import os # # Example configuration file for a SQLite database. # # Webserver HOST = "" PORT = 5000 DEBUG = True API_ROOT = "/api/v2.0" # Optional, and useful if you are using a reverse proxy with this virtual path prefix #PREFIX = "/newspipe" CSRF_ENABLED = True SECRET_KEY = "LCx3BchmHRxFzkEv4BqQJyeXRLXenf" SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT = "L8gTsyrpRQEF8jNWQPyvRfv7U5kJkD" # Database SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "sqlite:///newspipe.db" # Security CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY = { "default-src": "'self'", "img-src": "* data:", "media-src": [ "", ], "script-src": [ "'self'", "'unsafe-inline'", ], "style-src": [ "'self'", "'unsafe-inline'", ], } # Crawler CRAWLING_METHOD = "default" DEFAULT_MAX_ERROR = 6 HTTP_PROXY = "" CRAWLER_USER_AGENT = "Newspipe (" CRAWLER_TIMEOUT = 30 CRAWLER_RESOLVE_ARTICLE_URL = False FEED_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 0 # Notification MAIL_SERVER = "localhost" MAIL_PORT = 25 MAIL_USE_TLS = False MAIL_USE_SSL = False MAIL_DEBUG = DEBUG MAIL_USERNAME = None MAIL_PASSWORD = None MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = "admin@admin.localhost" TOKEN_VALIDITY_PERIOD = 3600 PLATFORM_URL = "" # Misc BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(".")) LANGUAGES = {"en": "English", "fr": "French"} TIME_ZONE = {"en": "US/Eastern", "fr": "Europe/Paris"} ADMIN_EMAIL = "admin@admin.localhost" LOG_LEVEL = "info" LOG_PATH = "./var/newspipe.log" SELF_REGISTRATION = True SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS = False # Ldap, optional LDAP_ENABLED = True LDAP_URI = "ldaps://" LDAP_USER_BASE = "cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=ipa,dc=internal,dc=com" LDAP_GROUP_BASE = "cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=ipa,dc=internal,dc=com" LDAP_USER_MATCH_ATTRIB = "uid" LDAP_USER_DISPLAY_ATTRIB = "uid" LDAP_USER_ATTRIB_MEMBEROF = "memberof" LDAP_GROUP_DISPLAY_ATTRIB = "cn" LDAP_BIND_DN = "uid=sampleuser,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=ipa,dc=internal,dc=com" LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD = "examplepassword" # Additional filter to restrict user lookup. If not equivalent to False, will be logical-anded to the user-match-attribute search filter. LDAP_FILTER = "(memberOf=cn=newspipe-users,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=ipa,dc=internal,dc=com)"