#! /usr/local/bin/python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Communication interface with Tux Droid. """ __author__ = "Cedric Bonhomme" __version__ = "$Revision: 0.1 $" __date__ = "$Date: 2010/02/26 $" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2010 Cedric Bonhomme" __license__ = "GPL v3" import time import sqlite3 try: from tuxisalive.api import * except: raise NameError("The module tuxisalive is missing.") class Tux(object): """Manage the connection with Tux Droid. """ def __init__(self, locutor = "Julie "): """Connection to the server. """ self.tux = TuxAPI('', 270) self.tux.server.autoConnect(CLIENT_LEVEL_RESTRICTED, 'none', 'none') print "Connection with Tux Droid..." if not self.tux.server.waitConnected(10.0): raise Exception("The server of Tux Droid is not ready.") print "Connected to the server of Tux Droid." if not self.tux.dongle.waitConnected(10.0): raise Exception("Not connected to the dongle.") print "Connected to the dongle." if not self.tux.radio.waitConnected(10.0): raise Exception("Connection between Tux Droid and the dongle unpossible.") print "Tux Droid connected to the dongle." if self.tux.access.waitAcquire(10.0, ACCESS_PRIORITY_NORMAL): self.tux.tts.setLocutor(locutor) # set the locutor self.tux.tts.setPitch(110) # set the Pitch self.tux.tts.speakAsync("Hello") def disconnect(self): """Disconnect. """ self.tux.server.disconnect() self.tux.destroy() def onStart(self): """ """ self.tux.flippers.onAsync(4, finalState = 'DOWN', speed = 3) self.tux.tts.speakAsync("Hello !") def say_something(self, message): """ """ self.tux.tts.speakAsync(message) def check_feeds(self): """ """ unread_articles = [] try: conn = sqlite3.connect("./var/feed.db", isolation_level = None) c = conn.cursor() unread_articles = c.execute("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE article_readed='0'") c.close() except Exception, e: pass self.say_something("News to read !") #self.say_something(str(len(unread_articles))) #for unread_article in unread_articles: #self.say_something() if __name__ == "__main__": # Point of entry in execution mode tux_reader = Tux() while True: time.sleep(10) tux_reader.check_feeds() tux_reader.disconnect()