import logging import dateutil.parser from bootstrap import db from datetime import datetime from collections import defaultdict from sqlalchemy import or_, func from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AbstractController: _db_cls = None # reference to the database class _user_id_key = 'user_id' def __init__(self, user_id=None, ignore_context=False): """User id is a right management mechanism that should be used to filter objects in database on their denormalized "user_id" field (or "id" field for users). Should no user_id be provided, the Controller won't apply any filter allowing for a kind of "super user" mode. """ try: self.user_id = int(user_id) except TypeError: self.user_id = user_id def _to_filters(self, **filters): """ Will translate filters to sqlalchemy filter. This method will also apply user_id restriction if available. each parameters of the function is treated as an equality unless the name of the parameter ends with either "__gt", "__lt", "__ge", "__le", "__ne", "__in" ir "__like". """ db_filters = set() for key, value in filters.items(): if key == '__or__': db_filters.add(or_(*self._to_filters(**value))) elif key.endswith('__gt'): db_filters.add(getattr(self._db_cls, key[:-4]) > value) elif key.endswith('__lt'): db_filters.add(getattr(self._db_cls, key[:-4]) < value) elif key.endswith('__ge'): db_filters.add(getattr(self._db_cls, key[:-4]) >= value) elif key.endswith('__le'): db_filters.add(getattr(self._db_cls, key[:-4]) <= value) elif key.endswith('__ne'): db_filters.add(getattr(self._db_cls, key[:-4]) != value) elif key.endswith('__in'): db_filters.add(getattr(self._db_cls, key[:-4]).in_(value)) elif key.endswith('__like'): db_filters.add(getattr(self._db_cls, key[:-6]).like(value)) elif key.endswith('__ilike'): db_filters.add(getattr(self._db_cls, key[:-7]).ilike(value)) else: db_filters.add(getattr(self._db_cls, key) == value) return db_filters def _get(self, **filters): """ Will add the current user id if that one is not none (in which case the decision has been made in the code that the query shouldn't be user dependant) and the user is not an admin and the filters doesn't already contains a filter for that user. """ if self._user_id_key is not None and self.user_id \ and filters.get(self._user_id_key) != self.user_id: filters[self._user_id_key] = self.user_id return self._db_cls.query.filter(*self._to_filters(**filters)) def get(self, **filters): """Will return one single objects corresponding to filters""" obj = self._get(**filters).first() if obj and not self._has_right_on(obj): raise Forbidden({'message': 'No authorized to access %r (%r)' % (self._db_cls.__class__.__name__, filters)}) if not obj: raise NotFound({'message': 'No %r (%r)' % (self._db_cls.__class__.__name__, filters)}) return obj def create(self, **attrs): assert attrs, "attributes to update must not be empty" if self._user_id_key is not None and self._user_id_key not in attrs: attrs[self._user_id_key] = self.user_id assert self._user_id_key is None or self._user_id_key in attrs \ or self.user_id is None, \ "You must provide user_id one way or another" obj = self._db_cls(**attrs) db.session.add(obj) try: db.session.commit() except Exception as e: logger.exception(str(e)) return obj def read(self, **filters): return self._get(**filters) def update(self, filters, attrs): assert attrs, "attributes to update must not be empty" result = self._get(**filters).update(attrs, synchronize_session=False) db.session.commit() return result def delete(self, obj_id): obj = self.get(id=obj_id) db.session.delete(obj) db.session.commit() return obj def _has_right_on(self, obj): # user_id == None is like being admin if self._user_id_key is None: return True return self.user_id is None \ or getattr(obj, self._user_id_key, None) == self.user_id def _count_by(self, elem_to_group_by, filters): if self.user_id: filters['user_id'] = self.user_id return dict(db.session.query(elem_to_group_by, func.count('id')) .filter(*self._to_filters(**filters)) .group_by(elem_to_group_by).all()) @classmethod def _get_attrs_desc(cls, role, right=None): result = defaultdict(dict) if role == 'admin': columns = cls._db_cls.__table__.columns.keys() else: assert role in {'base', 'api'}, 'unknown role %r' % role assert right in {'read', 'write'}, \ "right must be 'read' or 'write' with role %r" % role columns = getattr(cls._db_cls, 'fields_%s_%s' % (role, right))() for column in columns: result[column] = {} db_col = getattr(cls._db_cls, column).property.columns[0] try: result[column]['type'] = db_col.type.python_type except NotImplementedError: if db_col.default: result[column]['type'] = db_col.default.arg.__class__ if column not in result: continue if issubclass(result[column]['type'], datetime): result[column]['default'] = datetime.utcnow() result[column]['type'] = lambda x: dateutil.parser.parse(x) elif db_col.default: result[column]['default'] = db_col.default.arg return result