#! /usr/local/bin/python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = "Cedric Bonhomme" __version__ = "$Revision: 0.5 $" __date__ = "$Date: 2010/04/15 $" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2010 Cedric Bonhomme" __license__ = "GPLv3" IMPORT_ERROR = [] import re try: import pylab except: IMPORT_ERROR.append("pylab") import sqlite3 import hashlib import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from datetime import datetime from string import punctuation from collections import defaultdict from StringIO import StringIO try: from oice.langdet import langdet from oice.langdet import streams from oice.langdet import languages except: IMPORT_ERROR.append("oice") import threading LOCKER = threading.Lock() import os import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.read("./cfg/pyAggr3g470r.cfg") path = config.get('global','path') sqlite_base = os.path.abspath(config.get('global', 'sqlitebase')) mail_from = config.get('mail','mail_from') mail_to = config.get('mail','mail_to') smtp_server = config.get('mail','smtp') username = config.get('mail','username') password = config.get('mail','password') def detect_language(text): """ Detect the language of a text. English, French or other (not detected). """ text = text.strip() try: text_stream = streams.Stream(StringIO(text)) lang = langdet.LanguageDetector.detect(text_stream) except: return 'other' if lang == languages.french: return 'french'.encode('utf-8') elif lang == languages.english: return 'english'.encode('utf-8') else: return 'other' def remove_html_tags(data): """ Remove HTML tags for the search. """ p = re.compile(r'<[^<]*?/?>') return p.sub('', data) def top_words(dic_articles, n=10): """ Return the n most frequent words in a list. """ words = {} articles_content = "" for rss_feed_id in dic_articles.keys(): for article in dic_articles[rss_feed_id]: articles_content += remove_html_tags(article[4].encode('utf-8')) words_gen = (word.strip(punctuation).lower() \ for word in articles_content.split() \ if len(word) >= 6) words = defaultdict(int) for word in words_gen: words[word] += 1 top_words = sorted(words.iteritems(), key=lambda(word, count): (-count, word))[:n] return top_words def tag_cloud(tags): """ Generates a tags cloud. """ tags.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[0], y[0])) return ' '.join([('%s' % \ (min(1+p*7/max([tag[1] for tag in tags]), 7), x, x)) for (x, p) in tags]) def create_histogram(words, file_name="./var/histogram.png"): """ Create a histogram. """ length = 10 ind = pylab.arange(length) # abscissa width = 0.35 # bars width w = [elem[0] for elem in words] count = [int(elem[1]) for elem in words] max_count = max(count) # maximal weight p = pylab.bar(ind, count, width, color='r') pylab.ylabel("Count") pylab.title("Most frequent words") pylab.xticks(ind + (width / 2), range(1, len(w)+1)) pylab.xlim(-width, len(ind)) # changing the ordinate scale according to the max. if max_count <= 100: pylab.ylim(0, max_count + 5) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0, max_count + 5, 5)) elif max_count <= 200: pylab.ylim(0, max_count + 10) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0, max_count + 10, 10)) elif max_count <= 600: pylab.ylim(0, max_count + 25) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0, max_count + 25, 25)) elif max_count <= 800: pylab.ylim(0, max_count + 50) pylab.yticks(pylab.arange(0, max_count + 50, 50)) pylab.savefig(file_name, dpi = 80) pylab.close() def send_mail(mfrom, mto, feed_title, message): """Send the warning via mail """ mail = MIMEText(message) mail['From'] = mfrom mail['To'] = mto mail['Subject'] = '[pyAggr3g470r] News from ' + feed_title #email['Text'] = message server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server) server.login(username, password) server.sendmail(mfrom, \ mto, \ mail.as_string()) server.quit() def compare(stringtime1, stringtime2): """ Compare two dates in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'. """ date1, time1 = stringtime1.split(' ') date2, time2 = stringtime2.split(' ') year1, month1, day1 = date1.split('-') year2, month2, day2 = date2.split('-') hour1, minute1, second1 = time1.split(':') hour2, minute2, second2 = time2.split(':') datetime1 = datetime(year=int(year1), month=int(month1), day=int(day1), \ hour=int(hour1), minute=int(minute1), second=int(second1)) datetime2 = datetime(year=int(year2), month=int(month2), day=int(day2), \ hour=int(hour2), minute=int(minute2), second=int(second2)) if datetime1 < datetime2: return -1 elif datetime1 > datetime2: return 1 return 0 def create_base(): """ Create the base if not exists. """ sqlite3.register_adapter(str, lambda s : s.decode('utf-8')) conn = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_base, isolation_level = None) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('''create table if not exists feeds (feed_title text, feed_site_link text, \ feed_link text PRIMARY KEY, feed_image_link text, mail text)''') c.execute('''create table if not exists articles (article_date text, article_title text, \ article_link text PRIMARY KEY, article_description text, \ article_readed text, feed_link text, like text)''') conn.commit() c.close() def load_feed(): """ Load feeds and articles in a dictionary. """ LOCKER.acquire() list_of_feeds = [] list_of_articles = [] try: conn = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_base, isolation_level = None) c = conn.cursor() list_of_feeds = c.execute("SELECT * FROM feeds").fetchall() except: pass # articles[feed_id] = (article_id, article_date, article_title, # article_link, article_description, article_readed, # article_language, like) # feeds[feed_id] = (nb_article, nb_article_unreaded, feed_image, # feed_title, feed_link, feed_site_link, mail) articles, feeds = {}, {} if list_of_feeds != []: for feed in list_of_feeds: list_of_articles = c.execute(\ "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE feed_link='" + \ feed[2] + "'").fetchall() if list_of_articles != []: for article in list_of_articles: sha1_hash = hashlib.sha1() sha1_hash.update(article[5].encode('utf-8')) feed_id = sha1_hash.hexdigest() sha1_hash.update(article[2].encode('utf-8')) article_id = sha1_hash.hexdigest() if "oice" not in IMPORT_ERROR: if article[3] != "": language = detect_language(remove_html_tags(article[3][:80]).encode('utf-8') + \ remove_html_tags(article[1]).encode('utf-8')) else: language = detect_language(remove_html_tags(article[1]).encode('utf-8')) else: language = "IMPORT_ERROR" article_list = [article_id, article[0], article[1], \ article[2], article[3], article[4], language, article[6]] if feed_id not in articles: articles[feed_id] = [article_list] else: articles[feed_id].append(article_list) # sort articles by date for each feeds for rss_feed_id in articles.keys(): articles[rss_feed_id].sort(lambda x,y: compare(y[1], x[1])) feeds[feed_id] = (len(articles[feed_id]), \ len([article for article in articles[feed_id] \ if article[5]=="0"]), \ feed[3], feed[0], feed[2], feed[1] , feed[4]\ ) c.close() LOCKER.release() return (articles, feeds) LOCKER.release() return (articles, feeds)