++++++++++++ pyAggr3g470r ++++++++++++ Presentation ============ `pyAggr3g470r `_ is a news aggregator with a web interface based on `Flask `_. Features ======== * can be deployed on Heroku or on a traditional server; * multiple users can use the platform; * a RESTful API to manage your articles; * data liberation: export and import all your account with a JSON file; * export and import feeds with OPML files; * export articles to HTML; * e-mail notification; * favorite articles; * detection of inactive feeds; * share articles with Google +, Pinboard and reddit; * HTTP proxy support. Usage ===== Deployment ---------- This application can be deployed on Heroku or on a traditional server. After installation, you will be able to connect with the email *root@pyAggr3g470r.localhost* and the password *password*. Deploying the application on Heroku ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' An instance of pyAggr3g470r is running `here `_. .. code:: bash $ git clone https://bitbucket.org/cedricbonhomme/pyaggr3g470r.git $ cd pyaggr3g470r $ heroku create $ heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev $ heroku config:set HEROKU=1 $ git push heroku master $ heroku run init $ heroku ps:scale web=1 To enable account creation for users, you have to set some environment variables: .. code:: bash $ heroku config:set PLATFORM_URL= $ heroku config:set RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY= $ heroku config:set RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY= $ heroku config:set ADMIN_EMAIL= $ heroku addons:add postmark:10k `Postmark `_ is used to send account confirmation links. If you don't want to open your platform you will be still able to create accounts via the administration page. Alternatively, you can deploy your own copy of the app using this button: .. image:: https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.png :target: https://heroku.com/deploy Deploying the application on a traditional server ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. code:: bash $ git clone https://bitbucket.org/cedricbonhomme/pyaggr3g470r.git $ cd pyaggr3g470r $ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev $ sudo pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt $ cp conf/conf.cfg-sample conf/conf.cfg If you want to use PostgreSQL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash $ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-9.3 postgresql-client $ sudo -u postgres createuser Enter name of role to add: username Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n $ createdb pyAggr3g470r $ sudo -u postgres psql postgres=# ALTER USER username WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'password'; postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE pyAggr3g470r TO username; postgres=# \q Edit the configuration file with the line: .. code:: cfg [database] uri = postgres://username:password@ If you want to use SQLite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just edit the configuration file with the line: .. code:: cfg [database] uri = sqlite+pysqlite:///pyAggr3g470r.db Finally: .. code:: bash $ python db_create.py $ python runserver.py * Running on * Restarting with reloader Configuration ------------- Configuration (database url, email, proxy, user agent, etc.) is done via the file *conf/conf.cfg*. Check these configuration before executing *db_create.py*. If you want to use pyAggr3g470r with Tor/Privoxy, you just have to set the value of *http_proxy* (most of the time: *http_proxy =**). Else leave the value blank. Automatic updates ----------------- You can fetch new articles with `cron `_ and the script *fetch.py*. For example if you want to check for updates every 30 minutes, add this line to your cron rules (*crontab -e*): .. code:: bash */30 * * * * cd ~/.pyaggr3g470r/ ; python fetch.py firstname.lastname@mail.com You must give the email address you use to login to pyAggr3g470r. Web service ----------- Articles '''''''' .. code:: python >>> import requests, json >>> r = requests.get("https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/articles", auth=("your-email", "your-password")) >>> r.status_code 200 >>> rjson = json.loads(r.text) >>> rjson["result"][0]["title"] u'Sponsors required for KDE code sprint in Randa' >>> rjson["result"][0]["date"] u'Wed, 18 Jun 2014 14:25:18 GMT' Possible parameters: .. code:: bash $ curl --user your-email:your-password "https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/articles?filter_=unread&feed=24" $ curl --user your-email:your-password "https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/articles?filter_=read&feed=24&limit=20" $ curl --user your-email:your-password "https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/articles?filter_=all&feed=24&limit=20" Get an article: .. code:: bash $ curl --user your-email:your-password "https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/articles/84566" Add an article: .. code:: python >>> import requests, json >>> headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'} >>> payload = {'link': 'http://blog.cedricbonhomme.org/2014/05/24/sortie-de-pyaggr3g470r-5-3/', 'title': 'Sortie de pyAggr3g470r 5.3', 'content':'La page principale de pyAggr3g470r a été améliorée...', 'date':'06/23/2014 11:42 AM', 'feed_id':'42'} >>> r = requests.post("https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/articles", headers=headers, auth=("your-email", "your-password"), data=json.dumps(payload)) >>> print r.content { "message": "ok" } >>> r = requests.get("https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/articles?feed=42&limit=1", auth=("your-email", "your-password")) >>> print json.loads(r.content)["result"][0]["title"] Sortie de pyAggr3g470r 5.3 Update an article: .. code:: python >>> payload = {"like":True, "readed":False} >>> r = requests.put("https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/articles/65", headers=headers, auth=("your-email", "your-password"), data=json.dumps(payload)) >>> print r.content { "message": "ok" } Delete an article: .. code:: python >>> r = requests.delete("https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/articles/84574", auth=("your-email", "your-password")) >>> print r.status_code 200 >>> print r.content { "message": "ok" } >>> r = requests.delete("https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/articles/84574", auth=("your-email", "your-password")) >>> print r.status_code 200 >>> print r.content { "message": "Article not found." } Feeds ''''' Add a feed: .. code:: python >>> payload = {'link': 'http://blog.cedricbonhomme.org/feed'} >>> r = requests.post("https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/feeds", headers=headers, auth=("your-email", "your-password"), data=json.dumps(payload)) Update a feed: .. code:: python >>> payload = {"title":"Feed new title", "description":"New description"} >>> r = requests.put("https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/feeds/42", headers=headers, auth=("your-email", "your-password"), data=json.dumps(payload)) Delete a feed: .. code:: python >>> r = requests.delete("https://pyaggr3g470r.herokuapp.com/api/v1.0/feeds/29", auth=("your-email", "your-password")) Donation ======== If you wish and if you like *pyAggr3g470r*, you can donate via bitcoin `1GVmhR9fbBeEh7rP1qNq76jWArDdDQ3otZ `_. Thank you! Internationalization ==================== pyAggr3g470r is translated into English and French. License ======= `pyAggr3g470r `_ is under the `GNU Affero General Public License version 3 `_. Contact ======= `My home page `_.