#! /usr/bin/env bash # # This script install all dependencies and configure pyAggr3g470r # for Python 3. # PYTHON_VERSION="3.4" sudo apt-get install -y python$PYTHON_VERSION libpq-dev python$PYTHON_VERSION-dev build-essential git sudo apt-get install -y libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev # for lxml sed -i '/psycopg2/d' requirements.txt sudo pip$PYTHON_VERSION install --upgrade -r requirements.txt # Initializes the configuration file cp conf/conf.cfg-sample conf/conf.cfg # Delete default database configuration sed -i '/database/d' conf/conf.cfg sed -i '/database_url/d' conf/conf.cfg if [ "$1" == postgres ]; then sudo apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-server-dev-9.4 postgresql-client sudo pip$PYTHON_VERSION install psycopg2 echo "" > ~/.pgpass chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass sudo -u postgres createuser pgsqluser --no-superuser --createdb --no-createrole sudo -u postgres createdb aggregator --no-password echo "ALTER USER pgsqluser WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'pgsqlpwd';" | sudo -u postgres psql echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE aggregator TO pgsqluser;" | sudo -u postgres psql # Add configuration lines for PostgreSQL echo '[database]' >> conf/conf.cfg echo 'database_url = postgres://pgsqluser:pgsqlpwd@' >> conf/conf.cfg elif [ "$1" == sqlite ]; then sudo pip$PYTHON_VERSION install pysqlite # not working with Python 3! # Add configuration lines for SQLite echo '[database]' >> conf/conf.cfg echo 'database_url = sqlite+pysqlite:///pyAggr3g470r.db' >> conf/conf.cfg fi python$PYTHON_VERSION manager.py db_empty python$PYTHON_VERSION manager.py db_create