## history.html <%inherit file="base.html"/> <% import utils import calendar from collections import Counter %>
<% html = "" # Get the date from the tag cloud # Format: /history/?query=year:2011-month:06 to get the # list of articles of June, 2011. if query == "all": html += "

Search with tags cloud

\n" html += "

Choose a year

\n" if "year" in query: the_year = query.split('-')[0].split(':')[1] if "month" not in query: html += "

Choose a month for the year " + the_year + "

\n" if "month" in query: the_month = query.split('-')[1].split(':')[1] html += "

Articles of "+ calendar.month_name[int(the_month)] + ", "+ the_year +".

\n" timeline = Counter() for feed in feeds: new_feed_section = True for article in mongo.get_articles(feed["feed_id"]): if query == "all": timeline[article["article_date"].strftime('%Y')] += 1 elif query[:4] == "year": if article["article_date"].strftime('%Y') == the_year: timeline[article["article_date"].strftime('%m')] += 1 if "month" in query: if article["article_date"].strftime('%m') == the_month: if article["article_readed"] == False: # not readed articles are in bold not_read_begin, not_read_end = "", "" else: not_read_begin, not_read_end = "", "" if article["article_like"] == True: like = """ """ else: like = "" # Descrition for the CSS ToolTips article_content = utils.clear_string(article["article_content"]) if article_content: description = " ".join(article_content[:500].split(' ')[:-1]) else: description = "No description." # Title of the article article_title = article["article_title"] if len(article_title) >= 80: article_title = article_title[:80] + " ..." if new_feed_section is True: new_feed_section = False html += """


\n""" % \ (feed["feed_id"], feed["site_link"], feed["feed_title"], feed["feed_link"], feed["feed_image"]) html += article["article_date"].strftime("%a %d (%H:%M:%S) ") + " - " + \ """%s%s%s%s""" % \ (feed["feed_id"], article["article_id"], not_read_begin, \ article_title, not_read_end, description) + like + "
\n" if query == "all": query_string = "year" elif "year" in query: query_string = "year:" + the_year + "-month" if "month" not in query: html += '
' + \ utils.tag_cloud([(elem, timeline[elem]) for elem in timeline.keys()], query_string) + '
' %> ${html}