#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # jarr - A Web based news aggregator. # Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Cédric Bonhomme - https://www.JARR-aggregator.org # # For more information : https://github.com/JARR-aggregator/JARR # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . __author__ = "Cedric Bonhomme" __version__ = "$Revision: 5.3 $" __date__ = "$Date: 2010/01/29 $" __revision__ = "$Date: 2014/08/27 $" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) Cedric Bonhomme" __license__ = "AGPLv3" import os import logging import datetime from collections import OrderedDict from bootstrap import application as app, db from flask import render_template, request, flash, session, \ url_for, redirect, g, current_app, make_response from flask.ext.login import LoginManager, login_user, logout_user, \ login_required, current_user, AnonymousUserMixin from flask.ext.principal import Principal, Identity, AnonymousIdentity, \ identity_changed, identity_loaded, Permission,\ RoleNeed, UserNeed from flask.ext.babel import gettext from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError from werkzeug import generate_password_hash import conf from web.lib.utils import redirect_url from web import utils, notifications, export from web.lib.view_utils import etag_match from web.models import User, Feed, Article, Role from web.forms import SignupForm, SigninForm from web.controllers import UserController, FeedController, \ ArticleController, CategoryController Principal(app) # Create a permission with a single Need, in this case a RoleNeed. admin_permission = Permission(RoleNeed('admin')) login_manager = LoginManager() login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_message = gettext('Authentication required.') login_manager.login_message_category = "info" login_manager.login_view = 'login' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # # Management of the user's session. # @identity_loaded.connect_via(app) def on_identity_loaded(sender, identity): # Set the identity user object identity.user = current_user # Add the UserNeed to the identity if hasattr(current_user, 'id'): identity.provides.add(UserNeed(current_user.id)) # Assuming the User model has a list of roles, update the # identity with the roles that the user provides if hasattr(current_user, 'roles'): for role in current_user.roles: identity.provides.add(RoleNeed(role.name)) @app.before_request def before_request(): g.user = current_user if g.user.is_authenticated: g.user.last_seen = datetime.datetime.utcnow() db.session.add(g.user) db.session.commit() @login_manager.user_loader def load_user(id): # Return an instance of the User model return UserController().get(id=id) # # Custom error pages. # @app.errorhandler(401) def authentication_required(e): flash(gettext('Authentication required.'), 'info') return redirect(url_for('login')) @app.errorhandler(403) def authentication_failed(e): flash(gettext('Forbidden.'), 'danger') return redirect(url_for('login')) @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): return render_template('errors/404.html'), 404 @app.errorhandler(500) def internal_server_error(e): return render_template('errors/500.html'), 500 @g.babel.localeselector def get_locale(): """ Called before each request to give us a chance to choose the language to use when producing its response. """ return request.accept_languages.best_match(conf.LANGUAGES.keys()) @g.babel.timezoneselector def get_timezone(): try: return conf.TIME_ZONE[get_locale()] except: return conf.TIME_ZONE["en"] # # Views. # @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login(): """ Log in view. """ if g.user is not None and g.user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('home')) g.user = AnonymousUserMixin() form = SigninForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): user = UserController().get(email=form.email.data) login_user(user) g.user = user session['email'] = form.email.data identity_changed.send(current_app._get_current_object(), identity=Identity(user.id)) return form.redirect('home') return render_template('login.html', form=form) @app.route('/logout') @login_required def logout(): """ Log out view. Removes the user information from the session. """ session.pop('email', None) # Remove the user information from the session logout_user() # Remove session keys set by Flask-Principal for key in ('identity.name', 'identity.auth_type'): session.pop(key, None) # Tell Flask-Principal the user is anonymous identity_changed.send(current_app._get_current_object(), identity=AnonymousIdentity()) flash(gettext("Logged out successfully."), 'success') return redirect(url_for('login')) @app.route('/signup', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def signup(): """ Signup page. """ if int(os.environ.get("SELF_REGISTRATION", 0)) != 1: flash(gettext("Self-registration is disabled."), 'warning') return redirect(url_for('home')) if g.user is not None and g.user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('home')) form = SignupForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): role_user = Role.query.filter(Role.name == "user").first() user = User(nickname=form.nickname.data, email=form.email.data, pwdhash=generate_password_hash(form.password.data)) user.roles = [role_user] db.session.add(user) try: db.session.commit() except IntegrityError: flash(gettext('Email already used.'), 'warning') return render_template('signup.html', form=form) # Send the confirmation email try: notifications.new_account_notification(user) except Exception as error: flash(gettext('Problem while sending activation email: %(error)s', error=error), 'danger') return redirect(url_for('home')) flash(gettext('Your account has been created. ' 'Check your mail to confirm it.'), 'success') return redirect(url_for('home')) return render_template('signup.html', form=form) from flask import jsonify @app.route('/home2') @login_required def new_home(): return render_template('home2.html') @app.route('/menu') @login_required def get_menu(): categories = {c.id: c.dump() for c in CategoryController(g.user.id).read()} categories[0] = {'name': 'No category', 'id': 0} unread = ArticleController(g.user.id).count_by_feed(readed=False) feed_in_error = False for cat_id in categories: categories[cat_id]['unread'] = 0 categories[cat_id]['feeds'] = [] for feed in FeedController(g.user.id).read(): if feed.error_count > 3: feed_in_error = True feed = feed.dump() feed['category_id'] = feed['category_id'] or 0 feed['unread'] = unread.get(feed['id'], 0) if feed.get('icon_url'): feed['icon_url'] = url_for('icon.icon', url=feed['icon_url']) categories[feed['category_id']]['unread'] += feed['unread'] categories[feed['category_id']]['feeds'].append(feed) return jsonify(**{'categories': list(categories.values()), 'feed_in_error': feed_in_error, 'all_unread_count': sum(unread.values())}) def _get_filters(in_dict): filters = {} query = in_dict.get('query') if query: search_title = in_dict.get('search_title') == 'true' search_content = in_dict.get('search_content') == 'true' if search_title: filters['title__ilike'] = "%%%s%%" % query if search_content: filters['content__ilike'] = "%%%s%%" % query if len(filters) == 0: filters['title__ilike'] = "%%%s%%" % query if len(filters) > 1: filters = {"__or__": filters} if in_dict.get('filter') == 'unread': filters['readed'] = False elif in_dict.get('filter') == 'liked': filters['like'] = True filter_type = in_dict.get('filter_type') if filter_type in {'feed_id', 'category_id'} and in_dict.get('filter_id'): filters[filter_type] = int(in_dict['filter_id']) or None return filters def _articles_to_json(articles, fd_hash=None): return jsonify(**{'articles': [{'title': art.title, 'liked': art.like, 'read': art.readed, 'article_id': art.id, 'feed_id': art.feed_id, 'category_id': art.category_id or 0, 'feed_title': fd_hash[art.feed_id]['title'] if fd_hash else None, 'icon_url': fd_hash[art.feed_id]['icon_url'] if fd_hash else None, 'date': art.date} for art in articles.limit(1000)]}) @app.route('/middle_panel') @login_required def get_middle_panel(): filters = _get_filters(request.args) art_contr = ArticleController(g.user.id) fd_hash = {feed.id: {'title': feed.title, 'icon_url': url_for('icon.icon', url=feed.icon_url) if feed.icon_url else None} for feed in FeedController(g.user.id).read()} articles = art_contr.read(**filters).order_by(Article.date.desc()) return _articles_to_json(articles, fd_hash) @app.route('/mark_all_as_read', methods=['PUT']) @login_required def mark_all_as_read(): filters, acontr = _get_filters(request.json), ArticleController(g.user.id) articles = _articles_to_json(acontr.read(**filters)) acontr.update(filters, {'readed': True}) return articles @etag_match def render_home(filters=None, head_titles=None, page_to_render='home', **kwargs): if filters is None: filters = {} if head_titles is None: head_titles = [] feed_contr = FeedController(g.user.id) arti_contr = ArticleController(g.user.id) feeds = {feed.id: feed.title for feed in feed_contr.read()} in_error = {feed.id: feed.error_count for feed in feed_contr.read(error_count__gt=2)} filter_ = request.args.get('filter_', 'unread' if page_to_render == 'home' else 'all') sort_ = request.args.get('sort_', 'date') feed_id = int(request.args.get('feed_id', 0)) limit = request.args.get('limit', 1000) if filter_ != 'all': filters['readed'] = filter_ == 'read' if feed_id: filters['feed_id'] = feed_id head_titles.append(feed_contr.get(id=feed_id).title) sort_param = {"feed": Feed.title.desc(), "date": Article.date.desc(), "article": Article.title.desc(), "-feed": Feed.title.asc(), "-date": Article.date.asc(), "-article": Article.title.asc() }.get(sort_, Article.date.desc()) articles = arti_contr.read(**filters).join(Article.source). \ order_by(sort_param) if limit != 'all': limit = int(limit) articles = articles.limit(limit) def gen_url(filter_=filter_, sort_=sort_, limit=limit, feed_id=feed_id, **kwargs): o_kwargs = OrderedDict() for key in sorted(kwargs): o_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key] if page_to_render == 'search': o_kwargs['query'] = request.args.get('query', '') o_kwargs['search_title'] = request.args.get('search_title', 'off') o_kwargs['search_content'] = request.args.get( 'search_content', 'off') # if nor title and content are selected, selecting title if o_kwargs['search_title'] == o_kwargs['search_content'] == 'off': o_kwargs['search_title'] = 'on' o_kwargs['filter_'] = filter_ o_kwargs['sort_'] = sort_ o_kwargs['limit'] = limit o_kwargs['feed_id'] = feed_id return url_for(page_to_render, **o_kwargs) articles = list(articles) if (page_to_render == 'home' and feed_id or page_to_render == 'search') \ and filter_ != 'all' and not articles: return redirect(gen_url(filter_='all')) return render_template('home.html', gen_url=gen_url, feed_id=feed_id, page_to_render=page_to_render, filter_=filter_, limit=limit, feeds=feeds, unread=arti_contr.count_by_feed(readed=False), articles=articles, in_error=in_error, head_titles=head_titles, sort_=sort_, **kwargs) @app.route('/') @login_required def home(): "Home page for connected users. Displays by default unread articles." return render_home() @app.route('/favorites') @login_required def favorites(): return render_home({'like': True}, [gettext('Favorites')], 'favorites') @app.route('/search', methods=['GET']) @login_required def search(): "Search articles corresponding to the query." if 'query' not in request.args: flash(gettext("No text to search were provided."), "warning") return render_home() query = request.args['query'] filters = {} search_title = request.args.get('search_title', 'off') search_content = request.args.get('search_content', 'off') if search_title == 'on': filters['title__ilike'] = "%%%s%%" % query if search_content == 'on': filters['content__ilike'] = "%%%s%%" % query if len(filters) == 0: search_title = 'on' filters['title__ilike'] = "%%%s%%" % query if len(filters) > 1: filters = {"__or__": filters} return render_home(filters, ["%s %s" % (gettext('Search:'), query)], 'search', search_query=query, search_title=search_title, search_content=search_content) @app.route('/fetch', methods=['GET']) @app.route('/fetch/', methods=['GET']) @login_required def fetch(feed_id=None): """ Triggers the download of news. News are downloaded in a separated process, mandatory for Heroku. """ if conf.CRAWLING_METHOD == "classic" \ and (not conf.ON_HEROKU or g.user.is_admin()): utils.fetch(g.user.id, feed_id) flash(gettext("Downloading articles..."), "info") else: flash(gettext("The manual retrieving of news is only available " + "for administrator, on the Heroku platform."), "info") return redirect(redirect_url()) @app.route('/about', methods=['GET']) @etag_match def about(): """ 'About' page. """ return render_template('about.html') @app.route('/export', methods=['GET']) @login_required def export_articles(): """ Export all articles to HTML or JSON. """ user = UserController(g.user.id).get(id=g.user.id) if request.args.get('format') == "HTML": # Export to HTML try: archive_file, archive_file_name = export.export_html(user) except: flash(gettext("Error when exporting articles."), 'danger') return redirect(redirect_url()) response = make_response(archive_file) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-compressed' response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' \ % archive_file_name elif request.args.get('format') == "JSON": # Export to JSON try: json_result = export.export_json(user) except: flash(gettext("Error when exporting articles."), 'danger') return redirect(redirect_url()) response = make_response(json_result) response.mimetype = 'application/json' response.headers["Content-Disposition"] \ = 'attachment; filename=account.json' else: flash(gettext('Export format not supported.'), 'warning') return redirect(redirect_url()) return response @app.route('/export_opml', methods=['GET']) @login_required def export_opml(): """ Export all feeds to OPML. """ user = UserController(g.user.id).get(id=g.user.id) response = make_response(render_template('opml.xml', user=user, now=datetime.datetime.now())) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=feeds.opml' return response