ImageEditorZoom InZoom OutMainUITake ScreenshotPantaila-argazkia eginInclude BordersSave AsResizeLumina ScreenshotOpen screenshot with an applicationOpenCopy screenshot to clipboardCopyCtrl+CResize screenshot to selectionCrop screenshot to selection&CropScreen Capture Settings Sec DelaySelect AreaGeneral SettingsShow popup warnings about unsaved screenshotsCaptureCtrl+NCloseClose ApplicationEscEntire SessionSingle WindowSingle ScreenViewSettingsCould not save screenshotThe screenshot could not be saved. Please check directory permissions or pick a different directorySave ScreenshotPantaila-argazkia gordeUnsaved ScreenshotThe current screenshot has not been saved yet. Do you want to save or discard your changes?SaveDiscardCancelCtrl+SKtrl+SQuick SavePNG Files (*.png);;AllFiles (*)PNG fitxategiak (*.png);;Fitxategi guztiak (*)