.. -*-restructuredtext-*- .. Use headers in this order #=~-_ :toc: yes ============ pyAggr3g470r ============ Presentation ------------ pyAggr3g470r is a multi-threaded news aggregator with a web interface based on CherryPy. Articles are stored in a SQLite base. Features ------------ * notification of new articles by e-mail for selected feeds; * export articles (HTML and raw text); * mark or unmark an article as favorites; * share an article on Google Buzz, del.icio.us, Digg, reddit, Scoopeo and Blogmarks; * language detection and search articles by language. Requierements ------------- Software required ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Python 2.7.* * SQLite * feedparser (http://feedparser.org/) * CherryPy (version 3 and up) * BeautifulSoup Optional module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ These modules are not required but provides better features. These modules are: * oice.langdet * gamin. If you want to install these modules: Language detection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Name: oice.langdet Enable the detection of the language of articles. Installation: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/oice.langdet/ Download the archive, decompress, go to the folder and type: python setup.py install Advanced monitoring ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Name: Gamin Enable a better monitoring of the base of feeds. Installation: aptitude install python-gamin http://people.gnome.org/~veillard/gamin/python.html License ------------ pyAggr3g470r is under GPLv3 license. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt