#include "TtyProcess.h" #include #include #include #define DEBUG 0 TTYProcess::TTYProcess(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent){ childProc = 0; sn = 0; ttyfd = 0; starting = true; fixReply = -1; } TTYProcess::~TTYProcess(){ closeTTY(); //make sure everything is closed properly } // === PUBLIC === bool TTYProcess::startTTY(QString prog, QStringList args, QString workdir){ if(workdir=="~"){ workdir = QDir::homePath(); } QDir::setCurrent(workdir); QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); setenv("TERM","vt220-color",1);//"vt102-color",1); //vt100: VT100 emulation support (QTerminal sets "xterm" here) //unsetenv("TERM"); unsetenv("TERMCAP"); //setenv("TERMCAP","xterm",1); /*setenv("TERMCAP",":do=2\E[B:co#80:li#24:cl=50\E[H\E[J:sf=2*\ED:\ :le=^H:bs:am:cm=5\E[%i%d;%dH:nd=2\E[C:up=2\E[A:\ :ce=3\E[K:cd=50\E[J:so=2\E[7m:se=2\E[m:us=2\E[4m:ue=2\E[m:\ :md=2\E[1m:mr=2\E[7m:mb=2\E[5m:me=2\E[m:\ :is=\E>\E[?1;3;4;5l\E[?7;8h\E[1;24r\E[24;1H:\ :if=/usr/share/tabset/vt100:nw=2\EE:ho=\E[H:\ :as=2\E(0:ae=2\E(B:\ :ac=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||:\ :rs=\E>\E[?1;3;4;5l\E[?7;8h:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ke=\E[?1l\E>:\ :ku=\EOA:kd=\EOB:kr=\EOC:kl=\EOD:kb=\177:\ :k0=\EOy:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\EOt:\ :k6=\EOu:k7=\EOv:k8=\EOl:k9=\EOw:k;=\EOx:@8=\EOM:\ :K1=\EOq:K2=\EOr:K3=\EOs:K4=\EOp:K5=\EOn:pt:sr=2*\EM:xn:\ :sc=2\E7:rc=2\E8:cs=5\E[%i%d;%dr:UP=2\E[%dA:DO=2\E[%dB:RI=2\E[%dC:\ :LE=2\E[%dD:ct=2\E[3g:st=2\EH:ta=^I:ms:bl=^G:cr=^M:eo:it#8:\ :RA=\E[?7l:SA=\E[?7h:po=\E[5i:pf=\E[4i:",1); //see /etc/termcap as well */ QStringList filter = env.keys().filter("XTERM"); for(int i=0; isetEnabled(true); connect(sn, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(checkStatus(int)) ); ttyfd = FD; if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - PTY:" << ptsname(FD); } starting = true; return true; } } void TTYProcess::closeTTY(){ int junk; if(0==waitpid(childProc, &junk, WNOHANG)){ kill(childProc, SIGKILL); } if(ttyfd!=0 && sn!=0){ sn->setEnabled(false); ::close(ttyfd); ttyfd = 0; emit processClosed(); } } void TTYProcess::writeTTY(QByteArray output){ //qDebug() << "Write:" << output; static QList knownFixes; if(knownFixes.isEmpty()){ knownFixes << "\x1b[C" << "\x1b[D" << "\b" << "\x7F" << "\x08"; } fixReply = knownFixes.indexOf(output); ::write(ttyfd, output.data(), output.size()); } QByteArray TTYProcess::readTTY(){ QByteArray BA; //qDebug() << "Read TTY"; if(sn==0){ return BA; } //not setup yet char buffer[64]; ssize_t rtot = read(sn->socket(),&buffer,64); //buffer[rtot]='\0'; BA = QByteArray(buffer, rtot); //qDebug() << " - Got Data:" << BA; if(!fragBA.isEmpty()){ //Have a leftover fragment, include this too BA = BA.prepend(fragBA); fragBA.clear(); } bool bad = true; BA = CleanANSI(BA, bad); if(bad){ //incomplete fragent - read some more first fragBA = BA; return readTTY(); }else{ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Read Data:" << BA; } //BUG BYPASS - 12/7/16 //If the PTY gets input fairly soon after starting, the PTY will re-print the initial line(s) if(starting && !BA.contains("\n") ){ //qDebug() << "Starting phase 1:" << BA; writeTTY("\n\b"); //newline + backspace BA.clear(); }else if(starting){ //qDebug() << "Starting phase 2:" << BA; BA.remove(0, BA.indexOf("\n")+1); starting = false; } //Apply known fixes for replies to particular inputs (mostly related to cursor position *within* the current line) // This appears to be primarily from the concept that the cursor position is always at the end of the line (old VT limitation?) // so almost all these fixes are for cursor positioning within the current line if(fixReply >= 0){ if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Fix Reply:" <0){ BA.remove(0,1); BA.prepend("\x1b[C"); //just move the cursor - don't re-print that 1 character } break; case 1: //Left arrow ("\x1b[D") - PTY erases the previous character instead of moving the cursor if(BA.startsWith("\b")){ BA.remove(0,1); BA.prepend("\x1b[D"); //just move the cursor - don't send the "back" character (\b) } break; case 2: //Backspace or delete - PTY works fine if on the end of the line, but when in the middle of a line it will backpace a number of times after clearing (same as left arrow issue) case 3: case 4: if(BA.contains("\x1b[K")){ while(BA.indexOf("\x1b[K") < BA.lastIndexOf("\b") ){ BA.replace( BA.lastIndexOf("\b"), 1, "\x1b[D"); //just move the cursor left - don't send the "back" character (\b) } } break; } fixReply = -1; //done with the fix - resume normal operations if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << " - Fixed:" << BA; } } return BA; } } void TTYProcess::setTerminalSize(QSize chars, QSize pixels){ if(ttyfd==0){ return; } struct winsize c_sz; c_sz.ws_row = chars.height(); c_sz.ws_col = chars.width(); c_sz.ws_xpixel = pixels.width(); c_sz.ws_ypixel = pixels.height(); if( ioctl(ttyfd, TIOCSWINSZ, &ws) ){ qDebug() << "Error settings terminal size"; }else{ //qDebug() <<"Set Terminal Size:" << pixels << chars; } } bool TTYProcess::isOpen(){ return (ttyfd!=0); } QByteArray TTYProcess::CleanANSI(QByteArray raw, bool &incomplete){ incomplete = true; //qDebug() << "Clean ANSI Data:" << raw; //IN_LINE TERMINAL COLOR CODES (ANSI Escape Codes) "\x1B[m" // - Just remove them for now //Special XTERM encoding (legacy support) int index = raw.indexOf("\x1B]"); while(index>=0){ //The end character of this sequence is the Bell command ("\x07") int end = raw.indexOf("\x07"); if(end<0){ return raw; } //incomplete raw array raw = raw.remove(index, end-index+1); index = raw.indexOf("\x1B]"); } // GENERIC ANSI CODES ((Make sure the output is not cut off in the middle of a code) index = raw.indexOf("\x1B"); while(index>=0){ //CURSOR MOVEMENT int end = 0; for(int i=1; i=0){ //qDebug() << "Remove Bell:" << index; raw = raw.remove(index,1); index = raw.indexOf("\x07"); } //VT220(?) print character code index=raw.indexOf("\x1b[@"); while(index>=0){ raw = raw.remove(index,3); index = raw.indexOf("\x1b[@"); } //VT102 Identify request index = raw.indexOf("\x1b[Z"); while(index>=0){ raw = raw.remove(index,1); index = raw.indexOf("\x1b[Z"); //Also send the proper reply to this identify request right away writeTTY("\x1b[/Z"); } //Terminal Status request index = raw.indexOf("\x1b[5n"); while(index>=0){ raw = raw.remove(index,1); index = raw.indexOf("\x1b[5n"); //Also send the proper reply to this identify request right away writeTTY("\x1b[c"); //everything ok } //Terminal Identify request index = raw.indexOf("\x1b[c"); while(index>=0){ raw = raw.remove(index,1); index = raw.indexOf("\x1b[c"); //Also send the proper reply to this identify request right away writeTTY("\x1b[/Z"); } incomplete = false; return raw; } // === PRIVATE === pid_t TTYProcess::LaunchProcess(int& fd, char *prog, char **child_args){ //Returns: -1 for errors, positive value (file descriptor) for the master side of the TTY to watch //First open/setup a new pseudo-terminal file/device on the system (master side) fd = posix_openpt(O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); //open read/write if(fd<0){ return -1; } //could not create pseudo-terminal int rc = grantpt(fd); //set permissions if(rc!=0){ return -1; } rc = unlockpt(fd); //unlock file (ready for use) if(rc!=0){ return -1; } //Now fork, return the Master device and setup the child pid_t PID = fork(); if(PID==0){ //SLAVE/child int fds = ::open(ptsname(fd), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); //open slave side read/write ::close(fd); //close the master side from the slave thread //Adjust the slave side mode to RAW struct termios TSET; rc = tcgetattr(fds, &TSET); //read the current settings cfmakesane(&TSET); //set the SANE mode on the settings ( cfmakeraw(&TSET); ) //Set Input Modes TSET.c_iflag |= IGNPAR; //ignore parity errors TSET.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | PARMRK | ISTRIP | ICRNL | IXON | IXANY | IXOFF); //ignore special characters //Set Local Modes TSET.c_lflag &= (ECHO | ECHONL | ECHOKE); //Echo inputs (normal, newline, and KILL character line break) TSET.c_lflag &= ~ICANON ; //non-canonical mode (individual inputs - not a line-at-a-time) //Set Control Modes TSET.c_cflag |= CLOCAL; //Local Terminal Connection (non-modem) //TSET.c_lflag &= ~IEXTEN; //TSET.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB); //TSET.c_cflag |= CS8; //tt.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; // disable special output processing //Set Output Modes TSET.c_oflag |= OPOST; //TSET.c_oflag |= OXTABS; TSET.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; // timeout //Now apply the settings tcsetattr(fds, TCSANOW, &TSET); //apply the changed settings //Change the controlling terminal in child thread to the slave PTY ::close(0); //close current terminal standard input ::close(1); //close current terminal standard output ::close(2); //close current terminal standard error dup(fds); // Set slave PTY as standard input (0); dup(fds); // Set slave PTY as standard output (1); dup(fds); // Set slave PTY as standard error (2); setsid(); //Make current process new session leader (so we can set controlling terminal) ioctl(0,TIOCSCTTY, 1); //Set the controlling terminal to the slave PTY //Execute the designated program rc = execvp(prog, child_args); ::close(fds); //no need to keep original file descriptor open any more exit(rc); } //MASTER thread (or error) return PID; } // === PRIVATE SLOTS === void TTYProcess::checkStatus(int sock){ //This is run when the socket gets activated if(sock!=ttyfd){ } //Make sure the child PID is still active int junk; if(0!=waitpid(childProc, &junk, WNOHANG)){ this->closeTTY(); //clean up everything else }else{ emit readyRead(); } }