#!/bin/sh echo "Setting umask to ${UMASK}" umask ${UMASK} echo "Creating download directory ${DOWNLOAD_DIR} and state directory ${STATE_DIR}" mkdir -p "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}" "${STATE_DIR}" if [ `id -u` -eq 0 ] && [ `id -g` -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${UID}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Warning: it is not recommended to run as root user, please check your setting of the UID environment variable" fi echo "Changing ownership of download and state directories to ${UID}:${GID}" chown -R "${UID}":"${GID}" /app "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}" "${STATE_DIR}" echo "Running MeTube as user ${UID}:${GID}" su-exec "${UID}":"${GID}" python3 app/main.py else echo "User set by docker; running MeTube as `id -u`:`id -g`" python3 app/main.py fi