#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import hashlib import sqlite3 import mongodb SQLITE_BASE = "./var/feed.db" def sqlite2mongo(): """ Load feeds and articles in a dictionary. """ mongo = mongodb.Articles() list_of_feeds = [] list_of_articles = [] try: conn = sqlite3.connect(SQLITE_BASE, isolation_level = None) c = conn.cursor() list_of_feeds = c.execute("SELECT * FROM feeds").fetchall() except: pass if list_of_feeds != []: # Walk through the list of feeds for feed in list_of_feeds: try: list_of_articles = c.execute(\ "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE feed_link='" + \ feed[2] + "'").fetchall() except: continue sha1_hash = hashlib.sha1() sha1_hash.update(feed[2].encode('utf-8')) feed_id = sha1_hash.hexdigest() new_collection = {"feed_id" : feed_id.encode('utf-8'), \ "type": 0, \ "feed_image" : feed[3].encode('utf-8'), \ "feed_title" : feed[0].encode('utf-8'), \ "feed_link" : feed[2].encode('utf-8'), \ "site_link" : feed[1].encode('utf-8'), \ "mail" : feed[4]=="1"} mongo.add_collection(new_collection) if list_of_articles != []: # Walk through the list of articles for the current feed. articles = [] for article in list_of_articles: sha1_hash = hashlib.sha1() sha1_hash.update(article[2].encode('utf-8')) article_id = sha1_hash.hexdigest() article = {"article_id": article_id.encode('utf-8'), \ "type":1, \ "article_date": article[0].encode('utf-8'), \ "article_link": article[2].encode('utf-8'), \ "article_title": article[1].encode('utf-8'), \ "article_content": article[3].encode('utf-8'), \ "article_readed": article[4]=="1", \ "article_like": article[6]=="1" \ } articles.append(article) mongo.add_articles(articles, feed_id) c.close() if __name__ == "__main__": sqlite2mongo()