#! /usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pyAggr3g470r - A Web based news aggregator. # Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Cédric Bonhomme - http://cedricbonhomme.org/ # # For more information : http://bitbucket.org/cedricbonhomme/pyaggr3g470r/ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see __author__ = "Cedric Bonhomme" __version__ = "$Revision: 3.6 $" __date__ = "$Date: 2010/01/29 $" __revision__ = "$Date: 2012/12/04 $" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) Cedric Bonhomme" __license__ = "GPLv3" # # This file contains the "Root" class which describes # all pages (views) of pyAggr3g470r. These pages are: # - main page; # - management; # - history; # - favorites; # - notifications; # - unread; # - feed summary. # Templates are described in ./templates with the Mako # template library. # import os import re import calendar import cherrypy from mako.template import Template from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=['templates']) from collections import Counter import datetime import conf import utils import export import mongodb import feedgetter from auth import AuthController, require, member_of, name_is #from qrcode.pyqrnative.PyQRNative import QRCode, QRErrorCorrectLevel, CodeOverflowException #from qrcode import qr def error_404(status, message, traceback, version): """ Display an error if the page does not exist. """ html = htmlheader() html += htmlnav html += "

Error %s - This page does not exist." % status html += "\n
\n" + htmlfooter return html def handle_error(): """ Handle different type of errors. """ html = htmlheader() html += htmlnav html += "

Sorry, an error occured" html += "\n
\n" + htmlfooter cherrypy.response.status = 500 cherrypy.response.body = [html] def htmlheader(text=""): """ Return the header of the HTML page with the number of unread articles in the 'title' HTML tag.. """ return '\n' + \ '' + \ '\n\t'+ text +' - pyAggr3g470r - News aggregator\n' + \ '\t' + \ '\n\t\n' + \ '\n\t\n' + \ '\n' htmlfooter = '

This software is under GPLv3 license. You are welcome to copy, modify or' + \ ' redistribute the source code according to the' + \ ' GPLv3 license.

\n' + \ '\n' htmlnav = '\n

pyAggr3g470r - News aggregator

\n' class RestrictedArea(object): """ All methods in this controller (and subcontrollers) is open only to members of the admin group """ _cp_config = { 'auth.require': [member_of('admin')] } @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return """This is the admin only area.""" class pyAggr3g470r(object): """ Main class. All pages of pyAggr3g470r are described in this class. """ _cp_config = {'request.error_response': handle_error, \ 'tools.sessions.on': True, \ 'tools.auth.on': True} def __init__(self): """ """ self.auth = AuthController() restricted = RestrictedArea() self.mongo = mongodb.Articles(conf.MONGODB_ADDRESS, conf.MONGODB_PORT, \ conf.MONGODB_DBNAME, conf.MONGODB_USER, conf.MONGODB_PASSWORD) @require() def index(self): """ Main page containing the list of feeds and articles. """ feeds = self.mongo.get_all_feeds() nb_unread_articles = self.mongo.nb_unread_articles() nb_favorites = self.mongo.nb_favorites() nb_mail_notifications = self.mongo.nb_mail_notifications() tmpl = lookup.get_template("index.html") return tmpl.render(feeds=feeds, nb_feeds=len(feeds), mongo=self.mongo, \ nb_favorites=nb_favorites, nb_unread_articles=nb_unread_articles, \ nb_mail_notifications=nb_mail_notifications, header_text=nb_unread_articles) index.exposed = True @require() def management(self): """ Management page. Allows adding and deleting feeds. Export functions of the MongoDB data base and display some statistics. """ feeds = self.mongo.get_all_feeds() nb_mail_notifications = self.mongo.nb_mail_notifications() nb_favorites = self.mongo.nb_favorites() nb_articles = self.mongo.nb_articles() nb_unread_articles = self.mongo.nb_unread_articles() tmpl = lookup.get_template("management.html") return tmpl.render(feeds=feeds, nb_mail_notifications=nb_mail_notifications, \ nb_favorites=nb_favorites, nb_articles=nb_articles, \ nb_unread_articles=nb_unread_articles) management.exposed = True @require() def statistics(self, word_size=6): """ More advanced statistics. """ articles = self.mongo.get_articles() top_words = utils.top_words(articles, n=50, size=int(word_size)) tag_cloud = utils.tag_cloud(top_words) tmpl = lookup.get_template("statistics.html") return tmpl.render(articles=articles, word_size=word_size, tag_cloud=tag_cloud) statistics.exposed = True @require() def search(self, query=None): """ Simply search for the string 'query' in the description of the article. """ param, _, value = query.partition(':') wordre = re.compile(r'\b%s\b' % param, re.I) feed_id = None if param == "Feed": feed_id, _, query = value.partition(':') feeds = self.mongo.get_all_feeds() tmpl = lookup.get_template("search.html") return tmpl.render(feeds=feeds, feed_id=feed_id, query=query, \ wordre=wordre, mongo=self.mongo) search.exposed = True @require() def fetch(self): """ Fetch all feeds. """ feed_getter = feedgetter.FeedGetter() feed_getter.retrieve_feed() return self.index() fetch.exposed = True @require() def article(self, param): """ Display the article in parameter in a new Web page. """ try: feed_id, article_id = param.split(':') feed = self.mongo.get_feed(feed_id) articles = self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id) article = self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id, article_id) except: return self.error("Bad URL. This article do not exists.") if article["article_readed"] == False: # if the current article is not yet readed, update the database self.mark_as_read("Article:"+article["article_id"]+":"+feed["feed_id"]) # Description (full content) of the article description = article["article_content"] if description: p = re.compile(r'<') q = re.compile(r'>') description = p.sub('<', description) description = q.sub('>', description) description = description + "\n

" else: description += "No description available.\n

" """ # Generation of the QR Code for the current article try: os.makedirs("./var/qrcode/") except OSError: pass if not os.path.isfile("./var/qrcode/" + article_id + ".png"): # QR Code generation try: f = qr.QRUrl(url = article["article_link"]) f.make() except: f = qr.QRUrl(url = "URL too long.") f.make() f.save("./var/qrcode/"+article_id+".png") """ # Previous and following articles previous, following = None, None liste = self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id) for current_article in self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id): next(articles) if current_article["article_id"] == article_id: break following = current_article if following is None: following = liste[liste.count()-1] try: previous = next(articles) except StopIteration: previous = liste[0] tmpl = lookup.get_template("article.html") return tmpl.render(header_text=article["article_title"], article=article, previous=previous, following=following, \ diaspora=conf.DIASPORA_POD, feed=feed, description=description) article.exposed = True @require() def feed(self, feed_id, word_size=6): """ This page gives summary informations about a feed (number of articles, unread articles, average activity, tag cloud, e-mail notification and favourite articles for the current feed. """ try: feed = self.mongo.get_feed(feed_id) articles = self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id, limit=10) nb_articles_feed = self.mongo.nb_articles(feed_id) nb_articles_total = self.mongo.nb_articles() nb_unread_articles_feed = self.mongo.nb_unread_articles(feed_id) except KeyError: return self.error("This feed do not exists.") if articles != []: last_article = utils.string_to_datetime(str(articles[0]["article_date"])) first_article = utils.string_to_datetime(str(articles[self.mongo.nb_articles(feed_id)-2]["article_date"])) delta = last_article - first_article delta_today = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(datetime.date.today().toordinal()) - last_article average = round(float(nb_articles_feed) / abs(delta.days), 2) favorites = self.mongo.get_favorites(feed_id) top_words = utils.top_words(articles = self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id), n=50, size=int(word_size)) tag_cloud = utils.tag_cloud(top_words) tmpl = lookup.get_template("feed.html") return tmpl.render(feed=feed, articles=articles, favorites=favorites, \ nb_articles_feed=nb_articles_feed, nb_articles_total=nb_articles_total, nb_unread_articles_feed=nb_unread_articles_feed, \ first_post_date=first_article, end_post_date=last_article, \ average=average, delta=delta, delta_today=delta_today, \ tag_cloud=tag_cloud, word_size=word_size, mail_to=conf.mail_to) feed.exposed = True @require() def articles(self, feed_id): """ This page displays all articles of a feed. """ try: feed = self.mongo.get_feed(feed_id) articles = self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id) except KeyError: return self.error("This feed do not exists.") tmpl = lookup.get_template("articles.html") return tmpl.render(articles=articles, feed=feed) articles.exposed = True @require() def unread(self, feed_id=""): """ This page displays all unread articles of a feed. """ feeds = self.mongo.get_all_feeds() html = htmlheader() html += htmlnav html += """
""" if self.mongo.nb_unread_articles() != 0: # List unread articles of all the database if feed_id == "": html += "

Unread article(s)

" html += """\n
\nMark articles as read\n
\n""" for feed in feeds: new_feed_section = True nb_unread = 0 # For all unread article of the current feed. for article in self.mongo.get_articles(feed["feed_id"], condition=("article_readed", False)): nb_unread += 1 if new_feed_section is True: new_feed_section = False html += """


\n""" % \ (feed["feed_id"], feed["site_link"], feed["feed_title"], feed["feed_link"], feed["feed_image"]) # descrition for the CSS ToolTips article_content = utils.clear_string(article["article_content"]) if article_content: description = " ".join(article_content[:500].split(' ')[:-1]) else: description = "No description." # a description line per article (date, title of the article and # CSS description tooltips on mouse over) html += article["article_date"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + " - " + \ """%s%s
\n""" % \ (feed["feed_id"], article["article_id"], article["article_title"][:150], description) if nb_unread == self.mongo.nb_unread_articles(feed["feed_id"]): html += """
\nMark all articles from this feed as read\n""" % \ (feed["feed_id"],) html += """
\nMark articles as read\n""" # List unread articles of a feed else: try: feed = self.mongo.get_feed(feed_id) except: self.error("This feed do not exists.") html += """

Unread article(s) of the feed %s

""" % (feed_id, feed["feed_title"]) # For all unread article of the feed. for article in self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id, condition=("article_readed", False)): # descrition for the CSS ToolTips article_content = utils.clear_string(article["article_content"]) if article_content: description = " ".join(article_content[:500].split(' ')[:-1]) else: description = "No description." # a description line per article (date, title of the article and # CSS description tooltips on mouse over) html += article["article_date"].strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') + " - " + \ """%s%s
\n""" % \ (feed_id, article["article_id"], article["article_title"][:150], description) html += """
\nMark all as read""" % (feed_id,) # No unread article else: html += '

No unread article(s)

\nWhy not check for news?' html += """\n

All feeds

""" html += "
\n" html += htmlfooter return html unread.exposed = True @require() def history(self, query="all", m=""): """ This page enables to browse articles chronologically. """ feeds = self.mongo.get_all_feeds() html = htmlheader() html += htmlnav html += """
\n""" # Get the date from the tag cloud # Format: /history/?query=year:2011-month:06 to get the # list of articles of June, 2011. if m != "": query = """year:%s-month:%s""" % tuple(m.split('-')) if query == "all": html += "

Search with tags cloud

\n" html += "

Choose a year

\n" if "year" in query: the_year = query.split('-')[0].split(':')[1] if "month" not in query: html += "

Choose a month for " + the_year + "

\n" if "month" in query: the_month = query.split('-')[1].split(':')[1] html += "

Articles of "+ calendar.month_name[int(the_month)] + \ ", "+ the_year +".

\n" timeline = Counter() for feed in feeds: new_feed_section = True for article in self.mongo.get_articles(feed["feed_id"]): if query == "all": timeline[article["article_date"].strftime('%Y')] += 1 elif query[:4] == "year": if article["article_date"].strftime('%Y') == the_year: timeline[article["article_date"].strftime('%m')] += 1 if "month" in query: if article["article_date"].strftime('%m') == the_month: if article["article_readed"] == False: # not readed articles are in bold not_read_begin, not_read_end = "", "" else: not_read_begin, not_read_end = "", "" if article["article_like"] == True: like = """ """ else: like = "" # Descrition for the CSS ToolTips article_content = utils.clear_string(article["article_content"]) if article_content: description = " ".join(article_content[:500].split(' ')[:-1]) else: description = "No description." # Title of the article article_title = article["article_title"] if len(article_title) >= 80: article_title = article_title[:80] + " ..." if new_feed_section is True: new_feed_section = False html += """


\n""" % \ (feed["feed_id"], feed["site_link"], feed["feed_title"], feed["feed_link"], feed["feed_image"]) html += article["article_date"].strftime("%a %d (%H:%M:%S) ") + " - " + \ """%s%s%s%s""" % \ (feed["feed_id"], article["article_id"], not_read_begin, \ article_title, not_read_end, description) + like + "
\n" if query == "all": query_string = "year" elif "year" in query: query_string = "year:" + the_year + "-month" if "month" not in query: html += '
' + \ utils.tag_cloud([(elem, timeline[elem]) for elem in timeline.keys()], query_string) + '
' html += '
' html += htmlfooter return html history.exposed = True @require() def plain_text(self, target): """ Display an article in plain text (without HTML tags). """ try: feed_id, article_id = target.split(':') feed = self.mongo.get_feed(feed_id) article = self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id, article_id) except: return self.error("Bad URL. This article do not exists.") description = utils.clear_string(article["article_content"]) if not description: description = "Unvailable" tmpl = lookup.get_template("plain_text.html") return tmpl.render(feed_title=feed["feed_title"], \ article_title=article["article_title"], \ description = description) plain_text.exposed = True @require() def error(self, message): """ Display a message (bad feed id, bad article id, etc.) """ tmpl = lookup.get_template("error.html") return tmpl.render(message=message) error.exposed = True @require() def mark_as_read(self, target=""): """ Mark one (or more) article(s) as read by setting the value of the field 'article_readed' of the MongoDB database to 'True'. """ param, _, identifiant = target.partition(':') # Mark all articles as read. if param == "": self.mongo.mark_as_read(True, None, None) # Mark all articles from a feed as read. elif param == "Feed" or param == "Feed_FromMainPage": self.mongo.mark_as_read(True, identifiant, None) # Mark an article as read. elif param == "Article": self.mongo.mark_as_read(True, identifiant.split(':')[1], identifiant.split(':')[0]) return self.index() mark_as_read.exposed = True @require() def notifications(self): """ List all active e-mail notifications. """ feeds = self.mongo.get_all_feeds(condition=("mail",True)) tmpl = lookup.get_template("notifications.html") return tmpl.render(feeds=feeds, mail_to=conf.mail_to) notifications.exposed = True @require() def mail_notification(self, param): """ Enable or disable to notifications of news for a feed. """ try: action, feed_id = param.split(':') except: return self.error("Bad URL. This feed do not exists.") return self.index() mail_notification.exposed = True @require() def like(self, param): """ Mark or unmark an article as favorites. """ try: like, feed_id, article_id = param.split(':') articles = self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id, article_id) except: return self.error("Bad URL. This article do not exists.") self.mongo.like_article("1"==like, feed_id, article_id) return self.article(feed_id+":"+article_id) like.exposed = True @require() def favorites(self): """ List of favorites articles """ feeds = self.mongo.get_all_feeds() articles = {} for feed in feeds: articles[feed["feed_id"]] = self.mongo.get_favorites(feed["feed_id"]) tmpl = lookup.get_template("favorites.html") return tmpl.render(feeds=feeds, \ articles=articles) favorites.exposed = True @require() def inactives(self, nb_days=365): """ List of favorites articles """ feeds = self.mongo.get_all_feeds() today = datetime.datetime.now() inactives = [] for feed in feeds: more_recent_article = self.mongo.get_articles(feed["feed_id"], limit=1) last_post = next(more_recent_article)["article_date"] elapsed = today - last_post if elapsed > datetime.timedelta(days=int(nb_days)): inactives.append((feed, elapsed)) tmpl = lookup.get_template("inactives.html") return tmpl.render(inactives=inactives, nb_days=int(nb_days)) inactives.exposed = True @require() def add_feed(self, url): """ Add a new feed with the URL of a page. """ html = htmlheader() html += htmlnav html += """
""" # search the feed in the HTML page with BeautifulSoup feed_url = utils.search_feed(url) if feed_url is None: return self.error("Impossible to find a feed at this URL.") # if a feed exists else: result = utils.add_feed(feed_url) # if the feed is not in the file feed.lst if result is False: html += "

You are already following this feed!

" else: html += """

Feed added. You can now fetch your feeds.

""" html += """\n
\nBack to the management page.
\n""" html += "
\n" html += htmlfooter return html add_feed.exposed = True @require() def remove_feed(self, feed_id): """ Remove a feed from the file feed.lst and from the MongoDB database. """ feed = self.mongo.get_feed(feed_id) self.mongo.delete_feed(feed_id) utils.remove_feed(feed["feed_link"]) message = """All articles from the feed %s are now removed from the base.""" % (feed["feed_title"],) tmpl = lookup.get_template("confirmation.html") return tmpl.render(message=message) remove_feed.exposed = True @require() def change_feed_url(self, feed_id, old_feed_url, new_feed_url): """ Enables to change the URL of a feed already present in the database. """ self.mongo.update_feed(feed_id, {"feed_link":new_feed_url}) utils.change_feed_url(old_feed_url, new_feed_url) tmpl = lookup.get_template("confirmation.html") return tmpl.render(message="The URL of the feed has been changed.") change_feed_url.exposed = True @require() def change_feed_name(self, feed_id, new_feed_name): """ Enables to change the name of a feed. """ self.mongo.update_feed(feed_id, {"feed_title":new_feed_name}) tmpl = lookup.get_template("confirmation.html") return tmpl.render(message="The name of the feed has been changed.") change_feed_name.exposed = True @require() def change_feed_logo(self, feed_id, new_feed_logo): """ Enables to change the name of a feed. """ self.mongo.update_feed(feed_id, {"feed_image":new_feed_logo}) tmpl = lookup.get_template("confirmation.html") return tmpl.render(message="The logo of the feed has been changed.") change_feed_logo.exposed = True @require() def delete_article(self, param): """ Delete an article. """ try: feed_id, article_id = param.split(':') self.mongo.delete_article(feed_id, article_id) except: return self.error("Bad URL. This article do not exists.") return self.index() delete_article.exposed = True @require() def drop_base(self): """ Delete all articles. """ self.mongo.drop_database() return self.index() drop_base.exposed = True @require() def export(self, export_method): """ Export articles currently loaded from the MongoDB database with the appropriate function of the 'export' module. """ getattr(export, export_method)(self.mongo) try: getattr(export, export_method)(self.mongo) except Exception as e: print(e) return self.error(e) return self.management() export.exposed = True @require() def epub(self, param): """ Export an article to EPUB. """ try: from epub import ez_epub except Exception as e: return self.error(e) try: feed_id, article_id = param.split(':') except: return self.error("Bad URL.") try: feed_id, article_id = param.split(':') feed = self.mongo.get_feed(feed_id) articles = self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id) article = self.mongo.get_articles(feed_id, article_id) except: self.error("This article do not exists.") try: folder = conf.path + "/var/export/epub/" os.makedirs(folder) except OSError: # directories already exists (not a problem) pass section = ez_epub.Section() section.title = article["article_title"].decode('utf-8') section.paragraphs = [utils.clear_string(article["article_content"])] ez_epub.makeBook(article["article_title"], [feed["feed_title"]], [section], \ os.path.normpath(folder) + "article.epub", lang='en-US', cover=None) return self.article(param) epub.exposed = True if __name__ == '__main__': # Point of entry in execution mode root = pyAggr3g470r() root.favicon_ico = cherrypy.tools.staticfile.handler(filename=os.path.join(conf.path + "/img/favicon.png")) cherrypy.config.update({'error_page.404': error_404}) cherrypy.quickstart(root, "/" ,config=conf.path + "/cfg/cherrypy.cfg")