#! /usr/bin/env python #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Program variables. This file contain the variables used by the application. """ import os, sys ON_HEROKU = int(os.environ.get('HEROKU', 0)) == 1 if not ON_HEROKU: try: import configparser as confparser except: import ConfigParser as confparser # load the configuration config = confparser.SafeConfigParser() config.read("./conf/conf.cfg") # Whoosh does not work on Heroku WHOOSH_ENABLED = True SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = config.get('database', 'uri') HTTP_PROXY = config.get('feedparser', 'http_proxy') USER_AGENT = config.get('feedparser', 'user_agent') RESOLVE_ARTICLE_URL = int(config.get('feedparser', 'resolve_article_url')) == 1 WEBSERVER_DEBUG = int(config.get('webserver', 'debug')) == 1 WEBSERVER_HOST = config.get('webserver', 'host') WEBSERVER_PORT = int(config.get('webserver', 'port')) MAIL_ENABLED = int(config.get('mail', 'enabled')) == 1 MAIL_HOST = config.get('mail', 'host') MAIL_PORT = int(config.get('mail', 'port')) MAIL_TLS = int(config.get('mail', 'tls')) == 1 MAIL_SSL = int(config.get('mail', 'ssl')) == 1 MAIL_USERNAME = config.get('mail', 'username') MAIL_PASSWORD = config.get('mail', 'password') MAIL_FROM = config.get('mail', 'mail_from') MAIL_TO = config.get('mail', 'mail_to') basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) PATH = os.path.abspath(".") else: HTTP_PROXY = "" USER_AGENT = "pyAggr3g470r (https://bitbucket.org/cedricbonhomme/pyaggr3g470r)" RESOLVE_ARTICLE_URL = int(os.environ.get('RESOLVE_ARTICLE_URL', 0)) == 1 WEBSERVER_DEBUG = False WEBSERVER_HOST ='' WEBSERVER_PORT = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 5000)) MAIL_ENABLED = False SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] CSRF_ENABLED = True # slow database query threshold (in seconds) DATABASE_QUERY_TIMEOUT = 0.5