import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core'; import { faTrashAlt, faCheckCircle, faTimesCircle } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons'; import { DownloadsService, Status } from './downloads.service'; import { MasterCheckboxComponent } from './master-checkbox.component'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.sass'] }) export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit { addUrl: string; qualities: Array = [ {id: "best", text: "Best"}, {id: "1440p", text: "1440p"}, {id: "1080p", text: "1080p"}, {id: "720p", text: "720p"}, {id: "480p", text: "480p"}, {id: "audio", text: "Audio only"} ]; quality: string = "best"; addInProgress = false; @ViewChild('queueMasterCheckbox') queueMasterCheckbox: MasterCheckboxComponent; @ViewChild('queueDelSelected') queueDelSelected: ElementRef; @ViewChild('doneMasterCheckbox') doneMasterCheckbox: MasterCheckboxComponent; @ViewChild('doneDelSelected') doneDelSelected: ElementRef; @ViewChild('doneClearCompleted') doneClearCompleted: ElementRef; @ViewChild('doneClearFailed') doneClearFailed: ElementRef; faTrashAlt = faTrashAlt; faCheckCircle = faCheckCircle; faTimesCircle = faTimesCircle; constructor(public downloads: DownloadsService) { } ngAfterViewInit() { this.downloads.queueChanged.subscribe(() => { this.queueMasterCheckbox.selectionChanged(); }); this.downloads.doneChanged.subscribe(() => { this.doneMasterCheckbox.selectionChanged(); let completed: number = 0, failed: number = 0; this.downloads.done.forEach(dl => { if (dl.status === 'finished') completed++; else if (dl.status === 'error') failed++; }); this.doneClearCompleted.nativeElement.disabled = completed === 0; this.doneClearFailed.nativeElement.disabled = failed === 0; }); } // workaround to allow fetching of Map values in the order they were inserted // asIsOrder(a, b) { return 1; } queueSelectionChanged(checked: number) { this.queueDelSelected.nativeElement.disabled = checked == 0; } doneSelectionChanged(checked: number) { this.doneDelSelected.nativeElement.disabled = checked == 0; } addDownload() { this.addInProgress = true; this.downloads.add(this.addUrl, this.quality).subscribe((status: Status) => { if (status.status === 'error') { alert(`Error adding URL: ${status.msg}`); } else { this.addUrl = ''; } this.addInProgress = false; }); } delDownload(where: string, id: string) { this.downloads.delById(where, [id]).subscribe(); } delSelectedDownloads(where: string) { this.downloads.delByFilter(where, dl => dl.checked).subscribe(); } clearCompletedDownloads() { this.downloads.delByFilter('done', dl => dl.status === 'finished').subscribe(); } clearFailedDownloads() { this.downloads.delByFilter('done', dl => dl.status === 'error').subscribe(); } }