import os import sys import youtube_dl from collections import OrderedDict import asyncio import multiprocessing import logging log = logging.getLogger('ytdl') class DownloadQueueNotifier: async def added(self, dl): raise NotImplementedError async def updated(self, dl): raise NotImplementedError async def completed(self, dl): raise NotImplementedError async def canceled(self, id): raise NotImplementedError async def cleared(self, id): raise NotImplementedError class DownloadInfo: def __init__(self, id, title, url):, self.title, self.url = id, title, url self.status = self.msg = self.percent = self.speed = self.eta = None class Download: manager = None def __init__(self, download_dir, info): self.download_dir = download_dir = info self.canceled = False self.tmpfilename = None self.status_queue = None self.proc = None self.loop = None self.notifier = None def _download(self): try: ret = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(params={ 'quiet': True, 'no_color': True, #'skip_download': True, 'outtmpl': os.path.join(self.download_dir, '%(title)s.%(ext)s'), 'cachedir': False, 'socket_timeout': 30, 'progress_hooks': [lambda d: self.status_queue.put(d)], }).download([]) self.status_queue.put({'status': 'finished' if ret == 0 else 'error'}) except youtube_dl.utils.YoutubeDLError as exc: self.status_queue.put({'status': 'error', 'msg': str(exc)}) async def start(self, notifier): if Download.manager is None: Download.manager = multiprocessing.Manager() self.status_queue = Download.manager.Queue() self.proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=self._download) self.proc.start() self.loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.notifier = notifier = 'preparing' await self.notifier.updated( asyncio.ensure_future(self.update_status()) return await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.proc.join) def cancel(self): if self.running(): self.proc.kill() self.canceled = True def close(self): if self.started(): self.proc.close() self.status_queue.put(None) def running(self): try: return self.proc is not None and self.proc.is_alive() except ValueError: return False def started(self): return self.proc is not None async def update_status(self): while True: status = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.status_queue.get) if status is None: return self.tmpfilename = status.get('tmpfilename') = status['status'] = status.get('msg') if 'downloaded_bytes' in status: total = status.get('total_bytes') or status.get('total_bytes_estimate') if total: = status['downloaded_bytes'] / total * 100 = status.get('speed') = status.get('eta') await self.notifier.updated( class DownloadQueue: def __init__(self, config, notifier): self.config = config self.notifier = notifier self.queue = OrderedDict() self.done = OrderedDict() self.event = asyncio.Event() asyncio.ensure_future(self.__download()) def __extract_info(self, url): return youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(params={ 'quiet': True, 'no_color': True, 'extract_flat': True, }).extract_info(url, download=False) async def add(self, url):'adding {url}') try: info = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, self.__extract_info, url) except youtube_dl.utils.YoutubeDLError as exc: return {'status': 'error', 'msg': str(exc)} etype = info.get('_type') or 'video' if etype == 'playlist': entries = info['entries']'playlist detected with {len(entries)} entries') elif etype == 'video': entries = [info]'single video detected') else: return {'status': 'error', 'msg': f'Unsupported resource requested: {etype}, please enter video or playlist URLs only'} for entry in entries: if entry['id'] not in self.queue: dl = DownloadInfo(entry['id'], entry['title'], entry.get('webpage_url') or entry['url']) self.queue[entry['id']] = Download(self.config.DOWNLOAD_DIR, dl) await self.notifier.added(dl) self.event.set() return {'status': 'ok'} async def cancel(self, ids): for id in ids: if id not in self.queue: log.warn(f'requested cancel for non-existent download {id}') continue if self.queue[id].started(): self.queue[id].cancel() else: del self.queue[id] await self.notifier.canceled(id) return {'status': 'ok'} async def clear(self, ids): for id in ids: if id not in self.done: log.warn(f'requested delete for non-existent download {id}') continue del self.done[id] await self.notifier.cleared(id) return {'status': 'ok'} def get(self): return(list((k, for k, v in self.queue.items()), list((k, for k, v in self.done.items())) async def __download(self): while True: while not self.queue:'waiting for item to download') await self.event.wait() self.event.clear() id, entry = next(iter(self.queue.items()))'downloading {}') await entry.start(self.notifier) if != 'finished': if entry.tmpfilename and os.path.isfile(entry.tmpfilename): try: os.remove(entry.tmpfilename) except: pass = 'error' entry.close() if id in self.queue: del self.queue[id] if entry.canceled: await self.notifier.canceled(id) else: self.done[id] = entry await self.notifier.completed(