#include "Renderer.h" #include "drawablepage.h" #include "link.h" //#include "lrucache.h" #include #include #include static std::unique_ptr DOC; QHash loadingHash; //static std::vector pages; static std::vector> links; static std::atomic pagesStillLoading; // static QHash> linkHash; //static LuminaPDF::LRUCache imageCache; QSize DPI; int ROTATE = 0; Renderer::Renderer() : pnum(0), needpass(false), degrees(0) { DOC.reset(nullptr); pagesStillLoading = 1; //imageCache.setCacheSize(5); } Renderer::~Renderer() { // qDeleteAll(loadingHash); //pages.clear(); for (auto &linkList : links) { qDeleteAll(linkList); } loadingHash.clear(); } bool Renderer::loadMultiThread() { return true; } /*QJsonObject Renderer::properties(){ return QJsonObject(); //TO-DO }*/ bool Renderer::loadDocument(QString path, QString password) { // qDebug() << "Load Document:" << path; if (DOC != nullptr && path != docpath) { // Clear out the old document first DOC.reset(nullptr); //pages.clear(); links.clear(); needpass = false; pnum = 0; docpath = path; } // Load the Document (if needed); if (DOC == nullptr) { // qDebug() << "Loading Document"; DOC.reset(Poppler::Document::load(path)); docpath = path; } if (DOC == nullptr) { qDebug() << "Could not open file:" << path; return false; } if (DOC->isLocked()) { // qDebug() << "Document Locked"; needpass = true; if (password.isEmpty() or !DOC->unlock(QByteArray(), password.toLocal8Bit())) { return false; } // invalid password } // qDebug() << "Opening File:" << path; doctitle = DOC->title(); if (doctitle.isEmpty()) { doctitle = path.section("/", -1); } pnum = DOC->numPages(); // Setup the Document Poppler::Page *PAGE = DOC->page(0); if (PAGE != 0) { /*switch(PAGE->orientation()){ case Poppler::Page::Landscape: WIDGET->setOrientation(QPageLayout::Landscape); break; default: WIDGET->setOrientation(QPageLayout::Portrait); }*/ delete PAGE; //pages.reserve(pnum + 1); /*for (int i = 0; i < pnum + 1; ++i) { LuminaPDF::drawablePage temp; pages.emplace_back(std::move(temp)); } for (int i = 0; i < pnum + 1; ++i) { QList temp; links.push_back(temp); } */ //pagesStillLoading = pnum; return true; // could load the first page } return false; // nothing to load } void Renderer::renderPage(int pagenum, QSize DPI, int degrees) { if(loadingHash.contains(pagenum)){ return; } //nothing to do qDebug() << "Render Page:" << pagenum << DPI << degrees; //emit SetProgress(pnum - pagesStillLoading); if (DOC != nullptr) { Poppler::Page *PAGE = DOC->page(pagenum - 1); QImage img; if (PAGE != nullptr) { Poppler::Page::Rotation rotation; switch (degrees) { case 90: rotation = Poppler::Page::Rotation::Rotate90; break; case 180: rotation = Poppler::Page::Rotation::Rotate180; break; case 270: rotation = Poppler::Page::Rotation::Rotate270; break; default: rotation = Poppler::Page::Rotation::Rotate0; } LuminaPDF::drawablePage temp(PAGE, DPI, rotation); //pages[pagenum] = std::move(temp); img = PAGE->renderToImage(DPI.width(), DPI.height(), -1, -1, -1, -1, rotation); loadingHash.insert(pagenum, img); /*QList linkArray; foreach (Poppler::Link *link, PAGE->links()) { QString location; if (link->linkType() == Poppler::Link::LinkType::Goto) location = dynamic_cast(link)->fileName(); else if (link->linkType() == Poppler::Link::LinkType::Goto) location = dynamic_cast(link)->url(); LuminaPDF::Link *newLink = new LuminaPDF::Link( new TextData(link->linkArea(), pagenum, location), link); linkArray.append(newLink); } links[pagenum] = linkArray; // linkHash.insert(pagenum, linkArray); */ } //qDebug() << "Done Render Page:" << pagenum << img.size(); } else { //pages[pagenum] = LuminaPDF::drawablePage(); loadingHash.insert(pagenum, QImage()); } //if (pagesStillLoading > 0) { emit PageLoaded(pagenum); //} //--pagesStillLoading; } bool Renderer::isDoneLoading(int page) { return loadingHash.contains(page); } QList Renderer::searchDocument(QString text, bool matchCase) { QList results; for (int i = 0; i < pnum; i++) { QList textList = DOC->page(i)->textList(); for (int j = 0; j < textList.size(); j++) { if (textList[j]->text().contains( text, (matchCase) ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { TextData *t = new TextData(textList[j]->boundingBox(), i + 1, text); results.append(t); } } } return results; } QSize Renderer::imageSize(int pagenum) { if(!loadingHash.contains(pagenum)){ return QSize(); } return loadingHash[pagenum].size(); } QImage Renderer::imageHash(int pagenum) { if(loadingHash.contains(pagenum)){ return loadingHash[pagenum]; }else{ return QImage(); } //if(!imageCache.contains(pagenum)){ return QImage(); } // while(pagesStillLoading > 0) { qDebug() << "pagesStillLoading!\n";} //std::optional cachedImage = imageCache.get(pagenum); /*if (cachedImage.has_value()) return *cachedImage;*/ //imageCache.push(pagenum, pages[pagenum].render()); //return *imageCache.get(pagenum); } int Renderer::hashSize() { //qDebug() << "pages contains " << pages.size() << " elements.\n"; return loadingHash.size(); } void Renderer::clearHash( int pagenum) { if(pagenum<0){ loadingHash.clear(); } else if(loadingHash.contains(pagenum)){ loadingHash.remove(pagenum); } //pages.clear(); } // Highlighting found text, bookmarks, and page properties disabled for Poppler bool Renderer::supportsExtraFeatures() { return false; } void Renderer::traverseOutline(void *, int) {} void Renderer::handleLink(QWidget *obj, QString linkDest) { Poppler::Link *trueLink; for (std::vector>::iterator link_itr = links.begin(); link_itr != links.end(); ++link_itr) { auto linkArray = *link_itr; for (int i = 0; i < linkArray.size(); i++) { Poppler::Link *link = linkArray[i]->getLink(); if (link->linkType() == Poppler::Link::LinkType::Browse) { if (linkDest == dynamic_cast(link)->url()) trueLink = link; } else if (link->linkType() == Poppler::Link::LinkType::Goto) { if (linkDest == dynamic_cast(link)->fileName()) trueLink = link; } } } if (trueLink) { if (trueLink->linkType() == Poppler::Link::LinkType::Goto) emit goToPosition(dynamic_cast(trueLink) ->destination() .pageNumber(), 0, 0); else if (trueLink->linkType() == Poppler::Link::LinkType::Browse) { if (QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question( obj, tr("Open External Link?"), QString(tr("Do you want to open %1 in the default browser")) .arg(linkDest), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No)) { QProcess::startDetached("firefox \"" + linkDest + "\""); } } } } TextData *Renderer::linkList(int pageNum, int entry) { if (links[pageNum].size() > 0) return links[pageNum][entry]->getData(); else return 0; } int Renderer::linkSize(int pageNum) { Q_UNUSED(pageNum) return links[pageNum].size(); } int Renderer::annotSize(int pageNum) { Q_UNUSED(pageNum) return 0; } Annotation *Renderer::annotList(int pageNum, int entry) { Q_UNUSED(pageNum) Q_UNUSED(entry) return NULL; } int Renderer::widgetSize(int pageNum) { Q_UNUSED(pageNum) return 0; } Widget *Renderer::widgetList(int pageNum, int entry) { Q_UNUSED(pageNum) Q_UNUSED(entry) return NULL; }