from functools import wraps from flask import request, g, session, Response, jsonify from flask.ext.restful import Resource from pyaggr3g470r.models import User from pyaggr3g470r.lib.exceptions import PyAggError def authenticate(func): """ Decorator for the authentication to the web services. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not getattr(func, 'authenticated', True): return func(*args, **kwargs) # authentication based on the session (already logged on the site) if 'email' in session or g.user.is_authenticated(): return func(*args, **kwargs) # authentication via HTTP only auth = request.authorization try: email = auth.username user = User.query.filter( == email).first() if user and user.check_password(auth.password) and user.activation_key == "": g.user = user return func(*args, **kwargs) except AttributeError: pass return Response('', 401, {'WWWAuthenticate':'Basic realm="Login Required"'}) return wrapper def to_response(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: res = func(*args, **kwargs) except PyAggError, error: response = jsonify(**error.message) response.status_code = error.status_code return response if isinstance(res, tuple): response = jsonify(**res[0]) if len(res) > 1: response.status_code = res[1] return response return res return wrapper class PyAggResource(Resource): method_decorators = [authenticate, to_response] controller_cls = None editable_attrs = [] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.controller = self.controller_cls( super(PyAggResource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get(self, obj_id=None): return {'result': [self.controller.get(id=obj_id).dump()]} def put(self, obj_id=None): args = self.reqparse.parse_args() new_values = {key: args[key] for key in set(args).intersection(self.editable_attrs)} self.controller.update(obj_id, **new_values) return {"message": "ok"} def delete(self, obj_id=None): self.controller.delete(obj_id) return {"message": "ok"}, 204