#! /usr/local/bin/python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- __author__ = "Cedric Bonhomme" __version__ = "$Revision: 0.9 $" __date__ = "$Date: 2010/04/15 $" __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2010 Cedric Bonhomme" __license__ = "GPLv3" import re import sqlite3 import threading import feedparser from datetime import datetime import utils feeds_list = [] list_of_threads = [] class FeedGetter(object): """ """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes the base and variables. """ # Create the base if not exists. utils.create_base() # mutex to protect the SQLite base self.locker = threading.Lock() def retrieve_feed(self): """ Parse the file 'feeds.lst' and launch a thread for each RSS feed. """ with open("./var/feed.lst") as f: for a_feed in f: # test if the URL is well formed for url_regexp in utils.url_finders: if url_regexp.match(a_feed): the_good_url = url_regexp.match(a_feed).group(0).replace("\n", "") try: # launch a new thread for the RSS feed thread = threading.Thread(None, self.process, \ None, (the_good_url,)) thread.start() list_of_threads.append(thread) except: pass break # wait for all threads are done for th in list_of_threads: th.join() def process(self, the_good_url): """Request the URL Executed in a thread. SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread ! """ # Protect this part of code. self.locker.acquire() self.conn = sqlite3.connect(utils.sqlite_base, isolation_level = None) self.c = self.conn.cursor() # Add the articles in the base. self.add_into_sqlite(the_good_url) self.conn.commit() self.c.close() # Release this part of code. self.locker.release() def add_into_sqlite(self, feed_link): """ Add the articles of the feed 'a_feed' in the SQLite base. """ a_feed = feedparser.parse(feed_link) if a_feed['entries'] == []: return try: feed_image = a_feed.feed.image.href except: feed_image = "/css/img/feed-icon-28x28.png" try: self.c.execute('insert into feeds values (?,?,?,?,?)', (\ utils.clear_string(a_feed.feed.title.encode('utf-8')), \ a_feed.feed.link.encode('utf-8'), \ feed_link, \ feed_image, "0")) except sqlite3.IntegrityError: # feed already in the base pass for article in a_feed['entries']: try: description = article.description.encode('utf-8') except Exception, e: description = "" try: self.c.execute('insert into articles values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', (\ datetime(*article.updated_parsed[:6]), \ utils.clear_string(article.title.encode('utf-8')), \ article.link.encode('utf-8'), \ description, \ "0", \ feed_link, \ "0")) result = self.c.execute("SELECT mail from feeds WHERE feed_site_link='" + \ a_feed.feed.link.encode('utf-8') + "'").fetchall() if result[0][0] == "1": # send the article by e-mail threading.Thread(None, utils.send_mail, \ None, (utils.mail_from, utils.mail_to, \ a_feed.feed.title.encode('utf-8'), description) \ ).start() except sqlite3.IntegrityError: # article already in the base pass if __name__ == "__main__": # Point of entry in execution mode feed_getter = FeedGetter() feed_getter.retrieve_feed()