from flask.ext.login import current_user from flask.ext.restless import ProcessingException url_prefix = '/api/v3' def auth_func(*args, **kw): if not current_user.is_authenticated: raise ProcessingException(description='Not authenticated!', code=401) class AbstractProcessor(): def is_authorized_to_modify(self, user, obj): return == obj.user_id def get_single_preprocessor(self, instance_id=None, **kw): # Check if the user is authorized to modify the specified # instance of the model. pass def get_many_preprocessor(self, search_params=None, **kw): """Accepts a single argument, `search_params`, which is a dictionary containing the search parameters for the request. """ filt = dict(name="user_id", op="eq", # Check if there are any filters there already. if "filters" not in search_params: search_params["filters"] = [] search_params["filters"].append(filt)