#include "PrintWidget.h" #include #include PrintWidget::PrintWidget(Renderer *backend, QWidget *parent) : QGraphicsView(parent), scene(0), curPage(1), viewMode(SinglePageView), zoomMode(FitInView), zoomFactor(1), initialized(false), fitting(true), BACKEND(backend) { this->setMouseTracking(true); QList children = this->findChildren("", Qt::FindChildrenRecursively); for (int i = 0; i < children.length(); i++) { children[i]->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); QObject::connect(children[i], SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &))); } this->setInteractive(false); this->setDragMode(QGraphicsView::ScrollHandDrag); this->setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView::SmartViewportUpdate); this->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); QObject::connect(this->verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateCurrentPage())); QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(resized()), this, SLOT(fit())); scene = new QGraphicsScene(this); scene->setBackgroundBrush(Qt::gray); this->setScene(scene); /*QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout; setLayout(layout); layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(this);*/ } PrintWidget::~PrintWidget() { for (int i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) { scene->removeItem(pages.at(i)); } qDeleteAll(pages); pages.clear(); scene->deleteLater(); } // Public Slots void PrintWidget::fitView() { setZoomMode(FitInView); setCurrentPage(curPage); // Make sure we stay on the same page } void PrintWidget::fitToWidth() { setZoomMode(FitToWidth); setCurrentPage(curPage); // Make sure we stay on the same page } void PrintWidget::setZoomMode(ZoomMode mode) { zoomMode = mode; fitting = true; fit(true); } void PrintWidget::setAllPagesViewMode() { setViewMode(AllPagesView); } void PrintWidget::setSinglePageViewMode() { setViewMode(SinglePageView); } void PrintWidget::setFacingPagesViewMode() { setViewMode(FacingPagesView); } void PrintWidget::setViewMode(ViewMode mode) { viewMode = mode; layoutPages(); if (viewMode == AllPagesView) { this->fitInView(scene->itemsBoundingRect(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio); fitting = false; zoomMode = CustomZoom; zoomFactor = this->transform().m11() * (150.0 / logicalDpiY()); } else { fitting = true; fit(); } } void PrintWidget::zoomIn(double factor) { fitting = false; zoomMode = CustomZoom; zoomFactor *= factor; this->scale(factor, factor); } void PrintWidget::zoomOut(double factor) { fitting = false; zoomMode = CustomZoom; zoomFactor *= factor; this->scale(1 / factor, 1 / factor); } void PrintWidget::updatePreview() { initialized = true; generatePreview(); this->updateGeometry(); } void PrintWidget::setVisible(bool visible) { if (visible and !initialized) updatePreview(); QGraphicsView::setVisible(visible); } void PrintWidget::setCurrentPage(int pageNumber) { int lastPage = curPage; curPage = std::max(1, std::min(pageNumber, BACKEND->numPages())); /* if (lastPage != curPage && lastPage > 0 && lastPage <= pages.count()) { if (zoomMode != FitInView) { QScrollBar *hsc = this->horizontalScrollBar(); QScrollBar *vsc = this->verticalScrollBar(); QPointF pt = this->transform().map(pages.at(curPage - 1)->pos()); vsc->setValue(int(pt.y()) - 10); hsc->setValue(int(pt.x()) - 10); } else { this->centerOn(pages.at(curPage - 1)); } } */ if (lastPage != curPage) updatePreview(); qDebug() << "Current page set to " << pageNumber << "\n"; } void PrintWidget::highlightText(TextData *text) { // Creates a rectangle around the text if the text has not already been // highlighted qDebug() << "Page:" << text->page() << "Loc:" << text->loc(); if (!text->highlighted() && !text->loc().isNull()) { int degrees = BACKEND->rotatedDegrees(); // qDebug() << "Degrees:" << degrees; // Shows the text's location on a non-rotated page QRectF rect = text->loc(); // Rotates the rectangle by the page's center and gets the right calculation // for text's new location if (degrees != 0) { QSize center = BACKEND->imageSize(text->page() - 1) / 2; if (degrees == 90 or degrees == 270) center.transpose(); double cx = center.width(), cy = center.height(); rect.adjust(-cx, -cy, -cx, -cy); QMatrix matrix; matrix.rotate(BACKEND->rotatedDegrees()); rect = matrix.mapRect(rect); if (BACKEND->rotatedDegrees() == 180) rect.adjust(cx, cy, cx, cy); else rect.adjust(cy, cx, cy, cx); } // qDebug() << "Post Degrees:" << rect; // Moves the rectangle onto the right page double pageHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text->page() - 1; i++) pageHeight += pages.at(i)->boundingRect().height(); // qDebug() << "PageHeight:" << pageHeight; rect.moveTop(rect.y() + pageHeight); // qDebug() << "Final Rect:" << rect; // Transparent yellow for the highlight box QBrush highlightFill(QColor(255, 255, 177, 100)); QPen highlightOutline(QColor(255, 255, 100, 125)); scene->addRect(rect, highlightOutline, highlightFill); text->highlighted(true); } goToPosition(text->page(), text->loc().x(), text->loc().y()); } // Private functions void PrintWidget::generatePreview() { populateScene(); // i.e. setPreviewPrintedPictures() e.l. layoutPages(); // curPage = qBound(1, curPage, pages.count()); publicPageNum = curPage; emit currentPageChanged(); if (fitting) { fit(); } } void PrintWidget::layoutPages() { int numPages = pages.count(); if (numPages < 1) return; int numPagePlaces = numPages; int cols = 1; // singleMode and default QSize pageSize = BACKEND->imageSize(curPage); if (viewMode == AllPagesView) { cols = pageSize.width() > pageSize.height() ? qFloor(qSqrt(numPages)) : qCeil(qSqrt(numPages)); cols += cols % 2; // Nicer with an even number of cols } else if (viewMode == FacingPagesView) { cols = 2; numPagePlaces += 1; } int rows = qCeil(double(numPagePlaces) / cols); int pageNum = 0; QList rowMaxList; for (int i = 0; i < rows && pageNum < numPages; i++) { double rowMax = 0; for (int j = 0; j < cols && pageNum < numPages; j++) { double itemWidth = 0, itemHeight = 0; double pageHeight = pages.at(pageNum)->boundingRect().height(); for (int k = cols * (pageNum / cols); k < pageNum; k++) itemWidth += pages.at(k)->boundingRect().width(); foreach (double size, rowMaxList) itemHeight += size; pages.at(pageNum)->setPos(QPointF(itemWidth, itemHeight)); pageNum++; rowMax = qMax(rowMax, pageHeight); } rowMaxList.push_back(rowMax); } scene->setSceneRect(scene->itemsBoundingRect()); // qDebug() << "Finished Page Layout"; } void PrintWidget::populateScene() { // qDeleteAll(scene->items().begin(), scene->items().end()); scene->clear(); // qDeleteAll(pages.begin(), pages.end()); pages.clear(); links.clear(); annots.clear(); // int numPages = BACKEND->numPages(); if (!BACKEND->isDoneLoading()) { qDebug() << "populateScene() called while backend still loading.\n"; return; } // nothing to show yet for (int i = curPage; i < curPage + 1; i++) { QImage pagePicture = BACKEND->imageHash(i); QSize paperSize = pagePicture.size(); QList linkLocations; QList annotLocations; if (pagePicture.isNull()) { qDebug() << "NULL IMAGE ON PAGE " << i; continue; } PageItem *item = new PageItem(i + 1, pagePicture, paperSize, BACKEND); scene->addItem(item); pages.append(item); if (BACKEND->supportsExtraFeatures()) { for (int k = 0; k < BACKEND->linkSize(i); k++) { LinkItem *lItem = new LinkItem(item, BACKEND->linkList(i, k)); lItem->setOpacity(0.1); linkLocations.append(lItem); } // qDebug() << "Creating annotations for:" << i; for (int k = 0; k < BACKEND->annotSize(i); k++) { Annotation *annot = BACKEND->annotList(i, k); if (annot->getType() == 14) { InkItem *iItem = new InkItem(item, annot); annotLocations.append(iItem); } PopupItem *aItem = new PopupItem(item, annot); AnnotZone *aZone = new AnnotZone(item, annot, aItem); aItem->setVisible(false); annotLocations.append(aItem); annotLocations.append(aZone); } for (int k = 0; k < BACKEND->widgetSize(i); k++) { Widget *widget = BACKEND->widgetList(i, k); int type = widget->getWidgetType(); QRectF loc = widget->getLocation(); QString text = widget->getCurrentText(); switch (type) { case 0: { QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(widget->getCurrentText()); button->setGeometry(loc.toRect()); button->setText(text); QGraphicsProxyWidget *proxy = new QGraphicsProxyWidget(item); proxy->setWidget(button); } break; case 1: { } break; case 2: { } break; case 3: { } break; case 4: { } break; case 5: { } break; case 6: { } break; default: { qDebug() << "INVALID WIDGET"; } } } links.insert(i, linkLocations); annots.insert(i, annotLocations); } } } // Private Slots void PrintWidget::updateCurrentPage() { if (viewMode == AllPagesView) return; int newPage = calcCurrentPage(); if (newPage != curPage) { curPage = newPage; publicPageNum = curPage; emit currentPageChanged(); } } int PrintWidget::calcCurrentPage() { int maxArea = 0; return curPage; int newPage = curPage; QRect viewRect = this->viewport()->rect(); QList items = this->items(viewRect); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); ++i) { PageItem *pg = static_cast(items.at(i)); QRect overlap = this->mapFromScene(pg->sceneBoundingRect()).boundingRect() & viewRect; int area = overlap.width() * overlap.height(); if (area > maxArea) { maxArea = area; newPage = pg->pageNumber(); } else if (area == maxArea && pg->pageNumber() < newPage) { newPage = pg->pageNumber(); } } return newPage; } void PrintWidget::fit(bool doFitting) { if (curPage < 1 || curPage > pages.count()) return; if (!doFitting && !fitting) return; if (doFitting && fitting) { QRect viewRect = this->viewport()->rect(); if (zoomMode == FitInView) { QList containedItems = this->items(viewRect, Qt::ContainsItemBoundingRect); foreach (QGraphicsItem *item, containedItems) { PageItem *pg = static_cast(item); if (pg->pageNumber() == curPage) return; } } int newPage = calcCurrentPage(); if (newPage != curPage) curPage = newPage; } QRectF target = pages.at(curPage - 1)->sceneBoundingRect(); if (viewMode == FacingPagesView) { if (curPage % 2) target.setLeft(target.left() - target.width()); else target.setRight(target.right() + target.width()); } else if (viewMode == AllPagesView) { target = scene->itemsBoundingRect(); } if (zoomMode == FitToWidth) { QTransform t; qreal scale = this->viewport()->width() / target.width(); t.scale(scale, scale); this->setTransform(t); if (doFitting && fitting) { QRectF viewSceneRect = this->viewportTransform().mapRect(this->viewport()->rect()); viewSceneRect.moveTop(target.top()); this->ensureVisible(viewSceneRect); // Nah... } } else { this->fitInView(target, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); if (zoomMode == FitInView) { int step = qRound(this->matrix().mapRect(target).height()); this->verticalScrollBar()->setSingleStep(step); this->verticalScrollBar()->setPageStep(step); } } zoomFactor = this->transform().m11() * (150.0 / this->logicalDpiY()); } void PrintWidget::goToPosition(int pagenum, float x, float y) { // qDebug() << "Page:" << pagenum << "X:" << x << "Y:" << y; setCurrentPage(pagenum); QScrollBar *hsc = this->horizontalScrollBar(); QScrollBar *vsc = this->verticalScrollBar(); QPointF pt = this->transform().map(pages.at(pagenum - 1)->pos()); int secondPagenum = pagenum < pages.size() ? pagenum : pagenum - 2; QPointF pt2 = this->transform().map(pages.at(secondPagenum)->pos()); double realHeight = pages.at(pagenum - 1)->boundingRect().height(); double virtualHeight = qAbs(pt2.y() - pt.y()); // qDebug() << "Real:" << realHeight << "Virtual:" << virtualHeight; int yConv = int(pt.y() + y * (virtualHeight / realHeight)) - 30; int xConv = int(pt.x() + x * (virtualHeight / realHeight)) - 30; // qDebug() << "newX:" << xConv << "newY:" << yConv; if (yConv > vsc->maximum()) vsc->triggerAction(QAbstractSlider::SliderToMaximum); else if (y != 0) vsc->setValue(yConv); if (x != 0) hsc->setValue(xConv); }