#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import os import codecs import setproctitle import sys from functools import lru_cache import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') gi.require_version('Keybinder', '3.0') from gi.repository import \ Gtk, Gdk, GLib, GdkPixbuf, Gio, Keybinder # noqa: E402 __VERSION__ = "1.0.1" class Main(object): def __init__(self): self.zoomlevel = 2 self.app = Gtk.Application.new( "org.kryogenix.magnus", Gio.ApplicationFlags.HANDLES_COMMAND_LINE) self.app.connect("command-line", self.handle_commandline) self.app.connect("shutdown", self.handle_shutdown) self.resize_timeout = None self.window_metrics = None self.window_metrics_restored = False self.decorations_height = 0 self.decorations_width = 0 self.last_x = -1 self.last_y = -1 self.refresh_interval = 250 self.started_by_keypress = False def handle_shutdown(self, app): if self.started_by_keypress: settings = Gio.Settings.new("org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications") val = settings.get_boolean("screen-magnifier-enabled") if val: settings.set_boolean("screen-magnifier-enabled", False) def handle_commandline(self, app, cmdline): args = cmdline.get_arguments() if hasattr(self, "w"): # already started if "--about" in args: self.show_about_dialog() return 0 if "--help" in args: print("Options:") print(" --about") print(" Show about dialogue") print(" --refresh-interval=120") print(" Set refresh interval in milliseconds (lower is faster)") # Override refresh rate on command line for arg in args: if arg.startswith("--refresh-interval="): parts = arg.split("=") if len(parts) == 2: try: rival = int(parts[1]) print("Refresh interval set to {}ms".format(rival)) self.refresh_interval = rival except ValueError: pass if arg == "--started-by-keypress": self.started_by_keypress = True # This is here so that the autostart desktop file can # specify it. # The idea is that Gnome-ish desktops have an explicit # keybinding to run the system magnifier; what this keybinding # actually does, via the {desktop}-settings-daemon, is toggle # the gsettings key # org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-magnifier-enabled # Magnus provides a desktop file to go in /etc/xdg/autostart # which contains an AutostartCondition of # GSettings org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications / # screen-magnifier-enabled # and then the {desktop}-session daemon takes care of # starting the app when that key goes true, and closing the # app if that key goes false. However, the user may also # explicitly quit Magnus with the close icon or alt-f4 # or similar. If they do so, then we explicitly set the key # back to false, so that the global keybinding to run the # magnifier stays in sync. # First time startup self.start_everything_first_time() if "--about" in args: self.show_about_dialog() return 0 def start_everything_first_time(self, on_window_map=None): GLib.set_application_name("Magnus") # the window self.w = Gtk.ApplicationWindow.new(self.app) self.w.set_size_request(300, 300) self.w.set_title("Magnus") self.w.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit) self.w.connect("configure-event", self.read_window_size) self.w.connect("configure-event", self.window_configure) self.w.connect("size-allocate", self.read_window_decorations_size) devman = self.w.get_screen().get_display().get_device_manager() self.pointer = devman.get_client_pointer() # the headerbar head = Gtk.HeaderBar() head.set_show_close_button(True) head.props.title = "Magnus" self.w.set_titlebar(head) # the zoom chooser zoom = Gtk.ComboBoxText.new() self.zoom = zoom for i in range(2, 6): zoom.append(str(i), "{}×".format(i)) zoom.set_active(0) zoom.connect("changed", self.set_zoom) head.pack_end(zoom) # the box that contains everything self.img = Gtk.Image() scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolled_window.add(self.img) self.w.add(scrolled_window) # bind the zoom keyboard shortcuts Keybinder.init() if Keybinder.supported(): Keybinder.bind("plus", self.zoom_in, zoom) Keybinder.bind("equal", self.zoom_in, zoom) Keybinder.bind("minus", self.zoom_out, zoom) # and, go self.w.show_all() self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.window_x = 0 self.window_y = 0 GLib.timeout_add(250, self.read_window_size) # and, poll GLib.timeout_add(self.refresh_interval, self.poll) GLib.idle_add(self.load_config) def zoom_out(self, keypress, zoom): current_index = zoom.get_active() if current_index == 0: return zoom.set_active(current_index - 1) self.set_zoom(zoom) def zoom_in(self, keypress, zoom): current_index = zoom.get_active() size = zoom.get_model().iter_n_children(None) if current_index == size - 1: return zoom.set_active(current_index + 1) self.set_zoom(zoom) def read_window_decorations_size(self, win, alloc): sz = self.w.get_size() self.decorations_width = alloc.width - sz.width self.decorations_height = alloc.height - sz.height def set_zoom(self, zoom): self.zoomlevel = int(zoom.get_active_text()[0]) self.poll(force_refresh=True) self.serialise() def read_window_size(self, *args): loc = self.w.get_size() self.width = loc.width self.height = loc.height def show_about_dialog(self, *args): about_dialog = Gtk.AboutDialog() about_dialog.set_artists(["Stuart Langridge"]) about_dialog.set_authors(["Stuart Langridge"]) about_dialog.set_version(__VERSION__) about_dialog.set_license_type(Gtk.License.MIT_X11) about_dialog.set_website("https://www.kryogenix.org/code/magnus") about_dialog.run() if about_dialog: about_dialog.destroy() @lru_cache() def makesquares(self, overall_width, overall_height, square_size, value_on, value_off): on_sq = list(value_on) * square_size off_sq = list(value_off) * square_size on_row = [] off_row = [] while len(on_row) < overall_width * len(value_on): on_row += on_sq on_row += off_sq off_row += off_sq off_row += on_sq on_row = on_row[:overall_width * len(value_on)] off_row = off_row[:overall_width * len(value_on)] on_sq_row = on_row * square_size off_sq_row = off_row * square_size overall = [] count = 0 while len(overall) < overall_width * overall_height * len(value_on): overall += on_sq_row overall += off_sq_row count += 2 overall = overall[:overall_width * overall_height * len(value_on)] return overall @lru_cache() def get_white_pixbuf(self, width, height): square_size = 16 light = (153, 153, 153, 255) dark = (102, 102, 102, 255) whole = self.makesquares(width, height, square_size, light, dark) arr = GLib.Bytes.new(whole) return GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_bytes( arr, GdkPixbuf.Colorspace.RGB, True, 8, width, height, width * len(light)) def poll(self, force_refresh=False): display = Gdk.Display.get_default() (screen, x, y, modifier) = display.get_pointer() if x == self.last_x and y == self.last_y: # bail if nothing would be different if not force_refresh: return True self.last_x = x self.last_y = y if (x > self.window_x and x <= (self.window_x + self.width + self.decorations_width) and y > self.window_y and y <= (self.window_y + self.height + self.decorations_height)): # pointer is over our window, so make it an empty pixbuf white = self.get_white_pixbuf(self.width, self.height) self.img.set_from_pixbuf(white) else: root = Gdk.get_default_root_window() scaled_width = self.width // self.zoomlevel scaled_height = self.height // self.zoomlevel scaled_xoff = scaled_width // 2 scaled_yoff = scaled_height // 2 screenshot = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window( root, x - scaled_xoff, y - scaled_yoff, scaled_width, scaled_height) scaled_pb = screenshot.scale_simple( self.width, self.height, GdkPixbuf.InterpType.NEAREST) self.img.set_from_pixbuf(scaled_pb) return True def window_configure(self, window, ev): if not self.window_metrics_restored: return False if self.resize_timeout: GLib.source_remove(self.resize_timeout) self.resize_timeout = GLib.timeout_add_seconds( 1, self.save_window_metrics, {"x": ev.x, "y": ev.y, "w": ev.width, "h": ev.height}) self.window_x = ev.x self.window_y = ev.y def save_window_metrics(self, props): scr = self.w.get_screen() sw = float(scr.get_width()) sh = float(scr.get_height()) # We save window dimensions as fractions of the screen dimensions, # to cope with screen resolution changes while we weren't running self.window_metrics = { "ww": props["w"] / sw, "wh": props["h"] / sh, "wx": props["x"] / sw, "wy": props["y"] / sh } self.serialise() def restore_window_metrics(self, metrics): scr = self.w.get_screen() sw = float(scr.get_width()) sh = float(scr.get_height()) self.w.set_size_request( int(sw * metrics["ww"]), int(sh * metrics["wh"])) self.w.move(int(sw * metrics["wx"]), int(sh * metrics["wy"])) def get_cache_file(self): return os.path.join(GLib.get_user_cache_dir(), "magnus.json") def serialise(self, *args, **kwargs): # yeah, yeah, supposed to use Gio's async file stuff here. But it was # writing corrupted files, and I have no idea why; probably the Python # var containing the data was going out of scope or something. Anyway, # we're only storing a small JSON file, so life's too short to hammer # on this; we'll write with Python and take the hit. fp = codecs.open(self.get_cache_file(), encoding="utf8", mode="w") data = {"zoom": self.zoomlevel} if self.window_metrics: data["metrics"] = self.window_metrics json.dump(data, fp, indent=2) fp.close() def load_config(self): f = Gio.File.new_for_path(self.get_cache_file()) f.load_contents_async(None, self.finish_loading_history) def finish_loading_history(self, f, res): try: success, contents, _ = f.load_contents_finish(res) except GLib.Error as e: print(("couldn't restore settings (error: %s)" ", so assuming they're blank") % (e,)) contents = "{}" try: data = json.loads(contents) except Exception as e: print(("Warning: settings file seemed to be invalid json" " (error: %s), so assuming blank") % (e,)) data = {} zl = data.get("zoom") if zl: idx = 0 for row in self.zoom.get_model(): text, lid = list(row) if lid == str(zl): self.zoom.set_active(idx) self.zoomlevel = zl idx += 1 metrics = data.get("metrics") if metrics: self.restore_window_metrics(metrics) self.window_metrics_restored = True def main(): setproctitle.setproctitle('magnus') m = Main() m.app.run(sys.argv) if __name__ == "__main__": main()