#! /usr/local/bin/python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement __author__ = "Cedric Bonhomme" __version__ = "$Revision: 0.5 $" __date__ = "$Date: 2010/04/15 $" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2010 Cedric Bonhomme" __license__ = "GPLv3" IMPORT_ERROR = [] import re try: import pylab except: IMPORT_ERROR.append("pylab") import string import hashlib import sqlite3 import operator import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from datetime import datetime from string import punctuation from collections import defaultdict from StringIO import StringIO try: from oice.langdet import langdet from oice.langdet import streams from oice.langdet import languages except: IMPORT_ERROR.append("oice") import threading LOCKER = threading.Lock() import os import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read("./cfg/pyAggr3g470r.cfg") path = config.get('global','path') sqlite_base = os.path.abspath(config.get('global', 'sqlitebase')) mail_from = config.get('mail','mail_from') mail_to = config.get('mail','mail_to') smtp_server = config.get('mail','smtp') username = config.get('mail','username') password = config.get('mail','password') def detect_language(text): """ Detect the language of a text. English, French or other (not detected). """ text = text.strip() try: text_stream = streams.Stream(StringIO(text)) lang = langdet.LanguageDetector.detect(text_stream) except: return 'other' if lang == languages.french: return 'french'.encode('utf-8') elif lang == languages.english: return 'english'.encode('utf-8') else: return 'other' def remove_html_tags(data): """ Remove HTML tags for the search. """ p = re.compile(r'<[^<]*?/?>') return p.sub('', data) def top_words(dic_articles, n=10, size=5): """ Return the n most frequent words in a list. """ words = {} articles_content = "" for rss_feed_id in dic_articles.keys(): for article in dic_articles[rss_feed_id]: articles_content += remove_html_tags(article[4].encode('utf-8')) words_gen = [word for word in articles_content.split() if len(word) > size] words_gen = [word.strip(punctuation).lower() for word in words_gen] words = defaultdict(int) for word in words_gen: words[word] += 1 top_words = sorted(words.iteritems(), key=lambda(word, count): (-count, word))[:n] return top_words def tag_cloud(tags): """ Generates a tags cloud. """ tags.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) return ' '.join([('%s\n' % \ (min(1 + count * 7 / max([tag[1] for tag in tags]), 7), word, word)) \ for (word, count) in tags]) def create_histogram(words, file_name="./var/histogram.png"): """ Create a histogram. """ length = 10 ind = pylab.arange(length) # abscissa width = 0.35 # bars width w = [elem[0] for elem in words] count = [int(elem[1]) for elem in words] max_count = max(count) # maximal weight p = pylab.bar(ind, count, width, color='r') pylab.ylabel("Count") pylab.title("Most frequent words") pylab.xticks(ind + (width / 2), range(1, len(w)+1)) pylab.xlim(-width, len(ind)) # changing the ordinate scale according to the max. if max_count <= 100: pylab.ylim(0, max_count + 5) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0, max_count + 5, 5)) elif max_count <= 200: pylab.ylim(0, max_count + 10) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0, max_count + 10, 10)) elif max_count <= 600: pylab.ylim(0, max_count + 25) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0, max_count + 25, 25)) elif max_count <= 800: pylab.ylim(0, max_count + 50) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0, max_count + 50, 50)) pylab.savefig(file_name, dpi = 80) pylab.close() def send_mail(mfrom, mto, feed_title, message): """Send the warning via mail """ mail = MIMEText(message) mail['From'] = mfrom mail['To'] = mto mail['Subject'] = '[pyAggr3g470r] News from ' + feed_title #email['Text'] = message server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server) server.login(username, password) server.sendmail(mfrom, \ mto, \ mail.as_string()) server.quit() def compare(stringtime1, stringtime2): """ Compare two dates in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'. """ date1, time1 = stringtime1.split(' ') date2, time2 = stringtime2.split(' ') year1, month1, day1 = date1.split('-') year2, month2, day2 = date2.split('-') hour1, minute1, second1 = time1.split(':') hour2, minute2, second2 = time2.split(':') datetime1 = datetime(year=int(year1), month=int(month1), day=int(day1), \ hour=int(hour1), minute=int(minute1), second=int(second1)) datetime2 = datetime(year=int(year2), month=int(month2), day=int(day2), \ hour=int(hour2), minute=int(minute2), second=int(second2)) if datetime1 < datetime2: return -1 elif datetime1 > datetime2: return 1 return 0 def create_base(): """ Create the base if not exists. """ sqlite3.register_adapter(str, lambda s : s.decode('utf-8')) conn = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_base, isolation_level = None) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''create table if not exists feeds (feed_title text, feed_site_link text, \ feed_link text PRIMARY KEY, feed_image_link text, mail text)''') c.execute('''create table if not exists articles (article_date text, article_title text, \ article_link text PRIMARY KEY, article_description text, \ article_readed text, feed_link text, like text)''') conn.commit() c.close() def load_feed(): """ Load feeds and articles in a dictionary. """ LOCKER.acquire() list_of_feeds = [] list_of_articles = [] try: conn = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_base, isolation_level = None) c = conn.cursor() list_of_feeds = c.execute("SELECT * FROM feeds").fetchall() except: pass # articles[feed_id] = (article_id, article_date, article_title, # article_link, article_description, article_readed, # article_language, like) # feeds[feed_id] = (nb_article, nb_article_unreaded, feed_image, # feed_title, feed_link, feed_site_link, mail) articles, feeds = {}, {} if list_of_feeds != []: for feed in list_of_feeds: list_of_articles = c.execute(\ "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE feed_link='" + \ feed[2] + "'").fetchall() if list_of_articles != []: for article in list_of_articles: sha1_hash = hashlib.sha1() sha1_hash.update(article[5].encode('utf-8')) feed_id = sha1_hash.hexdigest() sha1_hash.update(article[2].encode('utf-8')) article_id = sha1_hash.hexdigest() if "oice" not in IMPORT_ERROR: if article[3] != "": language = detect_language(remove_html_tags(article[3][:80]).encode('utf-8') + \ remove_html_tags(article[1]).encode('utf-8')) else: language = detect_language(remove_html_tags(article[1]).encode('utf-8')) else: language = "IMPORT_ERROR" article_list = [article_id, article[0], article[1], \ article[2], article[3], article[4], language, article[6]] if feed_id not in articles: articles[feed_id] = [article_list] else: articles[feed_id].append(article_list) # sort articles by date for each feeds for rss_feed_id in articles.keys(): articles[rss_feed_id].sort(lambda x,y: compare(y[1], x[1])) feeds[feed_id] = (len(articles[feed_id]), \ len([article for article in articles[feed_id] \ if article[5]=="0"]), \ feed[3], feed[0], feed[2], feed[1] , feed[4]\ ) c.close() LOCKER.release() return (articles, feeds) LOCKER.release() return (articles, feeds)