#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = "Cedric Bonhomme" __version__ = "$Revision: 0.1 $" __date__ = "$Date: 2012/01/06 $" __date__ = "$Date: 2012/01/09 $" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2012 Public Research Centre Henri Tudor" __license__ = "" # # http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Http+Interface#HttpInterface-SimpleRESTInterface # https://github.com/kchodorow/sleepy.mongoose/wiki/ # Insertion of a message: # curl --data 'docs=[{"message":"traffic jam","position":"tampere"}]' '' # # Connecting: # https://github.com/kchodorow/sleepy.mongoose/wiki/Connecting # Examples: # curl --data 'name=wsc' http://localhost:27080/_connect # GET http://localhost:27080/wisafecar/users/_find?name=wsc # Filtering: # If we want to get all results for the client with id=d39fc988-376b-11e1-aa3b-0022680cb7e4: # urllib.quote('{"id":"d39fc988-376b-11e1-aa3b-0022680cb7e4"}') # # (urllib.quote skip special caracters.) # If we want to find all the traffic jams: # urllib.quote('{"message":"traffic_jam"}') # import time from pymongo.connection import Connection class MongoWSC(object): """ """ def __init__(self, url='localhost', port=27017): """ Instantiates the connection. """ self.connection = Connection(url, port) self.db = self.connection.wisafecar # # Collection: users # def register_user(self, sender_uuid, user): """ Insert a new user in the collection of users. """ user_dic = {"uuid":sender_uuid, "name":user, \ "time-registration":time.time()} collection = self.db.users cursor = collection.find({"uuid":sender_uuid}) if cursor.count() == 0: collection.insert(user_dic) def get_users(self): """ Return the list of users. """ collection = self.db.users return collection def print_users(self): """ List and print the users. """ collection = self.db.users cursor = collection.find() for d in cursor: print d def nb_users(self): """ Return the number of users. """ collection = self.db.users collection.count() # # Collection: messages # def log_message(self, sender_uuid, message): """ Create a new message in the collection of messages. """ message_dic = {"reporter":sender_uuid, "time":message[0], "lat":message[2].split(",")[1][:-1], "long": message[2].split(",")[0][1:], "message":message[3]} collection = self.db.messages collection.insert(message_dic) def print_messages(self): """ List and print the messages received by all the users. """ collection = self.db.messages cursor = collection.find() for d in cursor: print d # # Collection: positions # def log_positions(self, sender_uuid, position): """ Log a new position. """ collection_dic = {"uuid":sender_uuid, "time":position[0], "lat":position[2].split(",")[1][:-1], "long": position[2].split(",")[0][1:]} collection = self.db.positions collection.insert(collection_dic) def print_positions(self): """ List and print the position updates of all the users. """ collection = self.db.positions cursor = collection.find() for d in cursor: print d # Functions on database def drop_wsc_database(self): self.connection.drop_database('wisafecar') if __name__ == "__main__": # Point of entry in execution mode. wsc_database = MongoWSC() print "Registered users:" wsc_database.print_users() print "\nPosition updates received:" wsc_database.print_positions() print "\nMessage received:" wsc_database.print_messages() print "\nDropping database..." wsc_database.drop_wsc_database() wsc_database.register_user("1d91f6fafe85", "Cedric") wsc_database.log_positions("1d91f6fafe85", [time.time(), "position", "(49.6229,6.18687)"]) wsc_database.log_positions("1d91f6fafe85", [time.time(), "position", "(49.6228,6.18692)"]) wsc_database.log_message("1d91f6fafe85", [time.time(), "alert", "(49.628,6.176)", "accident"]) wsc_database.log_message("1d91f6fafe85", [time.time(), "alert", "(49.612,6.18689708)", "traffic_jam"])