#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 - # newspipe - A Web based news aggregator. # Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Cédric Bonhomme - https://www.cedricbonhomme.org # # For more information : https://gitlab.com/newspipe/newspipe # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . __author__ = "Cedric Bonhomme" __version__ = "$Revision: 4.0 $" __date__ = "$Date: 2010/09/02 $" __revision__ = "$Date: 2010/05/21 $" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) Cedric Bonhomme" __license__ = "AGPLv3" import asyncio import logging import feedparser import dateutil.parser from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta from sqlalchemy import or_ import conf from bootstrap import db from web.models import User from web.controllers import FeedController, ArticleController from lib.feed_utils import construct_feed_from, is_parsing_ok from lib.article_utils import construct_article, extract_id, \ get_article_content logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) sem = asyncio.Semaphore(5) def get(*args, **kwargs): #kwargs["connector"] = aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False) try: logger.info('Retrieving feed {}'.format(args[0])) data = feedparser.parse(args[0]) return data except Exception as e: raise e def parse_feed(user, feed): """ Fetch a feed. Update the feed and return the articles. """ parsed_feed = None up_feed = {} articles = [] #with (await sem): try: parsed_feed = get(feed.link) except Exception as e: up_feed['last_error'] = str(e) up_feed['error_count'] = feed.error_count + 1 logger.exception("error when parsing feed: " + str(e)) finally: up_feed['last_retrieved'] = datetime.now(dateutil.tz.tzlocal()) if parsed_feed is None: try: FeedController().update({'id': feed.id}, up_feed) except Exception as e: logger.exception('something bad here: ' + str(e)) return if not is_parsing_ok(parsed_feed): up_feed['last_error'] = str(parsed_feed['bozo_exception']) up_feed['error_count'] = feed.error_count + 1 FeedController().update({'id': feed.id}, up_feed) return if parsed_feed['entries'] != []: articles = parsed_feed['entries'] up_feed['error_count'] = 0 up_feed['last_error'] = "" # Feed information try: construct_feed_from(feed.link, parsed_feed).update(up_feed) except: logger.exception('error when constructing feed: {}'.format(feed.link)) if feed.title and 'title' in up_feed: # do not override the title set by the user del up_feed['title'] FeedController().update({'id': feed.id}, up_feed) return articles async def insert_articles(queue, nḅ_producers=1): """Consumer coroutines. """ nb_producers_done = 0 while True: item = await queue.get() if item is None: nb_producers_done += 1 if nb_producers_done == nḅ_producers: print('All producers done.') print('Process finished.') break continue user, feed, articles = item if None is articles: logger.info('None') articles = [] logger.info('Inserting articles for {}'.format(feed.title)) new_articles = [] art_contr = ArticleController(user.id) for article in articles: new_article = await construct_article(article, feed) try: existing_article_req = art_contr.read(feed_id=feed.id, entry_id=extract_id(article)) except Exception as e: logger.exception("existing_article_req: " + str(e)) continue exist = existing_article_req.count() != 0 if exist: continue # if the article has been already retrieved, we only update # the content or the title logger.info('Article already in the database: {}'. \ format(article['link'])) existing_article = existing_article_req.first() if new_article['date'].replace(tzinfo=None) != \ existing_article.date: existing_article.date = new_article['date'] existing_article.updated_date = new_article['date'] if existing_article.title != new_article['title']: existing_article.title = new_article['title'] content = get_article_content(article) if existing_article.content != content: existing_article.content = content existing_article.readed = False art_contr.update({'entry_id': existing_article.entry_id}, existing_article.dump()) logger.info('Article updated: {}'.format(article['link'])) continue # insertion of the new article try: new_articles.append(art_contr.create(**new_article)) logger.info('New article added: {}'.format(new_article['link'])) except Exception: logger.exception('Error when inserting article in database:') continue async def retrieve_feed(queue, users, feed_id=None): """ Launch the processus. """ for user in users: logger.info('Starting to retrieve feeds for {}'.format(user.nickname)) filters = {} filters['user_id'] = user.id if feed_id is not None: filters['id'] = feed_id filters['enabled'] = True filters['error_count__lt'] = conf.DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR filters['last_retrieved__lt'] = datetime.now() - \ timedelta(minutes=conf.FEED_REFRESH_INTERVAL) feeds = FeedController().read(**filters).all() if feeds == []: logger.info('No feed to retrieve for {}'.format(user.nickname)) for feed in feeds: articles = parse_feed(user, feed) await queue.put((user, feed, articles)) await queue.put(None)