{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ feed.title }}

{% if feed.description %}

{{ feed.description }}

{% endif %}

This feed contains {{ feed.articles.all()|count }} articles {% if nb_articles != 0 %} ({{ ((feed.articles.all()|count * 100 ) / nb_articles) | round(2, 'floor') }}% of the database) {% endif %} .
Address of the feed: {{ feed.link }}
{% if feed.site_link != "" %} Address of the site: {{ feed.site_link }} {% endif %}
{% if feed.articles.all()|count != 0 %} The last article was posted {{ elapsed.days }} day(s) ago.
Daily average: {{ average }}, between the {{ first_post_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }} and the {{ end_post_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}. {% endif %}

{% if feed.articles.all()|count != 0 %}
{{ tag_cloud|safe }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}