{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ _('Your subscriptions') }}

{{ _('You are subscribed to') }} {{ nb_feeds }} {{ _('feeds') }}. {{ _('Add a') }} {{ _('feed') }}.

{{ nb_articles }} {{ _('articles are stored in the database with') }} {{ nb_unread_articles }} {{ _('unread articles') }}.

{% if not conf.ON_HEROKU %} {{ _('Index database') }} {% endif %} {{ _('Delete articles older than 10 weeks') }}

{{ _('Your Profile') }}

{{ _('Update your') }} {{ _('profile') }}.

{{ _('Member since') }} {{ user.date_created | datetime }}.

{{ _('Last seen:') }} {{ user.last_seen | datetime }}.

{{ _('OPML import/export') }}

{{ _('Batch import feeds from OPML') }} (*.xml {{ _('or') }} *.opml)

{{ _('Export feeds to OPML') }}

{{ _('Data liberation') }}

{{ _('Import account') }} (*.json)

{{ _('Export account to JSON') }}

{{ _('Export articles') }}

{% endblock %}