pyAggr3g470r ============ #### A simple Python news aggregator. Presentation ------------ [pyAggr3g470r]( is a news aggregator with a web interface based on [CherryPy]( Articles are stored in a [MongoDB]( base. A documentation is available [here]( Features ------------ * articles are stored in a [MongoDB]( database (local or remote); * article searching; * e-mail notification; * export articles to HTML, EPUB, PDF or raw text; * favorite articles; * language detection; * share articles with Diaspora, Google +, Pinboard,, Digg, reddit, Scoopeo, and Blogmarks; * generation of QR codes with URLs of articles. Requierements ------------- Software required * [Python]( >= 3.2; * [MongoDB]( and [PyMongo]( >= 1.9; * [feedparser]( >= 5.1.2 (for ****, the RSS feed parser); * [CherryPy]( >= 3.2.2 and [Mako]( (for ****, the Web interface); * [BeautifulSoup]( >= 4.1.2 (automatically find a feed in a HTML page). Python 3.3 is recommend for better performances with large collections. Optional module These modules are not required but enables more features: * [guess_language]( and [PyEnchant]( for the language detection; * lxml and Genshi; * Python Imaging Library for the generation of QR codes. Not yet tested with Python 3.3. Anyway, if you want to install these modules: $ sudo aptitude install python3.3-lxml python-genshi Backup ------ If you want to backup your database: $ su $ /etc/init.d/mongodb stop $ cp /var/lib/mongodb/pyaggr3g470r.* ~ Donation -------- If you wish and if you like pyAggr3g470r, you can donate via bitcoin. My bitcoin address: 1GVmhR9fbBeEh7rP1qNq76jWArDdDQ3otZ Thank you! License ------- [pyAggr3g470r]( is under [GPLv3]( license. Contact ------- [My home page](