#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pyAggr3g470r - A Web based news aggregator. # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Cédric Bonhomme - http://cedricbonhomme.org/ # # For more information : http://bitbucket.org/cedricbonhomme/pyaggr3g470r/ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see __author__ = "Cedric Bonhomme" __version__ = "$Revision: 0.6 $" __date__ = "$Date: 2012/03/03 $" __revision__ = "$Date: 2013/01/11 $" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) Cedric Bonhomme" __license__ = "GPLv3" import pymongo class Articles(object): """ """ def __init__(self, url='localhost', port=27017, db_name="pyaggr3g470r", user="", password=""): """ Instantiates the connection. """ self.db_name = db_name self.connection = pymongo.connection.Connection(url, port) self.db = pymongo.database.Database(self.connection, self.db_name) self.db.authenticate(user, password) def add_collection(self, new_collection): """ Creates a new collection for a new feed. """ collection = self.db[new_collection["feed_id"]] collection.create_index([("article_date", pymongo.DESCENDING)], {"unique":False, "sparse":False}) collection.ensure_index('article_content', pymongo.ASCENDING) collection.insert(new_collection) def add_articles(self, articles, feed_id): """ Add article(s) in a collection. """ collection = self.db[str(feed_id)] for article in articles: cursor = collection.find({"article_id":article["article_id"]}) if cursor.count() == 0: collection.insert(article) def delete_feed(self, feed_id): """ Delete a collection (feed with all articles). """ self.db.drop_collection(feed_id) def delete_article(self, feed_id, article_id): """ Delete an article. """ collection = self.db[str(feed_id)] collection.remove(spec_or_id={"article_id":article_id}, safe=True) def get_feed(self, feed_id): """ Return information about a feed. """ try: return next(self.db[str(feed_id)].find()) except: return None def get_all_feeds(self, condition=None): """ Return all feeds object. The returned list is sorted by alphabetically (by feed name). """ feeds = [] collections = self.db.collection_names() for collection_name in collections: if collection_name != "system.indexes": if condition is None: cursor = self.db[collection_name].find({"type":0}) else: cursor = self.db[collection_name].find({"type":0, condition[0]:condition[1]}) if cursor.count() != 0: feeds.append(next(cursor)) feeds.sort(key = lambda elem: elem['feed_title'].lower()) return feeds def get_articles(self, feed_id=None, article_id=None, condition=None, limit=1000000000): """ Return one or several articles. The parameter "condition" is an optional requirement, for example: get_articles(feed_id, condition=("article_readed", False)) will return all unread articles of the feed 'feed_id'. """ if feed_id == None and article_id == None: # Return all articles. articles = [] collections = self.db.collection_names() for collection_name in collections: collection = self.db[collection_name] if condition is None: articles.extend(collection.find({"type":1}, limit=limit)) else: articles.extend(collection.find({"type":1, condition[0]:condition[1]}, limit=limit)) return articles elif feed_id != None and article_id == None: # Return all the articles of a collection. collection = self.db[str(feed_id)] if condition is None: cursor = collection.find({"type":1}, limit=limit) else: cursor = collection.find({"type":1, condition[0]:condition[1]}, limit=limit) return cursor.sort([("article_date", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) elif feed_id != None and article_id != None: # Return a precise article. collection = self.db[str(feed_id)] return next(collection.find({"article_id":article_id})) def get_favorites(self, feed_id=None): """ Return favorites articles. """ if feed_id is not None: # only for a feed collection = self.db[feed_id] cursor = collection.find({'type':1, 'article_like':True}) return cursor.sort([("article_date", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) else: favorites = [] for feed_id in self.db.collection_names(): favorites += self.get_favorites(feed_id) return favorites def nb_articles(self, feed_id=None): """ Return the number of articles of a feed or of all the database. """ if feed_id is not None: collection = self.db[feed_id] cursor = collection.find({'type':1}) return cursor.count() else: nb_articles = 0 for feed_id in self.db.collection_names(): nb_articles += self.nb_articles(feed_id) return nb_articles def nb_unread_articles(self, feed_id=None): """ Return the number of unread articles of a feed or of all the database. """ if feed_id is not None: return self.get_articles(feed_id=feed_id, condition=("article_readed", False)).count() else: return len(self.get_articles(condition=("article_readed", False))) def like_article(self, like, feed_id, article_id): """ Like or unlike an article. """ collection = self.db[str(feed_id)] collection.update({"article_id": article_id}, {"$set": {"article_like": like}}) def nb_favorites(self, feed_id=None): """ Return the number of favorites articles of a feed or of all the database. """ if feed_id is not None: return self.get_favorites(feed_id).count() else: return len(self.get_favorites()) def nb_mail_notifications(self): """ Return the number of subscribed feeds. """ nb_mail_notifications = 0 for feed_id in self.db.collection_names(): collection = self.db[feed_id] cursor = collection.find({'type':0, 'mail':True}) nb_mail_notifications += cursor.count() return nb_mail_notifications def mark_as_read(self, readed, feed_id=None, article_id=None): """ """ if feed_id != None and article_id != None: collection = self.db[str(feed_id)] collection.update({"article_id": article_id, "article_readed":not readed}, {"$set": {"article_readed": readed}}) elif feed_id != None and article_id == None: collection = self.db[str(feed_id)] collection.update({"type": 1, "article_readed":not readed}, {"$set": {"article_readed": readed}}, multi=True) else: for feed_id in self.db.collection_names(): self.mark_as_read(readed, feed_id, None) def update_feed(self, feed_id, changes): """ Update a feed. """ collection = self.db[str(feed_id)] collection.update({"type": 0, "feed_id":feed_id}, {"$set": changes}, multi=True) def full_search(self, term): """ Indexed full text search through content of articles. """ articles = {} for collection in self.get_all_feeds(): result = self.db[collection["feed_id"]].find({'article_content': {'$regex': term, "$options": 'i' }}) if result.count() != 0: articles[collection["feed_id"]] = result.sort([("article_date", pymongo.DESCENDING)]) return articles # Functions on database def drop_database(self): """ Drop all the database """ self.connection.drop_database(self.db_name) if __name__ == "__main__": # Point of entry in execution mode. articles = Articles() # Create a collection for a stream collection_dic = {"collection_id": 42,\ "feed_image": "Image", \ "feed_title": "Title", \ "feed_link": "Link", \ "site_title": "Site link", \ "mail": True, \ } #articles.add_collection(collection_dic) # Add an article in the newly created collection article_dic1 = {"article_id": 51, \ "article_date": "Today", \ "article_link": "Link of the article", \ "article_title": "The title", \ "article_content": "The content of the article", \ "article_readed": True, \ "article_like": True \ } article_dic2 = {"article_id": 52, \ "article_date": "Yesterday", \ "article_link": "Link", \ "article_title": "Hello", \ "article_content": "The content of the article", \ "article_readed": True, \ "article_like": True \ } #articles.add_articles([article_dic1, article_dic2], 42) print("All articles:") #print articles.get_all_articles() # Drop the database articles.drop_database()