime < b.dwHighDateTime);
+ else
+ return (a.dwLowDateTime < b.dwLowDateTime);
+bool filetimeCmpEqual(const FILETIME a,const FILETIME b)
+ if (a.dwHighDateTime == b.dwHighDateTime && a.dwLowDateTime == b.dwLowDateTime)
+ return (true);
+ else
+ return (false);
+void FreeFileSync::getFileInformation(FileInfo& output, const wxString& filename)
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA winFileInfo;
+ FILETIME localFileTime;
+ HANDLE fileHandle;
+ if ((fileHandle = FindFirstFile(filename.c_str(), &winFileInfo)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
+ throw FileError((wxString(_("Could not retrieve file info for: ")) + "\"" + filename.c_str() + "\"").c_str());
+ FindClose(fileHandle);
+ /* if (FileTimeToLocalFileTime(
+ &winFileInfo.ftCreationTime, // pointer to UTC file time to convert
+ &localFileTime // pointer to converted file time
+ ) == 0)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Error converting FILETIME to local FILETIME");
+ if (FileTimeToSystemTime(
+ &localFileTime, // pointer to file time to convert
+ &time // pointer to structure to receive system time
+ ) == 0)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Error converting FILETIME to SYSTEMTIME");
+ output.creationTime = numberToString(time.wYear) + "." +
+ formatTime(time.wMonth) + "." +
+ formatTime(time.wDay) + " " +
+ formatTime(time.wHour) + ":" +
+ formatTime(time.wMinute) + ":" +
+ formatTime(time.wSecond);*/
+ if (FileTimeToLocalFileTime(
+ &winFileInfo.ftLastWriteTime, // pointer to UTC file time to convert
+ &localFileTime // pointer to converted file time
+ ) == 0)
+ throw std::runtime_error(_("Error converting FILETIME to local FILETIME"));
+ if (FileTimeToSystemTime(
+ &localFileTime, // pointer to file time to convert
+ &time // pointer to structure to receive system time
+ ) == 0)
+ throw std::runtime_error(_("Error converting FILETIME to SYSTEMTIME"));
+ output.lastWriteTime = numberToWxString(time.wYear) + "-" +
+ formatTime(time.wMonth) + "-" +
+ formatTime(time.wDay) + " " +
+ formatTime(time.wHour) + ":" +
+ formatTime(time.wMinute) + ":" +
+ formatTime(time.wSecond);
+ //UTC times
+ output.lastWriteTimeUTC = winFileInfo.ftLastWriteTime;
+ mpz_t largeInt;
+ mpz_init_set_ui(largeInt, winFileInfo.nFileSizeHigh);
+ mpz_mul_ui(largeInt, largeInt, 65536);
+ mpz_mul_ui(largeInt, largeInt, 65536);
+ mpz_add_ui(largeInt, largeInt, winFileInfo.nFileSizeLow);
+ output.fileSize = mpz_get_str(0, 10, largeInt);
+ mpz_clear(largeInt);
+wxString FreeFileSync::calculateMD5Hash(const wxString& filename)
+ const unsigned int bufferSize = 4096;
+ char md5_output[33];
+ unsigned char signature[16];
+ unsigned char buffer[bufferSize];
+ md5_t state;
+ md5_init(&state);
+ FILE* inputFile = fopen( filename.c_str(), "rb");
+ if (!inputFile)
+ throw FileError((wxString(_("Could not open file: ")) + "\"" + filename + "\"").c_str());
+ do
+ {
+ unsigned int length = fread(buffer, 1, bufferSize, inputFile);
+ if (!ferror(inputFile)) md5_process(&state, buffer, length);
+ }
+ while (!feof(inputFile));
+ fclose(inputFile);
+ md5_finish(&state, signature);
+ for (int i=0;i<16;i++) sprintf(md5_output + i*2, "%02x", signature[i]);
+ return md5_output;
+void FreeFileSync::generateFileAndFolderDescriptions(DirectoryDescrType& output, const wxString& directory, StatusUpdater* updateClass)
+ assert (updateClass);
+ output.clear();
+ //get all files and folders from directory (and subdirectories) + information
+ GetAllFilesFull traverser(output, getFormattedDirectoryName(directory), updateClass);
+ wxDir dir(directory);
+ dir.Traverse(traverser);
+void FreeFileSync::getModelDiff(FileCompareResult& output, const wxString& dirLeft, const wxString& dirRight, CompareVariant cmpVar, StatusUpdater* updateClass)
+ assert (updateClass);
+ try
+ {
+ //retrieve sets of files (with description data)
+ DirectoryDescrType directoryLeft;
+ DirectoryDescrType directoryRight;
+ generateFileAndFolderDescriptions(directoryLeft, dirLeft, updateClass);
+ generateFileAndFolderDescriptions(directoryRight, dirRight, updateClass);
+ FileCompareLine gridLine;
+ output.clear();
+ //find files/folders that exist in left file model but not in right model
+ for (DirectoryDescrType::iterator i = directoryLeft.begin(); i != directoryLeft.end(); i++)
+ if (directoryRight.find(*i) == directoryRight.end())
+ {
+ gridLine.fileDescrLeft = *i;
+ gridLine.fileDescrRight = FileDescrLine();
+ = dirRight;
+ gridLine.cmpResult = FileOnLeftSideOnly;
+ output.push_back(gridLine);
+ }
+ for (DirectoryDescrType::iterator j = directoryRight.begin(); j != directoryRight.end(); j++)
+ {
+ DirectoryDescrType::iterator i;
+ //find files/folders that exist in right file model but not in left model
+ if ((i = directoryLeft.find(*j)) == directoryLeft.end())
+ {
+ gridLine.fileDescrLeft = FileDescrLine();
+ = dirLeft;
+ gridLine.fileDescrRight = *j;
+ gridLine.cmpResult = FileOnRightSideOnly;
+ output.push_back(gridLine);
+ }
+ //find files that exist in left and right file model
+ else
+ { //objType != isNothing
+ if (i->objType == IsDirectory && j->objType == IsDirectory)
+ {
+ gridLine.fileDescrLeft = *i;
+ gridLine.fileDescrRight = *j;
+ gridLine.cmpResult = FilesEqual;
+ output.push_back(gridLine);
+ }
+ //if we have a nameclash between a file and a directory: split into separate rows
+ else if (i->objType != j->objType)
+ {
+ gridLine.fileDescrLeft = *i;
+ gridLine.fileDescrRight = FileDescrLine();
+ = dirRight;
+ gridLine.cmpResult = FileOnLeftSideOnly;
+ output.push_back(gridLine);
+ gridLine.fileDescrLeft = FileDescrLine();
+ = dirLeft;
+ gridLine.fileDescrRight = *j;
+ gridLine.cmpResult = FileOnRightSideOnly;
+ output.push_back(gridLine);
+ }
+ else if (cmpVar == CompareByTimeAndSize)
+ {
+ //check files that exist in left and right model but have different properties
+ if (!filetimeCmpEqual(i->lastWriteTimeUTC, j->lastWriteTimeUTC) ||
+ i->fileSize != j->fileSize)
+ {
+ gridLine.fileDescrLeft = *i;
+ gridLine.fileDescrRight = *j;
+ if (filetimeCmpEqual(i->lastWriteTimeUTC, j->lastWriteTimeUTC))
+ gridLine.cmpResult = FilesDifferent;
+ else if (filetimeCmpSmallerThan(i->lastWriteTimeUTC, j->lastWriteTimeUTC))
+ gridLine.cmpResult = RightFileNewer;
+ else
+ gridLine.cmpResult = LeftFileNewer;
+ output.push_back(gridLine);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gridLine.fileDescrLeft = *i;
+ gridLine.fileDescrRight = *j;
+ gridLine.cmpResult = FilesEqual;
+ output.push_back(gridLine);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (cmpVar == CompareByMD5)
+ {
+ while (true)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ //check files that exist in left and right model but have different checksums
+ if (j->fileSize != i->fileSize || calculateMD5Hash(i->filename) != calculateMD5Hash(j->filename))
+ {
+ gridLine.fileDescrLeft = *i;
+ gridLine.fileDescrRight = *j;
+ gridLine.cmpResult = FilesDifferent;
+ output.push_back(gridLine);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gridLine.fileDescrLeft = *i;
+ gridLine.fileDescrRight = *j;
+ gridLine.cmpResult = FilesEqual;
+ output.push_back(gridLine);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ catch (FileError& error)
+ {
+ //if (updateClass) -> is mandatory
+ int rv = updateClass->reportError(;
+ if ( rv == StatusUpdater::Continue)
+ break;
+ else if (rv == StatusUpdater::Retry)
+ ; //continue with loop
+ else
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else assert (false);
+ }
+ }
+ updateClass->triggerUI_Refresh();
+ }
+ catch (std::runtime_error& theException)
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_(theException.what()), _("An exception occured!"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
+ return;
+ }
+void FreeFileSync::swapGrids(FileCompareResult& grid)
+ FileDescrLine tmp;
+ for (FileCompareResult::iterator i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ //swap compare result
+ if (i->cmpResult == FileOnLeftSideOnly)
+ i->cmpResult = FileOnRightSideOnly;
+ else if (i->cmpResult == FileOnRightSideOnly)
+ i->cmpResult = FileOnLeftSideOnly;
+ else if (i->cmpResult == RightFileNewer)
+ i->cmpResult = LeftFileNewer;
+ else if (i->cmpResult == LeftFileNewer)
+ i->cmpResult = RightFileNewer;
+ //swap file descriptors
+ tmp = i->fileDescrLeft;
+ i->fileDescrLeft = i->fileDescrRight;
+ i->fileDescrRight = tmp;
+ }
+GetAllFilesFull::GetAllFilesFull(DirectoryDescrType& output, wxString dirThatIsSearched, StatusUpdater* updateClass)
+ : m_output(output), directory(dirThatIsSearched), statusUpdater(updateClass)
+ assert(updateClass);
+ prefixLength = directory.Len();
+wxDirTraverseResult GetAllFilesFull::OnFile(const wxString& filename)
+ fileDescr.filename = filename;
+ = directory;
+ fileDescr.relFilename = filename.Mid(prefixLength, wxSTRING_MAXLEN);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ FreeFileSync::getFileInformation(currentFileInfo, filename);
+ break;
+ }
+ catch (FileError& error)
+ {
+ //if (updateClass) -> is mandatory
+ int rv = statusUpdater->reportError(;
+ if ( rv == StatusUpdater::Continue)
+ return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
+ else if (rv == StatusUpdater::Retry)
+ ; //continue with loop
+ else
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ }
+ fileDescr.lastWriteTime = currentFileInfo.lastWriteTime;
+ fileDescr.lastWriteTimeUTC = currentFileInfo.lastWriteTimeUTC;
+ fileDescr.fileSize = currentFileInfo.fileSize;
+ fileDescr.objType = IsFile;
+ m_output.insert(fileDescr);
+ //update UI/commandline status information
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(filename); // NO performance issue at all
+ //add 1 element to the progress indicator
+ statusUpdater->updateProgressIndicator(1); // NO performance issue at all
+ //trigger display refresh
+ statusUpdater->triggerUI_Refresh();
+ return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
+wxDirTraverseResult GetAllFilesFull::OnDir(const wxString& dirname)
+ if (dirname.EndsWith("\\RECYCLER"))
+ return wxDIR_IGNORE;
+ if (dirname.EndsWith("\\System Volume Information"))
+ return wxDIR_IGNORE;
+ fileDescr.filename = dirname;
+ = directory;
+ fileDescr.relFilename = dirname.Mid(prefixLength, wxSTRING_MAXLEN);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ FreeFileSync::getFileInformation(currentFileInfo, dirname);
+ break;
+ }
+ catch (FileError& error)
+ {
+ //if (updateClass) -> is mandatory
+ int rv = statusUpdater->reportError(;
+ if ( rv == StatusUpdater::Continue)
+ return wxDIR_IGNORE;
+ else if (rv == StatusUpdater::Retry)
+ ; //continue with loop
+ else
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ }
+ fileDescr.lastWriteTime = currentFileInfo.lastWriteTime;
+ fileDescr.lastWriteTimeUTC = currentFileInfo.lastWriteTimeUTC;
+ fileDescr.fileSize = "0"; //currentFileInfo.fileSize should be "0" as well, but just to be sure... <- isn't needed anyway...
+ fileDescr.objType = IsDirectory;
+ m_output.insert(fileDescr);
+ //update UI/commandline status information
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(dirname); // NO performance issue at all
+ //add 1 element to the progress indicator
+ statusUpdater->updateProgressIndicator(1); // NO performance issue at all
+ //trigger display refresh
+ statusUpdater->triggerUI_Refresh();
+ return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
+wxDirTraverseResult GetAllFilesFull::OnOpenError(const wxString& openerrorname)
+ wxMessageBox(openerrorname, _("Error opening file"));
+ return wxDIR_IGNORE;
+//file functions
+class GetAllFilesSimple : public wxDirTraverser
+ GetAllFilesSimple(wxArrayString& files, wxArrayString& subDirectories) :
+ allFiles(files),
+ subdirs(subDirectories)
+ {}
+ wxDirTraverseResult OnDir(const wxString& dirname)
+ {
+ subdirs.Add(dirname);
+ return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
+ }
+ wxDirTraverseResult OnFile(const wxString& filename)
+ {
+ allFiles.Add(filename);
+ return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
+ }
+ wxDirTraverseResult OnOpenError(const wxString& openerrorname)
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(openerrorname, _("Error opening file"));
+ return wxDIR_IGNORE;
+ }
+ wxArrayString& allFiles;
+ wxArrayString& subdirs;
+void FreeFileSync::moveToRecycleBin(const char* filename)
+ BOOL aborted = false;
+ char filenameDoubleNull[MAX_PATH + 1];
+ strcpy (filenameDoubleNull, filename);
+ filenameDoubleNull[strlen(filenameDoubleNull) + 1] = 0;
+ fileOp.hwnd = NULL;
+ fileOp.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
+ fileOp.pFrom = filenameDoubleNull;
+ fileOp.pTo = NULL;
+ fileOp.fAnyOperationsAborted = aborted;
+ fileOp.hNameMappings = NULL;
+ fileOp.lpszProgressTitle = NULL;
+ if (fileOperation(&fileOp //Pointer to an SHFILEOPSTRUCT structure that contains information the function needs to carry out.
+ ) != 0 || aborted) throw FileError(string(_("Error moving file ")) + filename + _(" to recycle bin!"));
+void FreeFileSync::removeFile(const char* filename)
+ if (!wxFileExists(filename)) return;
+ if (recycleBinAvailable)
+ {
+ moveToRecycleBin(filename);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!SetFileAttributes(
+ filename, // address of filename
+ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL // address of attributes to set
+ )) throw FileError(string(_("Error deleting file ")) + filename);
+ if (!DeleteFile(filename)) throw FileError(string(_("Error deleting file ")) + filename);
+void FreeFileSync::removeDirectory(const char* directory)
+ if (!wxDirExists(directory)) return;
+ if (recycleBinAvailable)
+ {
+ moveToRecycleBin(directory);
+ return;
+ }
+ wxDir dir(directory);
+ //get all files and directories from current directory (and subdirectories)
+ wxArrayString fileList;
+ wxArrayString dirList;
+ GetAllFilesSimple traverser(fileList, dirList);
+ dir.Traverse(traverser);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fileList.GetCount(); ++j)
+ removeFile(fileList[j].c_str());
+ dirList.Insert(directory, 0); //this directory will be deleted last
+ for (int j = int(dirList.GetCount()) - 1; j >= 0 ; --j)
+ if (!RemoveDirectory(dirList[j].c_str() // address of directory to remove
+ )) throw FileError(string(_("Error deleting directory ")) + dirList[j].c_str());
+void FreeFileSync::copyOverwriting(const char* source, const char* target)
+ if (!SetFileAttributes(
+ target, // address of filename
+ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL // address of attributes to set
+ )) throw FileError(string(_("Error overwriting file ")) + target);
+ if (!CopyFile(
+ source, // pointer to name of an existing file
+ target, // pointer to filename to copy to
+ FALSE // overwrite if file exists
+ )) throw FileError(string(_("Error copying file ")) + source + _(" to ") + target);
+void FreeFileSync::createDirectory(const wxString& directory, int level)
+ if (wxDirExists(directory))
+ return;
+ if (level == 50) //catch endless loop
+ return;
+//try to create directory
+ if (CreateDirectory(
+ directory.c_str(), // pointer to a directory path string
+ NULL // pointer to a security descriptor
+ )) return;
+ //if not successfull try to create containing folders first
+ wxString createFirstDir = wxDir(directory).GetName().BeforeLast('\\');
+ //call function recursively
+ if (createFirstDir.IsEmpty()) return;
+ createDirectory(createFirstDir, level + 1);
+ //now creation should be possible
+ if (!CreateDirectory(
+ directory.c_str(), // pointer to a directory path string
+ NULL // pointer to a security descriptor
+ ))
+ {
+ if (level == 0)
+ throw FileError(string(_("Error creating directory ")) + directory.c_str());
+ }
+void FreeFileSync::copyfile(const char* source, const char* target)
+ if (!CopyFile(
+ source, // pointer to name of an existing file
+ target, // pointer to filename to copy to
+ TRUE // break if file exists
+ )) throw FileError(string(_("Error copying file ")) + source + _(" to ") + target);
+void FreeFileSync::copyCreatingDirs(const wxString& source, const wxString& target)
+ wxString targetPath = wxFileName(target).GetPath();
+ createDirectory(targetPath);
+ if (!CopyFile(
+ source.c_str(), // pointer to name of an existing file
+ target.c_str(), // pointer to filename to copy to
+ TRUE // break if file exists
+ )) throw FileError(string(_("Error copying file ")) + source.c_str() + _(" to ") + target.c_str());
+wxCriticalSection CopyThread::copyFileCritSec;
+bool CopyThread::threadIsFinished = true;
+bool CopyThread::threadWasSuccessful = true;
+CopyThread::CopyThread(const wxString& sourceFile, const wxString& targetFile) :
+ source(sourceFile),
+ target(targetFile)
+wxThread::ExitCode CopyThread::Entry()
+ bool success = (CopyFile(
+ source.c_str(), // pointer to name of an existing file
+ target.c_str(), // pointer to filename to copy to
+ TRUE // break if file exists
+ ));
+ copyFileCritSec.Enter();
+ //report status to main thread
+ threadIsFinished = true;
+ threadWasSuccessful = success;
+ copyFileCritSec.Leave();
+ return 0;
+void FreeFileSync::copyfileMultithreaded(const wxString& source, const wxString& target, StatusUpdater* updateClass)
+ //at this point threadIsRunning is not shared between threads
+ CopyThread::threadIsFinished = false;
+ //create thread for copying of (large) files
+ CopyThread* copyFileThread = new CopyThread(source, target); //quite faster than joinable threads
+ copyFileThread->Create();
+ copyFileThread->SetPriority(80);
+ copyFileThread->Run();
+ bool processCompleted;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ CopyThread::copyFileCritSec.Enter();
+ processCompleted = CopyThread::threadIsFinished; //always put shared data into mutextes/critical sections
+ CopyThread::copyFileCritSec.Leave();
+ if (processCompleted) //if completed the data is not shared anymore
+ {
+ if (!CopyThread::threadWasSuccessful)
+ {
+ throw FileError(string(_("Error copying file ")) + source.c_str() + _(" to ") + target.c_str());
+ }
+ else return;
+ }
+ updateClass->triggerUI_Refresh();
+ }
+ : recycleBinAvailable(false)
+ // Get a handle to the DLL module containing Recycle Bin functionality
+ hinstShell = LoadLibrary("shell32.dll");
+ if (hinstShell == NULL)
+ recycleBinAvailable = false;
+ else
+ {
+ fileOperation = (DLLFUNC)GetProcAddress(hinstShell, "SHFileOperation");
+ if (fileOperation == NULL )
+ {
+ FreeLibrary(hinstShell);
+ recycleBinAvailable = false;
+ }
+ else
+ recycleBinAvailable = true;
+ }
+ if (recycleBinAvailable)
+ FreeLibrary(hinstShell);
+bool FreeFileSync::recycleBinExists()
+ FreeFileSync dummyObject;
+ return dummyObject.recycleBinAvailable;
+bool FreeFileSync::setRecycleBinUsage(bool activate)
+{ //If recycleBin is not available it mustn't be activated: This should NEVER happen!
+ if (!recycleBinAvailable && activate)
+ throw std::runtime_error("Initialization of Recycle Bin failed! It cannot be used!");
+ else
+ recycleBinAvailable = activate;
+ return true;
+SyncDirection getSyncDirection(const CompareFilesResult cmpResult, const SyncConfiguration& config)
+ switch (cmpResult)
+ {
+ case FileOnLeftSideOnly:
+ return config.exLeftSideOnly;
+ break;
+ case FileOnRightSideOnly:
+ return config.exRightSideOnly;
+ break;
+ case RightFileNewer:
+ return config.rightNewer;
+ break;
+ case LeftFileNewer:
+ return config.leftNewer;
+ break;
+ case FilesDifferent:
+ return config.different;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ return SyncDirNone;
+void FreeFileSync::getBytesToTransfer(mpz_t& result, const FileCompareLine& fileCmpLine, const SyncConfiguration& config)
+ mpz_set_ui(result, 0); //always initialize variables
+ //do not add filtered entries
+ if (!fileCmpLine.selectedForSynchronization)
+ return;
+ int returnValue = 0;
+ switch (fileCmpLine.cmpResult)
+ {
+ case FileOnLeftSideOnly:
+ if (config.exLeftSideOnly == SyncDirRight)
+ //copy files to right
+ returnValue = mpz_set_str(result, fileCmpLine.fileDescrLeft.fileSize.c_str(), 10);
+ break;
+ case FileOnRightSideOnly:
+ if (config.exRightSideOnly == SyncDirLeft)
+ //copy files to left
+ returnValue = mpz_set_str(result, fileCmpLine.fileDescrRight.fileSize.c_str(), 10);
+ break;
+ case LeftFileNewer:
+ case RightFileNewer:
+ case FilesDifferent:
+ switch (getSyncDirection(fileCmpLine.cmpResult, config))
+ {
+ case SyncDirLeft: //copy from right to left
+ returnValue = mpz_set_str(result, fileCmpLine.fileDescrRight.fileSize.c_str(), 10);
+ break;
+ case SyncDirRight: //copy from left to right
+ returnValue = mpz_set_str(result, fileCmpLine.fileDescrLeft.fileSize.c_str(), 10);
+ break;
+ case SyncDirNone:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case FilesEqual:
+ break;
+ };
+ assert (returnValue == 0);
+mpz_class FreeFileSync::calcTotalBytesToTransfer(const FileCompareResult& fileCmpResult, const SyncConfiguration& config)
+ mpz_t largeTmpInt, result_c;
+ mpz_init(largeTmpInt);
+ mpz_init(result_c);
+ for (FileCompareResult::const_iterator i = fileCmpResult.begin(); i != fileCmpResult.end(); ++i)
+ { //only sum up sizes of files, not directories
+ if (i->fileDescrLeft.objType == IsFile || i->fileDescrRight.objType == IsFile)
+ {
+ getBytesToTransfer(largeTmpInt, *i, config);
+ mpz_add(result_c, result_c, largeTmpInt); //much faster than converting this to mpz_class for each iteration
+ }
+ }
+ mpz_class result(result_c);
+ mpz_clear(largeTmpInt);
+ mpz_clear(result_c);
+ return result;
+void FreeFileSync::synchronizeFile(const FileCompareLine& filename, const SyncConfiguration& config, StatusUpdater* statusUpdater)
+ assert (statusUpdater);
+ if (!filename.selectedForSynchronization) return;
+ wxString target;
+ //synchronize file:
+ switch (filename.cmpResult)
+ {
+ case FileOnLeftSideOnly:
+ switch (config.exLeftSideOnly)
+ {
+ case SyncDirLeft: //delete files on left
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(wxString(_("Deleting file ") + filename.fileDescrLeft.filename));
+ removeFile(filename.fileDescrLeft.filename.c_str());
+ break;
+ case SyncDirRight: //copy files to right
+ target = + filename.fileDescrLeft.relFilename.c_str();
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(wxString(_("Copying file ")) + filename.fileDescrLeft.filename +
+ _(" to ") + target);
+ copyfileMultithreaded(filename.fileDescrLeft.filename, target, statusUpdater);
+ break;
+ case SyncDirNone:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case FileOnRightSideOnly:
+ switch (config.exRightSideOnly)
+ {
+ case SyncDirLeft: //copy files to left
+ target = + filename.fileDescrRight.relFilename;
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(wxString(_("Copying file ")) + filename.fileDescrRight.filename +
+ _(" to ") + target);
+ copyfileMultithreaded(filename.fileDescrRight.filename, target, statusUpdater);
+ break;
+ case SyncDirRight: //delete files on right
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(wxString(_("Deleting file ") + filename.fileDescrRight.filename));
+ removeFile(filename.fileDescrRight.filename.c_str());
+ break;
+ case SyncDirNone:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case LeftFileNewer:
+ case RightFileNewer:
+ case FilesDifferent:
+ switch (getSyncDirection(filename.cmpResult, config))
+ {
+ case SyncDirLeft: //copy from right to left
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(wxString(_("Copying file ")) + filename.fileDescrRight.filename +
+ _(" overwriting ") + filename.fileDescrLeft.filename);
+ removeFile(filename.fileDescrLeft.filename.c_str()); //only used if switch activated by user, else file is simply deleted
+ copyfileMultithreaded(filename.fileDescrRight.filename, filename.fileDescrLeft.filename, statusUpdater);
+ break;
+ case SyncDirRight: //copy from left to right
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(wxString(_("Copying file ")) + filename.fileDescrLeft.filename +
+ _(" overwriting ") + filename.fileDescrRight.filename);
+ removeFile(filename.fileDescrRight.filename.c_str()); //only used if switch activated by user, else file is simply deleted
+ copyfileMultithreaded(filename.fileDescrLeft.filename, filename.fileDescrRight.filename, statusUpdater);
+ break;
+ case SyncDirNone:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case FilesEqual:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ return;
+void FreeFileSync::synchronizeFolder(const FileCompareLine& filename, const SyncConfiguration& config, StatusUpdater* statusUpdater)
+ assert (statusUpdater);
+ if (!filename.selectedForSynchronization) return;
+ wxString target;
+ //synchronize folders:
+ switch (filename.cmpResult)
+ {
+ case FileOnLeftSideOnly:
+ switch (config.exLeftSideOnly)
+ {
+ case SyncDirLeft: //delete folders on left
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(wxString(_("Deleting folder ") + filename.fileDescrLeft.filename));
+ removeDirectory(filename.fileDescrLeft.filename.c_str());
+ break;
+ case SyncDirRight: //create folders on right
+ target = + filename.fileDescrLeft.relFilename;
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(wxString(_("Creating folder ") + target));
+ //some check to catch the error that directory on source has been deleted externally after the "compare"...
+ if (!wxDirExists(filename.fileDescrLeft.filename))
+ throw FileError(string(_("Error: Source directory does not exist anymore: ")) + filename.fileDescrLeft.filename.c_str());
+ createDirectory(target);
+ break;
+ case SyncDirNone:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case FileOnRightSideOnly:
+ switch (config.exRightSideOnly)
+ {
+ case SyncDirLeft: //create folders on left
+ target = + filename.fileDescrRight.relFilename;
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(wxString(_("Creating folder ") + target));
+ //some check to catch the error that directory on source has been deleted externally after the "compare"...
+ if (!wxDirExists(filename.fileDescrRight.filename))
+ throw FileError(string(_("Error: Source directory does not exist anymore: ")) + filename.fileDescrRight.filename.c_str());
+ createDirectory(target);
+ break;
+ case SyncDirRight: //delete folders on right
+ statusUpdater->updateStatus(wxString(_("Deleting folder ") + filename.fileDescrRight.filename));
+ removeDirectory(filename.fileDescrRight.filename.c_str());
+ break;
+ case SyncDirNone:
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case FilesEqual:
+ break;
+ case RightFileNewer:
+ case LeftFileNewer:
+ case FilesDifferent:
+ default:
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ return;
+wxString FreeFileSync::formatFilesizeToShortString(const mpz_class& filesize)
+ const char* DigitsSeparator = _(".");
+ mpf_class nrOfBytes = filesize;
+ wxString unit = " Byte";
+ if (nrOfBytes > 999)
+ {
+ nrOfBytes/= 1024;
+ unit = " kB";
+ if (nrOfBytes > 999)
+ {
+ nrOfBytes/= 1024;
+ unit = " MB";
+ if (nrOfBytes > 999)
+ {
+ nrOfBytes/= 1024;
+ unit = " GB";
+ if (nrOfBytes > 999)
+ {
+ nrOfBytes/= 1024;
+ unit = " TB";
+ if (nrOfBytes > 999)
+ {
+ nrOfBytes/= 1024;
+ unit = " PB";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mp_exp_t exponent = 0;
+ string temp;
+ if (unit == " Byte") //no decimal places in case of bytes
+ {
+ temp = nrOfBytes.get_str(exponent, 10, 3);
+ if (!temp.length()) //if nrOfBytes is zero GMP returns an empty string
+ temp = "0";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ temp = string(nrOfBytes.get_str(exponent, 10, 3) + "000").substr(0, 3); //returns mantisse of length 3 in all cases
+ if (exponent < 0 || exponent > 3)
+ temp = _("Error");
+ else
+ switch (exponent)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ temp = string("0") + DigitsSeparator + temp.substr(0, 2); //shorten mantisse as a 0 will be inserted
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ temp.insert(exponent, DigitsSeparator);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ temp+= unit;
+ return temp.c_str();
+void FreeFileSync::filterCurrentGridData(FileCompareResult& currentGridData, const wxString& includeFilter, const wxString& excludeFilter)
+ wxString includeFilterTmp(includeFilter);
+ wxString excludeFilterTmp(excludeFilter);
+ //make sure filters end with ";" - no problem with empty strings here
+ if (!includeFilterTmp.EndsWith(";"))
+ includeFilterTmp.Append(';');
+ if (!excludeFilterTmp.EndsWith(";"))
+ excludeFilterTmp.Append(';');
+ //load filters into vectors
+ vector<wxString> includeList;
+ vector<wxString> excludeList;
+ unsigned int indexStart = 0;
+ unsigned int indexEnd = 0;
+ while ((indexEnd = includeFilterTmp.find(';', indexStart )) != string::npos)
+ {
+ if (indexStart != indexEnd) //do not add empty strings
+ includeList.push_back( includeFilterTmp.substr(indexStart, indexEnd - indexStart) );
+ indexStart = indexEnd + 1;
+ }
+ indexStart = 0;
+ indexEnd = 0;
+ while ((indexEnd = excludeFilterTmp.find(';', indexStart )) != string::npos)
+ {
+ if (indexStart != indexEnd) //do not add empty strings
+ excludeList.push_back( excludeFilterTmp.substr(indexStart, indexEnd - indexStart) );
+ indexStart = indexEnd + 1;
+ }
+ //filter currentGridData
+ for (FileCompareResult::iterator i = currentGridData.begin(); i != currentGridData.end(); i++)
+ {
+ //process include filters
+ if (i->fileDescrLeft.objType != IsNothing)
+ {
+ bool includedLeft = false;
+ for (vector<wxString>::const_iterator j = includeList.begin(); j != includeList.end(); ++j)
+ if (i->fileDescrLeft.filename.Matches(*j))
+ {
+ includedLeft = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!includedLeft)
+ {
+ i->selectedForSynchronization = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i->fileDescrRight.objType != IsNothing)
+ {
+ bool includedRight = false;
+ for (vector<wxString>::const_iterator j = includeList.begin(); j != includeList.end(); ++j)
+ if (i->fileDescrRight.filename.Matches(*j))
+ {
+ includedRight = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!includedRight)
+ {
+ i->selectedForSynchronization = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ //process exclude filters
+ bool excluded = false;
+ for (vector<wxString>::const_iterator j = excludeList.begin(); j != excludeList.end(); ++j)
+ if (i->fileDescrLeft.filename.Matches(*j) ||
+ i->fileDescrRight.filename.Matches(*j))
+ {
+ excluded = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (excluded)
+ {
+ i->selectedForSynchronization = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ i->selectedForSynchronization = true;
+ }
+void FreeFileSync::removeFilterOnCurrentGridData(FileCompareResult& currentGridData)
+ //remove all filters on currentGridData
+ for (FileCompareResult::iterator i = currentGridData.begin(); i != currentGridData.end(); i++)
+ i->selectedForSynchronization = true;
+wxString FreeFileSync::getFormattedDirectoryName(const wxString& dirname)
+{ //this formatting is needed since functions in FreeFileSync.cpp expect the directory to end with '\' to be able to split the relative names
+ //Actually all it needs, is the length of the directory
+ //let wxWidgets do the directory formatting, e.g. replace '/' with '\'
+ wxString result = wxDir(dirname).GetName();
+ result.Append('\\');
+ return result;
+bool deletionImminent(const FileCompareLine& line, const SyncConfiguration& config)
+{ //test if current sync-line will result in deletion of files -> used to avoid disc space bottlenecks
+ if ((line.cmpResult == FileOnLeftSideOnly && config.exLeftSideOnly == SyncDirLeft) ||
+ (line.cmpResult == FileOnRightSideOnly && config.exRightSideOnly == SyncDirRight))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+void FreeFileSync::startSynchronizationProcess(FileCompareResult& grid, const SyncConfiguration& config, StatusUpdater* statusUpdater, bool useRecycleBin)
+ assert (statusUpdater);
+ try
+ {
+ FreeFileSync fileSyncObject; //currently only needed for recycle bin
+ fileSyncObject.setRecycleBinUsage(useRecycleBin);
+ FileCompareResult resultsGrid;
+ // it should never happen, that a directory on left side has same name as file on right side. GetModelDiff should take care of this
+ // and split into two "exists on one side only" cases
+ // Note: this case is not handled by this tool as this is considered to be a bug and must be solved by the user
+ //synchronize folders:
+ for (FileCompareResult::const_iterator i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->fileDescrLeft.objType == IsDirectory || i->fileDescrRight.objType == IsDirectory)
+ {
+ while (true)
+ { //trigger display refresh
+ statusUpdater->triggerUI_Refresh();
+ try
+ {
+ fileSyncObject.synchronizeFolder(*i, config, statusUpdater);
+ break;
+ }
+ catch (FileError& error)
+ {
+ //if (updateClass) -> is mandatory
+ int rv = statusUpdater->reportError(;
+ if ( rv == StatusUpdater::Continue)
+ {
+ resultsGrid.push_back(*i); //append folders that have not been synced successfully
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (rv == StatusUpdater::Retry)
+ ; //continue with loop
+ else
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ }
+ //progress indicator update
+ //indicator is updated no matter if errors occured or not!
+ statusUpdater->updateProgressIndicator(0); //each call represents one processed file/directory
+ }
+ }
+ //synchronize files:
+ for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) //loop over all files twice; reason: first delete, then copy (no sorting necessary: performance)
+ {
+ bool deleteLoop = !k; //-> first loop: delete files, second loop: copy files
+ for (FileCompareResult::const_iterator i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i->fileDescrLeft.objType == IsFile || i->fileDescrRight.objType == IsFile)
+ {
+ if (deleteLoop && deletionImminent(*i, config) ||
+ !deleteLoop && !deletionImminent(*i, config))
+ {
+ while (true)
+ { //trigger display refresh
+ statusUpdater->triggerUI_Refresh();
+ try
+ {
+ fileSyncObject.synchronizeFile(*i, config, statusUpdater);
+ break;
+ }
+ catch (FileError& error)
+ {
+ //if (updateClass) -> is mandatory
+ int rv = statusUpdater->reportError(;
+ if ( rv == StatusUpdater::Continue)
+ {
+ resultsGrid.push_back(*i); //append files that have not been synced successfully
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (rv == StatusUpdater::Retry)
+ ; //continue with loop
+ else
+ assert (false);
+ }
+ }
+ //progress indicator update
+ //indicator is updated no matter if errors occured or not!
+ mpz_t largeTmpInt;
+ mpz_init(largeTmpInt);
+ FreeFileSync::getBytesToTransfer(largeTmpInt, *i, config);
+ statusUpdater->updateProgressIndicator(mpz_get_d(largeTmpInt));
+ mpz_clear(largeTmpInt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //return files that couldn't be processed
+ grid = resultsGrid;
+ }
+ catch (std::runtime_error& theException)
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_(theException.what()), _("An exception occured!"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR);
+ return;
+ }